
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Green Curry Turkey Burgers with Asian-Style Cucumber Relish - Outdoor Wednesday

Blue River Oregon

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...This was intended to be a competition burger but our travel plans assure that, even if chosen, we'll be no where near the Napa Valley when the Build a Better Burger cook-off is held. A person younger than myself might decide to save the recipe for another year, but I've reached an age where that doesn't make a lot of sense, and I'd rather share it with you now than see it sit in limbo for another year. This is really easy to do. While the relish is best made several hours before assembling the burgers, their actual construction takes minutes and uses ingredients that can be found in any large grocery store. While the burgers look all-American , they are really Thai-inspired and capture the hot, sweet, sour and salty tastes that are the hallmark of Thai cooking. I have fudged a bit here and have used a range of measures for the green curry paste that's used to flavor the sauce and add heat to the burgers. Commercially made curry paste tends to be very hot and can kill the taste buds very quickly. If you are not familiar with it, start with the smaller amount and taste carefully as you go along. The goal here is a warming heat, not fire. The burgers can be cooked stovetop or on a grill. They should be turned only once. They are moist burgers and will fall part if you play with them too much. I usually serve these on a brioche-type roll, but any bread with a soft crust can be used. I think you'll like these burgers. Here's the recipe.

Green Curry Turkey Burgers with Asian-Style Cucumber Relish...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite


1 large English cucumber, cut in 1/4 to 1/2-inch dice
1/4 cup finely minced red onion
2 teaspoons finely chopped fresh hot green chilies
1/2 cup white vinegar
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup sugar
2 teaspoons salt, divided use
1 cup mayonnaise
1 to 3 teaspoons Thai-style green curry paste
1-1/4 pounds ground turkey meat (I prefer thighs)
4 lightly toasted brioche-style rolls
Garnish: Cilantro sprigs

1) Combine vinegar, water, sugar and 1 teaspoon salt in a medium sauce pan and cook, stirring occasionally, over moderate heat until sugar dissolves, about 4 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool to room temperature.
2) Combine cucumbers, onions and chiles in a small bowl. Cover with cooled dressing and chill for several hours.
3) Combine mayonnaise, green curry paste and reserved 1 teaspoon salt in a small bowl. Mix well. Remove 1/4 cup of sauce to another small bowl and stir 1/2 cup drained cucumber relish into it.
4) Add relish mixture to ground turkey and mix just until combined. Shape into 4 patties. In a large nonstick skillet set over medium-high heat, cook patties for 4 minutes on each side. Spread reserved mayonnaise mixture on top and bottom of warm rolls. Place a pattie on bottom half of each roll and cover with relish and sprigs of cilantro. Set roll tops in place and serve. Yield: 4 servings.

You might also enjoy these recipes;
Salmon Burgers with Chipotle Aioli and Pineapple Salsa - One Perfect Bite
Grilled Pork Burgers Indochine - One Perfect Bite
Chimichurri Turkey Burgers - One Perfect Bite

This is being linked to:
Outdoor Wednesday - A Southern Daydreamer


  1. I'm with you, Mary, about not waiting for the "proper" time to put up a post. I have not one but two cassoulets lounging in my drafts folder because I didn't get to them in the middle of winter and now here it is, spring. It's just silly not to post them.
    All that aside, your burger looks superbly delicious, and I can't wait to make that relish. Happy travels!

  2. This looks great! I'll keep an eye out for that green curry paste and make these, thanks!

  3. Don't laugh but I just discovered English cucumbers. How did I get this far without coming across them?

    Now, I always have fresh ones in the house. I want to try this relish. Thanks for the inspiration.

  4. What a splendid burger Mary and a fabulous idea for me! I just bought some green curry in a sauce jar and thought I would use it with tofu, which does not excite me as much as this burger! Thanks so much!

  5. This sounds wonderful!! I realize now, that I over cook our turkey burgers....I was always afraid of them not being "done". I will try this terrific recipe of yours.... I'm so glad you decided to share it now and not save the recipe for "another year"!!

    Congrats on having your photo featured in Artful Blogging. Your blog is so deserve the honor!! dana

  6. Everything works well together! I will be so happy eating this facing a view like that!

  7. I had a burger very similar to this in California...but instead of curry paste, they had made a cumin paste.


    Just fantastic. I"ve been sold on Cumin in turkey ever since.

  8. Thanks Mary for sharing this with us now and not in another year so that we can ehjoy!!!

  9. That sounds wonderful!! Thanks for sharing it instead of waiting.

  10. Dear Mary - THANK YOU!

    It is most generous of you to share this recipe because one look at it and you just know that oodles of creativity has gone into this.

    I am gobsmacked by how unique it is and how undoubtedly the flavors would be fantastic.

    Absolutely delicious!

    Ciao, Devaki @ weavethousandflavors

  11. These look delicious--I am sure you would have been a strong contender!

    I love the flavors in this one--yum!

  12. Beautiful blue river...sensational view.
    The burger with Asian touch sounds really good.

  13. Mary, I have to say this burger looks awesome delicious. I just make some with pickled scollion. Gosh, that was so scrumptious! Have a great day!
    Blessings, Kristy

  14. Congrats about the river photo. I really like it. It's very soothing looking at it. Your burger looks very delicious. I love that you add cucumber. We use a lot of cucumber, especially with spicy food

  15. Hi Mary,
    questo burgers deve essere veramente sfizioso gustandolo con una birra bionda ghiacciata !
    La massima goduria sarebbe di mangiare seduti in riva al Blue River Oregon !
    Veduta pazzesca !!
    Ciao Mary e grazie di darci tutte queste ricette !!

  16. Oh YUM Mary! I love burgers and the relish also sounds and looks delish. I'm gonna try this sometime.
    Have a good day Mary.

  17. I am not normally a burger fan, but this looks quite delicious and may just convince me to give it a try. Diane

  18. wow Mary questo panino è favoloso!! mi mangerei lo schermo del computer!!:)
    un abbraccio!! ciao!

  19. Wow, yummy and awesome.
    Great post, beautiful photo and a delicious burger.
    Divine x

  20. Mary, youy had me with that first picture. Summer and burgers just GO together and these look so good
    xoxo Pattie

  21. Can I have your burger to go while I enjoy the magnificent scenery?

  22. Wonderful spicing Mary... you surely would have won!! It reminds me of a fish burger of long ago... and I was crazy about the spicing... I think you've hit the nail on the head... the cucumber is perfect too... yum!

  23. We have a favorite restaurant here, Five Star Thai. The owners have become dear friends. In our circle of friends, they are sometimes teased about not having a hamburger on the menu. If they ever decided to go that route (which I'm sure they won't), this would be the "burger". It will, however, find a place on our menu soon.


  24. My Thai food loving husband would think he had died and gone to heaven with these burgers!

  25. Yum! I love fun twists on burgers!

  26. Looks very yummy! I am going to try some of your other burger recipes, also!

    Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog :-)

  27. This burger is so unique and looks delicious! Thanks for sharing it with us Mary.

  28. I'm very intrigued by that relish! I have a jar of green curry paste that I hardly ever use (I gravitate more toward red curry), so maybe this is its calling!

  29. Perfect burger for me to try . Thank you for sharing.

  30. I'm always looking for new ways to dress up turkey burgers because I love them more so than beef ones. This version sounds great. Even if you don't enter it in any contest, it definitely sounds like a winner in my book.

  31. Hi Mary, I'm finally back in blogland after the BIG move to Coastal Georgia and I'm thrilled to see you are still delighting us with unique and fabulous recipes!

    I need to make some friends quick, cooking for one is starting to get old, lol.

  32. Absolutely GORGEOUS photo of the lake, Mary. Sigh, it makes me happy to look at it. :-)

  33. I am sure these burgers would have been among the top contenders at the contest! What a unique flavor combination. I love infusing turkey burgers with spices and such...they are almost like sponges and showcase most things very nicely. Love this idea!

  34. I've got some green curry in the pantry and can't wait to give this a try. Looks wonderful and topped with that relish....yum. Looks like another mid week burger justification if you ask me. :-)

  35. So glad you didn't wait!
    And thanks for the curry tips, Mary. I don't cook with it a lot and probably would have burned everyone mouths!

    It's a super burger recipe...and the brioche roll would be perfect!

  36. Thanks for stopping by The Bad Girl's Kitchen and commenting! Glad you enjoyed your visit, and a timely one at that--I was just wondering what to make for dinner when I noticed your comment and visited you. And here are these scrumptious burgers. I will be making them tonight!!! Can't wait.

  37. That is one seriously good looking burger! I need to use this recipe Mary.

  38. Oooohh Mary.....this burger looks so yummy! thanks for sharing it with us!

  39. I think I'd like these burgers too! What a mouth full of flavor :-)

  40. That is a gorgeous view! I have never been to Oregon but now I am dying to go. Being constantly surrounded by huge buildings makes a person forget what real nature looks like. I miss the outdoors. Thank you for posting it:)

  41. What a gorgeous view! I do not eat meat, but I would love to convert this recipe to vegetarian or vegan. Thanks for sharing it with us!

    ~ Tracy

  42. The burger sounds amazing with the Thai curry paste. Now, that's really thinking out of the box. I'll have to try this the next time I make burgers. The picture of the Oregon River is gorgeous.

  43. I have seen that contest... this would have fit right in.. I would have voted for you!

  44. oohhh Mary This look awesome!! and tasty!Your burger looks delicious.. and lovely river photo!! beauty! blessings and huggs, gloria

  45. Your relish sounds so good! Thanks for sharing it.

  46. Just delicious! I hope you don't mind, I've shared your burgers with my friends and yummy! thanks again.

  47. I love English cucumbers.....your photos are great Mary.

  48. I totally agree about posting... I LOVE turkey burgers, but yours looks especially pretty and delicious. I definitely want to try the curry kick!


  49. These look SO good1 Especially with the asian cucumber relish! Yum!!

  50. I participate in that contest every year: it is so much fun to experiment with recipes for it. My husband and I spend hours talking about flavor combinations :)
    Thanks for sharing your recipe: sounds really tantalizing!
    Amelia from

  51. You're killing me, these sound amazing! I love coming up with new ways to flavor my turkey burgers too.

  52. That burger looks great! I used a red Thai curry paste in a burger a while ago and it worked really well.

  53. Now I know what to do with the green curry paste I have!


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