
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Pear Sorbet

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was an American poet of some renown. I'm sure he never dreamed his words would be used to review a recipe, but one of his poems sums up the dilemma I have with today's recipe. I suspect, wittingly or not, you've committed his verse about the little girl who had a little curl, to memory. I'm going to paraphrase the verse to suit the needs of my review, so I'll continue on and say, that when this pear sorbet is good, it is very very good, but when it is bad it is horrid. Horrid? Yup, like many recipes that use only a handful of ingredients, this one works only if you use top quality ingredients. That means your pears must be seasonal and ripe and that the wine you use must be sweet, not cloying, and of drinkable quality. A good Riesling would be perfect, but pear or apple cider are acceptable substitutes. Apple juice will overpower the flavor of the pears, so I can't recommend its use here. This is a fairly sophisticated sorbet and I would not serve it to everyone, but those with discerning palates will love it. Here's the recipe.

Pear Sorbet...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite

5 small pears, peeled and sliced
3/4 cup sweet Riesling or sauterne (pear or apple cider may be substituted)
1/3 cup sugar
4-1/2 teaspoons lemon juice

1) Combine all ingredients in a large saucepan. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer, covered, until pears are tender, about 8 to 10 minutes. Cool slightly.
2) Pour mixture into a food processor; cover and process for 1-2 minutes or until smooth. Transfer to a 13 x 9-inch dish. Cover and freeze for 4 hours or until firm.
3) Just before serving, process again in a food processor for 1-2 minutes or until smooth. Spoon into dessert dishes. Yield: 4 servings.

One Year Ago Today: Gingered Noodle Salad

Two Years Ago Today: Lemon Tea Cookies

You might also enjoy these recipes:
Cherry Sherbet - The Pioneer Woman Cooks
Chocolate Sorbet - Wonderfoodland
Berry Basil Sorbet - Former Chef
Pina Colada Sorbet - Gina's Skinny Recipes
Limoncello Mint Sorbet - Culinary Cory


  1. Oooh oooh what a delightful recipe! I have never seen pear in frozen form and I have no idea why - must be extra delish with that white wine as well. YUM!

  2. Elegant and delicious sorbet!!! Pears are one of my favorite fruits. Looks absolutely wonderful,Mary. And I love those lemon cookies :)

    Have a lovely day!



  3. I love sorbet.Mostly when we have a long meal and lot of courses I make light lemon sorbet and serve between meals to cleanse the paletet.However in the summer I can imagine pear sorbet as a welcome refreshment:)

  4. Perfect for the summer...pear sorbet mmmm Mary ,I want some :)
    Have a nice day,

  5. Good stuff and the ginger noodles look good too...

  6. Love the wine in here. What a gourmet sorbet!

  7. This sounds good and pear is a great fruit!

  8. thanks for that, perfect timing, we have a bumper crop

  9. I have never tried a pear sorbet, this sounds delicious. Diane

  10. Pear sorbet is one of my favourite, but I never made it with sweet wine, thank you for the tip, I should try :-)


  11. I could really sink my teeth into a pear, one that has been sitting the fridge for about a day, I never had pear sorbet before, but I'd sure love to try it.

  12. One of my favourite sorbets, and as I have pears on my old pear tree this year I may try this out!
    Lovely photos.

  13. What a lovely sorbet Mary. I just happen to know a couple of people with discerning palates (myself included of course). This sounds like a wonderful way to kick off fall weather when it arrives.

  14. You got me with the poetry - and I'm sure the taste is poetry too!

  15. We have a lot of pears trees in our orchard and this will be a wonderful way to use some of them. Thank you Mary, for sharing this recipe.

  16. This sounds perfect to try as my first sorbet recipe!

  17. This is refreshing sorbet Mary. I can't wait for tree ripened pears!

  18. No kiddin'---this would freshen Clint's palate after a cheeseburger and some homemade onion rings. Perfect!

  19. I love pear sorbot, it's so delicate... With a touch of Riesling it is so sophisticated, I would like it a lot!

  20. Oooooh... sounds so wonderful! As much sorbet as I have consumed in my life, I have never had pear sorbet!! Must try this soon :)

  21. Elegant and delicious looking sorbet. Your lemon cookies would sure taste good right now with my early morning cup of coffee.
    hugs ~lynne~

  22. Oh! I think I can make this with maple syrup?

  23. I love pairs (bosc especially), but have never made anything with them before, I must change this. And I am amused that the way you feel about this sorbet, is how I feel about 80s music :).

  24. Well, you've given me a reason to look forward to late summer, when pears around here will be in season. I love pear sorbet!

  25. Hmmm this sounds finicky but I'm sure I'd love it at its peak!

  26. I can actually taste the sorbet now... perfect since the pear season is here.

  27. LOVELY for this warm summer! Gorgeous- a must try recipe x

  28. I just realized I spelled pears "PAIRS". Sad. :).

  29. Love this, so simple yet so yummy sounding. I would love a scoop right now as it is blistering here. Just looking at it makes me feel cooler!

  30. I love pear, I love sorbet, I LOVE YOU! Wonderful post.

  31. So many pear flavored things are green. I love that this is the same color as the inside of a real pear!

  32. pear and sorbet sound awesome duo! mmmm! have a great week mary!

  33. Love pears and Longfellow. What a a great analogy.

  34. All these ice cream and sorbet posts I am seeing.... must have been hot last week!

  35. Wonderful recipe...looks delicious...

  36. Looks refreshing! Do you know how to make gelato also, and how it is different from ice-cream, sorbet, and sherbet? It seems to be all the rage now, it is even in the grocery stores.

  37. I remember having pear sorbet in Italy and it was absolutely amazing!

  38. I don't know if I have a discerning palate - but I know what I like and I like simplicity, fresh, seasonal good ingredients and this beckons. On all accounts. I love the use of the rhyme!

  39. OH, I bet this is lovely when done right. I love the pairing of pear w/ Riesling...sounds perfectly refreshing :D

  40. The idea of pears in frozen form really sounds good right about now.

  41. I love the addition of dessert wine in this one! I'll bet the flavour is amazing!

  42. This is the most wonderful recipe - probably the most inviting recipe I have read in a while.
    Have a happy weekend.
    :-) Mandy


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