
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Oatmeal Cake - Outdoor Wednesday

Today's recipe is for an oatmeal cake. I thought it would be interesting to see a field where oats are grown in the early summer.

Then again just before the crop is harvested.

Rolled oats anyone?

I'm responsible for providing cake and pastry for a large group of women who enjoy a morning "coffee" several times a year. While I love these gals, I don't want to spend hours in the kitchen or break the bank feeding them. Pride prevents me from sacrificing taste and flavor or short changing them, but I've learned not to stress about occasions such as this and try to make quick work of what has to be done. I started with several pans of cinnamon rolls, chosen because they are inexpensive and can be finished on sight. Their aroma fills the room and is guaranteed to stimulate the poorest of appetites while enhancing your reputation as a cook. I rounded out my contribution and added variety to the table with two additional cakes, one sweet and the other more European in taste. For this occasion I made oatmeal and pumpkin cakes. Today we're going to tackle the very sweet oatmeal cake. How sweet? It falls into the icky, sticky, ooey, gooey realm of cooking. To be honest, I don't care for it at all and the thought of eating it puts me into sugar shock, though I do have to laugh at myself. I'm not great at determining food trends or what will capture the fancy of others. I bet that cupcakes would have three months of fame four years ago and they're still going strong. Predictions like that keep me humble and in my place. Oatmeal cake is like that. The first time I made it I was sure no one would eat it. They loved it then and they love it now. Today's recipe is not original and my aversion to super sweet has kept me from playing with it. The recipe is really simple. The only change I've made is to replace the broiled topping with an icing that's used on German chocolate cake. If you like your cake really sweet and moist, you'll love this confection. If your tastes run to the just barely sweet, come back tomorrow for my special pumpkin cake. Here's the recipe for oatmeal cake.

Oatmeal Cake
...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite, courtesy of Nancie McDermott

1 cup old-fashioned oatmeal
1/2 cup butter
1-1/2 cups boiling water
1-1/2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 cup sugar
1 cup light brown sugar
2 eggs, beaten well
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup butter
1/4 cup evaporated milk
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 cup chopped pecans, toasted
1 cup sweetened shredded coconut

1) Combine oatmeal, butter and boiling water in a medium bowl; stir. Set aside for 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease and flour two 9-inch rounds or one 9 x 13-inch pan. If making a layer cake, I suggest you line cake pans with parchment or wax paper and grease and flour it as well.
2) Combine flour, baking soda, salt and nutmeg in another medium bowl; whisk to combine.
3) Combine granulated sugar, brown sugar, eggs and vanilla in the bowl of an electric stand mixer. Beat for 2 minutes at medium speed, scraping sides of bowl as necessary.
4) Stir flour mixture into the egg mixture in 2 batches, beating just until flour disappears. Mix in oatmeal mixture, stirring and folding to combine everything into a nubby but well-mixed batter.
5) Scrape batter into prepared pan/pans. Bake 25 to 30 minutes for round pans and 35 to 40 minutes for a rectangular pan. Cake should be golden brown and pulling away from edges of pan and spring back when lightly touched.
6) Cool cake on a wire rack for 10 minutes. If using round layers turn them out and finish cooling on racks. A rectangular cake can cool it its pan.
7) To make frosting: Combine butter, evaporated milk and sugar in a saucepan set over medium heat. Bring to a gentle boil, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat; stir in vanilla, pecans and coconut. Beat with a whisk, spoon or electric hand mixer until the frosting is thick and cooled. If making a layer cake, spread between two rounds and on top layer. If making a rectangular cake spread it over the top. Yield: 8 to 16 servings.

Recipe courtesy of Nancie McDermott.

Outdoor Wednesday, an event sponsored by Susan at A Southern Daydreamer.


  1.'s another one I'm saving. Can't wait to try it and I'm looking forward to the pumpkin cake too!

  2. Hi Mary
    First time here ,U have a lovely blog , the oatmeal cakes sounds really yummy will surely give a try ..

    I have a food art blog
    Do sneak a peek when time permits .
    - Smita

  3. This is an old cake of ours only we call it Lazy Daisy cake. The recipe makes an 8 inch square but for family functions, we have to double the recipe and bake it in a 9 x 13!

    Haven't made it in "forever" -- thanks for reminding me of a beloved cake!

  4. Oh my gosh!!! I could only eat a small piece of this I'm sure, but German Chocolate frosting is my favorite..and I just love it. My husband came walking by, saw your cake and immediately put in an order for one. So,myself will be in the kitchen tomorrow. Thanks so much for all your wonderful recipes and your lovely site. I always enjoy my visits here..

  5. Mary -- I would kill to eat one of your creations.

    I am going to try YET again something of yours... but i dont know -- Im guessing yours would be sooo much better.

    Thanks for the inspiration.

    If you have a moment — I would love you to stop by and say hi!

    TTFN~~ Claudia ♥ ♥

  6. The field is so rustic, love it! I do not have a sweet tooth but that really looks so yummilicious! Looking forward to the pumpkin cake, I will come back tomorrow.

  7. I love the farm photo's aswell as the one of the oatmeal cake - looks soooo delicious :)

  8. So inviting! I went through the recipe and it's wonderful.

  9. Nice recipe.... I'll share this to my mom, actually she has been looking for oatmeal cookies recipe. Do you have one that you might can share with us? :)

  10. I make a not-so-sweet version of this cake. You're right... it's very moist!

  11. Oh, yeah... reading the words icky, sticky, ooey, gooey makes me have to bake this one!

  12. Oh, Mary! The only problem I see here is that I was not invited to the morning coffee!! Darn!! Love the 'field' pictures. Puts everything in perspective.

  13. Love your country photos !
    Oatmeal cake looks great !

  14. I hope your group of ladies know how lucky they are to get your cake.

  15. Looks good! And the cinnamon rolls... oh how I love a good cinnamon roll. I have been visiting you often in the past few weeks & I love your style. Thanks for sharing so many goodies with us. I'll be back for pumpkin cake tomorrow.

  16. Hello Mary. Another wonderful photos and post!

  17. I have not made oatmeal cake in such a long long time and not sure why? Glad you reminded me of this and also that you shared the recipe. The photo with your caption rolled oats made me smile!

  18. Great pictures - thanks for sharing. The cake sounds good.

  19. Mary... Moist and ooey, gooey are two of my favorite styles of cake. Whether I am eating with my fingers or with a fork… I always have to lick the stickiness off. This recipe is definitely a must make cake! Thanks…

  20. I am with you on the sweetness scale Mary.
    Not to mention the whole cupcake trend. Really? A whole store that just sells cupcakes, and not inexpensive, just opened up near me. I will be amazed if they stay in business until January.

  21. My DH would like the very sweet cake. Last night, he went to the store just for chocolate chips, so I could bake cookies.

  22. love those pictures of the harvest thanks for the cake recipe

  23. I haven't seen grain rolled like that in years!

    And yum...the cake looks scrumptious. You always seem to make me hungry. :o)

  24. Love the field photos! That recipe looks like one I'd really like and that topping is one of my favorites :0)
    Feel free to use my blueberry photo Mary. Thanks for asking...

  25. love oats! This looks and sounds amazing.

  26. Big grins. This looks GOOD to me!!

  27. Mary, I like sweet desserts, but unfortunately I'm always struggling with my weight, so I try to keep them at a minimum. Your oatmeal cake has the benefit of having a whole grain in it, so I could use that as an excuse ;-) The pumpkin cake sounds good ...looking forward to seeing that as I like the flavor of pumpkin.

    I enjoyed the farm here I don't see many fields of grain.

  28. Hi,
    I love oatmeal anything, so I'm guessing I would love this recipe!Thanks for stopping by and saying hi!


  29. I'm sure everything you make is exquisite. But as a divine lover of oatmeal anything, I love this.

  30. Oh, this looks fantastic! and I have a good amount of oatmmeal just ready to use! thank you for this recipe and, as always, I am gaining weight just reading you blog! LOL

  31. Your stories always interest me. Oatmeal Cake sounds like a winner:)

  32. I do love gooey, sweet desserts, so this would be perfect for me.
    It looks delicious!
    I am delighted that you came by.

  33. Hi Mary, thanks for your visit to my place today..the oatmeal cake looks wonderful, but I am going to wait for the Pumpkin Cake recipe..Do you know how to substitute eggs in a recipe with something that will work as well??? I have grands who are allergic to eggs..thanks, Baba

  34. I think it's absolutely perfect for your group - luscious oatmeal, some sugar, a lot of laughter, conversation and a little of ooey, goeey never hurt anyone!

  35. I am trying this recipe as soon as I can-YUM! This is a truly divine blog-I am so glad you came to visit my new blog because now I have found a real treasure. I look forward to looking at ALL of your recipes. Best wishes, NM.

  36. YUMMY ;--)
    Methinks I'd love to be a member of that group to taste all your delicious treats.
    Hugs and blessings,

  37. I love the field of oats and the cake sounds delicious!!

  38. What I would not give for a piece of that cake. It looks so good and one I would truly enjoy. oatmeal raisin are my favorite cookie. I have never had an oatmeal cake. I sure would like to try it.

  39. WOW, that looks yummy and amazing. It is fun to see where it came from!

  40. I love discovering special MARY blogs and this is definitely a great find! The photos are lovely. I'll bet I'd like the lasagna--I love butternut ravioli--but I can hardly wait to make the pumpkin butter.

    My mother made oatmeal cake when I was growing up. I haven't made it in 30 years! This will be fun.

  41. You have a delightful sense of humor, Mary...
    You oatmeal cakes sound like a winner to me. I will surely give them a try.
    Pam :)

  42. Oh I will definitely be back for the pumpkin cake. I love pumpkin! Not that I would not eat this cake but I, like you, prefer a faintly sweet dessert most of the time.

  43. Oh I would just love to go back to the days of summer when the field was green! Thanks for the pic!

  44. love this! nice portable way to bring oatmeal to work. :)

  45. Sounds delicious. And I love your photos.

  46. Oh, Mary! You never cease to amaze me with your wonderful recipes. And this one is just sinful... the flavors of this cake sound so good!


    Sheila :-)

  47. I love the field photos.

    This cake would make me so happy right now. I'll take a BIG slice please.

  48. I love ooey gooey! Great pictures of the oats, especially the rolled oats! :) Cant wait to check out the pumpkin cake.

  49. Mary,how tempting!It's always a pleasure to visit and see what goodies you have for us.Nice to see the field full of oats.

  50. Hello Mary,

    Thank you for stopping by!

    I love how you combined the field of oats with your recipe! It looks and sounds delicious! I am definitely saving this one!

    Thank you for sharing it with us!

    ~ Tracy

  51. Looks great...I guess after reading what you said I can't count it as a healthy breakfast!!:)

  52. What great photos. I love the simple look of hay bales in the field. I hope you have a wonderful day!

  53. It looks delish , I only eat very sweet cakes once in a while, This recipe sounds like a keeper.8_)
    ~Myrna Lee

  54. What beautiful pictures. Of the outdoors and the cake. You make food sound and look like such a luxurious event!! What a gift. Blessings.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting on my flowers in Beijing. Another blogger wrote it is bougainvillea. I don't know if that is right or not but it was lovely!!

  55. What would happen if you cut the sugar? It looks like such a nice cake, it is a shame you don't enjoy it.

    I am attempting to cut down on the fats and sugars, in my baking. So far, little changes have not hurt the baking. This one could be a good challenge.

  56. You made me smile you wrote "Yours would be very good for my waistline " about my table with carots cabbage and so on. Well after that dinner we can have this for dessert.
    Congratulations for you on that other side!
    I have never tasted pumkincake. MB

  57. The cake looks so moist and the topping so wonderfully ooey-gooey!

  58. The cake photos are really great! I love the oatmeal cake.

  59. Hi,
    I baked this cake today and it is Yummy ! I'm going to try some more ! Thanks for sharing :)


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