
Saturday, September 12, 2009

Smoked Salmon Frittata - Pink Saturday

Sides of Atlantic salmon hanging in a smoke shack.

Fillets of Pacific salmon in a backyard smoker.

This lovely frittata is wonderful for brunch or a light supper. While smoked salmon is expensive, I've learned that small amounts of it can raise fairly ordinary fare, such as this frittata, to new heights. We have a modern smoking facility here in town and it's fascinating to watch the salmon being cured and smoked. It can be done in one of two ways. Hot-smoked salmon is smoked from 6 to 12 hours at temperatures that can range from 120 to 180 degrees F. The size of the fish will determine the time and temperature at which it is smoked. Proximity to the source of the smoke can also affect the flavor of the fish. Cold-smoked salmon is smoked for 1 day to 3 weeks at temperatures that range from 70 to 90 degrees F. Within those two categories there are many types of salmon. Indian-cured salmon, which is like a jerky, is brined and cold-smoked for up to 2 weeks. In the United States, kippered salmon usually comes from chunks, steaks or fillets of Chinook salmon that have been brined and hot-smoked. In Europe, a kippered salmon is a whole salmon that has been split before being brined and cold-smoked. Lox is brine-cured, cold-smoked salmon that tends to be saltier than other types. Nova or Nova Scotia salmon is a designation used in the eastern United States to describe cold-smoked salmon. Scotch-smoked, Danish-smoked and Irish-smoked salmon are all cold-smoked Atlantic salmon that are named for the region in which they are caught. I used thinly sliced lox for this very simple recipe. My frittata bakes in the oven rather than cooking on the stovetop, so it's super simple and nearly foolproof. Here's how we do it.

Smoked Salmon Frittata ...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite

6 large eggs
1 cup sour cream
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon hot sauce
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 pound smoked salmon, torn into pieces
1 cup shredded Gruyere cheese
5 green onion, chopped
2 tablespoons fresh dill or 2 teaspoons dried
1 tablespoon butter
Optional garnish: dill sprigs, sour cream


1) Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
2) Combine eggs, sour cream salt and hot sauce in a medium bowl. Add flour and whisk to blend. Stir in salmon, cheese, green onions and dill.
3) Using a 10-inch ovenproof skillet, set pan over medium heat, add butter and heat until butter sizzles. Pour in egg mixture. Transfer to oven and bake for 20 minutes, or until eggs are set and the top is brown. Cut into wedges and garnish with sour cream and dill if using. Yield: 6 to 8 servings.

They post is being linked to Pink Saturday, sponsored by Beverly at How Sweet the Sound.


  1. this looks wonderful smoked Salmon is big in Scotland where I grew up

  2. I love smoked salmon. We can find good one around here. Frittata looks perfect.

  3. I love smoked salmon. I have made omelets with it, but wow this frittata is amazing. Looks more like a quiche, so thick and rich. Looks delicious!

  4. Yum, I love smoked salmon.
    That smoker is great, I have to get hubby one some day.

  5. Frittata with smoked salmon, sounds delicious! And I need extra cheese for that!

  6. This does look like the perfect brunch. Love the photos of the salmon!

  7. We had a little smoker when I was young and we had a boat (I am on the Pacific coast so west coast salmon)...I remember my Mom staying up all night to tend the smoker when she was smoking salmon. She canned it, froze it, smoked it..LOL...but I was allergic to it! She would have enjoyed your recipe for the Fritata I think. Happy Pink Saturday!


  8. What a perfect and pretty frittata and smoked salmon is so good!

  9. We don't, as a rule, eat fish, but this looks so good, I would like to try a sliver!

  10. A wonderful dish for weekend. I like the smell of smoke salmon :)

  11. The smoked salmon frittata looks yummy. Thanks for sharing and happy pink saturday.

  12. I love smoked salmon and also frittatas. Have never combined them although I've seen recipes. Yours is very inspiring - I'll bookmark it and give it a try.

    Happy pink Saturday. This is my first Saturday to participate. Fun stuff.

  13. I love smoked salmon and frittata so thankyou for this tasty recipe. I think my kids will like this one too. I hope you have a lovely weekend.

  14. Just wanted to say thanks for coming by last Pink Saturday! It took me a while to get by after a busy Labor Day weekend and a week with a sick daughter.

    The salmon looks wonderful. I'm ready for breakfast now!

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  15. Why is it that I always start to feel peckish when I visit here, lol ? Yumm.

    Have a happy pink weekend and great week.

    ciao for now,
    Elena :)

  16. I love to make a frittata with left over vegetables and such, and smoked salmon is something we both enjoy.
    This sounds like a recipe I have to try.
    Thanks for sharing.

  17. I love smoked salmon and that looks so tasty. Have a good PS.

  18. L♥ve your pink goodies this week. Just when I think I have enough pink in my life I participate in Pink Saturday and see even more sweet things I’d enjoy having in my home or flowers for my gardens or just to look at☺ What could be better than the color pink dancing in your head all morning?

    I'll be makin' this over the weekend! Thanks for another idea for me to use salmon in my cooking!

    Thanks so much for sharing. Hoping your weekend is filled with sunshine and the comfort of those you love and who love you.

  19. Happy Pink Saturday!

    I am crazy about Salmon! Awesome post!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  20. Wow, look how delicious and fluffy this turned out! My grandmother used to get her frittatas so fluffy like that as well...too bad I didn't appreciate their flavor as a kid! I love the use of sour cream as I have only tried it with heavy cream. I am trying this!

  21. Your recipes sound so great, and the photos are gorgeous, too! Wish I was cooking for more people. Thanks for visiting!

  22. oh im such a fan of salmon!!!

    happy pink saturday to you!!

  23. you always have the best pictures, have a wonderful weekend, thanks for all the recipes

  24. Thanks for visiting me! I'm glad I visited your blog! When your header came up I was in awe of that fork with the perfect bite!

    This is my kind of post! I love one that shows some pinks plus has a little recipe or some type of an educational aspect to it! Although I've never had salmon and I'm not much of a seafood eater at all, I am going to sit down and take a good long look at some of your other recipes! I'll probably join in on the fun also!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  25. What a beautiful frittata! Thanks so much for sharing the recipe. Have a great weekend...Kathy

  26. I love smoked salmon. And I will try this !!
    Love from the Netherlands , Rini

  27. Happy Pink Saturday. Yuummy... Salmon is one of my favorites.
    Fall is in the air here today. The high today is 58 and the low is going to get down in the 30's Time to bring in some firewood.
    Don't forget to "Look in the Nook"

  28. Yum! I was just telling a friend I wanted a smoked salmon frittata for brunch tomorrow. I'm adding this to the list!

  29. Oh my, that looks so good. You are making my mouth water. Happy PInk Saturday and thankyou so much for the recipe. I will try that for sure, Char
    If you haven't already done so, make sure to stop by my blog and enter into the shabbylaneshops giveaway. Many of us have donated beautiful items for a monthly giveaway. The value is around $100.00 and there are lots of pretty things there, good luck, Char

  30. Yum, I love salmon, my husband makes a delightful salmon with dill cream sauce, served with cooked spinach, piped mashed potatoes, and poached sliced apples. Heavenly! Thank you for a wonderful recipe and comment also. Happy P.S.

  31. Guess I am going to have quit looking at your post. All that great looking salmon and cannot eat any of it. You are no doubt a great cook ,and I would enjoy one of your meals.

  32. Thanks for the recipe, salmon and frittata...what a perfect combination. Thanks for stopping by on this rainy afternoon. Happy Pink Saturday! ~ Sarah

  33. Hi, Mary,
    Mmmm. . . everything looks delicious! Thank you for sharing your recipe, too. Happy Pink Saturday! Vicki

  34. Mary thank you for stopping by, and your wonderful comment. I hope this weekend is finding you and that you are having a blessed pink Saturday, I loved your post on the pink salmon lovely done, and it looked delicious.


    P.S. Please come back and see me anytime. Thank you again.

  35. I just finished dinner, but I would make room for that Salmon Frittata. Thanks for the recipe. I will give it a try. Also, thanks for stopping by CollectInTexas Gal on this, my first Pink Saturday...Sue

  36. I adore salmon! I didn't used to like fish at all, and it was the first seafood that I actually developed a love for. It looks yummy. Hope you're having a lovely weekend.

  37. Oh yummy!! Thanks for stopping by!
    Happy Pink Saturday!
    Hugs, Lisa

  38. Mmm, looks good! my family would never eat it though , they are sooo picky!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  39. I LOVE SALMON!! Thank you for stopping by to visit & view my back splash featured for Pink Saturday. You asked if that was a window. No, that is a wall behind Sandra's stove that the artist took china plate & broke/cut each one & then pieced them together using grout like you would use in tiling a bathroom shower. Isn't it amazing. The artist was so talented. I just fell in love with it. If you go to the site you can see her lovely cottage. Have a blessed day. I always love to see what yummy goodies you have to share.

  40. Thank you for stopping by to visit. My lunch today looked a lot like this but was actually spinich and artichoke quiche. It was yummy! I love meals like that. Have a great week!

  41. This is the only way my husband will eat salmon. Smoked, I mean.

    Your frittata is lovely!

  42. Salmon ....Mmmmm
    Thanks for your sweet comment.
    Happy Pink Saturday!!!

  43. Your blog always makes me hungry. It looks so good. Blessings, Martha

  44. Oh Mary!
    I so love this Pink Saturday post. I love pink salmon. This frittata looks amazing. I am going to have to share this with my Moma when I go home the end of the month as my brother loves salmon, and she will have to make it for him. He would love it. Sounds and looks delish. Thanks for sharing and Happy Pink Saturday sweetie. Country hugs, Sherry

  45. delicious think I will make it for lunch at work this week hope you have a fab pink week


  46. Such mouth watering dishes! Happy Pink Saturday and thanks for stopping by suburbia.

  47. A smoked salmon frittata sounds so good!

  48. Mary, this looks awesome! Love smoked salmon and dill together. I've made a similar omelet, but your frittata is so much more impressive.

  49. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your kind comments!

    Oh how wonderful! I'm having a friend over for a crafting afternoon and am providing lunch. I was going to make a quiche, but this will be perfect! Thank you so much for sharing!! I love it!


  50. You always share the most tantalizing dishes and your recipes make me THINK about cooking again. Smoked salmon is a huge favorite of mine but the pork tenderloin in Sunday's post looks mouth watering. Thanks for visiting my very first Pink Saturday post. I've enjoyed meeting new bloggers but it's taking me a while to get caught up. Hope you've had a lovely weekend!
    Hugs and blessings,

  51. Another wonderful recipe - your photos are so pleasing to the eyes. Happy Pink Saturday and wishing you a wonderful new week.

  52. Thanks so much for visiting The Marmelade Gypsy on Pink Saturday.

    Now salmon -- that's my kind of pink! Great idea!

  53. Hi - I finally got here! The computer crashed, so I had a fair bit of rejigging to do... talk about late! Anyway, Happy Pink Saturday (although it's now Wednesday....)

    I love the look of that balsamic marmalade.

  54. Wow, that sure looks wonderful! I was thinking about getting my husband a smoker for Christmas - now I'm thinking I REALLY need to!!! ;)

  55. Ok, I made this last night (blog post and it's actually pretty amazing! The addition of the cheese is just superb, great choice!

    I'm a huge fan of breakfast type foods and often make "brinner" as a result, so this was totally up my alley and it was delicious!

  56. The frittata sounds delicious Mary and I really like the shot of the whole smoked fillets.


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