
Friday, April 23, 2010

Lime and Coconut Chicken

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...I had a lovely surprise today. I, quite by chance, discovered that One Perfect Bite had been featured, along with seven other blogs, in the prestigious Food Journal News:Best of the Blogs segment. My yelp and holler nearly scared Bob to death and were admittedly undignified for a woman my age, but they were a sincere measure of my excitement and delight. Those of you who have followed my blog from its inception, know that while I'm generally modest, I occasionally succumb to what I call powder pigeon moments. This was one of them, but I recovered quickly and went on to scrub the bathroom floor. Fame is fleeting and housework is a great equalizer. Now to the real find of the day. The Journal also selects a recipe each day and today's feature looked wonderful. It was Lime and Coconut Chicken from Chaos in the Kitchen, a blog that was new to me. I linked to the blog and discovered this and other wonderful recipes. What a treat! I urge those of you who are unfamiliar with Katie's work to visit her blog. You won't be disappointed. As it happened, I had everything needed to make the dish and it became tonight's dinner. I think you will really like this chicken. Bob loved it and he isn't always easy to please. My only suggestion would be to cut back slightly on the amount of salt you use. Another afterthought regards the sauce that is used in the recipe. I would double it. Until recently, we were told that marinades could be used for saucing if they were boiled for five minutes. Apparently, the ubiquitous "they" now feel this is not sufficient to kill contaminants that might cause food poisoning. The final choice is, of course, up to you. Here's the recipe. Enjoy!

Lime and Coconut Chicken
...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite, courtesy of Chaos in the Kitchen and Fine Cooking, Winter 2006

2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
Zest of 1 lime
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1-1/2 teaspoons ground coriander
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1-1/2 teaspoons kosher salt (I used 1-1/4 teaspoons)
2 tablespoons granulated sugar
2 teaspoons curry powder
1/2 cup coconut milk
Pinch cayenne (I did not use this)
1 small fresh hot chili, such as Thai or Serrano, minced (optional)
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
Fresh limes, cut into wedges

1) Trim fat from chicken breasts. Starting on thick side of the breasts slice chicken breasts almost in half, then open each like a book. Place each open breast between two pieces of plastic wrap, wax paper or inside a large, open, Ziploc bag. Using a small heavy pan, bottle or smooth meat mallet lightly pound out each breast into even thickness.
2) Mix all remaining ingredients except fresh cilantro and lime wedges.
3) Add chicken and marinade to a large bowl or ziploc bag and chill in refrigerator for up to two hours.
4) Remove chicken from marinade. Pour the marinade into a small saucepan and bring to a rolling boil. Boil continuously for at least 2 minutes, stirring occasionally so it doesn’t burn.
5) In a heavy skillet or grill pan, heat a splash of oil over high heat. Cook chicken in batches to prevent over crowding in pan. Place breasts in the hot pan and cook without turning for a couple minutes. Flip breasts over and cook until other side is golden, it shouldn’t take long depending on the thickness of your chicken.
6) Place cooked breasts on a plate in a warm oven or under foil while cooking next batch.
7) Sprinkle with fresh lime juice and cilantro. Serve sauce separately. Yield: 4 servings.

You might also enjoy these recipes:
Yucatan-Style Chicken, Lime and Orzo Soup - One Perfect Bite
Tom Kah Gai - One Perfect Bite
Chicken with Lemon and Rosemary - One Perfect Bite

This recipe is being linked to:
Designs By Gollum - Foodie Friday


  1. Congratulations Mary! I'm not at all surprised that your blog was chosen.

    Lime and Coconut Chicken sounds like such delicious combination.

    Cheers! ~ M

  2. Congratulations! A well deserved honor!

    Your chicken looks delicious! Great flavors!

  3. Congratulations, Mary! That looks delicious..
    That best blog link didn't work for me.

  4. Congratulations! I can't think of anyone that deserves to be chose more than you!

    It looks delicious and thanks for the suggestions!

  5. Kathleen, the link has been repaired. Thanks for letting me know.

  6. Congratulations! What a wonderful honor. This recipe looks and sounds yummy! Hugs Anne

  7. This looks delicious~! I'll add it to my list of 'will makes'. =)

  8. I need to keep a can or 2 of coconut milk in my pantry. I have so many other things but I never keep that and I see so many wonderful recipes using it. This looks great, thanks!

  9. Lime and coconut, very interesting, I am trying to figure out how this dish would be like in taste....mmmmm, delicious!

  10. Looks delicious! I will definitely have to try this one!

  11. Congrats! This looks so delicious and summery!

  12. Congratulations happy to hear that...ur blog and ur dedication really deserve the honour ......the chicken looks too tempting...

  13. Congratulations, Mary! You deserved it! Now, that's something you should celebrate. Have fun & enjoy the weekend!
    Blessings, Kristy

  14. Congrats Mary, your blog is very worthy of being chosen!
    I love the flavors used with this chicken; different, but delicious sounding.

  15. Congratulations. You deserve it! And your powder pigeon story is so sweet!

    I'm super careful about kitchen hygiene, but I've chosen to believe that if I boil the marinade for at least 5 minutes (I usually do it longer) it's fine and that any bacteria that we have to worry about is killed at 160 plus degrees F.

  16. Congratulations, Mary! Of course your blog would be picked, I'm not surprised at all. Good job! Have a wonderful day. Denise@cottagesisters

  17. Congrats on your feature Mary! You should receive recognition for all your hard work and your wonderful recipes.

    And now I have that song stuck in my head "you put the lime in the coconut..." LOL! By the way, that link to Chaos was broken for me.

    Happy Friday!!

  18. Congratulations Mary! Well-deserved!
    The chicken looks wonderful---a nice summer dish.

  19. This is a very appealing recipe.

    Congrats on your honour, too!

    Many thanks,


  20. Mary, Congratulations! you are deserved to this honour. This chicken look super yummy. Have a nice weekend ahead.

  21. You so deserve to be there! Congrats! I'll have to try this recipe because my husband is a coconut freak!!

  22. What fabulous news! Congratulations.

    Thanks for this great recipe too-I think this will be an instant hit at my house!

    Best wishes,


    The chicken looks sensational! «Louis» is going to try it this weekend.

    Speaking of the ubiquitous "they" - remember in the early '80s when "they" were advocating undercooking chicken...

  24. What a wonderful honor! Well deserved, too.

  25. congrats blog is beautiful and well deserving..I love the recipe- lime and coconut-really can't go wrong


  26. Congratulations to you Mary, can see why your blog is chosen. Lovely chicken recipe!

  27. complimenti Mary!! non avevo dubbi che il tuo blog fosse stato scelto: è super!!
    Questo pollo deve essere squisito!! complimenti ancora! un abbraccio!

  28. Congrats Mary, you truely deserve it...and lime and coconut chicken looks delicious...have a wonderful weekend mary..take care

  29. Food Journal News:Best of the Blogs segment...WOW, Mary! No surprise there at all! Very well deserved and I surprised that you only contained yourself to a yelp :)

    This coconut and lime chicken looks absolutely delicious with lovely flavors.

    Ciao, Devaki @ weavethousandflavors

  30. Congratulations Mary!!!
    The recipe looks awesome!

  31. Congrats Mary! You truly deserve it. Your blog is amazing. I love it. Your chicken dish looks very delicious. I love the lime and coconut combo.

  32. Lime and coconut chicken... sounds delish. I'll definitely make this and I'll let you know.

    And you deserved it Mary. Well done.

  33. Congratulations, great achievement, your work is really awesome.
    Lime & coconut, pair up so wonderfully.
    Have a great weekend x

  34. First, congratulations! Second, I love the way you responded..."I recovered quickly and went on to scrub the bathroom floor. Fame is fleeting..." this makes me love your blog even more! Third, as soon as I saw the title of the recipe the song"You Put The Lime in The Coconut" came to mind and is still rolling around my head. Fourth, now I have to go buy lime and coconut and make this delicious sounding recipe!Thank-you~ you put the lime in the coconut and....

  35. Congratulations--it is very well-deserved. Love that chicken too--all of my favorite flavors. ;-)

  36. I'm looking for new chiken recipes, I love yours, it sounds different and delicious, I have to give it a try. Thanks for sharing and have a great day. Great blog!

  37. I am thrilled for you, Mary. You are deserving for sure. This recipe also sounds delicious. Must put it on that never ending list of things to try. Have a good day!!

  38. (Second try!)
    Congratulations on the recognition! Well deserved! A power pigeon moment now and then is a good thing!

  39. Congrats Mary, only fitting for such a great post!

  40. Congrats on being featured! This looks like a nice and light spring/summer dinner!

  41. Congratulations on the feature Mary! It is very well deserved:D

    The lime and coconut chicken sounds fantastic. especially since your husband gave it such a good review!

  42. Congratulations Mary. No one is more deserving than you. I can't imagine having the time or energy to feature something new every day. Your clock must have more hours than mine.

    Great lime and coconut chicken. For some strange reason our supermarket in the mountains never has any peppers other than jalapenos. I use them as substitutes for Thai and serrano, but they are far from the same. They don't have the right kick. I may have to speak to the produce manager about it.

    Again, congratulations Mary. Do the happy dance.

  43. Congratulations on being chosen Mary. It is always an honour to be recognized. I will check out the publication.

  44. Wow, congratulations for being recognized. That's always fun, and the biggest compliment. The lime and coconut chicken sounds divine. Hope to make it soon!

  45. Congratulations! I'm not surprised that you'd be chosen - your recipes always strike that balance between do-able and different.
    We raise our own chickens, so I'm always looking for new chicken recipes and this one looks like something we'd really like. Thanks!

  46. A well deserved honor for you - congratulations. A great new recipe for us - yum!

  47. Congratulations, Mary! You have a lovely does not surprise me you were honored!

    Lime and coconut was great in a song and will be great in this chicken dish!

  48. Congratulations, well deserved. This recipe just makes my mouth water!!! Diane

  49. Congratulations Mary! That is great news! And this chicken looks quite delicious! A lot of flavor going on. Good idea to make extra sauce - I don't feel entirely comfortable with using the marinade.

  50. Congratulations, that is wonderful news!

    The chicken looks and sounds great! I have to say, I have never given a second thought to using marinade as a sauce... but I'm told I'm a little reckless when it comes to things like that. I've never had a problem, though!

  51. Mary - Congratulations! Your blog is one that I check out constantly for the great recipes (with photos) and for your dialog..I keep learning at every post! (Plus you tell great stories)
    This chicken looks divine - something I would definitely like.

  52. Congratulations Mary! I laughed out load when you said you receoverd quickly and went to scrub the bathroom floor. That's funny!

    That lime and coconut chicken is certainly one perfect bite!

  53. Congratulations Mary! I know I'm rather new to your blog, but from what I've read so far it's top notch and deserves this recognition and more.
    That lime-coconut chicken dish is not only mouth watering, it's superbly photographed!

  54. Congrats sweetie! If anyone deserves to be featured - it's you.

    I love Chaos in the Kitchen. What a great blog. The coconut and lime in this must have been outstanding...that is one of my favorite flavor combos. Pfft to that business about the marinade not being fine to cook. Nitpickers, if you ask me.

  55. Congratulations..That's so exciting, Mary !!!And the chicken looks wonderful..lovely blend of flavors !

  56. Congrats! Well deserved! You can't go wrong with lime and coconut!

  57. oh what a perfect dish!

    Oh and thanks for the camera advice! I really appreciate it!

  58. I would love to try this lime n coconut chicken since it's so different.. Looks delicious!Congrats n time to enjoy.

  59. Oh Mary, I could hug you! :-) I love that you shrieked with delight AND followed it up with cleaning the bathroom. You're a luv. :-) This chicken has such LOVELY flavors. :-) Mmm.

  60. Well done Mary. Chaos in the Kitchen is one of my faves too.

  61. what a great idea..I am definitely trying this out

    will let you know :)

    thanks a zillion :)

  62. Mary~I was so delighted to see you stroll by for a visit.
    I'm sooo thrilled for you! Your culinary passion should be pour yourself into your recipes and beautiful presentations.
    Now it's time for a book!!

    Thank you for your sweet thoughts. Time and spring has brought healing.

    Sweet wishes,

  63. Congratulations Mary! I am so glad that you got featured on Food News Journal. I love that site!

  64. Congratulations on the very, very well-deserved honor! I am quite in awe of your gorgeous blog!

    I still use marinades for sauces... :-) I can't wait to try this one - it looks fantastic!! Such an awesome flavor-explosion!

  65. Hi Mary, I am back. You probably think I forgot about you. No, but my visiting has suffered these past couple of months. Out out town and company consumed one whole month at different times and rendered me MIA quite a lot. I have missed coming over and enjoying your great recipes.

    Congratulation on your recognition for your blog from the Food Journal News: Best of the Blogs. A huge honor and you deserve it with out a doubt. I can feel your excitement. I had a chuckle about housework being a great equalizer. So true.

    This recipe sounds delicious. We eat a lot of chicken and a new recipe is always welcome. I will visit Katie's blog next and check it out.

    Have a wonderful evening.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  66. Congrats Mary!! Well deserved :)

    The chicken looks delicious! I'll have to try it soon!


  67. Congratulations Mary! I am so excited for you! Your blog is just wonderful and the recognition is well deserved.

  68. Congratulations!! That is wonderful and you SO DESERVE it! Thanks for the great recipe also.

  69. Good for you Mary! And the chicken looks delightful!!

  70. Mary your blog is georgeous and I love It! Well deserved, and this chicken recipe sounds really yummy, have a nice weekend and blessings, cheers gloria

  71. You really is a master when choosing the ingredients that go with the seasons.

  72. You are such a fabulous writer and story teller... congrats on the acknowledgment of your gifts and the pleasure you bring to your readers... thanks!

  73. Congrats, Mary.

    The lime and coconut chicken is my kind of dish. Thanks for sharing what you learned from other fellow blogger.

  74. All I can think of is that song....Put the lime in the coconut..


  75. That looks good!
    Thanks for your comments on my blog!!

  76. Congratulations! How fun! I love using coconut milk in my cooking. I love the combination of the lime and coconut together in this recipe. Doubling the sauce is a marvelous idea too. :)

  77. Mary, congratulations lady! We are so proud of you... and we look forward to trying this recipe - lime and coconut, what's not to like?

    Have a wonderful weekend. I know you will.

  78. Congratulations Mary! You go ahead and bask in that glory, girl! Your blog has been in my top 5 ever since I discovered it. And thanks for the link/info on the others. I'll check them out as soon as I catch up on sleep from traveling:)

  79. Mary, this dish looks beautiful - wonderful combination of flavours. Congratulations also on making Best of the Blogs - very well deserved. I also love your story about your grandmother and the preening pigeon :-)

  80. I'd be marinating vegetables, so don't have to worry about food poisoning so much ;)

    Also: wooooooooo! Congrats! You definitely deserve it :D

  81. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving such a kind comment ... and oh the delight of coming to visit on your blog, it is amazing, I am so inspired.Wow, how did I not know about this.
    Off to take a closer look, is that coffee still hot.
    Have a wonderful weekend

  82. Congratulations Mary! you are a superb cook and Im not at all surprised. But yes I wld do that little dance myself if ever such an honour came to me even if Iwas 80. :)) m so happy for you :))

  83. Congratulations! Certainly, well deserved!!
    Love the flavor combination on this dish!!

  84. Congratulations on your feature. You are a great blogger with a wonderful talent for holding your audience. You always bring a smile to my face with your stories. This recipe is similar to one that I have used for shrimp. Now I will have to give it a try with chicken. Thanks for keeping us smiling ;D

  85. Congratulations Mary! Very well-deserved! And this chicken dish looks so good right now!
    xoxo Pattie

  86. Congrats on the feature! Don't let the housework keep you from recognizing your work.

    This recipe looks great. Thanks for sharing.

  87. Well, they certainly knew what they were doing when they chose YOU, Mary! Congratulations!!!! BRAVO!!

    I'm still smiling at the "powder pidgeon moments". LOL

    This chicken recipe is making my mouth pucker, like I've just tasted a lemon or lime. :D Gotta try it soon!

    Thank you so much for ALL the wonderful recipes & beautiful photos that you so generously share.


  88. Very nice! I saw the lime & coconut chicken somewhere recently - maybe Food Buzz's 'The Daily Buzz' ?? Sounds like a good recipe. Congrats on the mention at Food News Journal!

  89. Congratulations, Mary, on a very well deserved honor!

    Coconut lime chicken sounds so delicious. A tropical treat!

    ♥ Pat

  90. Oh wow this is my kind of chicken dish!

  91. Mary

    Congratulations! I chuckled about the scrubbing the floor! Thanks for the link to a great blog and the recipe; these flavors especially the lime is a big favorite.

  92. Congratulations! What an fabulous honor!

    Speaking of fabulous. . . that lime and coconut chicken looks. . . oh my goodness!

  93. Congratulations Mary!
    Citrus and coconut chicken sounds and looks just so irresistible!

  94. Hi Again Mary. I've come by to get the recipe for this chicken dish. I'm really excited to try it. I love coconut milk, but I've only ever had it in smoothies and ice cream. I'm eager to use it in a new way.
    And this sounds so delicious. Thank you. And blessings abound.


  95. Congratulations, Mary. It's a well deserved honor. I love all the flavors in this chicken recipe and can imagine how delicious this will be on the barbecue. Lime is my new favorite flavor punch.

  96. Mary, I did see that your blog had been posted and though I may not always agree with their choices, your blog is truly one of the best! Congratulations! And this chicken dish looks really lovely and flavorful. Great flavors.

  97. I stopped by to see a chicken recipe (always cooking chicken at my house) and look what I walked into...a great honor for you...congrats! an introduction to a great new website, Food the great sounding chicken recipe!

  98. Mary pls come to my blog i have an award for you

  99. Mary, I made this tonight. So delicious! thank you. Michael

  100. Congratulations on a very well deserved recognition!

    Awesome! I'm very happy for you!

  101. Congratulations Mary!

    I had to laugh when you said housework is a great equalizer.

    That chicken looks, well, perfect. One perfect bite... of chicken.

  102. My goodness this sounds really good! I also have an embaressing yelp that takes over me when I am garage saleing and I find something that I have been looking for and being patient to find for ummm $1 or maybe $2 then I yelp and people stare and i pay and run off in a frenzy! Well hugs and happy cooking,
    Olivia oh yes, stop by I am giving away a pretty teapot!

  103. This sounds delicious! The picture is mouthwatering! Congrats!

  104. Congrats! how lovely, I am so excited for you, and I love your wisdom where cleaning is involved ;) this recipe looks fabulous!

    ps I am so glad you have a WA and OR blog source in the side bar, I am born in raised in the Pac NW and the military moved us to the south, I am always looking for links to the food I miss.

  105. This sounds like such a great marinade and sauce for chicken - I am definitely saving this! By the way, I made your chili san marcos last night and we really enjoyed it.

  106. Zurin, I could not reach you on your blog, so I wanted to thank you here. I appreciate your very kind words. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary,

  107. Congratulations Mary...sure very well deserved :-)
    This chicken dish looks so yummie, great combination of flavors...great pictures as well ;-)

  108. Congratulations Mary! And, a lovely recipe. I think it's good sense to be hygienic in the kitchen,but you're right to be skeptical of all the advice on what is taboo. I think it's just the experts covering their collective rear ends in case someone gets sick and sues. My mom who never made any one sick used to defrost meat on the kitchen table!

  109. This is so delicious! I wouldn't call myself a cook, but I wanted to try so I chose this recipe! I usually use a packet of spices from the grocery store when I bake chicken but this is my new go-to when I'm craving chicken! The lime is very pronounced and the coconut finishes. I made a separate sauce but I don't think it's necessary. I'll have left over sauce to make more Lime and Coconut chicken later this week! If you think it looks good wait until you taste it!

  110. Reese, I'm so glad you enjoyed the chicken. It is a recipe that I really like. I'm glad that others enjoy it as well. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  111. Hi Mary! Thanks for your nice comments! I have been following your blog and I made this lime coconut chicken a while back. It was great!!!


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