
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Greek-Style Flatbread Pizza

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...It was a wonderfully busy day today. We headed into the Lorane Valley to look at property and on our way back stopped for a quick visit with friends who have just opened their nursery and farm stand for the season. We did a quick walk through of our Saturday Market and had a very late lunch at a favorite local Thai restaurants. By the time we reached home the sun had set and we knew that dinner would be light and late. I decided to make Greek pizzas that use lavash as a base for Mediterranean-style ingredients. They are much lighter than their doughy cousins and I actually prefer the thin crisp crust to that of a standard pizza. These are easy to do. If you don't care for the Greek version, use standard pizza ingredients or better still use the flatbread for a wonderful pissaldiere. I think many of you will like this light pizza. Here's the recipe.

Greek-Style Flatbread Pizza
...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite

1 soft lavash bread
3 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 cup minced pitted Kalamata olives
1 cup grated Monterey Jack cheese
1-3/4 cups crumbled feta cheese
1-1/2 cups baby spinach, wilted
1-1/2 cups thinly sliced cremini mushrooms


1) Preheat broiler. Place lavash on large baking sheet; brush with 1 1/2 tablespoons oil and broil until it begins to crisp, about 1 minute.
2) Reduce oven temperature to 450 degrees F. Turn lavash over on baking sheet, broiled side down. Brush with remaining 1-1/2 tablespoons oil. Sprinkle with Monterey Jack and feta cheese. Top with wilted spinach, olives and mushrooms. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Using a wide spatula, slide lavash dierectly onto an oven rack. Bake until pizza is heated through and cheeses melt, about 5 to 7 minutes. Cut into squares. Yield 2 to 3 servings.

You might also like these recipes:
Mexicali Pizza - One Perfect Bite
Focaccia Bread - One Perfect Bite
Whole Wheat Olive Bread - One Perfect Bite


  1. Haven't tried putting olives in my pizza....lets' see if I can get hold of some. Nice and yummy looking Flatbread Pizza!
    Have a nice weekend!

  2. My in-laws were in Greece for 25 years and every now and then my mother-in-law cooks some lovely Greek dishes for us.
    Your flatbread just looks delicious x

  3. I have never heard of Lavash bread before so I looked it up on Wikipedia. Your pizza sounds good though and I just love olives. I will certainly try this recipe. Diane

  4. Hello Mary,
    anche se sono franco-svizzera-italiana, la pizza migliore al mondo è sicuramente quella italiana
    piena di mozzarella di bufala, pomodorini napoletani e olio extra-vergine di oliva toscano !!
    Però sono anche un'amante di tutti i piatti che hanno come base il pane !!
    Quindi, pur non avendo mai provato questa ricetta Greca, sono sicura che deve essere veramente deliziosa.
    Voglio provare a cucinarla :-)
    Buona serata e grazie che ci fai conoscere tante ricette estere !

  5. MMM, healthy pizza? What a great idea to use lavash, Mary. I think I have a recipe for it somewhere... great idea for a quick healthy dish!

  6. I haven't had Lavash bread before.....the topping for this pizza is just too good to miss!

  7. Oh Lord this pizza looks awesome!!!

  8. Lavash bread sounds interesting! Btw, the pizza looks very delish. Have a great weekend!
    Blessings, Kristy

  9. awesome pizza...looks very beautiful

  10. OH MY GOSH. My husband and I would devour this, if given the chance! GREAT idea- thanks!!!

  11. What afun day you had! Love the way you finished it off; looks good enough to eat right now;never cooked with soft flatbread; very intresting!

  12. Sounds like a lovely day! We have many Greek friends in NY and they would love this. I use flatbreads frequently as my hubby prefers a thin crust. Lovely pizza!
    xoxo Pattie

  13. I really like Greek flavors and this pizza would be right up my alley.

  14. Great idea~ Lavash bread is used for sandwiches in lebanon with goat cheese and olives and mint; so the next logical step is to heat it up in a pizza fashion; perfect!

  15. I've never tried using lavash for a pizza base. Sounds like a good idea for a quick and delicious meal, even if I'm partial to Neapolitan pizza.

  16. I haven't had lavash as a pizza base before, but have enjoyed naan as a pizza base in the past. I think this sounds like a fabulous pizza, anytime of day:D

  17. I had my hands on a flatbread in the grocery store yesterday. Now reading this recipe, I wish I had picked it up. How delicious this looks!

  18. Mary, I've been thinking of making flatbread pizza and this looks delicious, quickly assembled, and Lavash will be added to my grocery list. Thank you!

    Today should be another beautiful day in the valley, forecast 70, so we are headed out early to get things done. Enjoy another wonderful day.

  19. What a lovely pizza....the Greek flavours so feel like spring ...and i sure do love olives...
    happy sunday to ya...

  20. We made some Lavash a few months back with the Daring Bakers.....I think I can do this:) Thanks for the yummy post!

  21. I love your Flatbread Pizza Mary, look fantastic, gloria

  22. OMG that looks good. We also love black olives on our pizza.

  23. Did you like the property? The pizza looks awesome. I've always said you could make pizza healthy :)

  24. With a nice glass of wine, I know I would LOVE this flatbread!

  25. Thanks for stopping by my Kitsch in the Kitchen blog, despite its name it is less about food but more about me.... Had to have a space of my own. My food and family blog is Love pizza and love your first bite photograph. I will be back and add myself to your followers.

  26. hı,
    your pizza very delicious
    perfect !!

    have a nice weekend

  27. Nice, Mary! Using the lavash flatbread is a great idea. Never have tried that..and I really like your toppings. I have some naan in the fridge right now; don't know why I couldn't use it the same way, do you?

  28. I love homemade pizza! I'm really intrigued by the idea of using lavash bread... Definitely something I should look into. And your toppings are delicious!

  29. Wonderful recipe. The photo is so vibrant and live. Great job.

  30. Dear Mary - It is amazing how you've taken a handful of ingredients and turned it into something that is beautiful visually and delicious in flavors.

    This flat bread is definitely on my must do list on days when I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off!

    Ciao, Devaki @ weavethousandflavors

  31. Your flatbread looks delicious! I love Greek-style pizzas. In fact, that is pretty much all I order out or make at home. I will have to try your recipe soon.

  32. I never thought of using lavash for a pizza base. What a terrific idea. And I love all the flavors you've chosen. A most excellent pizza indeed.

  33. Katy, I was unable to link back to a blog so I wanted to thank you for your visit and assure that you'll like if not love the flatbtread pizza. It's a good recipe to have on hand for busy days.

  34. I only used lavash bread a few times and never for pizza, I must try :-)

  35. I am amazed every time I get a notice in my dashboard from you...You really do have great recipes!
    Thank you for the inspiration.

  36. This looks so tasty. I have seen many "flatbread"style pizz recipes lately. I guess we are all starting to try and make at least some of our meals healthier these days. A beautiful pizza, well done.

  37. MMMMmmmm Delish. Another winner Mary! ~LeslieMichele

  38. That looks delicious! You always come up with such interesting recipes! Never thought to use lavash for pizza, great idea!

  39. Whoa...this looks astoundingly good!

  40. This is one of my favorite pizzas- no tomatoes! (I'm allergic.)Using the Lavash bread is much quicker and easier than making a crust. Thanks for the recipe. Betty

  41. This is a healthy and tasty looking pizza Mary...using flatbread is a great idea and a time saver.
    Have a great week!

  42. Recipes like this are exactly why your blog lives up to it's name. This IS "perfect"! Hope you had a wonderful weekend. : )

  43. This looks delicious--love all of the ingredients.

  44. Hey Mary, this looks wonderful. I like a crisp, light dough too sometimes. Might I ask you a photography question? If you cooked this at night, how did you get such a bright, wonderful picture? I'm still new to the photography thing, so any tips help and are appreciated.
    Oh, and I just realized there are two different little ones above, not one! Your'e very lucky to have them. I miss having kids around.

  45. Mary,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    This pizza looks yummy!
    I'll have to stop back when I have more time to read through your great looking recipes.

  46. Stella, the boys are my grandsons.

    I use the following light set up for my pictures. It is made by Lowel

  47. We make pizza at least once a week, but always use the same crust. I love the idea of using lavash! I love lavash, but haven't experimented with it too much - thanks for the idea!

  48. This look so good, Mary!
    Another 'will-make' list addition.

    Hi Mary,

    So nice to meet you. Thank you for visiting me. I'm new to blogging and blog websites. I never imagined there was a world out there with so many talented people with ideas to share, and great stories, too! As is the case with you.
    I will absolutely stop by often to see what's cooking in your kitchen, and of to get ideas about what to cook in my own. =)
    I've already added you to my "favorites."

    Stay in touch.


  49. i just made my pizza dough right now and waiting for it to rise~ ur pics just made me look forward to it even more! thanks~

  50. Hi Mary,
    Thanks for stopping by my little blog!!! This pizza well be on my grocery list for this week! Yum!
    Becky Sue
    BS Cooks

  51. Looks delish..will surely give it a try.

  52. Soup would be a good go-along. The can was just for measuring something, right?

  53. Looks delicious, Mary!I love flat bread pizza and all the trimmings!!!


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