
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Tomato Jam - India Here We Come

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...As you read this, I'll be on the first leg of a journey that will take me to India, Nepal and Tibet, and as you might suspect, I am euphoric. Because I travel lightly and will be gone for such a long time, I've pre-scheduled new posts for each day that I'm away. Think of them as a bribe to keep you returning to my table. Preparation of the thirty odd recipes I'll be featuring has kept me very busy and I've been a poor correspondent for the last week or so. I hope you understand and forgive my radio silence. While I'm not traveling with a computer, I'll have about 30 minutes each morning when I'll have one at my disposal, so I'll at least be able to read your comments and, hopefully, reply to a few of them. I can't promise much more than that. I can promise regular visits once I'm home. Right now, I'm much like a child on Christmas Eve. Despite miles already traveled and place already seen, I find it difficult to curb my enthusiasm at the beginning of a journey. I'm not a blasé traveler and I approach each new adventure with an open heart and mind, and, the Silver Fox, cynic that he is, would add, an open wallet. I once knew a child who had a runaway imagination and even larger dreams. She was fascinated by the Himalayas and a place called Kathmandu, a spot she had found on the dogeared map she'd study for amusement. The strangeness of its name stayed with her and she knew she find and visit it someday. That day - her day - has come. Wish her Godspeed, please. Hugs and blessings...Mary

While getting the house ready for our departure, I came across several pounds of tomatoes that had to be used. I normally would have sent them down the hill to a neighbor, but that wouldn't work this time as that neighbor had sent them up the hill to me earlier in the week. I'm sure you get the picture. Fortunately, I'd been holding onto Mark Bittman's recipe for tomato jam and this was a perfect time to try it. There, literally, is nothing to this recipe and I found it make a wonderful condiment. I sent the tomatoes back down the hill in a jam jar. This may become our fruitcake thing. Here's the recipe.

Tomato Jam...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite courtesy of Mark Bittman


1-1/2 pounds good ripe tomatoes (Roma are best), cored and coarsely chopped
1 cup sugar
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lime juice
1 tablespoon fresh grated or minced ginger
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon ground cloves
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 to 1/2 teaspoons red pepper flakes

1) Combine all ingredients in a heavy medium saucepan, Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring often.
2) Reduce heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, until mixture has consistency of thick jam, about 1 hour 15 minutes. Taste and adjust seasoning, then cool and refrigerate until ready to use; this will keep at least a week. Yield: About 1 pint.

You might also enjoy these recipes:
Peach Melba Jam - Bunky Cooks
Black Mission Fig Jam - Coconut and Lime
Freezer Berry Jam - Real Mom Kitchen
Brandied Fig Jam - Talk of Tomatoes
Texas Three Pepper Jam - SwEEts
Late Summer Plum Jam - Piece of Cake


  1. Have a fantastic journey! I would love to see India someday. Please take lots of pictures and share with us!

  2. Mary! I am so excited for you! I hope you soak up all the goodness that each place has to offer!

  3. Whoa, congratulations!!! I hope you have a fabulous time and be safe!

  4. Wow, that's so exciting. I've done some traveling but haven't been to any of those places. Look forward to hearing about it when you get back.

  5. Wow! Have a wonderful trip! I look forward to hearing all about it.

  6. What a journey you have planned . . . it is easy picturing you enjoying every moment. It will be fun to see how it will influence your cooking when you return. You are in an area of the world with great spices.

    You are too sweet to prewrite all those posts. . . we would have been here when you return, anyway!

    Blessings on your trip,


  7. have a great trip, jam look wonderful.

  8. Have a safe trip!
    Sounds exciting!


  9. Have a wonderful trip, Mary. Don't forget to post some of the photos from the trip :)

    Have fun.

  10. You've surprised me again with something I've never heard of, tomato jam. How very exciting for you, and after reading your story, I am even more excited for you. I hope your trip is everything you hoped and more! And I hope you eat and laugh and love your way through it the whole time!! I will also pray for safety while you are there and safe travel.

  11. It's been ages since I've had tomato jam-itlooks wonderful!
    Have a wonderful trip Mary - can't wait to here all about it and see some pictures.

  12. Have a fabulous trip!! Post about all your amazing meals when you return!!

  13. Wow, this is so exciting! Wish you a safe, fun and fantastic journey! The tomato jam looks lovely. Thanks for posting this recipe! Look forward to your other posts!

  14. Yummy the colour....and have a lovely journey..take care mary...

  15. after seeing this I became hungry ...
    please visit my blog too ... greetings

  16. Mary, I am so excited for you - I hope you have a wonderful trip. I have been to India a few times, but not Nepal.

    This tomato jam looks wonderful, and I look forward to seeing what else you have coming up for us over the next 30 days.

    Safe & happy travels
    Sue :-)

  17. Have a safe trip, Mary & Bob! Looking forward to all the photos after the trip. Have lots of fun!
    Blessings, Kristy

  18. May God be with you and have a safe travel to all these unique places. When you get back I am sure you will be loaded with so many pictures and experiences.

  19. Wow! You are in India, hope you have a nice time over there. Tomato jam looks very delicious.

  20. Mary, I'm finally home after some complications and Allie is helping me type. I am so very thrilled for you my friend- you are living this little girl's dream. Godspeed and I wish you many wonderful adventures and safe travels
    xoxo Pattie (and Allie)

  21. I am right along with you--window seat please--and can't wait to hear about what I would have seen if I were actually there. I'll look forward to all your posts. Don't even concern yourself with leaving me a comment because you couldn't shake me loose with a ten foot pole!!


  22. Mary, have a pleasant and adventurous holiday!
    The tomato jam looks divine!

  23. congratulations for realizing a life-long dream and we all look forward to reading about your special journey. I am certain that it will be filled with wonder and mystery, and life-changing experiences. All best thoughts, Nancy

    Bittman's tomato jam Rocks!

  24. Mary, you always have the best and easiest recipes! Have a wonderful, enchanting trip--I can only imagine how awe-inspiring it will be!

  25. I know you will have an amazing sojourn Marty. Travel with an open heart, taste many new things and bring us back lots of memories.

  26. Wow thats great, have a fabulous journey..Beautiful looking tomato jam..

  27. I've never wanted to visit India, but have a long time yen to go to Napal and Tibet - can't wait to hear about it when you get back.

  28. Mary, I hope you have an absolutely wonderful and safe trip. I look forward to hearing about it upon your return! This jam sounds delightful, too.

  29. Mary...have yourself one very great relaxing and fun vacation!!!

    Buon viaggio,

  30. have a safe journey and a enjoyable stay in india

  31. That journey sounds fabulous! hope it is safe and wonderful!!!

  32. How exciting! Can't wait for you to share the exotic flavors you'll taste there!

  33. Mary have a wonderful trip! How exciting....can't wait to see pictures and hear what you are eating :)

  34. Hugs and blessings to you and the "Silver Fox" on your journey, Mary! I would love to take that trip some day. I'll look forward to your posts about it.

  35. The jam sounds yummy! I hope you have a great trip!

  36. What a dream trip, Mary. I wish you a wonderful time and look forward to hearing all sorts of stories when you return. I hope you'll capture some of what you do in pictures to share with us. I read way too many pre-union stories of hill camps and mountain passes when I was a girl - India has long been on my wish list too.

  37. Mary, wishing you and your husband safe travels! I'm excited for you and hope your journey will be everything and more you hoped for! Can't wait to hear all about it :o)

  38. Have a wonderful holiday Mary, so good of you to worry about us even when you are travelling:D Don't worry, we'll be waiting to see your wonderful photos on your travels.

  39. That is so exciting, Mary!! I hope you have a wonderful trip. The tomato jam sounds fantastic!

  40. Bon voyage and have a wonderful time! Sounds like an incredible trip! Thanks for the tomato jam recipe, I still have lots of tomatoes.

  41. i hope you love trip to india changed everything for me. safe jorney

  42. Wow , Have a wonderful and safe trip.

  43. Have a fantastic time.
    The jam looks fabulous ♥

  44. Here's hoping your journey remains exciting a stimulating. About 2 years ago I invented a recipe I called Tomatoes Xanadu. I keep meaning to get around to it again so that I can put it on the blog. Essentially it's a tomato jam with the addition of some xanthan gum as a thickener (xanthan gum is a natural product). It was huge fun. "See" you when you get back.

  45. Wow, how very exciting!!!! Have a wonderful trip Mary!!! Can't wait to hear all about your adventures.

  46. Have a wonderful trip, be safe and enjoy every minute.

  47. Wish you a safe and wonderful journey- the places you are visiting are indeed on the wish list of millions! Bring back some culinary sure you will!

  48. I'm amazed at several things. First, that you have taken the time to write a month's worth of posts for us? Wow! That's dedication. Second, that you are making such a far and wonderful journey to places I marvel ate. India. Tibet. Wow! May the Good Lord bless your journey, keep you safe, and bring people into your lives that will bless you. I look forward to hearing about your trip when you return.

  49. What a fabulous journey! Safe travels! Look forward to hearing all about it!!

  50. How exciting! Have a wonderful and safe trip, Mary.

  51. Best Wishes for a wonderful trip!

  52. Mary, how exciting!

    Of course we wish you Godspeed on your journey. Be safe and have fun!


    Sheila... who thinks your jam looks delicious!

  53. Yum yum!! I'd eat this with a spoon :) :)


  54. Have a safe journey. Take lots of pictures. I look forward to reading all the stories. Michael

  55. Happy trails Mary. Hope you have a fantastic adventure!

  56. Congratulations Mary! Hope you have a wonderful and safe visit! I'm afraid I would end up in hospital! Would love to go, just would have to take your delicious food with me! Ha! Safe travels!

  57. Bet the neighbors loved the jam!Have a great trip Mary.

  58. Safe travels! Hope you have a great time, and from a selfish standpoint, hope you come back with some fabulous recipes ;)

  59. Godspeed Mary! I'm sure you will have a wonderfully adventurous time.

  60. Have a wonderful time Mary! I'm sure it will be over before you know it, so soak it all in.

  61. WOW! What a journey; I am so happy for you. I will still be here to check on your recipes. How smart of you to have organized all your posts before leaving.

  62. Have a wonderful trip. Come home with recipes with a new flair to them.

  63. Enjoy your trip Mary! I can't wait to hear about your travels when you return home. Stay safe and I hope that you have a fabulous time!

  64. I can feel your excitement Mary, and I can't help but feel happy for you...have a safe journey! God Bless! :)

  65. Mary, I've always wanted to try Tomato Jam, and this sounds delicious - and easy. I'll give it a go.

  66. I'm so SO excited for you, Mary!! HOORAY!! What a marvelous adventure. :-) Can't wait to hear all about it when you get home safe and sound. :-)

  67. Wow!Mary,hope you enjoy your travels.I just returned from my Europe trip,a trip to the south of France and Italy (Tuscany) is something I really wished for and my dream came true,I went there and had a splendid time.I too am like you,I visit each place with an open mind.I also visited some other places while in Europe.

    Enjoy!Don't miss the Delhi Haat,a craft village in New Delhi...if you have time that is.

  68. Wow! That is a fabulous trip! Have a great time and a safe journey. BTW, thank you so much for linking to my Peach Melba Jam recipe. :)


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