Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Shaved Asparagus Salad with Aged Gouda and Hazelnuts

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...How green is my valley? At this time of year, it looks like waves of velvet have washed it in shades of green that shimmer as it captures light. In another week, apple trees, now in flower, will drop their petals in a flurry that resembles falling snow and if you venture outside the city there are hectares of aching beauty just begging to be seen. Another green, asparagus, has begun its long climb toward the sun and in a week or two the season will be in full swing. While it is one of my favorite vegetables, I rarely prepare it when it's out of season. At this time of year, however, I make it several times a week. When the season ends, asparagus disappears from my kitchen. I do, however, collect recipes for it throughout the year. I suspect my one real talent in the kitchen is the ability to taste a recipe as it is read. Very few duds make it to my table. There are mistakes to be sure, but not a lot of them. I came across a recipe for a spring salad that was developed by John Ash for Fine Cooking magazine. I knew it would be a standout as I read through the recipe and, sure enough, it was. The salad consists of strips of shaved asparagus and cheese that are tossed with arugula and hazelnuts in a special vinaigrette. It was a perfect way to begin our Easter dinner. I hope you will try this. I know those of you who do will be delighted. Here's the recipe.

Shaved Asparagus Salad with Aged Gouda and Hazelnuts...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite courtesy of John Ash and Fine Cooking magazine

3 tablespoons seasoned rice vinegar
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon fragrant honey, such as wild flower or orange blossom
1 tablespoon finely chopped shallots
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
3/4 lb. thick asparagus, trimmed
3 cups baby arugula
1/2 cup toasted, peeled, and chopped hazelnuts
2-1/2 oz. thinly shaved aged Gouda (use a vegetable peeler)

1) To make vinaigrette: Whisk vinegar, lemon juice, olive oil, honey, shallots and salt and pepper together in a small bowl. Cover and refrigerate.
2) To make salad: Remove tips of asparagus and put them in a large bowl. Using a vegetable peeler, shave a stalk discarding first shaving. When shaving first side becomes awkward, turn stalk over and repeat. Add shavings to tips. Repeat with remaining stalks. Toss asparagus with 1/3 cup of vinaigrette and let sit for 10 to 15 minutes so that flavors meld and asparagus softens just a bit. Marinate for no more than 15 minutes because strips will lose their crispness as they sit. Add arugula and hazelnuts and toss, adding more dressing as necessary to lightly coat arugula. Arrange on plates and top with shaved cheese. Serve immediately. Yield: 4 to 6 servings.

One Year Ago Today: Goat Herder's Mac N' Cheese

Two Years Ago Today: Coffee Walnut Snack Cake

You might also enjoy these recipes:
Asian Noodle and Cabbage Salad - Karista's Kitchen
Jazzy Carrot Salad - Bless Us O Lord
Chickpea Salad with Tamarind Dressing - Lisa's Kitchen
Creamy Cucumber Salad with Fresh Dill - La Bella Vita
Un-Cobb Salad - Simply Recipes
Greek Salad - Pioneer Woman Cooks
Lemon Coleslaw - One Perfect Bite
Endive, Pear and Watecress Salad - One Perfect Bite
Scallion and Asparagus Salad - One Perfect Bite
Israeli Salad - One Perfect Bite


Banana Wonder said...

I am loving this combination! Hazelnuts, gouda asparagus and arugula. Ok, I'll have to admit, it's the arugula that really is the star to me. Green valleys rule!

Food Glorious Food! said...

I love asparagus and will be perfect as a side for Sunday brunch! Thanks for sharing the recipe!


Elin said...

Mary, I just had asparagus but baked ones and yours is so much healthier. Love the combination of aged gouda and hazelnuts and I have KIV the vinaigrette recipe too :) Have a great Spring day with the beauty of apple flower petals on the ground...ohh I can imagine how beautiful that will be :)

Yasmin said...

Mmmm, so yummy and healthy - the colour is so inviting to eat it.

Thanks for your nice comment on my cake!


Lifewithspices said...

yummy n healthy love it..

Nami @ Just One Cookbook said...

Hi Mary! Thank you for leaving a comment on beef donburi on my website. I'm new to the food blogging and I'm very happy to find your website. You don't have a facebook page or subscribe via email right? I wasn't sure if I'm actually missing it or you don't have it. I am following you on twitter though. It's really, really nice to meet you Mary! Your cooking, pictures, and website are all amazing.

Caroline Taylor said...

I also don't use asparagus out of season. It's only just in season here and this look so delicious. Really fresh and vibrant, just what you need at this time of year.

peps said...

o.k.!!we are reading the same magazine!!!!!it's my best!!!! i love it and i made this recipe, too and wrote it in my blog. i doubled the vinaigrette and it was delicious!

Priya Suresh said...

Crunchy asparagus salad looks simply interesting and fabulous..

Suman Singh said...

Great and refreshing looking salad..perfect for summer..

Marsha @ The Harried Cook said...

I love this recipe... It sounds so perfect for a brunch! I am such a big fan of your cooking... you inspire me :)

Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen said...

I've never shaved asparagus. How interesting. I really like the idea of the vinegar plus citrus in the vinaigrette. Lovely as always Mary. Hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter.

The Blonde Duck said...

Delicious, as always!

Koek! said...

Golly. that looks so beautiful, fresh and crunchy... I just want to dive into it!
Robyn x

Carol @ There's Always Thyme to Cook said...

I especially love the arugula but all of a sudden my tastes changed and I love asparagus. What a delicious combination, not to mention gorgeous and healthy!

Katarina said...

Looks so delicious and this salad is very healthy!

MissCakeBaker said...

This looks like the perfect spring salad - lovely!

StephenC said...

I really like this idea. You are such an inspiration!

Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

I have been wanting to make a shaved asparagus salad for some time now. You have made this your own Mary!!

Cooking Creation said...

Oh, my! This sounds delicious! Asparagus is one of my top 3 favorite veggies. I hope you had a wonderful Easter, Mary. Thanks for sharing!

Faith said...

What an elegant salad, Mary! The asparagus is gorgeous and I really love the hazelnuts for a little nutty crunch and flavor!

Katie @ This Chick Cooks said...

That looks yummy. The ability to know if a recipe is good just by looking at it would definitely be nice :)

Unknown said...

Love the flavor combination in this salad...so light and fresh! Perfect for this time of year...and sounds as if this is a great time of year for you all too. All the beauty you are surrounded by...it seems almost heavenly! :)

PeggyR said...

Oh this sounds so good especially with asparagus in season!

The Food Hound said...

This is SUCH a chic salad! I'm bad about buying asparagus out of season b/c I just love it roasted so much, and it's easy! I've never tried it raw, but this salad is the perfect opportunity! LOVE the gouda!

Tasha said...

I've seen several delicious looking shaved asparagus salads lately, but this one really stands apart with the inclusion of gouda and hazelnuts!

Kim said...

Yhis fully green salad looks pretty good. Very soon fresh aspargus will be ready here. Then, I'll try this recipe, for sure!

Peggy said...

I'm in love with this salad combination! Can't wait to run out and get some asparagus for this! And I always love an excuse to get a hunk of gouda!

Lenia said...

What an excellent salad!Love all the ingredients,especially asparagus!

shabby girl said...

Your salad looks & sounds delicious! I will definitely try this.
Hubby is one of those people too, that can tell a winner when he reads it. Lucky me!

Anonymous said...

This has all the makings for a great salad! Looks wonderful.

Jocie's Mom said...

Holy cow. This salad looks outstanding. I love the gouda and the fragrant honey. Mmmm...

Young Adventures... said...

My family loves asparagus. I also only use it when it is in season. I have always wanted to try growing it in the garden, but have never tried. This salad looks beautiful Mary! I love the combination of flavors and textures. I hope to try this soon.

Marmande in the Kitchen said...

Sounds delicious! I love the look of shaved asparagus, and it must be great with hazelnuts and gouda!

brandi said...

i love hazelnuts on salads. this sounds great!

Alina---Explora Cuisine said...

Sounds like a perfect salad to me! I love hazelnuts :) have a lovely day, in Toronto it's raining today :(

Unknown said...

This salad sounds so delicious and healthy. As you know, I am on a mission to get fit and 'skinny' before our anniversary trip : ) This salad would fit perfectly into my new lifestyle change! Printing now!!

Claudia said...

After feasting for days, I am on the lookout for vegetable-centric recipes and here you are! I even have some tosted, chopped hazelnuts waiting for me in the fridge. You never disappoint and now I have dinner!

Chiara said...

Looks so delicious and very healthy!I need salads like this in sprigtime Mary! have a good day, hugs...

Anonymous said...

will.be.making. The NewYorkTimes had an article a while back about 100 simple salads, one of them, with shaved asparagus has become a standard in my dining room. Perfect time of year for it. So much of the stuff in the farmers markets right now.

Trini Altea said...


Que pinta más buena. Un saludo

Jessica | Cajunlicious said...

Mary, this looks so light & delicious.

June said...

Talk about spring on a plate...this is it. Gorgeous salad Mary and I love your description of the beautiful Willamette Valley. It can't possibly be as green as I am right now. LOL

Margarida said...

Mary, look, I'm enjoying this combination of products, I think is a perfect salad, and then with the vinaigrette and hazelnuts, I'll try it at home, after all I need to lose a few pounds and eat healthy food!


David said...

Mary, That is one great looking salad! It looks good enough I could almost skip the meat course... Thanks for the recipe! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Lucy@The Sweet Touch said...

I have been seeing shaved asparagus all over the internet and I had it in a salad while we were out to eat over the weekend. I must try this!!

Thank you for the sweet comment over at my blog, I appreciate you stopping by!

Anonymous said...

The gouda and hazelnuts sounds like an interesting combo against the asparagus. Great recipe!

Chef E said...

I love this salad! I am eating lots of these varieties right now, part of my healthy eating lifestyle now, but I adore the addition of 'extras' in my salad.

I am also craving that goat cheese mac n cheese you have on her from a year ago...you temptress!

Guvi said...

I haven't seen this combination before, but it must be an explosion of flavours! I love asparagus, and so does my little one, so this is definitely on the list of things to do. Have a wonderful week!

lena said...

this is so delighting , so green and healthy! i must try the gouda one day and see if i like them..

Plate and Pour said...

Shaved asparagus is absolutely delightful! I love tossing it with pecorino shavings too. Thanks for the recipe!

Xinmei @ Pudding Pie Lane said...

I'm seeing a lot of asparagus recipes at the moment, which is great because it's a yummy vegetable! I agree perfect for Easter, I hope you had a good Easter!

Anonymous said...

After a week on the farm, i need some roughage ... this salad looks like a good place to start!

Kelly said...

This is actually the second shaved asparagus recipe I found in my google reader today. Guess I am seeing a trend. I just love the sound of it because it sounds so elegant and unusual.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I have never seen such an unusual recipe! It is almost like a work of art. My best friend has maybe had her cancer return, and she found out asparagus has a compound in it that can help destroy cancer. So she is pureeing it like baby food so she can eat a lot more. She eats an awful lot and in fact overdosed on it once and called the hospital!! I will likely give her this recipe.

Khadija El Mary said...

No one cooks like you dear Mary! What a lovely combination! So delicious and healthy! Have a nice evening!

bj said...

This sounds like something we would love, Mary. We love asparagus any way it is fixed but with this nut and cheese combo, it would be marvelous.

That Girl said...

I wonder if I would like asparagus better shaved?

Diane said...

Thanks for this one another good idea to what to do with my asparagus. Diane

Linda said...

I'll have to try this. I've never eaten raw asparagus before, but this salad looks delicious!

Wendy Irene said...

I love how healthy and green that salad looks! Those kind of foods really make you feel so alive.

Swathi said...

Love gouda cheese, this salad has crunchy hazelnuts. Perfect one.

Barbara said...

A lovely salad, Mary. The asparagus is marvelous right now..I'm eating it several times a week.
I've seen the shaving before but haven't tried it yet. Nice light vinaigrette, too.
This is a must make soon!

martu said...

:) delicioso, qué bueno

Maria said...

What a gorgeous spring salad!

Juliana said...

Oh! Mary what a nice salad...love the combination of arugula, asparagus, gouda cheese and hazelnut, so many different texture in one bite. Hope you have a great week ahead :-)

lisa is cooking said...

I only eat asparagus in season too, and I'm really enjoying it right now! The shave pieces look great in your salad.

Kim said...

I was glancing through Mario Batali's newest book the other night and saw a recipe for shaved asparagus salad. I was a little unsure of his recipe, but this one looks fabulous! I love the touch with the hazelnuts.

From the Kitchen said...

I'm thinking of doing an asparagus blog post this week. Alas, it will not be touting the abundance of the green spring spear!! I drove out to my favorite farm and came home with a handful. What to do? What to do?


Angie's Recipes said...

I love this asparagus salad with aged gouda! It makes a great side too.


I love asparagus and have never thought of a salad. I love all of these ingredients. I am adding this to dinner next week.


ps. I read "How Green is my Valley" in high school. All I remember is that it was really long.

Tanvi@Sinfully Spicy said...

Very healthy and nutty looking spring salad.Thanks for sharing.

the Orange Bee said...

Mary - love your blog! Thank you for commenting on The Orange Bee so that I would find your blog also. I am a newbie in the blog world - but totally enjoy it. I love asparagus and have some in the frig so now I know what to serve with our grilled cheese on sourdough tonight!

Ilke said...

I saw this one as well on Fine Cooking and loved the look.I want to try it soon before the veggie disappears!
You got the perfect picture of it, worthy of the magazine!

sally said...

Looks wonderful! A perfect way to use all of the asparagus in the market right now!

Rita said...

I love this! I have my son and his girlfriend often for a weekend meal and I kind of show off; this salad will do the trick; thank you Mary.

Elaine said...

This looks like a perfect Spring salad, Mary.

Joanne said...

I am a HUGE asparagus lover also, but like you I never eat it out of season. I looked back at my old posts the other day and I haven't had it since last June! I'm loving the sound of this salad and you're right...it will definitely be making it to my table!

Ryan said...

This sounds like a perfect spring salad! Yum! I bet the Gouda and hazelnuts are delicious with the asparagus!!

teresa said...

i'm excited about anything with gouda in it, especially when it's a gorgeous veggie like asparagus.

Chats the Comfy Cook said...

I just discovered that I love gouda. Where have I been all these years? This looks like a wonderful recipe to make with it.

Liz That Skinny Chick Can Bake said...

Such a unique, yet delectable salad...I know I'd love it :)

Stevie said...

This asparagus arugula salad looks wonderful. Your photo makes it seem mouthwatering! Thanks for sharing... and for checking out our blog. I've been following yours for a while and am always impressed.

RecipeObsessed said...

That looks delicious!

megi said...

Hi Mary, thank you for visiting my blog and your kind words. You have so many amazing recipes, I am looking forward to trying them soon, I bookmarked a few already. I also subscribed to your blog. I'll be a regular visitor from now on. Thank you for sharing this gorgeous salad.

Jenn @ Youknow...that Blog? said...

This is the neatest salad idea ever! I would never have thought to shave asparagus - how completely neat is that.

Hey Mary did you get my email from a couple days ago..? I sent it to the one left with your comments. :)

Tracy's Living Cookbook said...

I am so glad you posted on my blog the other day - it allowed me to link to you here on your blog as well! I am an asparagus 'freak' and have bookmarked this recipe - I'll let you know when I make it.... probably very soon!

Lisa said...

I love asparagus...and hazelnuts...and especially Gouda! I'm definitely going to have to try this!

Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the kind comments. I'm your newest follower and can't wait to peruse all of your wonderful recipes!

Ma What's 4 dinner said...

What a fantastic combo of glorious ingredients! Well done. I'm going to try this one soon for sure.

Lots of yummy love,
Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

Anonymous said...

I was looking through your site and I don't even know where to begin everything looks absolutely DIVINE! I love your site! so glad we found each other's blogs =]

Hazel - Chicken in a Cherry Sauce said...

Yes! Hazelnuts in a salad! It is sad that this is such a rare sight for my eyes. What a wonderful combination of ingredients you have here. Yummy!

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