
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Fresh Mint Ice Cream - Outdoor Wednesday

          This recipe has been featured on Yahoo! Shine

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...Mint has been banished from our slopes and is now under house arrest. We had a bumper crop last year that all but strangled anything it its way. Between spearmint and peppermint our hillside had enough of the herb to supply every green grocer in the county. Now potted in containers, it's hard to remember the havoc caused by the unrestrained exuberance. This beautiful shrub-sized plant is the source of the peppermint used to make the mint ice cream that is my contribution to Outdoor Wednesday, an event sponsored by Susan at A Southern Daydreamer. The ice cream recipe comes from David Lebovitz's The Perfect Scoop. I found the recipe at Serious Eats. This is a lovely ice cream. You're gonna love the way it tastes.

Fresh Mint Ice Cream...From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite

1 cup whole milk
3/4 cup sugar
2 cups heavy cream
Pinch of salt
2 cups lightly packed fresh mint leaves
5 large egg yolks

1) Warm milk, sugar, 1 cup cream and salt in a small saucepan. Add mint leaves and stir until they're immersed in liquid. Cover, remove from heat, and let steep at room temperature for 1 hour.
2) Strain mint-infused mixture through a mesh strainer into a medium saucepan (milk will be a lovely shade of emerald). Mine was a pale green, not emerald. Press mint leaves to extract as much flavor as possible, then discard them. Pour remaining 1 cup heavy cream into a large bowl and set the strainer on top.
3) Rewarm mint-infused mixture. In a separate medium bowl, whisk together egg yolks. Slowly pour warm mint liquid into egg yolks, whisking constantly, then scrape warmed egg yolks back into saucepan.
4) Stir mixture constantly over medium heat with a heatproof spatula, scraping bottom as you stir, until mixture thickens and coats spatula. Pour custard through strainer and stir it into cream. Stir until cool over an ice bath.
5) Chill mixture thoroughly in refrigerator. Then freeze it in an ice cream maker according to the manufacturer's instructions. Turn into a storage container and freeze until ready to use. Yield: 1 Quart.


  1. Did you go from BLUEberries to green food? I'll have to try the ice cream as soon as my freezer is empty enough to freeze my ice cream container!

  2. OH, wow! Mint ice cream. How refreshing that sounds, Mary! I wish I had some right now.

    Happy Outdoor Wednesday...


    Sheila :-)

  3. I love fresh mint ice cream, it's so refreshing on a hot day!

  4. Wow! This is so beautiful and I fall in love with the apple green color! You are great!

  5. Happy Outdoor Wednesday Mary! Did you say homemade mint ice cream? I think I may kidnap Sheila and head your way! Thanks for sharing your photos.~ Susan

  6. Mint plant? Absolutely beautiful. Lush indeed. [I didn't know it was like a 'ground cover' tho]

    And Ice cream? Oh boy....I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!!

  7. Love the green theme. Making ice cream is something I have never tried. Must look into it. Your photos are beautiful.

  8. Mint ice cream would surely be lovely! But homemade ice cream is something I have yet to make, as I do not have an ice cream maker :)

  9. This sounds so positively cool and refreshing. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  10. I haven't had much luck making ice cream but that beautiful color of green makes me want to give it another go.

  11. I just love anything mint. But mint ice cream takes the cake. Love the color.

  12. There you go again MARY!! Incredible photos and a delectable recipe. Your mint ice cream is jumping off the screen and into my hand! It looks so good.

  13. Lovely, refreshing and oh so One Perfect Bite! Come on over to GrannyMountain to pick up your Awesome Award!
    joy c.

  14. Oooh, I need to get me some mint! My children loves mint ice cream. Yum!

    Thanks for sharing your pics!

    Happy OW!

  15. Mint ice cream always my favourite. I'm sure will try this recipe.

  16. Sounds divine...and it's pretty to boot! Can't beat fresh mint.

  17. What a wonderful way to use fresh mint. So refreshing. I planted my mint in pots too, but it split the pots and the roots found their way to nearby soil. Watch carefully, it can be evil.

  18. Hi Mary,
    Looks delicious and such a pretty color. Thanks for the recipe. Happy Outdoor Wednesday and thanks for stopping by, I enjoyed your visit.

  19. Oh your pot of mint is so healthy looking. I love mint ice cream. I bet homemade is so good!

  20. Great job! I feel refreshed just looking at that ice cream cone.

  21. So pretty and refreshing. I would never have thought to make mint ice cream.

  22. Wow! This looks realy refreshing and what a pretty color!...Christine

  23. Hi Mary, oh, goodness, this looks so refreshing! Happy Outdoor Wednesday.


  24. I bet that potted mint smells wonderful, happy OW

  25. Lovely! I made some recently, but used wildflower honey in place of sugar. Mint ice cream is such a treat - so refreshing. And the use of fresh mint gives it a nice, pleasant but subtle grassy flavor.

  26. What a wonderful treat. Ice creme with fresh herbs!

  27. I have GOT to get myself an ice cream maker. I think the next time someone asks me what I want for my birthday, that's what I'm telling them! By the way, are you in the Portland area? We're thinking of taking a long family weekend there. Any place you think is not to be missed?

  28. mary

    i was given a big bag of mint and you came to the rescue of how to use it up.


  29. that looks so good...
    i want some
    thx for coming by

  30. That sounds wonderful and looks delicious! Perfect for summer!


  31. That looks delicious Mary! Add some mini chocolate chips and my kids would be in Heaven.

  32. We battled a bit of wild grapevine this year...(too bad there is not a delightful recipe for that! lol)
    Mary I think your blog banner is so lush!

  33. What a PERFECT idea! My mint is starting to fade...this happened last summer too..

  34. Thanks for sharing how to make the mint ice cream. It sounds so yummy and refreashing. Your plant is beautiful too! Happy OW.

  35. Hi Rebekka, I'm so glad you found my site. I hope you'll visit often.

  36. Muse, welcome to One Perfect Bite. I hope you'll visit often.

  37. Ummm, this sounds so good, I can't stand it. I love mint in anything. Sure can't wait to try this recipe. Thanks so much.

  38. Mint ice cream WOW! yours looks so delicious, we have some growing in pots now, it does seem to take over otherwise, love all your green recipes and the blue ones too :-), happy Wednesday, Kathy.

  39. Oh my, now I'm wanting something "minty". I didn't know it could be so prolific. I especially love spearmint. The ice cream looks "delish".
    Happy O.W.

  40. I wish I could reach through the computer screen and snatch one of those lovely cones! What a wonderful excuse for growing mint. ;)

  41. It's hot and stormy here today, so it would be nice to have some of that ice cream!

  42. Mary-Your photos of your food are superb! They make me want to jump right in and devour, I can't wait to try some of them. I have some mint traveling in my garden, my parents used to make mint jelly that we would put on our pork chops that was very good. Not sure where you live, but does potting your mint in a container come back every year like in the garden or to buy it as an annual each year now or bring it inside?

  43. It look very good but It sounds difficult to do.

    I have 5 diffrent mints plants in my garde, hopefullt we will try to do this later in the summer when we have holiday.
    Thank you for the tips and thank you for stopping by my blog.
    Feel free to comment the photo, with the feeling you have when you see them.

    /Maria Berg

  44. Such a pretty color. I have the book and think I will have to try this one--it looks so refreshing!

  45. Michelle it comes back every year. I'm in Oregon and we have very mild growing conditions.

  46. your mint is so pretty....the icecream looks will take over..thank you for stopping by to visit...

  47. Fresh mint ice cream sounds so refreshing! Yummy. :)

    We have planted mint in the ground before with the full intentions of keeping it under control. It can't be done. Pots are the way to go.

  48. Mary, that looks simply amazing! My Mom and MIL both have mint. We love to make fresh mint tea but this is another great idea.

  49. Look at the color of that ice cream. Pure heaven. Thank you for visiting my blog. Happy Outdoor Wednesday. We had a mint invasion also, but gooseneck loosestrife beat it into submission. Who knew? xo Joan

  50. This sounds wonderful Mary. I have planted my mints in pots as well. They do have rampant personalities, but we do so enjoy a lovely muddled mint mojito on a warm night. Yes, I shall let the boys enjoy theirs sans mother in the hot tub! I do appreciate your comments.

  51. Yummm, this looks so delicious!

    A friend warned me about the way her mint plant ran rampant through the yard, and I planted mine in a pot last year. It was growing like mad this year & I discovered why when I tried to move the pot. The roots grew through the drainage hole & into the ground! I pulled it up & moved the pot, so now it's looking very poorly. Thank goodness I hadn't planted it directly into the ground. ☺ Diane

  52. Oh, mint ice sounds perfect for a hot summer day at the beach!

  53. This reminds me of a book I loved as a child where the girl's grandmother would take her out for peppermint ice cream on her birthday.

  54. I have given over one garden to mint and lemon balm, the two bullies of the herb world.
    I love the ice cream, the colour is gorgeous!. The food you create is always so appealing.
    Are you in need of a grown daughter? :)

  55. I made some mint ice cream today and when I put it in the ice cream maker, I found it was cracked, so back into the fridge the custard went until I can get a new one, which must be soon! Yours looks very creamy!

  56. I love mint ice cream. I also like mint chocolate chip ice cream!

  57. How did you know that was my favorite!!! You are just too sweet to make it for me;)!!!

    Happy Outdoor Wednesday!!!

  58. I used to have mint in my old garden. I have just the spot picked out in my new yard for my herb patch. I used to put my mint in the ground in there pots so if help keep it at bay.

    The ice cream looks yummy!

    Thanks for popping over!!!!

    I Love new visitors!


  59. Mint ice cream is so refreshing and so pretty to look at! I love your pictures!

  60. Yeah, mint will do that! We had it in our back yard two houses ago. Hubby would mow it down and it smelled so good when he did that!

  61. Nothing better than fresh herbs !

  62. I love that this is made straight from the garden! Nice job!

  63. Oh how wonderful! I know what you mean about mint taking over. My mother in law had a lovely flowerbed taken over by lemon balm. It smells great but we learned to keep it to containers too. After reading your post today, I think I *need* a pot of peppermint now, and spearmint too! Thanks for the recipe!!

  64. Hi Mary,
    Love to grow mint, but had to learn the hard way to put it in pots, as it overpowered my herb garden one year a very long time ago. lol. This mint ice cream looks simply delicious, thank you for sharing it and for all of your recipes.

  65. I've always heard that mint is quite invasive. But I think it gets too hot here for it. Even in the shade in pots buried part way in the dirt, it dies back. And I water daily. That ice cream looks divine.

  66. This sounds just incredible. It really sounds refreshing, and it's so pretty! Thanks for sharing this recipe. Kathy

  67. Oh my that looks absolutely delicious! I can almost smell it!

  68. Now this is a great post, a wonderful photo and a good recipe. Thanks for sharing!

  69. Mint ice cream is my youngest daughter's favorite. I've never made it homemade, but will have to give it a try. Thanks for sharing your recipe.

    Appreciate you coming by to see me and leaving kind comments. Happy Outdoor Wednesday!


  70. How in the world did you get such amazing photos, without the ice cream melting even a smidge?! Amazing!

  71. Christina, we worked with six cones and knew via several dry runs exactly what we wanted to see. We did have drips but that didn't bother me. Ice cream drips. I'm not going for gourmet shots. I want you to look at the food and say I can do that. If it looks nice you're more likely to want to try.

  72. Oh wow. This mint ice-cream is so pretty Mary.

  73. Mary, I love mint and it's taste with cream. I would only add some chocolate chips...just a little.

  74. Just yesterday I was saying to a coworker how much I wanted ice cream, I have bookmarked this post, I simpy must try it!

    Your blog is fascinating!

  75. Great blog - will have to try the recipes. My hubby is a chef so he does most of the cooking...maybe I will try to cook a bit! Thanks for visiting.

  76. Wow the color and I love mint. This looks fantastic!

  77. Mary,
    Sound delicious...I love Ice cream....Beautiful photo....healthy herb...thanks for sharing...Katherinellen

  78. This looks DELISH!!! MM your blog is divine :) Thanks for sharing!!

  79. Just this morning hubby came home from the farm to tell me he discovered a massive patch of mint. And then of course I come here to visit and you had just what I was looking for. Your photo looks splendid.

  80. This looks so refreshing - I love the green hue. I'll have to remember to try this recipe when my mint starts taking over this summer!

  81. Your mint ice cream looks luscious.
    Your mint crop sounds amazing. So much mint you have to try to stop it from growing anymore.
    The mint in my yard struggles- I thought mint could grow anywhere!
    Did you do anything special to make it grow initially. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  82. What a delicious outdoor wednesday post! Thanks for visiting my blog and sorry I'm late getting here to visit. Off to hunt for mint ice-cream now :)

  83. Yum ... a keeper refreshing recipe for hot summer days ... thanks :)

  84. I have tons of mint in the summer, must make this when It's growing again.

  85. I have a ton of mint contained in a big barrel (learned that lesson from my mother!) so I thought I'd try this recipe. Mine did not turn green at all when I let it steep. I tried leaving it in during the cooking, and it turned just slightly green, although then it mixed with the yellow from the yolks. What kind of mint did you use? Did you crush it first?

  86. Karoline, I used the mint you see in the first picture. I bruised the leaves but did not muddle them. Mine turned only a pale green as I stated in the post. If you make this with spearmint leaves you will get stronger color. I'm sorry to hear you are not getting the color you had hoped for. Blessings...Mary


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