
Friday, June 26, 2009

Raspberry Ripple for Foodie Friday and Pink Saturday

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...This is a lovely summer dessert that's assembled rather than made. It's perfect for a backyard wedding or a graduation party. I've used raspberries in this version but strawberries would be lovely as well. To make the ripple you'll need six cups of vanilla ice cream, a pint of heavy cream, two cups of raspberries and some patience. It is really simple to do. You'll need to begin this the day before it is to be served. I molded my version in a loaf pan and slice it for serving. If you prefer, an easier option is to scoop the ice cream into cups or cones for serving. Once the berries have been pureed, taste them for sweetness and adjust to taste with sugar. If you have framboise in the house a tablespoon or two would certainly do no harm. I like this dessert for its simple goodness. Your guests will think you've fussed for them and they'll love the way it tastes.

Raspberry Ripple...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite

2 cups fresh raspberries
Sugar to taste
Framboise (optional)
2 cups heavy cream
1-1/2 quarts vanilla ice cream
Whole raspberries for garnish

1) Line a 9 x 5-inch bread pan with foil.
2) Puree raspberries in a blender. Pour into a medium bowl and set aside. Add sugar to taste. Add framboise if using. Move ice cream from freezer to refrigerator and allow to soften (not run). Beat heavy cream until soft peaks form. Fold cream into the raspberry puree. Pour mixture into a metal pan; place in freezer and chill until mixture thickens and begins to freeze. Do not allow to freeze through. When half frozen remove from freezer and beat well.
3) Spoon mounds of softened ice cream into prepared pan. Spoon raspberry mixture between mounds of vanilla ice cream. Use a sharp knife to swirl layers.
4) Transfer pan to freezer. Freeze for about 2 hours. When half frozen smooth edges of ice cream, then freeze overnight. When ready to serve cut into slices. Garnish with whole raspberries if desired. Yield: 8 to 10 servings.

I'm sending this recipe to Michael at Designs By Gollum for Foodie Friday, the event she sponsors.

I'm also sending it to Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for her Pink Saturday Event.


  1. Yummy. Your picture is so pretty too! Just perfect.

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


  2. Thank you for another great ice-cream-maker-free cold dessert recipe! Can't wait to try it. I made the sherbet this week but used a mix of blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries - for my taste, the sugar could have been much less, but the berries were probably very sweet. I mixed in some lemon and lime juices when the sherbet was starting to solidify, and it was delicious! We're still enjoying it.

  3. Oh I just love this!! So pink, pretty and delicious! Great entry for foodie friday!

  4. On my gosh is this beautiful! I am another who appreciates the no-ice-cream-maker recipes. I can absolutely see me me making and eating this. My Ole Sweetie-Pi is an ice cream lover (eats it almost every day!) so this will be the perfect bite for him!

  5. So pretty in pink! I love ice cream, but have never tried something like this. Looks wonderful.

  6. Beautiful picture and this sounds like the perfect summertime dessert...

  7. What a pretty dessert!
    Enjoy your weekend.

  8. I love ice cream and this dessert is so pretty!

  9. no no no! Not only for wedding or graduation :-) I would love to think I can whenever I want LoL

    Again, another recipe to save, but maybe I'll make use of strawberry since it's readily available.

    Thanks Mary!

  10. Mary, have I told you how much easier you've made my life? I can always count on you to provide recipes that tantalize my taste buds.

    I'm having company this weekend and for Saturday night's dinner I'll be serving the Tuscan Pork from yesterday, along with Parmesan potatoes, roasted garlic asparagus, and now you've provided a dessert that will top off the meal perfectly!

  11. This is really gorgeous! And I bet it is delicious, too. This is a great recipe for summer - I think I would prefer assembling to making anyday! Have a great weekend, Mary!

  12. Have got to try this one. Raspberrys are here, Yeah! Just love them. Thanks
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  13. Love the fact that your ice cream recipes dont require a maker. This sounds perfect, so refreshing and so pretty to boot!

  14. Right now....with our inferno we're experiencing here in South Texas...ANYTHING cold would be delightful.

    This looks so scrumptious.

  15. I have to make an icecream cake for my moms birthday, so I am on the hunt for some good recipes. This looks fantastic! Love the raspberries!

  16. what a gorgeous dessert! pink is one of my favorite colors ;)

  17. That looks so good! I may have to try that!

  18. OMGoodness...what a wonderful summertime dessert and it is so pretty, too. Thanks so much for this little grands are gonna just love it...especially scooped into big, waffle cones..ummmm...
    xo bj

  19. Raspberry Ripple sounds like something I need to try soon. YUM!!!!! Thanks Mary for visiting my blog.

    Carolyn/A Southerners Notebook

  20. How pretty, I know this tastes heavenly!

  21. That looks summery and delicious and what a wonderful way to use raspberries.

  22. Delicious and cold! Great dessert for summer. I'm going to try this.

  23. This looks so pretty, cool and delicious. Just the perfect thing on a hot summer evening.


  24. Oh now doesn't this look just heavenly?! With temps running well into the 90's for the past week, I really wish I had some of this right now! Thanks for sharing.

  25. Beautiful,'re right, this would make a gorgeous back yard party slice of heaven! Perfect summertime dessert :)

  26. What a pretty dessert and picture! This would be a cool, delicious dessert for our 98 degree weather we are having! Thanks for sharing a "cool" recipe!

  27. I love your picture of the rose and raspberry ripple, you did a great job on it. I could go for a dish of this about right is really hot here today, hot and muggy.

  28. Ohh, I could use a dish of that raspberry ripple right now!

  29. We're holding an ice cream social at our church for National Ice Cream Month in July.

    I'm going to recommend your Raspberry Ripple. It is a delectable treasure!

    Thanks for sharing, Mary...

  30. Oh my! This looks so good that I will definitely be giving it a try. It's so hot around here that I'm in no mood to cook so anything to beat the heat is certainly welcome. Thanks for sharing. I just love your blog.

  31. What a beautiful photo and the desserts sounds so refreshing!

  32. Good thinking. I like this and framboise or chambord never hurt anything for me! Love this Mary.

  33. I love the color! Sounds delish right now with our 102 temps!!

  34. Just in time for this August time weather here in June. The Raspberry Ripple looks heavenly, but I might try blackberries as I have them in the fridge.

  35. My stuff (fungi) might be more interesting but your stuff looks yummier and taste good I'm sure.


  36. Oh wow, that looks gorgeous! So delicate, elegant and cooling! Perfect for the summer!
    I love the banner!!!

  37. I love the look of this. I can't wait to give it a try myself! Beautiful -

  38. Mary-Fantastic idea, love it...I picked with my daughter 13 quarts of strawberries today and I think I will try this using stawberries, because I have just a few to do something with.:) Your photo is very nice touch with the pink rose. Happy PS.

  39. Oh boy, does that look good! Yummy! Happy Pink Saturday!

  40. So pretty and speaks fully of summer!

  41. Gorgeous picture--love the pink and it sounds so delicious too!

  42. Oh, your photo is so perfect - it even makes the rose look delicious. It's a gorgeous combination.
    This past year I've been eating more icecream than ever before. My son loves icecream and together we've gone through quite a few tubs. Your recipe sounds & look so yummy.

    ciao for now,
    Elena :)

  43. Now, Mary. Is there a way you can slide a serving of that luscious treat through the monitor? I not only looks divine, I just know it must be a taste sensation.

    Happy Pink Saturday.

  44. OMG, that looks so GOOD!!! We have TONS of strawberries . . . . I'll just have to try it! HaPpY PiNk SaTuRdAy! :) Marsha

  45. Happy PS and your pinks are just ymmy. Thanks for the recipe too. Hugs

  46. this sounds lovely Mary my daughter would adore it

  47. oooooooo, beautiful and yummi. have a wonderful weekend.

  48. OMGoodness.......I'm in heaven. Looks so yummy. Happy Pink Saturday!

  49. ♥´¨)
    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´♥What a sweet Pink Saturday blog post! There's just something about the color pink that brings out the best of everything☺

    How imaginative and wonderful! So creative this week! Now I have to go grocery shopping!

    Have a wonderful weekend. Finally warm and sunny here, hope your neck of the woods is just as pink-a-licious as mine♥´¨)
    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´♥

  50. Such a lovely,lovely dessert. And it's pink as well.. :).
    Happy Pink Saturday and have a wonderful weekend.

  51. Oh my word! I love everything that you show! It always makes my mouth water.

    Enjoy your Pink Saturday!


  52. Your grandsons are ADORABLE....and your pink dish.....??? DELISH!!

    Happy Pink Saturday...


  53. Looks incredibly delicious! Thanks for sharing this fluffy goodness with us. Happy Pink Saturday and have a loveleigh weekend!

  54. Thankyou so much for the share. This is one that I am sure to try, it looks great. Perfect for ps. Happy Pink Saturday to you and yours, Char

  55. absolutely gorgeous and tantalizing, thank you very much for sharing the recipe! I am a berry girl!
    ~*Happy Pink Saturday*~

  56. Mary:
    Pink, Pretty and Delish! I am going to try this for the 4th of July. I was thinking maybe using (Strawberries) and then topping it off with blueberries?
    It would give it the red,white and blue look. The kids would love it I know. Thanks for stopping by Country Wings in Phoenix. I have added my name to your Followers, and I hope you will stop by again and do the same. Happy Pink Saturday. "Country Hugs", Sherry

  57. Looks yummy. Beautiful picture too. Thanks for taking the time to stop by my blog as well. Happy Pink Saturday.

  58. Beautiful photo for Pink Saturday and the recipe sounds delicious! Yum!

  59. Oh Mary, this looks delicious!!!! I may make this for our summer PTO meeting this week or on the 4th of July. I'm bookmarking your blog! :) Thank you for stopping my blog.

  60. Oh how yummy!!! Thanks for the recipe!! Sorry I'm late we are still in Birthday mode at my house!
    Happy Pink Saturday!
    Hugs, Lisa

  61. Yummy! Thanks for sharing.
    Have a nice day.

  62. Oh, Mary! How decadent! I have to put this one in my 'try it out' file!

    Thank you for sharing!

    Happy Pink Saturday,

  63. This looks soooo good!
    Thank you for also providing the recipe. I definitely need to follow your blog!!!!

    Yum Yum

  64. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Happy Pink Saturday!

  65. I have to try this one. Looks like the perfect ending for a meal on a 100 degree day in MO. I can even pretend it is healty since it has raspberries in it.

  66. What a glorious recipe! Even I might be able to make this one. And no wonder you liked those old recipes on my blog, they're perfect for you, lol. Love your blog header to - what an absolutely perfect picture. Suits you to a T.

    Have a very happy Pink Saturday!

  67. Pink doesn't get any more delicious than this...or more creamy. So pretty!

  68. Mmmmmm.... I would love some of that!

    You are such a creative cook and I really enjoy your blog!

    Take care and have a happy Pink Saturday!

    Greetings from Spain

  69. Simple and elegant, perfect for summertime...looks very refreshing...yummie!

  70. Oooooh! This looks and sounds positively decadent! Thank you so much for your kind comment on my blog today.

    .•*˙˙*•.HaPPy PiNk SaTuRdaY!.•*˙˙*•.

    Cheers! =D
    ~Kitty Kellie
    The Artful Paper Doll

  71. The picture of ice cream with a rose looks so lovely....

  72. what a happy little blog you have! your raspberry ripple looks wonderful and pretty!

    happy pink saturday to you!


  73. I could not have added your blog to my favorites list fast enough. The Raspberry Ripple looks so refreshing, what a treat both for the eyes and the tummy. I can't wait to get lost in all the yummy goodness of your posts.


  74. Hi....and a H.P.S.! you too...Love the rapsberry desert...I looove raspberries, and I think the flavour is much nicer than strawberries, I dont know why strawberries seem to get used's prob because they are cheaper.xx

  75. Lovely picture. Thanks so much for linking up. I'll be back to check out your creations.

  76. This sounds wonderful. It is really a pretty dessert too. I would probably make it with strawberries. I do love raspberries though.


  77. Mary
    thanks fro omcing by.

    Glad you like my pinks.

    Your pink makes me hungry!
    Maybe that is the idea.

    I'll just go eat some cherries off the tree so i do not get into the ice-cream. =0)

    barbara jean

  78. This sounds like a perfect dessert. I love raspberry and if you add a chocolate cookie to this and I'd be a happy camper. And a tbsp or two of framoise would just make me that much happier! ;)

  79. Now I have dinner ready and planed thanks to you, Tuscan Herbed Roasted Pork
    and then this one - if I stat now it my be ready for late to might, Thank you, MB

  80. Great blog.
    I've decided to follow cause I'm thinking I'd like to try some of your recipes.
    Have a wonderful day!

  81. oo0, yummy! Too bad I don't like to cook, LOL.
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  82. Your Raspberry Ripple looks and sounds delious:) Answer to your question about the fries from Trader Joe's.....yes they do crisp up. They are great. I bet your homemade ones are the best. Have a great week.....see you next Friday:)

  83. A lovely looking dessert and perfect to serve at parties. Thank you for sharing this one!

  84. Oh this looks just DIVINE! Thank you for sharing this lovely pink recipe!! Happy Pink Saturday, and hope you have a wonderful week!

  85. So pretty in pink!
    Happy pink saturday!!

  86. A lovely dessert, Mary, and one that will let the flavor of our raspberries shine through. And I especially like that it can be made ahead of time.

  87. Thank you for this, looks delicious and beautiful. Greetings from a Fellow Foodie and Los Angeles.


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