Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Black Bean Burritos

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...This is a wonderful meatless Monday meal for busy cooks. It's a reduced calorie version of that old Mexican favorite black bean burritos. These burritos are delicious but the best thing they have going for them is the speed with which they can be assembled. They can be on the table in 15 minutes and the recipe can easily be doubled if you have a crowd to feed. I made a mild and a hot version yesterday. I used mildly flavored Rotel tomatoes for the children and the firecracker version of the tomatoes for the adults at the table. I also used a reduced fat version of cream cheese in our burritos. This version of the cheese makes a less creamy burrito than its full fat cousin, but a low-fat sour cream was among the toppings we served, so the change in texture was not noticed. I hope you will give this recipe a try. It is based on a recipe I found on Christine Cooks. Here's the recipe I used for this fast and simple treat.

Black Bean Burritos
...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite inspired by Christine Cooks

1 cup chopped onion
2 teaspoons minced garlic
1 (15-oz.) can black beans, drained and rinsed
1 (10-oz.) can Rotel tomatoes, drained
1 package (8-oz.) low-fat cream cheese
1 cup cooked white or brown rice
1/2 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon teaspoon chili powder
Salt and pepper to taste
1/4 cup cilantro, chopped
4 - 6 Flour tortillas
Optional toppings: sour cream, shredded cheese, chopped fresh tomatoes,avocado

1) Heat a small amount of oil over medium heat in a large saucepan. Add onion and cook until translucent. Add garlic; cook and stir for 30 seconds.
2) Add beans, Rotel, and cream cheese and heat through. Stir in rice and season with cumin, chili powder, and salt and pepper to taste. Stir in cilantro.
3) Wrap in a tortilla and serve with desired topping. Yield: 4 to 6 servings.

You might also enjoy these recipes:
Burrito Bowls - Closet Cooking
Beef, Bean and Cheese Burritos - Shamrock and Shenanigins
Machaca Burritos - Never Enough Thyme
Breakfast Burritos - You Made That?
Chili Bean Burritos with Corn Salasa - Dinner Du Jour
Chipotle-Style Burritos - Melbo's Kitchen


Lyndas recipe box said...

Yum, we love burritos with black beans. And rotel tomatoes are a cooks treasure.Thanks for posting this Mary; I've bookmarked it. Have a lovely day!

Eliana said...

Hmmmm - this looks amazing! Anyway you could make me one of them for lunch like right now? I'm starving!

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Oh My Gosh Mary...
You are a gal after my own heart. I so love this burrito recipe.

I was looking for something quick for dinner. Guess what's for dinner tonight on the SMITH table? I will be popping by the store for ingredients.

The air went out last night, and they can't get anyone out here until tomorrow, so I was looking for something quick.

Thank you, thank you. Have a beautiful day sweet friend.

Many hugs and much love, Sherry

Cristie said...

Mary, I love the reduced fat in this recipe and the ease of preparation. This time of year when there is so much to do in the garden I need simple, healthy meals to pop onto the table. Have a wonderful day!

Jess @ Sugar High said...

That burrito looks delicious! Great timing, too, cause my boyfriend was just saying how badly he wants burritos for dinner. Thanks, Mary!

J e l e n a said...

I love how your recipes are so speedy and delicious and how you always think to acommodate every guest especially the little ones!

Mary | Deep South Dish said...

Mmm, love me some burritos!! Nice meatless option too.

Suzanne said...

thanks Mary for linking back to my breakfast burritos. love almost anything with black beans!

Unknown said...

I have been looking for a black bean burrito recipe, this looks like something I need in front of me asap

Diane said...

This looks quite delicious. Not sure if I can get black beans here but if not I will substitute. Diane

James said...

I LOVE burritos! Amazing that you can reduce the calorie count.

Joanne said...

I like the sound of quick, easy, and meatless. Plus Mexican food is always a craving of mine. These look great!

Charo said...

Love burritos!!!

Maria said...

One of my favorite meals.

Cooking Gallery said...

Hi Mary, what a coincidence! I made burrito as well a few days ago, but not very Mexican because it was with prawn tempura ;). Your one looks very authentic Mexican, yummy!!

Debbi Does Dinner Healthy said...

My favorite! Black beans and I have a long history together and it won't be stopping anytime soon!! I love them!! Burritos rock, thanks!

Houdini said...

A great recipe. Never had burritoes with rice, but I am excused, I live far, far, away from Mexico.

Unknown said...

how delicious Mary. looks so creamy and hearty. YUM. I thought reading your blog after eating would be better, but apparently not. I'm hungry again.
Have a great day. Michael

Eileen said...

Looks totally yummy, Mary!

Angie's Recipes said...

Mary, you have read my mind. I have been thinking to make some burritos.
Yours looks so good with black beans!

Kristen {a little ditty} said...

This looks delicious! I am a huge fan of anything Mexican inspired! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I've got lots of exploring to do on yours :)

Lucie said...

Nothing beats a good burrito for a quick weeknight dinner. Love this, Mary!

Unknown said...

Looks fantastic, love a simple Mexican inspired meal of any kind especially burritos, yum, thanks Mary!

Trace and Sarah said...

These look delicious, Mary! I have been looking for bean recipes and will have to try this.

Alessandra said...

I love your meatless Mondays Mary!

Carol said...

We love burrito's and yours look fantastic! I'll have to make these. Thanks!

Kelly said...

Yum. The inclusion of cream cheese sounds absolutely delicious. I would love ot have those for breakfast before work. For some reason even though I adore burritos I never think to make them at home.

As a sidebar, I'm currently in the running for a recipe contest and would love your vote if you had a spare moment.

To vote all you need to do is click the following link to view my video entry: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCkllXlndi4

And click the button that says you 'like it.' Note that if you don't have a youtube account yet it will prompt you to open one although I PROMISE it only takes a minute. If nothing else you get the amusement of seeing how awkward I look on camera.

Elisa said...

I"m hungry now! I could have one or two.

they would go perfect with the hot salsa I made with my jalapenos! (yes I'm growing Jalapenos in Croatia)

can't take the mexican out of me.LOL

Unknown said...

Healthy and tasty...that is a HUGE plus in my book! The Burritos look fantastic... I love black bean burritos. Thanks so much for sharing!

Unknown said...

Mmmm,love bean burritos so much! I like your idea of adding the low fat cream cheese, great idea! This looks beautiful, I'm sure your guests were thrilled! Thanks Mary!

dawn said...

cream cheese - what a neat idea. i would never have thought to add that, but i will definitely have to try that! :)

RamblingTart said...

Absolutely fantastic burritos, Mary!! I've been craving Mexican food lately and these have all the right stuff to satisfy my cravings. :-)

Faith said...

These look like the perfect vegetarian meal -- tasty and filling but light and healthy at the same time! Great use for light cream cheese in the filling!

scrambledhenfruit said...

This is a great recipe to put together after work (and that's coming up the day after tomorrow.) So quick and delicious! Thanks!

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a great, healthy and easy recipe! This post was not up this morning when I checked, yet blogger says it was posted 19 hours ago, go figure!

Valérie said...

Mexican-flavoured black beans are one of my favourite things to eat! This recipe sounds delicious! Have a great day, Mary!

penny aka jeroxie said...

I need more burritos in my life. Looks so good!

Couscous & Consciousness said...

Those burritos look great - love the inclusion of the black beans, and love that you can get these on the table in 15 minutes - that makes them a winner for me.

Monet said...

Fast, healthy and delicious. We all need more recipes like this in our lives. I love rotel tomatoes when I'm cooking Mexican food...such flavor in such a small can!

Yvonne @ StoneGable said...

Mary, Thank you for this wonderful figure friendly version of bean burritos. It is going to be on the menu next week! YUMMY! Mexican food is my very favorite!

We Are Not Martha said...

Yay! I love homemade burritos so much better than what you get in a restaurant. And this one looks awesome!


Sasha said...

This burrito is making my mouth water...

rebecca @ beurrista said...

This looks fantastic and something that everyone in my family will love.

CaSaundraLeigh said...

I'd have to say Mexican food is on the top of my list right under Italian! I am in love with breakfast burritos, but these sound heavenly as well!

Melpy said...

Thanks for adding a link to me in your post. Your burritos look wonderful!

Melpy (of Melbo's Toast)

Lizzie in LA said...

We enjoy roughly the same filling, but with a poached egg on top and no tortilla -- don't ask me why -- it's just one of those silly things. Hooray for black beans!!

Federica Simoni said...

mmmmmmmmmm...che fame!!!!bravissima!!!baci!!

The Words Crafter said...

Oh my GOSH I can't wait to try this!!! Thanks for sharing this recipe!

Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

My ears perked up when I read "ready in 15 minutes" Mary.

Jen_from_NJ said...

Quick and tasty = perfect!

Unknown said...

Oh my! Those look SO good! Thank you!

CkretsGalore said...

We don't have "Rotel Tomatoes," in Canada but we have other diced tomatoes with green chiles that should make do?

Jessica | Cajunlicious said...

I was looking for the perfect black bean burrito and can't wait to try it!

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