
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sweetheart Shortbread - Pink Saturday

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...
I adore shortbread, thick or thin, and this is my favorite recipe for this buttery treat. I've dipped the cookies into a pink frosting for Pink Saturday. Truth be told, I also use a variety of other frostings or toppings for this cookie. This one seemed appropriate with Valentine's Day not too far off. This versatile classic defines simplicity and is very easy to make. It can take any shape you choose to give it. You're going to love this one, I promise. Here's the recipe.

Sweetheart Shortbread...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite

Cookie Base:
1 cup butter, room temperature
3/4 cup confectioners' sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup confectioners' sugar, sifted
2 tablespoons whole milk
Red food coloring

1) To make cookie base: Combine butter and confectioners' sugar in bowl of an electric stand mixer. Beat with paddle attachment on medium speed until fluffy. Add vanilla extract and beat until combined. Combine flour and baking powder in a separate bowl. With mixer on low speed, slowly add flour to butter mixture. Beat only until combined. Over beating will make cookies tough. From dough in a ball. Cover in plastic wrap and chill for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper. Set aside. When dough is chilled, transfer to a lightly floured surface and roll dough to a thickness of 1/4-inch. Cut to desired shape with cookie cutter of your choice. Transfer to prepared cookie sheets, placing cookies 1/2-inch apart. Scraps can be rerolled.
Bake for 10 to 12 minutes. Cool on baking sheet for 10 minutes before transferring to cooling racks.
2) To make frosting: Combine confectioners' sugar, milk and a drop of red food coloring in a small bowl. When cookies are cool, dip them face down into frosting and transfer, frosting side up, to a rack that will allow excess to drip off. Allow frosting to set before transferring to air tight containers. Yield: 24 cookies.

This post is being linked to:
Pink Saturday, sponsored by Beverly at How Sweet the Sound


  1. more lovley yumminess might have to ake some for the children for valentines day or I might even make some to take to work for my colleauges happy pink saturday

  2. What a perfect treat for Valentine's Day or any time at all. Love the pink icing!

  3. Confession time...I'm not sure I've had shortbread cookies before. The time has come...I am making some of these sweet little hearts!!! Happy Pink Saturday.

  4. Mmmm, Mmmmm! I wish I could bite into those right now :)

    Happy pink saturday to you - have a great week.

    ciao for now,
    Elena :)

  5. Oh my, I just love shortbread!
    These look so pretty in pink!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  6. I gotta say this about this recipe [AND the photo you shared]........SWE-E-E-E-T!!!!

  7. Pretty in pink! I love iced cookies; they just speak "especially for you."

  8. I love shortbread as well. The cookies reminded me of the cookies my Mom made for me for Valentine's in grade school and the cookies, I, in turn, made for Daughter Sarah when she was in grade school -- only ours were sugar cookies not shortbread!

    They looked like you could just eat them off the page!

  9. Good Morning Mary,

    I am wondering if you ever sleep? Of course the cookies look incredible. I love Shortbread cookies but have never made them. You inspired me :-) Happy weekend.


  10. I dont have a go to shortbread recipe.. since this is YOUR favorite, I should try this one. They look so femininely pretty.

  11. I love shortbread but usually just plain. After seeing your yummy pink hearts though I think I'll try dipping some as you have. They are so very pretty.

  12. Adorable cookies! Perfct for Valentines day!

    Thank you for a warm welcome! This got to be the friendliest meme in the world!

  13. Oh Mary, They're perfect for valentine's Day! For couples of bunch of girlfriends - pink certainly is the perfect color :-)

    Happy Pink Saturday!


  14. Mary, great shortbread recipe! I would have to say that shortbread is my first choice when I think cookie. It must be the buttery sweetness...

    Your pink hearts would be a treat anytime. Many thanks

  15. I think eventually the Little Empress will ask for some:)

  16. Perfect Valentine's love cake, so pretty and yummy. Couldn't you email me one?
    Thanks for the recipe and have a great weekend.

  17. I simply cannot view a post of yours without my mouth watering! These shortbread valentines—all frosted and beautiful—are no exception! Wonderful! Thank you! Happy Pink Saturday!

  18. Oh yummy pink and sweet looking too!

  19. Hi Mary,
    Thank you so much for awarding me the most unusual pink post award! WOW! I am honored. Thank you so much for visiting me on the Happy Pink Saturday! Your pretty pink shortbread looks scrumptious. With Valentine's Day coming up, my little 4 year old granddaughter will be helping me make some of these! Have a blessed day, and HAPPY PINK EVERYDAY!

  20. Gorgeous! Wish I could whip those up- and eat them without sharing.
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge

  21. OH wow, did your post trigger a memory. Thank you!

  22. You're getting a head start for Valentine's Day! They look managed to get the perfect color pink!

  23. Mary, yum yum yum, I also love shortbread, thank you for posting the recipe, I have never made it.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and your kind comments..Have a great day!

  24. Mary these look so GOOD!! and how CUTE are they.. I am going to be sure to come back.. I snuck a peek at other recipes! YUM! Thanks for sharing them!!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog today!!
    Happy Pink Saturday!!!

  25. Delightful PINK deliciousness ;-)
    Thanks for dropping by Happily Retired Gal!
    Hugs and blessings,

  26. They look scrumptious but too sweet for me. My husband would love them though so I might make him some - if he's good!

  27. Waht a great Valentine treat. I have copied the recipe and think the granddaughters would love to help make a batch of shortbread. Thanks for sharing.

    Happy Pink Saturday.

  28. ♫Happy Pink Saturday♫

    Gloomy and gray over in my neck of the woods today so all of the pinks shared this Saturday are so special and cheerful. They remind me that there are more colors than just white, gray and black.Your pinks are wonderful! My goodness - so special☺ I'm making these FOR SURE!

    I hope your weekend is filled with sunshine surrounded by the laugher of those you love.

    Please pray for the people of Haiti. May God bless each and every soul.

  29. I love shortbread, and these look so lovely. Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays because everything looks so girly and sweet. I can't wait to try these, thank you for the recipe.

  30. Those cookies look so yummy! Thanks for stopping by. Happy Pink Saturday!! Winona

  31. Not only are they beautiful, they look soooooo yummy too!

    Happy Pink Saturday,

  32. yums for guests checkin inn later :)

  33. Oh Mary you did it again.
    YUMMY PINK COOKIES. They look delish.
    Happy PS
    Love Claudie

  34. Mm those look almost too pretty to eat. How perfect for Valentine's Day.

  35. Mary...your blog is so delicious!!! I want those shortbreads!!
    Happy pinks..xo Tami

  36. Happy Pink Saturday! Oh my, those shortbread hearts look so delish! The recipe sounds like one that even I could make successfully! (I'm not a cook or a gardener! :) I will certainly give this one a whirl.

    The laughing something recipe (from China) also looks amazing...and so did the beef with pecans dip! Yes, I'll bet it is great for eating while watching football!

    I hope all is well with you...your blog continues to amaze me! Dana

  37. Oh Mary, You always make my mouth water. Those are just beautiful....and PINK.

    Happy Pink Saturday.

  38. Those are just lovely and the color is so sweet.

  39. Mary, I made your Chocolate and Black Bean Chili several days ago and am dropping by to give you husband Pete's remarks: "the best chili I have ever had... smooth and full bodied, so full of flavor... now this is gourmet!" I will add to that: I liked the meat (not being ground), the smaller bite-sized pieces and also the little bit of kick from the jalapenos, a follow-thru of flavor. Thank you Mary!

  40. Oh my, I love shortbread cookies. I just try to stop eating them for a couple of months. Happy pink Saturday

  41. These look absolutely wonderful Mary!!
    Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend!

  42. Di, thank you for the feed back. I'm so glad you liked the chili.

  43. These are one of my favorite cookies! I cannot resist them in bakeries...I think it is the icing, part of my sugar addiction I am trying to restrain to a few a week!

    Beautiful Mary!

  44. Mary I love shortbread cookies and these look like they cn be my favorite with Pink icing! Too cute Happy Pink Saturday Grace xoxoxo

  45. I've never eaten shortbread that's been frosted! This looks delicious and simple-thanks for sharing and Happy pink week!

  46. I absolutely adore shortbread. I never imagined PINK shortbread. But oh how much fun would it be to eat PINK hearts. Love them....

    Have a great pink day,


  47. Oh, Mary! How divine! Pink hearts made out of shortbread . . . what could be better than that?!

    Thanks so much for sharing and Happy Pink Saturday!


  48. I am copying this recipe and will be giving it a try right away...I'm not satisfied with my own and this is so timely. Happy Pink Saturday.

  49. Mmmmm, they look delish and I bet they smell devine.

  50. YUM! This looks so tasty. I think I might give it a try. Have a wonderful Pink Saturday.

  51. You are making me gain weight with all the wonderful recipes you share with us every week. You are spoiling me, but they are so good and very much appreciated. I will try this one for sure, looks so yummy, Char

  52. Yummmmm! But this is gonna be so bad for my diet!!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  53. ePerfect for Valentine!!!
    Happy Pink Saturday!!

  54. So simple, and yet so perfect for valentines. Thanks for the recipe. I'm going to try it with a different flour mix...allergy to wheat! Hope it works! Thanks for stopping by today. Happy PinkDay!

  55. What a sweet pink cookie for pink day. You just come up with the most clever cooking to fit any occasion. Wish you would have dropped one my way while you were visiting.

  56. Could you just skip the cake and send a box of that shortbread? My favorite of all time and this looks delicious! :)Nancy

  57. I am drooling!

    OMG......this is fabulous!


    Also, thanks for your kind comments too!

    love, kelee

  58. Oh how sweet -- I love shortbread cookies -- and thanks for your sweet visit and comments on my FF soup recipe.

  59. I love shortbread!! n ujust reminded me that I shd perhaps make something for valentine's for my blog! :)

  60. Oooh...I love shortbread cookies and these look scrumptious! They would be perfect for Valentine's Day.


  61. So ready for Valentine's Day! :)

    Cute hearts....

    Happy Sunday, Mary!

  62. What beautiful cookies and just perfect for Valentine's day, MAry....Christine

  63. Thanks for the Valentines heads up Mary! Short bread is soo good any time. Especially with a nice cup of tea! Hope you are enjoying your Pink Saturday! Sherri : )

  64. Mary, these are almost too pretty to eat. Thanks for the recipe. I'm going to make some of these. Perfect Pink Saturday post! ~ Sarah

  65. what a yummy pink treat. i'm drooling already. sigh...i wish i know how to bake.

  66. I love shortbread too, love the pink gems! So romantic.

  67. This cookies are definitely pretty in pink! Cute presentation!

  68. I love the pretty pink hearts! I've been wanting to make a lavender shortbread and this looks like the perfect spring board!
    And I know I'll love the recipe, you promised!!! ;)

  69. Mary, Happy Pink Saturday (ok maybe Sunday) Those cookies look scrumptious! Thanks for the recipe! Your blog makes me drool...LOL Becs

  70. Very sweet! And pink! And hearts! Yaaaay

    I am very saddened that I've had to put word verification back on due to my email address being hijacked on Friday, so I spent most of yesterday doing damage limitation. So I'm now moderating AND have word verification (which I will take off again in a week or so, once the hackers get the message). So I apologise for that.

    Hence, an apologetic and belated Happy Pink Saturday on Sunday!

  71. Mary, I do believe I am in love with these cookies. Shortbread cookies are my favorite, and these are so pretty in their pink.

    Happy Pink Saturday, dear Mary. I hope you are on the mend.

  72. Hi Mary!
    Oh thank you for posting this recipe. I wanted to make Valentine cookies but, since I just made sugar cookies for Christmas I wanted to find another type of cookie that would work well with cookie cutters and this one looks like a nice one to try.

  73. sounds so yummy...and they're very pretty

  74. The versality of shortbread! Love not just the simplicity of it, but how we can serve it in different ways. This would really be a treat for friends for Valentine's Day.

  75. These look delicious and pretty simple to make. Another good thing is that i already have all the ingredients. Happy Belated Pink Saturday.

  76. Beats me how i missed this lovely sortbreads Mary...
    These are so so good -am inspired for my valentine baking-yeah me to am officially in the valentine month now...

  77. So cute! Perfect for the coming Valentine's Day. hehe...

  78. Just now getting around to see all the Beautiful Pink. I'm always looking for a good cookie recipe. Thanks.
    ~ Jany ~
    Don't forget to "Look in the Nook"

  79. These will be perfect for my husband this Feb 14. We don't really do Valentine's but he loves shortbread and I didn't get around to making it at Christmas. Thanks for the inspiration!


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