
Friday, October 16, 2009

Chicken Pot Pie - Foodie Friday

I had a wonderful surprise yesterday. I learned that my Apple Custard Pie with Streusel Topping was being featured on Saveur's Best of the Web page and, that as a result, One Perfect Bite would be included in their "Sites We Love" list. My thanks to all of you for your support. Your daily visits and kind words helped make this happen. A group hug is in order.

The Coach House Restaurant in New York City closed in the late 90's, but during it's hay day some wonderful food could be had there. I was fortunate enough to get their recipe for Chicken Pot Pie before they closed their doors. It was a lunchtime favorite of mine and when I make pot pie at home, this is the recipe I use. It has, however, been simplified and deconstructed over the years. While purists will argue, I think the changes have made a wonderfully homey dish even better. The original recipe called for stewing a chicken to produce meat and stock for the pie. I've replaced the sometimes less than tender bird with poached chicken thighs or a deli-style chicken. I also use canned chicken broth and frozen vegetables to make quick work of required mise en place. The most noticeable change is the technique I use for the pastry that tops the pie. While I make my own pie crust, I hasten to add that ready-made crust or puff pastry can, of course, be used. I use the bottom of the dish or dishes in which I plan to bake the pie as a form to cut pastry that will fit over the filling without crimping the edges. I carefully move it to a baking sheet that's been covered with parchment or waxed paper and bake it until it's a deep golden brown and then set it aside. I make the sauce stove top, then add the chicken and vegetables and cook until everything is piping hot. It's then spooned into individual casseroles that are carefully topped with an already baked and crisp pastry crust. It goes back in the oven to assure everything is warm before it's served. Here are the recipe specifics.

Chicken Pot Pie
...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite

12 tablespoons butter
2/3 cup all-purpose flour
4 cups chicken broth
1 tablespoon fresh tarragon or parsley
Salt and pepper to taste
Pinch of nutmeg
Juice of 1/2 lemon
12 large white mushrooms, quartered
1 cup frozen diced peas and carrots, thawed and drained
1/2 cup frozen pearl onions, thawed
4 cups cooked chicken, shredded in spoon size chunks
Pastry for a two crust pie
1 egg yolk
1 tablespoon cream or milk

1) Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment or waxed paper. Set aside.
2) Melt butter in a large, heavy bottomed sauce pan. Stir in flour; cook, stirring, over medium heat for 3 minutes, until bubbly but not brown. Gradually add chicken broth and cook stirring constantly until sauce thickens and bubbles. Add mushrooms, pearl onions and peas and carrots; simmer, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes. Add chicken. Set aside.
3) Roll out pastry on a lightly floured surface to about 1/4-inch thickness. Use bottom of individual casseroles to cut pastry topping. Carefully move to prepared baking sheet. Mix egg yolk with cream or milk. Brush pastry with glaze. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, or until a deep golden brown. Set aside. Reduce oven to 350 degrees F.
4) Spoon chicken mixture into 6 individual greased baking dishes. Carefully cover with pastry toppers. Bake for 20 minutes to warm or until sauce is bubbly. Serve hot. Yield: 6 servings.

This recipe is being linked to:
Designs By Gollum - Foodie Friday


  1. Mary, your Chicken Pot Pie looks yummy! I love all your recipes and pictures :)

  2. Congratulations on your recognition of Saveur. That is special and you must be very loved and respected. I am so glad, I dropped by here, now to read this.

    I haven't had chicken pot pie in years. It is such a great winter meal. You have inspired me to make it.

  3. Congratulations! I follow your blog faithfully and believe this to be a well deserved honor!

  4. Chicken pot pie has to be one of my favorite dishes. I love the way you have done this one; the crust is so golden and delicious looking and it's simple to prepare. Just perfect, Mary.
    Congrats on your featured recipe! What a wonderful honor.

  5. This is such a beautiful pot pie! I love the crust!

    Congratulations on your feature! :D

  6. This looks wonderful! I love how you have made this recipe for accessible to busy moms.

    Congratulations on your much deserved recognition!

  7. This looks wonderful! You make my mouth water everytime I visit you here.Droooooling!CONGRATS!
    I'm sharing this on twitter.

  8. Congratulations on your Saveur recognition...very sweet. The chicken pot pie is a favorite at our house. Yours looks excellent. Nice photo!!

  9. Oh how delightful, it sounds like a wonderful dinner.

    Have a great weekend.


  10. This recipie reminds me of what we call 'vol-aux-vents'. They are individual puff pastry shell's filled with a chicken fricassee. We ommit the veggies and ad small chicken meatball's and some mushroom instead. It is always a very tasty meal.

  11. Thanks to you , this pot pie madea woderful meal although I had to make use of dried herbs....

  12. Congratulations on your feature!! Break out the bubbly, no matter what time it is. :)
    The pot pie looks so good! I made pot pie this week too, but it will look like the messy little cousin of yours. ;-) Yours is stunning.

  13. Congratulations, Mary!

    The chicken pot pie looks so good! I haven't made this in awhile. You inspire me!

  14. Oh Mary!! How exciting.. congratulations. What an honor! You SO deserve being recognized. YAY for you!!!!

    Your chicken pot pie looks nothing less than amazing!

  15. Mary, I'm so happy about your recognition - well deserved! I would love to try this recipe and the pumpkin cake below. I've got to stop blogging long enough to try some of your wonderful recipes!!! Have a wonderful weekend! :)

  16. Mary-Congratulations! I am not surprised; it is well-deserved. I don't think you need my help with pimiento cheese :) The chicken pot pie looks wonderful and is one of my husband's favorite comfort foods!

  17. Congratulations! That is an honor! Your pie looks prettier than mine! But I love chicken pie as well -- a fall/winter favorite! And yes, I've simplified mine too!

  18. this could not look more gorgeous! congrats on your nod too~

  19. Congrats on your wonderful news and recognition. You most definitely deserve it!! The Chicken Pot Pie of course looks incredible..

  20. Congratulations, dear Mary. I am so pleased that you are recongnized as a great cook...and your photographs are so beautiful. You, my friend, are so talented!!

    This pot pie looks so great. I love them!!

  21. Congratulations Mary! You must be so we are of you!

    Your chicken pot pie sounds delicious..sounds better than the recipe I have been using so I will surely give it a try this winter...they become a staple in the cold months!

    Congrats again on this huge recognition and honor!!

  22. Congratulations- how wonderful Mary. You have so many readers taht really enjoy your blog. It does nto surprise me.

    This chicken pot pie looks absolutley divine.

  23. Congratulations Mary! Definitely a well-deserved recognition.

    Your pot pie looks scrumptious. I, too, haven't made one in years, and now I wondering why not.

  24. Congratulations, Mary! I am so pleased that your expertise and talent is recognized!!!

  25. Good morning Mary, Congratulations on your recognition.. so deserved. This looks delicious. Thanks for sharing another wonderful recipe.
    hugs ~lynne~

  26. That sounds wonderful. I love chicken pot pie. My mother used to make that for our lunch often when I was growing up. Alas, my husband doesn't like chicken so I very rarely fix anything with it, but, I may have to try this recipe just for me!


  27. love it, I love it! And nice topping as well.

  28. Pot pie is my all time favorite comfort food - yours looks delicious AND beautiful.

    Congrats on your featured recipe Mary - you deserve it!

  29. That looks wonderful. I love chicken pot pie. Getting cold outside, so the perfect weather. Thanks for sharing and thank you for the nice comment.

  30. Re Saveur - Congratulations! Now for a serious matter... will you please adopt me?


  31. Mary, that chicken pot pie looks delicious!

    Congratulations on your your pie recipe being featured on Saveur's Best of the Web!


  32. Mary,
    Congratulations I came here earlier today and went off to view your post on the Saveur's Best of the Web. That's so neat -you described your pie so well and it looks just delicious -I'll be sure and give it a try.

  33. Ms, Mary congratulations! I am a faithful follower and supporter of your creations, not only the food but the photographs as well!

    The pot pie is one of my favorites, and I use the frozen vegetables. I will try yours.

    Keep the good food flowing!

  34. Congrats on being featured! Chicken Pot Pie is one of my favorite comfort foods and yours looks and sounds delicious!!

  35. Hey Mary! So many Chicken Pot Pies this week, with the temperatures dropping so quickly it is a perfect time too!

  36. Hi Mary, Even though we just recently met I can tell your recognition is most definitely deserved. Your recipes look so good and are so user friendly.

    I appreciate your visit to my blog. Come by any time.

  37. CONGRATS!!! Mary on your featured recipe. What a GREAT!!! honor.
    Your chicken pot pie looks wonderful. I love the crust.

  38. Congratulations Mary!

    I remember The Coach House well, during my years living in New York back in the 80’s and early 90’s. And many a time I ordered their ‘pot pie’. So, this is terrific to now have their recipe, it looks marvelous. Thanks for sharing…

  39. Congratulations on your recognition. Well deserved :) I can't wait til I can take photos as beautiful as yours! (if ever! lol). I enjoy your blog more with every visit and thank you for visiting mine and the encouraging words.


  40. Hi Mary! Oh, I just love chicken pot pie and I'm going to try yours. Congratulations o n be featured on another blog!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  41. Congratulations on your inclusion of Apple Custard Pie! The pot pie is a favorite of mine altho I don't make it too often, worrying about the added calories with the crust. I like the idea of baking the top crust separately so it would be very crisp though. Your pumpkin cake looks very tempting also. Thanks for coming by today. Your pictures are beautiful!

  42. Congratulations on being featured on Saveur's Best of the Web. All of your recipes look so wonderful. Chicken pot pie is one of my own favorite comfort foods. That is a cool trick to bake the puff pastry seperate.

  43. Wow! I love it that I can learn new techniques to help me make a successful family dish even easier and better, thank-you ! I make pot pie frequently during the cold months and it is always a family favorite, I will be trying it your way next time I make it.

    I often use leftover and deli chicken too, or any other left over meats and will use up the half-used bags of frozen vegetables in my freezer. I like to decorate the top of the pastry with a pastry chicken or some such design.

    Congratulations on your mention in the web site, you deserve it!

    BTW, I made your cranberry dressing and used it over chicken as a side dish to my posted recipe today, I linked the dressing to your site. Thanks again for that recipe, I love the cranberry dressing!

  44. Congratulations on your publication success. I no longer subscribe to Saveur, but I will certainly check out your entry. I would love to be in your kitchen taking lessons. Your food, as always, is a feast for the eyes and soul. Thanks so much for being generous and sharing it with us. I would love for you to share in Crock Pot Wednesday whenever you can.

  45. Congratulations on being featured on Saveur's Best of the Web.
    You have a great Blog, I follow it all the time. your Chicken pot pie it is one of my favourite meals, especially now when the weather is getting colder.

  46. Congratulations! Your chicken pot pie is lovely and you've made the recipe so simple. As usual, your blog is wonderful.

  47. Congrats on the honor. Well deserved. Yours is one of my favorite sites, the stories combine with the recipes perfect. Well deserved, and glad others notice

  48. Congratulations. What a yummy chicken pot pie. Have a great week-end!

  49. Congratulations, a very well deserved honor! I enjoy your blog! You pot pie looks delicious.

  50. This looks like such wonderful comfort food! Congrats on your Saveur honor, what a well-deserved accomplishment!

  51. Congratulations on being recognized by Saveur--it is well deserved. Your pot pie look delicious--I have been craving one.

  52. Congratulations, Mary well deserved.
    Did you live here in NY then?

    I like to make them indiv those cute little chicken caseroles from Sur la table.
    Yours looks absolutely wonderful!

  53. What an honor to be recognized by Saveur! Your blog is so beautifully written and photographed that I am pleased you have received this distinction.

    Chicken pot pie is a big favorite of ours. Yours is beautifully prepared and presented. So elegant and delicious.

  54. No wonder Saveur singled you out! I just found you from Tastespotting and I already have 7 recipes bookmarked...goodness me. Keep up the good work!

  55. Mary, saw a photo of a gorgeous Chicken Pot Pie on photograzing that I just had to check out and why am I not surprised when I saw that it was yours? I have been craving this dish and yours is not only beautiful but looks luscious and delicious!

  56. Mary—

    Congratulations! Your passion for food is so contagious and inspiring. We love visiting your blog every week + seeing what goodies you're cooking up! Your much appreciated Chicken Pot Pie is no disappointment either—especially with that golden, flaky crust and creamy filling waiting on the inside.

  57. Hi Mary, thanks for stopping by my blog. I must say you have a lovely collection of recipes on your blog and I'm definitely going to try out a few.
    I've been looking a good Chicken Pot Pie recipe all this while and I think yours looks simple and delicious.
    And your pictures are awesome.
    Your blog will definitely be my go-to place from now on.
    Have a good day!


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