
Monday, June 21, 2010

Raspberry and White Chocolate Ice Cream

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...If you love white chocolate I suspect you'll like this ice cream. If you don't care for it, know that I am numbered in your ranks and have worked the recipe in such a way that it can be used to make something a bit more restrained. If you omit chocolate from the ingredient list, you have the makings for a really lovely French vanilla cream. With or without the chocolate, this is an extraordinarily rich ice cream and you'll probably enjoy it more if it is served in small portions. Too much of it becomes cloying and sets me to dreaming of my favorite ice milk recipe that we featured here over a year ago. I have really simple tastes in desserts and were it not for the raspberry streaks, I wouldn't bother with this. My family, however, loves it, so, I'll be making it, grousing sotto voce, for years to come. Here's the recipe for those of you who love white chocolate and don't mind my grousing.

Raspberry and White Chocolate Ice Cream
...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite, a Cuisinart recipe adaption
Ice Cream
1-1/2 cups whole milk
1-1/2 cups heavy cream
3/4 cup granulated sugar
2 large eggs
1 large egg yolk
1-1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
8 ounces white chocolate morsels
Raspberry Puree
1-1/2 cups (6-oz.) fresh raspberries
1 tablespoon granulated sugar

1) To prepare ice cream: Combine whole milk and heavy cream in a medium pan set over moderate heat. Bring to a boil and pour into bowl containing white chocolate, stirring until smooth. Combine sugar, whole eggs, and egg yolk in a medium bowl; beat with a hand mixer until thickened like mayonnaise. Stir in vanilla extract. Beat 1 cup of the hot cream into the egg mixture. Mix in remainder of chocolate cream mixture. Transfer to a medium saucepan and cook mixture over low heat, stirring constantly, until mixture begins to thicken and coats back of a spoon.
Transfer mixture to a bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until completely cooled.
2) To prepare raspberry puree: Combine raspberries and sugar in bowl of a food processor or blender. Process until smooth. Strain seeds from raspberry puree. Cover and refrigerate.
3) To make ice cream: Pour chilled ice cream mixture into freezer bowl and mix until thickened, about 25 to 30 minutes. Spread 1/3 of mixture into a shallow pan. Cover with half of raspberry mixture. Add another 1/3 of ice cream and top with remainder of raspberry puree. Top with last of ice cream mixture. Return to freezer and chill until firm, about 1 to 2 hours. Yield: 8 (1/2-cup) servings.

You might also enjoy these recipes:
Fresh Mint Ice Cream - One Perfect Bite
Ice Cream Crunch Cake - One Perfect Bite
Lemon Buttermilk Ice Cream - One Perfect Bite


  1. wow what a lovely combo, i really love white chocolate and this will surely be a fav of mine..have a lovely day mary..

  2. Ooooh! I'm not a huge white choc fan - but I'd be willing to try this...twist my arm!

  3. I am not crazy about white chocolate, but the raspberry may give this a nice flavour. Diane

  4. Hi Mary,
    oggi leggo che ci vuoi proprio prendere per la gola !!!
    Questa combinazione mi piace proprio.
    Yum !!!
    Buona giornata... anche se quì in Italia il tempo è invernale !!!

  5. Love this sweet thing.
    Have a lovely week Mary dear.

  6. I am already craving for this delicious ice cream ♥

  7. Wat a beautiful combo, those raspberry chunks in the ice cream looks catchy and cute..thanks for sharing..

  8. I love home-made ice-cream. raspberry and white chocolate? yes, please... delicious. Have a nice day.

  9. Oh, I think I'd simply love this. Raspberries or blueberries mixed with white chocolate are my favourite combo.
    Have a lovely day

  10. Mary, my oldest son adores white chocolate- I love raspberry, so this may be perfect for some mother/son bonding time! Lovely
    xoxo Pattie

  11. this is just perfect for me, since weather is so hot here.

  12. I haven't had ice cream yet--I need some!

  13. This looks beautiful! The color of the raspberries with the vanilla ice cream are so pretty. Homemade ice cream and summer are such a natural combination.

  14. ah, it is homemade ice cream time and this looks delicious -- while I don't care for dark chocolate, I do like the white!

  15. I for one happen to really enjoy white chocolate. Some is overly sweet but there are some delicious varieties out there for this non-chocolate. That being said, I would really enjoy this ice cream with or without.

  16. Oooo... Mary, you had me drooling over this good looking babe! Just how could I resist! Yumm... perfect for this summer. Hope you're enjoy the day!
    Cheers, Kristy

  17. Lovely combination. White chocolate and raspberry is quite classic.

  18. I've never been a white chocolate devotee, but you make it look delicious.

  19. I have to say, I adore white chocolate. Infinitely more than regular chocolate. But I'm just kind of weird like that. This sounds like one decadently amazing ice cream!

  20. I would love, love, love this ice cream! You totally had me at white chocolate. yum!

  21. Everyone's making ice cream these days ... perfect for the summer.

    Summer Solstice is today, but here's an astronomical factoid if you need another reason to celebrate the warmer weather. Summer solstice is the longest day of the year, and also marks the point where Earth is furthest from the sun. But, because of inertia, July 4-5 are typically the "slowest" days of the year: the days in which Earth's orbital speed is the slowest. That's why everyone is so laid back in the summer!

  22. I, for one, love white chocolate, especially when combined with fresh raspberries. This looks like a rich, creamy ice cream. Perfect for summer if it ever arrives.

  23. I love white chocolate! Growing up, my favorite candy bar was a
    Zero Bar that the skating rink my mother taught at kept in the freezers. I think I'd like to try this with cherries though.

  24. Isn't it odd? I don't care for white chocolate either. It seems grainy and difficult to work with. Still, I love the look of your ice cream, Mary. The raspberry streaking through it looks divine.

  25. Love the combination. I had a wonderful white chocolate and rasberry pie just the other day!

  26. I have been visiting your blog for months now and have never commented...but I could not let this one go by. I LOVE white chocolate AND I LOVE raspberry... this ice cream sounds fantastic! Can't wait to try it!

  27. I like white chocolate...the combo with raspberry sounds good!


  28. I normally don't like to deviate from homemade vanilla ice cream, but this does look pretty, and last Christmas I was persuaded to try (and completely converted to) cinnamon and nutmeg ice cream, so you can twist my arm for this one! I like thst you've tweaked it for something subtler...have a good week, Mary. From Emmalene x

  29. This looks so delicious Mary, especially with that raspberry swirl.

  30. I love white chocolate, so will have to try this! I hope your hubby had a good Father's Day!

  31. My hubby will love this ice cream a lot as white chocolate and raspberry are his favourite.

  32. What a pretty ice cream with the streaks of raspberry through it!
    I'm not a huge fan of white chocolate, but I won't turn it down in ice cream.

  33. While we don't like white chocolate, the rich French vanilla ice cream with raspberries is very appealing. And, at long last, we are having ice cream weather. As for grousing, I'll be doing that about the heat and humidity in the next few days!!


  34. This is the most perfect summer dessert! Two of my favorite things, raspberries and white chocolate - together in a cool, creamy perfect bowl!

  35. this recipe would b really great to surprise anyone.since i am graduating,for sure i will try this when i am celebrating it with my beloved family.thanks for this idea :) keep up your good work with lots of nice recipes ;) good day~

  36. What a perfect combo, white chocolate, raspberry, and ice cream!!
    Looks delicious.

  37. I love white chocolate especially combined with raspberry. This ice cream looks wonderful, I'm making note of this since I think my family would really enjoy this one!

  38. This ice cream does sound very rich, but I would love to taste it. I'm glad to read that your family loved it.

  39. Oh no, another ice cream I absolutely HAVE to make!! This is making for one fantastic (and a tad bit fattening) summer. I LOVE it!!


  40. The fact that you actually make something to please others when you do not care for it speaks volumes. Beautiful to look at.

  41. What a perfect combo, raspberry and white choco...looks so delicious!

  42. This is our favorite combination for cheesecake! I imagine it's a perfect mix for ice cream. I think you've tempted me...I might have to try this.

  43. I need to get an icecream maker! I love the combo of white chocolate and raspberry

  44. I love raspberries with white chocolate and this ice cream looks amazing to me! It is a sweltering hot day here and I could really go for a bowl.

  45. Wow, this looks delicious. I am sure it would be loved at my house. Thanks for dropping by.

  46. White chocolate and raspberies-Yummy! This sounds like something I would love:)

  47. Yum! I love the combination of raspberries and white chocolate. I need to make some ice cream! Thanks!!

  48. Mmm, ice cream. I love it. I love it during summer, I love it during winter. There is nothing better than enjoying a flavorful ice cream like this one after a great meal.

  49. Oddly enough I only started to like white chocolate recently...isn't it funny how tastes change? White chocolate and raspberry is a fantastic combo and this looks incredible!

  50. Oh Mary, what a nice and flavorful ice cream, love the combination of white chocolate and it! Have a great week ahead :-)

  51. You can grouse all you want, but I've bookmarked this one to try...LOL

  52. Looks great, but I bet it tastes even better!

  53. okay, my mouth is literally watering!!!! two of my favorite things: white chocolate and raspberries! what could be more perfect?

  54. What a decadent combo... I too am not too crazy about a LOT of white chocolate, but this looks about right. Beautiful photo!

  55. I love raspberry and white chocolate - this looks absolutely perfect!!

  56. This is so lovely. I just love the prettiness of it. So creamy, pink-summery pretty - can't stand it! Want it! I would opt for the vanilla - I love chocolate but have always just been happily sated by vanilla ice cream

  57. This got to be the best flavours of all the ice cream recipes circulating around the blogs! So gorgeous! White chocolates are the best!

  58. I do enjoy eating white chocolate. My spoon is ready! Yum!

  59. All of these wonderful ice cream recipes on my favorite food blogs lately are persuading me to dig out my ice cream freezer. This looks perfectly creamy and wonderful. Love the raspberries in there! Mmmm.

  60. The raspberries have just started to ripen at the farm, and it looks like we will have them for weeks - so this ice cream is on my list as a way to make good use of the harvest.

  61. I love white chocolate myself, looks very tempting...

  62. I'm very impressed with you making this when you don't want to eat it yourself. I think it sounds fantastic. Do you not need to beat the ice-cream half way through freezing? That's the bit I usually forget and I always end up with water crystals.

  63. I like white chocolate in ice cream but in very small doses too. This is such a pretty pairing with the pink from the berries. ;-)

  64. I always get the raspberry and white chocolate flavored forzen yogurt swirled together at TCBY! I never thought of making my own though :-)

  65. Oh Mary- this is up my alley. I mae a white chocolate and raspberry cheesecake that I so love. I know I would love this.

  66. I've had an itch to make ice cream now that the temps are getting so hot out...I think I'll start with this one!!

  67. I am making this for my birthday next month. Because I am worth it.

  68. oh my, it's 7am and I can't stop drooling just looking at that picture!

  69. Wow -- this looks great! I will definitely be trying this. :)

  70. I just made this one...Soooooo good! THe whole family loved it!

  71. Can i be really stupid and ask what you mean by freezer bowl? Is it part of an ice cream maker?

  72. Mady, it is the removable bowl of an ice cream maker. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary


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