
Monday, June 8, 2009

Buttermilk Cluster with Blue Poppy Seeds and Blue Ribbons for Blue Monday

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...It was one of those calls you wish could be frozen in time. The words aren't as important as the excitement they engender. Our oldest grandson, heading to middle school next year, had just received a President's Award at his graduation ceremony. He's not yet old enough to be cool, so you could hear the excitement in his voice as he talked. I swear I could hear him smile and it didn't take much imagination to picture the crooked grin on his face as we were speaking. Next came his brother who dutifully reported his "boring" grades. I was thrilled, not by the grades, but by the measured and balanced way in which these two special guys have achieved their personal best. It was a blue ribbon day for the boys and their parents. Kudos and kisses for all. You get to stay in the will.

The developer of this buttermilk cluster also deserves a blue ribbon. Excellence should be recognized in all pursuits and this recipe is a winner. It's a great place to start our buttermilk bonanza - the bonanza being a series of recipes that will expose you to more buttermilk than you ever dreamed existed. If you are looking for a soft and delicious roll for large gatherings, this recipe has your name on it. The rolls are easy to make and when served warm from the oven they'll enhance your reputation as a cook and hostess. The recipe is one of the many standouts from the book Country Breads of the World. The only alteration I've made was to increase amount of buttermilk and honey called for in the original recipe. I also used blue poppy seeds as the topping for my rolls. Yes, these seeds do come from the opium poppy, but - and it is a big but - the seeds that are bought and sold come from mature capsules that no longer contain narcotic substance. Only unripe seed capsules contain the milky substance from which opium is extracted. Having said that, do not eat foods that contain or are sprinkled with poppy seeds before taking a drug test. False positive results have been reported and there's no reason to beg trouble that can be avoided. The blue poppy seeds used in baking are minuscule kidney shaped gems that impart a sweet nutty flavor to breads, cakes and pastries. They are very popular in European cooking and, while their primary use is for baking, the seeds can also be crushed to extract their flavorful oil. If poppy seeds put you off, use sesame seeds or serve the cluster without a topping. Here's the recipe for truly outstanding dinner rolls; they're just waiting for you to pull them apart.

Buttermilk Cluster with Blue Poppy Seeds
...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite

6 to 6 1/2 cups all-purpose unbleached flour
1/2 tablespoons salt
2-1/2 teaspoons active dry yeast
1 tablespoon lukewarm water
2 cups warm buttermilk
2 tablespoons honey
1 egg, lightly beaten with 1 teaspoon water
1 to 2 tablespoons seeds (poppy, sesame) or grains (cracked wheat, wheat bran, rolled oats)

1) Combine flour and salt in a large bowl. Combine warm water and yeast in a small cup and allow to proof for 10 minutes.
2) Pour yeast, buttermilk, and honey into flour mixture and mix well. If dough is so dry that some of flour won’t stick, add a bit more buttermilk or water. If the dough is too sticky to knead, more like a batter, add more flour, a tablespoon at a time, until correct consistency is achieved.
3) Knead by machine or hand for approximately 10 minutes. Return dough to bowl, cover, and set aside to rise until dough has doubled in size, approximately 90 minutes.
4) Divide dough into 16 pieces. Shape each piece into a neat ball and place in a 12-inch round dish or a 12-inch spring-form pan close together. Cover again with plastic wrap or a damp towel and set aside to rise again for 45 minutes to an hour. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 425 degrees F.
5) Uncover rolls and brush gently with egg wash. Sprinkle with seeds or grains, if using. Bake for 30 minutes, or until are firm and spring back when tapped. Transfer to a rack and cool for 15 minutes. Remove from pan. Serve warm if possible. Yield: 16 rolls.

Other Recipe Links

Buttermilk Cluster at The Fresh Loaf

Buttermilk Cluster at Toxo Bread

I'm send this to Smiling Sally for her Blue Monday event.


  1. Sounds like you have pretty special grandsons.

    This buttermilk cluster is making me's so beautiful and perfectly baked. Another excellent recipe Mary.

  2. Congrats to your grands. YOu just enjoy yourself all you want to and bask in that excitement!

    And that bread looks FAB-U-LOUS!

    Happy Blue Monday...


    Sheila :-)

  3. Congratulations to your grandsons :)

    So lovely the blue poppy sees.

  4. Congratulations to your grandson, Mary! You should be very pleased.

  5. I am going to give this recipe to my mom... she is always looking for a good roll recipe. Can you make this dough in a bread machine?

  6. srp, yes this recipe can be made in a bread machine. Just don't bake it in the bread machine :-).

  7. Thanks for your kind comments on my blog! Your grandsons are adorable!

    And thank you for posting that recipe for buttermilk clusters...I'm sure my husband will flip when I make this!

  8. Wow! Congratulations to the grandsons! That is something to be proud of.

    These rolls look absolutely fabulous and I'll definitely try this recipe as I am always looking for great breads to make.

  9. Mary, I was smiling BIG at the stories of your beautiful grandsons. Gosh, they are just delightful. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

    Your rolls are stupendous! Oh my stars they are gorgeous!!! I will be making these; even have buttermilk in the fridge as I write this. We can't do nuts or seeds in this house because of Ole Sweetie's sensitivities but maybe I can do a half and half.

  10. How great that your grandchildren call and tell you things! They'll be cool soon enough, but as long as they call, who cares?

  11. Congratulations to your grandson -- you should be very proud of him!

    I admire your yeast baking. I don't do it as often as I should -- impatience perhaps?

  12. Congrats to your grandsons, you must be a proud grandma!!

    Love these little rolls, and love that you can make them in a bread machine, but not bake, even more!! I have a thing about kneading dough, I find I can not do it well. Tips for a new kneader?

  13. Are you sure you haven't worked in a bakery before? They look perfect.
    I can feel your pride emanating from the page. Enoy this special time.

  14. Yea for the grandsons! Thanks for the recipe. I have buttermilk in the house right now so I may be trying this soon.

  15. Mmmmm, looks so yummy! Congrats to your grandson. Have a wonderful week and a Happy Blue Monday.


  16. Sounds like you are a proud Grandma.
    Your breads and rolls always look so perfect. Kudos to you in many ways.

  17. Your recipes add a special dimension to our meme. Thanks for sharing. Happy Blue Monday.

  18. First of all congratulations are in order for your grandsons!!!! High 5 and yes...kudos to the whole family. There was much pride in your post...and I can so understand the elation with it!!!!

    Then, the rolls. My mouth waters...can you hear my loud gulp from where I am all the way to your house? Wow....just wow. You have to understand that when I make...or buy bakery rolls, the poppy seed rolls are the ones I always pick out for myself. I just love anything with poppy seeds on top. Does this mean I'm an addict. I can picture myself now, with the opium pipe...oh gracious me! Oh heck, at my age, poppies and opium sounds terriff=f=f=ic. Sorry, my speech is a bit slurred. It's the big "O" I tellya.

  19. LOL...I just read your comment regarding srp's comment while my comment was loading for approval...about baking it in the bread machine. Now who's been hitting the seeds more heavily, ---you or me?

  20. Congrats to your grandson! They grow up way too fast! I know you are proud...give them an extra hug or two! Happy Blue Monday ~ Susan

  21. What a delicious bread Mary. Very tempting recipe indeed.

  22. Hi Mary, congratultions to your grandson. Oh, the bread look so beautiful and delicious. Gorgeous!!!

    Happy Blue Monday.


  23. Mary, those rolls look wonderful. Congrats to the grandson. Middle school seems unbelievable. Our oldest is starting also in the fall. I don't know what is happening, but I am using the desktop right now because for some reason, I could not get into your last two posts from my laptop. Operation Aborted keeps coming up and knocking me off. Strange. Will have to figure that one out. At least I still have a source to reach you and read you.

  24. How wonderful! I just found your blogsite!

    The Buttermilk Cluster bread looks so yummy! I can almost smell it!

  25. Congrats to g.son ! And the rolls sound so yummy .I didn't know all of that info about poppy seeds.Enjoyed it.

  26. Toni, a big welcome to One Perfect Bite. I hope you'll visit often.

  27. I'm glad that you enjoy your grandkids so much- they sound special!
    These rolls are to die for! I'll have to try this recipe,although, I know I won't be able to find the blue poppy seeds here.

  28. Your grandsons sound very special. Isn't it wonderful being a grandmother?

    The rolls sound so good. I wish I had the energy and time to bake and cook everything that I want to.


  29. A big congratulations to your grandson! What an honor!

    You rolls are so beautiful! I love using buttermilk in breads and pastries.

    Have a great week!

  30. What handsome grandsons. Congratulations to them! Oh that bread looks so wonderful. I'd love to grab a chunk!

  31. Congrats to your grandsons! This buttermilk cluster must be really soft and fluffy with all the buttermilk! Sounds really delicious.

  32. What beautiful grandchildren. Hugs to them for their accomplishments. The buttermilk cluster looks and sounds (and smells) wonderful. But I just scrolled down and found your Sweet Onion Tart recipe. It's printed and ready to be tried in my kitchen. Can't wait. Thanks for sharing your your of cooking.

  33. ooh those look so yummy. I may have to try my hand at making them some day. And, congratulations to your grandson.

  34. What a yummy blue recipe - thanks for sharing!

  35. I would inhale that in a single bite!

  36. Hi!
    Congrats to your grandson's on the ribbon! The recipe sounds delicious! Thanks for sharing. Have a great day!!


  37. That looks so delicious! I'll def. safe that recipe for the day when I can get buttermilk somewhere again :)

    Congrats to you grandsons :)!

  38. Congrats to your grandsons! What a beautiful cluster!

  39. Such gorgeous rolls and I'm sure they are tender, sweet and delicious!

  40. Nicole, welcome to One Perfect Bite. It's delightful to see that you've joined as a regular viewer.

  41. I can imagine how proud you are of your grandsons! Congratulations!

    Your bread is fabulous!

  42. well, well! congratulations to the grandchildren! that is wonderful. the blue poppy seeds are most interesting, I did not know poppy seeds came in a blue variety. or are they all considered blue? I suddenly realize I am rather unschooled in poppy seeds!

  43. Such lovely bread, and great news about the boys!

  44. Those do look wonderfully delicious!

    Congratualtions to your grandsons.

  45. Wow! My mouth is watering for buttermilk rolls now. Congrats to your two grandsons. Glad they are still in the will!. Sweetpea Sue-P.S. Thanks for stopping by today.

  46. Grandchildren are such a delight. Beautiful recipe and I love poppy seeds, except in my teeth.

  47. Aren't grandson's wonderful!!! Bless their little hearts.

    Your buttermilk bread is beautiful. I can imagine how delicious it is.

    I finally got through to your blog. Looks like Susan is having the same problem. So frustrating!

  48. Hi Mary,

    How cute! Young children are so much fun. I can just imagine them telling you all about their grades.

    This bread. It's so pretty! I need more time to bake everything I have on my list to get to.


  49. Hi
    Happy Blue Monday.
    Oh wow what a special post.
    Congratulations to you all the way around.
    I love how you put together such a sweet,fuzzy warm feeling,yummy,and cool creative post together for Blue Monday .
    You certainly get a pat on the back for this one :)
    Thank you so much for the awesome recipe.
    Have a blessed week.
    Happy Trails

  50. Oh wow! These look so good! I am definitely going to have to try your recipe!

  51. Sweet boys :D And of course your bread looks amazing, as always!!

  52. Could these be any more gorgeous looking?!? They sound fantastic! I bet they smelled heavenly as they baked!

  53. Congrats to the boys, that is so wonderful.

    The bread is beautiful too and yes ribbon worthy.

  54. Wow, just look at their gorgeous golden tops. They look absolutely delicious. I would be eating these straight out of the oven.
    Congratulations to your grandson!

  55. WOW! Just fantastic!
    I love freshly baked bread!!
    Thanks for your lovely comment indeed.

  56. Those look so tasty! I absolutely LOVE bread, and I wish I could reach through the computer screen and take one! They look like delectable mountains or hills.

  57. How nice was that. Precious kids. I love seeing my Mother beam when she listens to my kids. It rejuvenates me.

    BAsed on this beauty I am so looking forward to your buttermilk bonanza!

  58. Wow. It looks amazing and yummy. Good recipe. I am surely gonna try it. Poppy seed is rich in B-complex. It is also very useful for health, for those who have sensitive skin, dandruff, hair-loss and many other benefits.

  59. Mmmmmmmm....looks so melt-in-your-mouth delicious!!! I have to make this because they look irresistible! Thanks so much for sharing the recipe! :) Cheers! sheila

  60. Just wanted to let you know I made the bread and it was wonderful! :) Thanks so much for sharing the recipe! :)

  61. This looks so amazing and soft...I have bookmarked this and will make this soon. Also, many congratulations to you on your grandson getting the President's must be ever so proud!

    I love the pictures on your blog..awesome!


  62. Made these tonight for the first time and they were amazing!


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