
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Apricot Souffle - Pink Saturday

Spring is finally here! Have a wonderful weekend.

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...I made a quantity of apricot jam this week, and, when you have a lots of it on hand, it becomes imperative to find ways in which to use it. This simple recipe is at the top of my list. It was developed by Alice Waters 40 years ago and it is as good today as it was them. Now, I'm perfectly willing to admit that only a fool would try to capture the airy quality of a souffle with a point and shoot camera, but I'm a very slow learner, so I proceeded anyway. I did some advance planning and today's pictures represent my best effort to date. Plans and good intentions aside, my souffle began to deflate as soon as it was taken from the oven and, even moving on the wings of eagles, mine had lost an inch of its height before I could snap its picture. I hope you'll trust me when I tell you that this is a luscious dessert. It may only be gorgeous for a minute, but the wonderful flavor of the souffle saves the day, and only your pride will be hurt should you decide to try it. It is important to use a really good apricot jam when you make this. The recipe is basically jam and beaten egg whites and when so few ingredients are used it's really important to use the best you can find. I hope you try this. It's not hard to do and the result, while a bit homely, is delicious. Here's the recipe.

Apricot Souffle...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite, courtesy of Alice Waters


1/2 cup strained good quality apricot jam
2 egg yolks
1 tablespoon amaretto, kirsch, or orange liqueur
6 egg whites
Finely chopped almonds
8 ramekins with 1/2 cup capacity each, or a 1 quart souffle dish


1) Preheat the oven to 400 F. Butter and and coat a 1-quart souffle dish or 8 (1/2-cup) ramekins with sugar. Set aside.
2) Combine jam with egg yolks and liqueur in a large bowl. If jam is very thick, pour it into a saucepan and gently warm it until it melts. Cool slightly, then stir in egg yolks and liqueur.
3) Beat egg whites until stiff but not dry.
4) Working in three parts, gently fold egg whites into jam/yolk base.
5) Pour mixture into prepared dish(es). For best visual effect, fill dish(es) all the way to the top. Sprinkle top with almonds.
6) Place ramekins or souffle dish into oven, or place on a baking sheet to catch drips.
7) Reduce oven temperature to 375 F. For a large dish, bake for 20-25 minutes (until risen and golden on top). For the small ramekins, bake for 10-12 minutes (until risen and golden on top). Yield: 8 servings.

You might also like these recipes:
Cold Lime Souffle - One Perfect Bite
Cranberry Souffle - One Perfect Bite
Crock-Pot Dried Apricot Jam - One Perfect Bite

This post is being linked to:
Pink Saturday, sponsored by Beverly at How Sweet the Sound.


  1. Oh Mary! This will be on the menu Monday night! I just clicked on and this was the first thing on my screen- it sounds like heaven to me. I haven't made a souffle in way too long. Thank you and have a joyous holiday
    xoxo Pattie

  2. Even with the deflate you are talking about, I see a gorgeous looking souffle, its the nature of the dish. Its a true master piece and I am planning to try your recipe next week, tomorrow I am baking hot cross buns and strawberry meringue shortcake.
    Happy and Blessed Easter to you and your family and loved ones....

  3. wow mary it looks so tempting,beautiful too....and happy easter and have a great weekend as well.take care

  4. Oh that looks so good! Happy Easter to you and your family Mary :)

  5. Magnificent! And imagine it an inch higher! What a Spring treat!
    Happy Easter!

  6. I have made a souffle only once in my life- Maybe I should give it another go- Yours looks lovely.
    The lime one looks great too!

  7. Mary, this looks too good. Happy Easter and Have a nice holidays!

  8. Well, shows you how much I know because I thought your pictures were GORGEOUS!

    Happy Easter.

  9. Looks delicious and your pick Saturday flowers are lovely. Have a wonderful weekend and a Happy Easter :-)

  10. Funny! I made an apricot pudding yesterday! Love that soufflé, it puffed up impressively!

  11. I love that tulips photo. As gorgeous as your souffle! What a fruity treat. yumm.... Looks like spring is here! Enjoy & have a great weekend.
    Cheers, Kristy

  12. Questo dolce a vedersi deve essere proprio buono !
    Cucina francese ?
    Buona giornata ;-)

  13. There is this delicious Apricot souffle...loving it ...Am on the lookout for the Apricot Jam Post now ,if u did post about it ie.
    Have a super weekend and fantastic Easter :::-))))

  14. Rosa, the base recipe was probably French but the woman who developed this particular recipe is known for her use of simple, fresh ingredients.
    She uses no flour in her base.

  15. Wow...that's a beautiful souffle. Lovely picture. I love the tulips. Reminding me of the coming warm months. But it's till very cold here.

  16. WOW this is a fabulous souffle!! Beautiful and mouth-watering! Happy Easter!

  17. I can smell its freshness.

    Happy Pink Saturday and a Blessed Easter.

  18. I am impressed at how tall and amazing it is even with the deflating you said happened--a perfect souffle I would say!

  19. Your Souffle is beautiful! The last time I canned apricot jam I made a salsa with the leftovers... so good with ham!

  20. It looks like perfection to me. Love apricots. A Happy Easter to you and yours.

  21. Happy Pink Saturday Mary. Hope you and your family have a fabulous weekend.

  22. This looks soooooooooo good. I must try this. Thank you. Happy Easter and Happy Pink Saturday.

  23. A friend gave me a wonderful jar of apricot jam that will be perfect for your gorgeous souffle. I haven't made one in ages and look forward to trying this version.

    Happy Easter to you and your family.

  24. Looks so lovely and tempting..Have a Happy Easter!

  25. What a lovely post and yummy looking dish. Wishing you a blessed Easter.

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  26. Hi Mary...
    Just wanted to stop by and send along my wishes that you and yours have a most blessed holiday weekend.

    Love the tulip photo and that souffle looks scrumptious.

  27. Mary, this looks divine! I have never attempted a souffle in all of my years of baking. I'm intimidated I guess! But yours seems absolutely delicious to say the least. I'm so glad you commented on my blog because now I'm hooked on yours! Thanks for the wonderful recipes and content! I'll keep reading!!

  28. I, too, love making souffles. this looks fabulous and i never thought of making a fruit jam souffle (though i did a raspberry one for my blog a month or two ago). I love the idea of using the raspberry jam and amaretto to flavor the souffle. great post!

  29. Goodness gracious, this is stunning! I'm wondering if I should make this for easter brunch tomorrow. It looks stunning and delicious. Happy spring/easter!

  30. This is beautiful Mary, and it sounds especially delicious.
    Have a wonderful Easter.

  31. oh wow. that's wonderful. yum.

  32. A gorgeous souffle - wish I could get mine to rise and STAY so high! Love the idea of apricot in this.

    Hope you have a great Easter :)

  33. What a delightful dish. It is funny that you came up with this dish via Alice Waters because I grabbed her book "The Art of Simple Food" a couple days ago at the library. I must say that your souffle is as picturesque as I have seen. Thanks for stopping by our blog.

  34. Hey Mary, this sounds so homey and wonderful. And your'e right, it is so hard to capture certain foods with a camera. Your photos certainly do capture something nice though, b/c I'm about to check the pantry to see if I can make a souffle...
    Happy Holiday Weekend! Oh, and glad to have found your site...

  35. This looks lovely - and I love the pinky/peachy tulips. Lovely photos.

    Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Easter!

  36. Hi glad you stumbled upon my blog....thanks for the visit!

    Now I have your wonderful blog to add to my list. Love your header, it is awesome.

    You have an amazing list of blogs you read....I can spend many an hour viewing them.

    Have a Happy Easter.

  37. How wonderful Mary! I am so glad you popped in to say hello and now I can't wait for more visits to you and from you.

    How marvelous your souffle looks - one of those deviously simple looking foods that has wicked traps hidden in its simplicity :) Brava!

    Thank you for brightening up my Saturday with a splash of tulips!

    Ciao, Devaki

  38. Deflated or not, it still looks glorious! I haven't yet tried fruity soufflés (I've been too obsessed with the chocolate and cheese versions), but this looks like a spring hit!

  39. I've been making the same apricot mousse forever... love the additions in this one.. and if Alice Water's does it.. it will be great. Happy Easter Mary!

  40. Oh, this looks wonderful!! I keep thinking of making a souflee and end up doing something else, I feel so intimidated. But now I'll try!!

  41. The souffle looks so gorgeous!
    Happy Easter!

  42. Mmmm.... that looks so yummy!

    Happy PS,

  43. Homely???

    Looks perfect, love the perfect browned of the topping.

    Have a wonderful Easter, sure it will be a special day for your family

  44. This looks good !
    Wish you a happy Pink Easter weekend !
    ♥♥ Rini the Netherlands

  45. This has to be the most delicious thing on the menu. Apricot,in any form is a favorite of mine..and never having had an apricot souffle, I can only imagine how wonderful this must be.
    Happy pinks,have a wonderful weekend..and a blessed Easter.

  46. Hello Mary,
    happy Easter to you ;-)
    Ciao Myriam

  47. Hi Mary~ ~This looks like a winner and I'll be making it soon with the apricot jam I made this summer. Then I started trees from the seeds because they were the best I have had in years. Stop by and see my little babies!
    Have a wonderful Easter my friend.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  48. I love apricots, but never tasted it in a soufflé. Wow! This dish looks Delish!!! Have a Happy Easter!!

  49. Yeah Mary! Get that picture before the souffle falls. I have done the same thing. Happy Easter!

  50. What a gorgeous recipe! I love souffles but always end up seeing chocolate ones on a dessert menu. I love apricot and this is so tempting! Happy Spring!

  51. I love souffle. I can't wait to try it with apricot. Happy Easter, Mary!

  52. This Souffle looks absolutely delicious :)

  53. I've never tasted apricot souffle. It looks heavenly! The tulips are wonderful as well. My mom and I were hoping to catch the Tulip Festival in Woodburn this year but the weather has been so awful for it. ;(

  54. Souffles are rough. And scare me. Immensely. This looks so delicious though. I loved that its stuffed with good homemade jam!

  55. Mary, this looks and sounds delicious! Beautiful tulips also! Happy Easter!

  56. Spring on a plate. beautiful, scrumptious and welcoming. Happy Easter!

  57. Delightfully tantalizing! Happy Easter to you and yours ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,

  58. MAry your apricot souffle is georgeous!!! gloria

  59. Mary, you are just too good. I have loved apricots since I was a child. This not only looks divine, it includes apricots. I'll be right over.

    Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Spring.

  60. Mary,the apricot souffle is georgeous!

  61. Oh, my goodness this sounds so very good!!!! Thank you!!! blessings ~ tanna


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