
Friday, September 24, 2010

White Chocolate Lime Cookies and Other Absurdities

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...At the bottom of the hill on which our house is perched, there's a community of townhomes whose name always makes me smile.
I suspect that at some point in my life, my sense of the absurd was overly stimulated and I was left with a heightened appreciation of the ridiculous. I also smile when I see a recipe that calls for white chocolate or I'm served a glass of white sangria. Can sangria or chocolate be white? Sangria, whose name comes from the Spanish word for blood, should be that deep color. White sangria, its counterpart, is colorless, like plasma. We all know that white chocolate, which is nothing more than cocoa butter mixed with milk and sugar, is quite unlike the real thing. They both, however, have benefited from thoughtful naming and good marketing. You'd probably never take a bite of something called cocoa butter cheese cake and would never dream of ordering a glass of you know what. What's in a name? Sometimes quite a lot. I have a handful of recipes that use white chocolate. Most of them combine white chocolate with lime. I love the combination and actively seek it out. I found this recipe for cookies that use both at The Fresh Loaf and at Evil Shenanigans. I've made minor changes to the recipe. After baking the first batch, I doubled the amount of lime juice and zest used to make the cookies. These are really quite nice and I think you'll enjoy them. Here's the recipe.

White Chocolate Lime Cookies...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite, inspired by Evil Shenanigans


1 cup unsalted butter, softened
3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup light brown sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
Zest of 2 limes
2 teaspoons lime juice
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 (12-oz.) bag white chocolate chips

1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line three cookie sheets with parchment paper.
2) Combine butter and sugar in bowl of an electric stand mixer. Beat until combined but not fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating just to incorporate. Add vanilla, lime juice and zest and mix to combine.
3) Combine flour,baking soda, baking powder and salt in a separate bowl. Whisk to combine and lighten. Mix into creamed mixture just until combined. Fold in white chocolate chips.
4 ) Shape dough into 36 balls. Place them 3-inches apart on cookie sheets. Bake until edges are golden and centers are just set, about 12 to 13 minutes. Let sit in pan for 3 minutes before moving to cooling racks. Yield: 3 dozen cookies.

You might also enjoy these recipes:
Key Lime and White Chocolate Cake Squares - One Perfect Bite
Chunky White Chocolate and Almond Oatmeal Cookies - Gourmeted
Macaron with White Chocolate - My Kitchen Treasures
Sour Cherry, White Chocolate and Almond Scones - The English Kitchen
White Chocolate and Macadamia Nut Blondies - Squirrel Bakes
Caramelized White Chocolate Cake - E L R A
Raspberry White Chocolate Scones - Playing House
Raspberry White Chocolate Cake - Sweet Kat's Kitchen

This post is being linked to the Cookie Exchange at Relatively Unique


  1. What a combination! I can understand why you actively seek out such sounds delicious!

  2. White chocolate by any name is great with lime. These cookies look delightful.

  3. I haven't make any cookie with white chocolate, your recipe looks good.

  4. I'm a huge fan of white chocolate...unlike many people, I prefer it over milk or dark chocolate. I imagine that the lime zest adds a wonderful brightness to this cookie. Thank you for sharing!

  5. This sounds very good-I love the lime with the white chocolate-seems like it would be delish!!!

  6. You make me smile. I didn't know about the Sangria thing, how could there be white Sangria? But I did know that white chocolate is cocoa butter, pretty tasteless to me. My husband and son love it, I don't know why. It's basically the fat with the tsste removed. They have key lime white chocolate chip cookies at Giant and Martins, and they're good, but probably only because of the lime. I know yours are better.

  7. Ah, Mary, I like your sense of the absurd!
    I can't quite imagine white chocolate and lime. I'd like a bite of one of the cookies!

  8. I have to make my husband read this, since I still cannot convince him that his favourite chocolate is actually NOT a chocolate at all! but the cookies look tempting and then, what's in a name? Now, can you convince your neighbours to change that sign? :))

  9. Oh yep..Mary, I had some white Sangaria, and they were good. And white chocolate...well..not the chocolate in my mind....but that's the favourite of my husband.
    These snaps look crunchy and tasty!

  10. What a funny picture! Your cocoa butter- lime cookies sound terrific, Mary ;) I'll be trying them out!

  11. This sounds like a very delicious cookie, love the combinations, must try this one day!

  12. Ah, my husband and I are always on the lookout for the absurd! I love that sign! And great cookies. They look like the perfect balance of crisp and sweet. Since eating too many white chocolate stars in one sitting and getting sick when I was 14 I cannot eat the stuff, but my son adores white chocolate. He'll be home for a visit soon and he'd love these!

  13. Buongiorno Mary
    un augurio che oggi sia una dolce giornata in cucina !!!
    Myriam :)

  14. There are a lot of absurdities in life, and names, and some get even lost in translation... but they make life fun :-)


  15. I totally agree with you. Sangria is the only "wine" I drink and most definitely I wouldn't think of any other color than red. The same stands for chocolate. I've been a chocolate lover all my life. I love the color, the texture and taste. I cannot say the same for the white. These cookies look great because I love lime and the flavor it gives in sweets.

  16. The name is rather charming, actually! I have never tried lime in a cookie before, this sounds and looks delicious. Thank you for stopping by. You have a lovely and fantastic blog. Will be visiting you again. Have a very good day!

  17. I love chocolate and lime together!!
    its my fav, do u think if i bake it longer ,i'll have cripsy cookies at hand?

  18. I am not very fond of white chocolate but these cookies sound good to me. Diane

  19. I have not tried white chocolate with lime. Sounds like a great combination.

  20. Mary, this sounds heavenly. Do you have your own lime tree?

  21. LOL Mary- there was quite a lively "discussion" on this very topic recently at a chocolate tasting locally! I think these look lovely!
    xoxo Pattie

  22. White chocolate is usually not my favorite, but I bet it goes GREAT with the lime flavor in these cookies. Lowland Heights... hysterical!!

  23. I love your cookies Mary, I love the fact that you mixed lime and white chocolate!

  24. I have to say, I love the oxymorons involved in white sangria and white chocolate. Possibly because I love the taste of them both. These cookies sound fantastic. They shall definitely be made imminently.

  25. My husband refers to white chocolate as "unchocolate". I must say that your unchocolate lime cookies look delicious.


  26. This post makes me smile too! I love your thoughts here and they're so true. I simply must try this white chocolate and lime combination! Thanks Mary...these cookies are beautiful!

  27. One of my favorite flavor combination is white chocolate and lime. I could easily eat most of these cookies on my own with no sharing.

    Your post made me smile. So true. I would probably pass on the white sangria but, not the white chocolate although, it's really not chocolate in the true sense.

  28. Hello,

    Thanks for stopping by my kitchen (blog). I sure wish to live closer to you. That invitation of the coffee pot waiting is tempting and if then we add the endless number of yummy creations that come from your kitchen. Who can resist? You seem like a prolific cook.

    Congratulations for your blog and to your family for having such a great cook.

    Many blessings and have a great day.


    PS. I do not want to miss your recipes. I just subscribe to your blog.

  29. I made a cookie similar to this a while back...I love the white chocolate and lime combination!

  30. I love citrus flavor in baked goodies..the addition of white chocolate makes it even more scrumptious1

    US Masala

  31. Love white chocolate and those cookies are addictive!

  32. These look delicious Mary. I printed the recipe in hopes of giving them a try myself. :)

  33. Lovely combo, def a must try cookie recipe..

  34. Oh my gosh I love white chocolate!

  35. These sound wonderful! Perfect for an appetizer party. I love cookies that have hidden flavors. No one would suspect the lime until they bit into it. Very nice!

  36. Speaking of names ... they must have named oranges before they named carrots, yeah? "Watcha got there?" "A big round fruit ... let's call it an orange." "Okay, what's next?" "Well, we have these long skinny things ... uh oh ..."

  37. Love anything with citrus and these cookies remind me of the orange creamsicle cookies that had been featured on a few blogs quite a while back but kicked up with lime! Beautiful and I bet incredibly delicious! Have a wonderful weekend :o)

  38. I already love it just looking at the name :D Lovely combination. Would be really good with a cup of tea...yum Hope you have a lovely day and weekend.

  39. I have never even heard of the combination of white chocolate and lime! I think I'll have to give them a try just to satisfy my curiosity now.

  40. Absurd- totally and absolutely-

    If I made these I would eat them all and that would be the end of all my pain from my twice a week pool exercise-

    and I've been working SO hard.

  41. I don't know why but I love both white sangria and white chocolate;) Your white chocolate/lime cookies are a delicious combination of flavors, I would probably try them with macadamia nuts as well, a white nut, or almost white nut;)

  42. I love anything *white* it seems, I am a white wine junkie too!

  43. I actually love white chocolate :) and I love the absurd too lol

  44. You made me laugh! I serve White Sangria all the time when I entertain and if I called it a pitcher of White Plasma I'd get some strange looks :)

    Your cookies look delicious no matter what you call them!

  45. White chocolate and lime is a wonderful combination. These cookies sound perfect!

  46. My hubby would love these cookies as he is a big fan of white chocolate.

  47. Ooh, love lime with anything, but white chocolate? Seriously delicious!

  48. I just saved this recipe to use this winter. Thanks!

  49. Your cookies look and sound delicious! I have never heard of such a combination but wow!

  50. Cookies are my favorite thing to bake- these look really tasty. :)

  51. cookies looks wonderful ..i too love lime flavored cookies ...have a gr8 weekend


  52. I've never minded in the least that white chocolate isn't really chocolate ;0)
    Will be book marking these cookies and will try baking them ASAP!

  53. I like usually white chocolate in cookies--it's a switch from regular chocolate chips. But I have never baked anything lime flavored, so these cookies look like a great recipe to start with!

  54. I love the addition of lime to white chocolate. Such an interesting flavor combination.

  55. I'm intrigued. :) What an interesting flavor combination.

    Brian Kesler

  56. Haven't tried white chocolate with lime, will certainly try this. Looks and sounds yummy!

  57. You had me at white chocolate then you had me again at lime. These cookies look and sound incredible.

  58. these sound unbelievably good!

  59. This makes a sweet looking cookie, gentle and delicious.

  60. These look so good! I love white chocolate! Can't wait to try.
    Thank you so much for joining in on the party :)

  61. I've never heard of combining white chocolate and lime before, but now I want to try it!

  62. Mary, I made these cookies this weekend. Everyone loved them! As I was eating the last one I realized that these flavors would be great in scones. Thanks for another good one.
    /Barb P
    Troutdale, OR


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