
I love to cook, I love to eat and I especially love the company of folks who understand the quest for that one perfect bite. The food here is simple, inexpensive and easy to prepare - it's peasant fare that meets the needs of today's health-conscious cooks. The nearly 3000 recipes you'll find here have all been tested and reviewed, and I think you'll enjoy the stories of the people and places behind them. We serve a slice of life along with coffee that's poured from a pot that is never empty. I hope you'll pull up a chair and join us at the table for some good food, great company and personal musings. I know I'll enjoy your company and I'm looking forward to getting to know you.

As for me, I entered the blogging world through the back door. In another life, I was a project manager, responsible for systems development in logistics and operations at a large multinational corporation. I retired in early 2000 and moved with my husband from New Jersey to Oregon. Our 3 children were spread across the country, so we could, without guilt, surrender to the lure of the high country in the Pacific Northwest. We chose a small city in the Willamette valley as our home base and set out to see the world. I mean that literally. Our shared goal is to see as much of it as we can before time, or our legs, run out. When I'm home you'll usually find me in the kitchen. I am a passionate cook and the nurturer in me loves to feed and please those, who by blood or invitation, have claimed places at my table.

I was raised in a multicultural community on the south side of Chicago. My mother was not a cook but I was surrounded by women who were. Community was important to them and I had the good fortune to be raised in a time and place when there really was a village to help raise children. By the time I was 12, I was proficient in German, Italian and Scandinavian cooking and, to this day, I treasure the memories of those women who introduced me to the wonders of the whisk and wok. Most people have just one mother. I had four.

Then along came Julia. The floodgates opened and what had been an interest became a passion. It has remained so to this day. As I became more confident, I began to submit my own creations to recipe contests and won the first I entered. It was a big one and I was hooked for several years thereafter. I stopped only when it became apparent that blogging and contesting were not compatible. I enjoyed blogging too much to give it up and, happily, One Perfect Bite began to grow. I do hope you'll take a look around and join us on a regular basis. You are always welcome here.

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