
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Strawberry Yogurt Pie (Mansikkapiiras) - Pink Saturday

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...It's been a while since we've had a real "peasant" style dessert. While local berries won't be in markets for another six to eight weeks, the strawberries that are available to us are passably good. Years ago, I regularly made a dessert from Finland that used thick yogurt and blueberries to make a light custard pie called Mustikkapiiras. The custard filling covered a layer of berries that was baked in a cookie crust. It was light and not too sweet. The recipe I used came from the Moosewood Restaurant. I must admit I've played with this one. The recipe, as written, produced a scant amount of custard, so I've doubled the ingredients to produce a thicker layer of filling that gives this homely dessert more eye appeal. While any type of berry can be used, it's especially nice with seedless blackberries or strawberries. When strawberries replace blueberries, the Mustikkapiiras becomes a Mansikkapiiras. Here's the recipe I've adapted from the Moosewood original.

Strawberry Yogurt Pie...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite, inspired by a recipe from Sunday at the Moosewood

1/3 cup unsalted butter
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1 large egg
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
Custard (this portion of the recipe has been doubled)
4 large eggs
1/2 cup granulated sugar
2 cups thick Greek-style plain yogurt
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
1 teaspoon almond extract
2 tablespoons cornstarch
2 cups sliced strawberries or other fresh berries

1) To make crust: Butter and flour a 9-inch quiche pan with 1-1/2-inch sides. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Using an electric mixer, cream butter and sugar. Add egg, and blend well. Combine flour and baking powder and sift into wet ingredients to form a soft dough. With flour dusted fingers, pat dough into bottom of prepared pan. Push dough up to cover sides of the pan. Refrigerate while making custard.
2) To make custard: Mix eggs, sugar, yogurt, lemon juice, vanilla extract, almond extract and cornstarch in a medium bowl. Beat until smooth. Place berries in bottom of pie shell. Pour in filling and smooth to coat berries. Bake for 50 - 60 minutes, until crust is browned and custard has set. Chill well before serving. Yield: 8 - 10 servings.

You might also enjoy these recipes:
Frozen Lemon Yogurt - One Perfect Bite
Yogurt Cheese Cake - One Perfect Bite
Raspberry Yogurt Parfait - One Perfect Bite

This post is being linked to:
Pink Saturday, sponsored by Beverly at How Sweet the Sound.


  1. Yum, I love baking with greek yogurt. It resembles quark cheese which is essentially what I grew up with and I prefer the lightness it gives a "cheesecake". Great recipe, can't wait to try it myself. :o)

  2. This pie looks wonderful - I love custard in a pie. I don't know that I've ever come across Finnish food before. I know it's been adapted, but it still gives an idea.

  3. Happy Pink Saturday Mary dearest.
    Looks fabulous and yummy.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  4. i love Yoghurt but have never tried using it in a custard before this is a definite must. Have a good weekend. Diane

  5. Happy Pink Saturday.
    Congratulations, that is the perfect pie.
    Awesome, delicious and so good looking.
    Lovely photo x

  6. This looks wonderful & delicious! Are you having this with your grandsons? I'm sure they'll be arrive at anytime by now! Have a wonderful Mother's day, Mary!
    May God blessed you & your family.

  7. My type of dessert, nice crust and soft custard with fruit. Wonderful!!! Have a beautiful weekend

  8. Perfect pie, looks awesome, happy a lovely weekend & happy mothers day mary..

  9. Yum! Our local berries are in and have been quite good this year. I'm trying this one!
    xoxo Pattie

  10. This looks like a delicious pie--loving the yogurt custard and strawberry pairing--perfect!

  11. Hello Mary,
    devo proprio dire che sei una fantastica cuoca !
    Che bello sarebbe averti in casa !!
    La casa sicuramente sarebbe innondata di profumi deliziosi.
    Una buona giornata e felice festa della mamma.

  12. That looks so good and I'm always looking for a new strawberry recipe!

  13. Mmm, delicious! I've actually made this dessert from the Moosewood cookbook! I have notes on the recipe that I made it 8/09 and we enjoyed! My husband and I stopped in Ithica on the way home from our son's wedding last September. We had dinner at the Moosewood Restaurant. It's in the original place, still co-owned by a number of people and delicious.


  14. Sounds good Mary. Thanks for the tip on doubling the custard. I may try this with rhubarb.

  15. What a great yoghurt/cheese pie!
    Have a beautiful Saturday!

  16. Oh my gosh that looks sooooo yummy!

    Happy PS,

  17. Love the use of the yogurt here. Heck, I love yogurt anywhere!

  18. This looks really interesting - I've never had anything quite like that.

  19. Happy Pink Saturday! Oh yum it looks like another winner to try! Happy Mother's Day as well.

  20. Happy pink saturday :) This pie looks super mourish! YUM

  21. This looks so good!

  22. Mary, you continue to amaze me with the number and quality of your posts. This one is another I will try.

  23. Happy Pink Saturday!!!

    That pie looks delicious!!!
    Happy Mother's Day!!


  24. I love the sound of this. My husband's Mother was Finnish. Her family settled in the UP of Michigan and had a bakery called Trennary Bakery. Her father made something called Trenary toast which is still available by mail order today.

  25. Love this custard pie! A great way to showcase berries.

  26. That does look delicious:) I'm guessing you would call it Mansikkapiiras (strawberry=mansikka) I've had terrible luck with strawberries this year, but I do have plenty of Huckleberries in the freezer....I just might try the blueberry recipe. Thanks for sharing:)

  27. Ciao! questo dolce mi piace moltissimo, con lo yogurt greco poi deve essere una delizia! complimenti!! buone week end!!! un abbraccio! ciao!

  28. This pie new to me..looks awesome and perfectly baked...

  29. Little Red, thank you. While I should have realized the name would have to change depending on type of berry I used, I dropped the ball. Thanks for letting me know.

  30. Yum, this is so good!!!! No oven yet...hopefully next week, I fell like making this...

  31. Once again have made a dish look so good, that I'm just instantly wanting what you're featuring..and again..I so enjoy the background you present. I just love reading along.. Happy Pinks.. and have a most blessed and wonderful Mothers Day..

  32. I can't pronounce it, but I totally want to eat it.

  33. Dera Mary this look amazing and delicious, have a nice day, gloria
    I love yogurt to cook!!

  34. DEar Mary, Wish Happy Mother's Day..the pie looks so perfect and grt....take care and have a nice day....

  35. The pie looks & sounds delicious, Mmmm. It's been a while since I've visited & looks like I've missed a number of yummy recipes from your blog. I'll have to have a little browse before I leave.

    Wishing you a Happy Pink Saturday Mary. Have a wonderful day!

    ciao for now,
    Elena :)

  36. I've never tried Finnish food before! I think you are right about a thicker layer of custard. The more custard the better!

  37. I love Greek yoghourt - I love strawberries. This combo is To Die For! delicious!

    Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Mother's Day (sorry to be late - Himself whisked off for a day out yesterday, which ended up with dinner, so I'm doing my visiting today).

  38. Yummy! I've been looking for mre dessert recipes for the berries that are just starting to come out and this will make the list! Great that you use yogurt in it as I can replace it with lowfat fromage frais so husband won't complain! Beautiful!

  39. Happy Pink Saturday, Mary.

    This looks and sounds delicious, and I just got some fresh strawberries today.


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