
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Rocks - Chunky Oatmeal Cookies with Walnuts and Cranberries

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...The only "rocks" that are better than these are diamonds. I know I confound people when I direct them to the sites of test kitchens operated by food manufacturers. Lots of us think that a recipe that appears on the back of a box is something that doesn't deserve a second glance. I suspect we forget the time, effort and repeated experiments that have led to its publication by the manufacturer. I found this recipe on the Diamond Nuts website and once I tried them they replaced what had been my favorite oatmeal cookie. My family loves them as well and they have become permanent residents in my cookie jar. We joke that they are never-stale cookies. They just don't last long enough for that to happen. I think you like them too. Here's the recipe for a new take on a favorite old-fashioned cookie.

Chunky Oatmeal Cookies with Walnuts and Cranberries...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite courtesy of Diamond Nuts

3 cups Diamond Walnuts
1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter
1 cup packed brown sugar
1/3 cup granulated sugar
2 eggs
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1-1/2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 cups old-fashioned oats
1 cup dried cranberries

1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees. To toast walnuts, spread evenly on a baking sheet or in a shallow pan. Bake, stirring once or twice, until lightly browned and fragrant, 7 to 10 minutes. Coarsely chop and set aside.
2) In a large bowl, cream butter and sugars until light and fluffy. Add eggs and vanilla; beat well. In a separate bowl combine flour, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, and oats; add to sugar mixture and stir well to combine. Stir in dried cranberries and toasted walnuts.
3) Drop cookie dough by tablespoonfuls onto a parchment-lined cookie sheet. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes. Cool on a wire rack. Yield: 36 cookies.

You might also like these recipes:
Banana-Maple Oatmeal Cookies - Food and Whine
Oatmeal Coconut Cookies - Angie's Recipes
Famous Oatmeal Cookies - Katy's Kitchen
Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies - Baking Bites
Frosted Oatmeal Cookies - The Daily Dish
Double Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies - Be Delicious
Chocolate Cherry Oatmeal Cookies - Good Things Catered


  1. Many moons ago I worked at Castle and Cooke Foods (Dole Pineapple) in the adjacent marketing department and I know all the testing that goes into the recipes manufacturers put on their products. In fact I got their subscriptions to Bon Appetit after they'd finished with them and that started me on more adventures in cooking. Thanks for another great recipe, I love cranberries and nuts and double bonus is they're good for you too.

  2. Oh how timely! I just happened to have been tasting some fantastic oatmeal cookies from Coach's Oats with these ingredients and wondered how to incorporate them into my favorite oatmeal cookie!! These flavors really are addictive-ly perfect together. I for one love "back of the bag/box" recipes - I think a lot of people just forget to look!

  3. Ah cookies! Just what I need right now!! These sound perfect, love the cranberries! Thanks!

  4. Mmm! I can never resist an oatmeal cookie. I love back-of-the-box recipes--I find they teach us a lot about a culture's culinary traditions!

  5. I love cranberries, your cookies are so perfect.
    Wishing you a lovely Sunday ♥

  6. A great and homley creation Mary. I think that 'oat' style cookies are my favourite. They've got this real vintage, rustic feel to them..I think it's the texture and the spices and that the add ins (such as your cranberry suggestion) can also be adapted.

  7. I love love love oatmeal cookies! These look so great!

  8. This cookie definitely reminds me of an old friend. I think I need to send her an email now. :)

  9. Now those are some pretty amazing looking cookies! Yumo

  10. I am going to make some oatmeal cookies too! These looks so good! Thanks for sharing Mary:D

  11. I believe oatmeal cookies make the top ten of my Favorite Things list. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  12. Mary...these cookies for me do have a better appeal than diamonds...and I know most would think I'm crazy! Many years ago I had asked my Hubby to forgo the typical engagement ring for a juicy deposit on our first home. Best decision we ever made...and many blissful happy years together.

    I agree about the box recipes...the ones I've tried were usually succesful. Now I'll have to give these cookies a go too ;0)

    Ciao for now,

  13. Oh Mary, these look scrumptious! They are on my list of things to bake, for sure!

    Have a great Sunday!

    Nancy's Notes

  14. Cute and crispy treats Mary. Love the texture. Perfect.

  15. These look great- tomorrow is a cookie baking day here- we'll add these to the roundup!
    xoxo Pattie

  16. I love the name of these cookies. They sound like a real winner in the taste and texture categories. Thanks for sharing the recipe.


  17. Our DD works in the food industry and real people develop those recipes. They are worthy!

    I love oatmeal cookies and I will have to try these -- the only thing is that I love oatmeal cookies too much and guess who ends us eating them all!!!!

  18. Way to go, Mary! This is my kind of cookie for sure! I would love one right now. Have a good day!

  19. You can find good recipes in the oddest places...even on the backs of packages. These cookies sound awesome and if they replaced your favorite...then they must be good.

  20. Oatmeal cookies, yum yum. Have a good day. Diane

  21. I love homemade cookies!!! Your recipe is perfect for me with oatmeal and dried cranberries...

    Have nice day

  22. Oh my GOSH these look yummy!!!! And not to hard to make either!

  23. I agree that recipes from food companies are often the best! My favorite chocolate cake is on the box of Hershey's cocoa. :)

    Your cookies look great--I'd probably substitute chocolate chips for the cranberries. That's just me.

  24. I love cranberries in cookies...the tartness of the berries pairs so well with the sweet and buttery dough. Thanks for sharing a recipe that I will use and love!

  25. I love chucky oatmeal cookies stuffed with ... you know - "stuff." The combo of berries and nut and craggy oatmeal is a winner!

  26. Oh YUM, Mary these look and sound so delicious. I will be making these this week. Thanks for sharing.

    Carolyn/A Southerners Notebook

  27. These cookies would not last long in the cookie jar at my house! I love oatmeal cookies especially with all the goodies in this recipe, thanks for sharing Mary:-)

  28. I am always looking for ways to jazz up my oatmela cookies.

  29. I can't resist an oatmeal cookie. I can skip the chocolate chip, but not the oatmeal! Delicious!

  30. My family prefers cranberries in oatmeal cookies and this recipe sounds like it wouldn't last long in our home :o) It looks delicious!

  31. Cookies...I really have not found one that I didn't like :) These cookies sound wonderful, I love the idea of the cranberries in with the oatmeal! Very tasty!

  32. I always try to find new recipes for cookies. I am so glad you shared this one with us. They look like a big hit!

  33. This recipe is a gentle reminder of all the great recipes on the back of boxes and cans of our favorite foods.

  34. Mary,
    Thank you for another great recipe. I love the nuts and cranberries together. Also, I would like to thank you as I am the great web searcher. Meaning I love going to the websites of brand name foods and even the appliance manufacturer's sites to find new recipes. I guess you could say I am from the old school of back of the box cooks too.

  35. Oh, man, do they look good! Crispy on the outside and soft inside, I bet! I have always loved trying recipes on the back of boxes, cans and jars. You know they have to be good because they want you to come back and keep buying!

  36. Delicious cookies, I like cranberries and with nuts they are great.
    Have a nice sunday

  37. I often cook using the recipes "on the other side" of the box....and you are right, the outcome is terrific. Your cookies look ready to enjoy! too sad I cannot have them at this time- can they invent something like virtual tasting:)

  38. They remind me of my mother's favourite Christmas cookies, but yours are richer, she didn't put in the walnuts and the cranberries, and probably less butter (?) Will keep your recipe for Santa time.

  39. I always love looking on the back of bags or boxes for recipes. You never know when you will find a gem of a recipe like this one. Oatmeal cookies are a favorite of mine. I just love the chewier texture the oats give the cookie. Never tried them with cranberries before, but the tartness would be fantastic!

  40. I have a couple of "Back of the box" recipes that I love. Thank you for this one!

  41. Oatmeal Raisin Cookies have always been a staple in my cookie jar, also! About 8 years ago we purchased this variety at a rest stop while traveling. It also contained Craisins. From that day on I've always added Craisins + Raisins in our Oatmeal Cookies. My fam enjoys them better than Chocolate Chip cookies.

    Enjoy your day.

  42. These cookies are wonderful. I know they wouldn't last long at my place ;) have a great day. Michael

  43. I love your first line of this post, how the only rocks better than these are diamonds! I absolutely believe it too, since these cookies look incredible!

  44. I am definitely one of the people that overlooks "back of the box" recipes. I think I am going to have to get over that because these look delicious! I just bought a bag of blueberry-flavored Craisins that are amaaaazing and I think would be great in these cookies!

  45. I can see why these oatmeal cookies wouldn't last long! I made oatmeal cookies today as well. It must be the day for it! ;)

  46. These cookies look great- I'd much rather have cranberries than raisins in my oatmeal cookies, and nuts are a must! I do pay attention to the recipes on the backs of packages- they're usually pretty good. Thanks for sharing this recipe- cookies are very popular here!

  47. the oatmeal cookie recipe on the box of McCann's instant is also worth a look. only makes a dozen or so, so if you don't like it, you didn't invest a whole lot in the experiment. cheers!

  48. You just made up my mind on what kind of cookies to make! YUM!

  49. These oatmeal cookies (my favorites) looks so great! Thank you for your comment on my blog, it gave me the opportunity to know yours! By the way, I loooove your blog too!

  50. You can never go wrong with a good oatmeal cookie--I love how these are kicked up a notch. I must try em asap!

  51. I get behind, but sure love looking at all your posts full of yummy food.
    The cookies look like something I'd love!

  52. I made these cookies, used almonds instead of walnuts and they turned out fantastic! A real crowd pleaser as I made 4 dozen and only ate maybe 6 cookies :)


  53. I remember an oatmeal rock recipe from an oatmeal box from years ago and it was very thick and cakey inside. Very delicious. Anyone have this?


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