Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Susan Boyle - the Triumph of An Unclaimed Treasure

Sometimes the human spirit triumphs and we're privileged to see the duckling becomes a swan. Watch it happen! It's worth your time.

You might also want to read this Story about Susan from The Herald. Many thanks to Susan C at Open Mouth, Insert Fork for passing the article on to us.


Schnitzel and the Trout said...

Mary, I was so touched by this woman as I watched her on Tv this moring and several times I have watched the YouTube. Thank you for sharing with others. Now this is really a wonderful story for each of us.

Mary Bergfeld said...

I think everyone who sees this is a bit overwhelmed. I had a lump the size of an apple in my throat as I watched this. I' so pleased I got to hear it. I'm so glad she got to do it.

Cathy said...

What an amazing story. I got tears in my eyes as I watched her wonderful performance. Truly inspirational. I'm going to watch it again.

Heather S-G said...

I am a big, blubbering baby. How fabulous.

Susan C said...

And, if you have time, you must read this spot-on story that was in The Herald, "The Beauty That Matters is Always on the Inside."

You'll love Susan even more after you read this.

Ginger said...

I was so very inspired by Susan Boyle!!!

Mary Bergfeld said...

Ginger, her story and that of the people who had a hand in this is fascinationg.

NKP said...

I had heard about this woman wowing the judges, but hadn't seen it. Thanks so much for posting it, what a story.. what a voice!

Lori said...

I cant get over her voice. It is so smooth and beautiful. I saw this earlier this week when my Mom told me about it. I would love to see a person like her make it big, BIG. I am so sick of cookie cutter, beautiful, perfect bodied girls making it big. Most of them dont even have a great singing voice, its just studio produced. Ah can you see I have a beef here. Ugh. I love that this cooky woman has such a beautiful voice!

Catherine said...

She is really amazing to think she was being sneered at by the audience and I'd say Simon Cowell thought he'd have a great laugh, but boy did they get a land! It is a real triumph of substance over style, in my book. She has an amazing voice and a really nice simple honest personality to boot. Hope she doesn't get madeover by the vultures in reality tv land. Worth watching some other clips of artists from that same programme on YouTube.
Thanks for sharing, Catherine

Anonymous said...

I cry every time I watch it. I will buy ANY CD she puts out.


Anonymous said...

I cry every time I watch this. I will buy Any and Every CD she makes.



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