
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Rosemary Aioli

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...I love a really good sandwich and over the years I've learned that a little extra effort can take a good sandwich and make it great. The best of sandwiches start with good bread and a wonderfully flavorful spread to bind the bread and filling to each other. Good bread is no longer a problem as sources for it abound, but it's a different story when it comes to sandwich spreads. While there are good commercial spreads available, they make adequate, not great sandwiches. Years ago Julia Child and her contemporaries developed recipes for blender mayonnaise. That changed the way I made sandwiches. Those early recipes have long since been retired, but I still use the blender to make a highly flavored aioli that will make your socks go up and down. I use this particular spread for roast beef and roast pork sandwiches. It is also wonderful with leftover chicken. While this is an extremely easy recipe, when you are pressed for time rosemary and garlic can be added to commercial mayonnaise for somewhat comparable results. I hope you will try this. It will make your sandwiches truly exceptional. Here's the recipe .

Rosemary Aioli...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite

1 large egg yolk
1-1/2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
1-1/2 teaspoons white-wine vinegar
1/2 teaspoon Kosher salt
Pinch of black pepper
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 cup vegetable oil
Aioli Additions
1 tablespoon minced garlic
1 teaspoon finely chopped fresh rosemary
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
Kosher salt to taste

1) To make mayonnaise: Place egg yolk, mustard, vinegar, salt and pepper in jar of an electric blender. Blend for 30 seconds. Combine olive and vegetable oil in a 1-cup measure. With motor running, slowly add 1/4 cup oil in a slow stream, blending until mixture is smooth and begins to thicken. With blender running, add remainder of oil in a steady stream.
2) To make aioli: Place 1 cup mayonnaise in a bowl. Add garlic, rosemary, pepper and salt. Mix well. Store in refrigerator. Yield: 1-1/4 cups.

Cook's Note: Tarragon can be substituted for rosemary if you prefer a tarragon flavored aioli.

You might also enjoy these recipes:
Mexican Beer-Cheese Spread - One Perfect Bite
Pumpkin Butter - One Perfect Bite
Liptauer Cheese Spread - One Perfect Bite
Pimento Cheese Spread - Foodista
Orange and Chive Aioli - Fine Cooking
Garlic Lemon Aioli - Culinate


  1. Well rock my socks Mary, that looks and sounds wonderful!! You are so right, a good bread and a great spread can really zing up a sammie! Have a wonderful day!!

  2. Incredible and flavourful aioli, i would like to have them with some fried potatoes, mouthwatering here..

  3. i love sandwiches!!and garlic too.definitely will try this!thanx a lot Mary!! :)

  4. Hi Mary. The Aioli looks wonderful. I'm sure it'll be delicious with burgers and fries. yum. Have a nice day. Michael

  5. That looks and sounds so delicious, thank you!

    Good dear Julia, she was such a beacon of good food, so much we take for granted today. I remember the days when a dried baguette by Vie de France was the most exciting "fresh" bread at the Safeway in Washington, DC!

  6. Hi Mary,
    That aioli must be so delicious and the rosemary is such a great herb. I never thought about rosemary in aioli, but I loved the idea. Thanks for share it with us!!

  7. Wow! That's so great making your own spread, looks absolutely delicious.

  8. Ooo I am going to make that today. how delicious it sounds- I grow my own rosemary too. I have a craving for a good roast beef sandwich after reading that! Thanks Mary, have a wonderful day, God bless x

  9. Huh, what a great idea. And simple. With the mayo, could you just use olive oil? I actually never use vegetable oil....

  10. Mary, this aioli looks terribly GOOD! Love all the extra additions!

  11. ooh... delicious! Emmalene and I both made a safron aioli recently but the rosemary one sounds exceptional... I will make it this weekend... oh and I need a good recipe for Pizza dough if anyone has one!

  12. Great aioli with the addition of the rosemary. I've only ever made garlic aioli. This sounds great for roast pork sandwiches, and I just happen to have some sliced roast pork in the fridge. Yay!

  13. Just going into the garden to get the rosemary, everything else is in the house. Thanks for this one. Have a great day. Diane

  14. how I love rosemary... the aioli looks perfect and indeed sounds like heaven on a sandwich!

  15. This is a wonderful thing. I made my first simple aioli just a few weeks ago, and now I am flavoring mayo like crazy... This has so much more than i have tried. Loving this...

    I really like Hoisin added to the mayo... maybe this recipe with hoisin instead of the mustard... gotta ponder

    Great post

  16. I make this as well and in a pinch, I "doctor" up commerical mayonnaise! It does make for a better sandwich. And you can do the same for mustard -- cranberry mustard (with pork or chicken).

    And this aioli is good for other things too!!!

    Made your lemon slaw again -- it is a hit on the prairie!

  17. Mary...thank you so much for this recipe which I'll certainly have to add to a growing selective list of spreads which I love to have on hand.
    I truly do not remember when I had the last commercial spread...I enjoy the homemade kind way more ;o)
    Have a fabulous day and flavourful wishes, Claudia

  18. Sounds like something we have got to try. I haven't been satisfied with my previous attempts at mayo.

  19. Hi Mary. Just wanted to say hello. Wow, this would be perfect on a roast beef sandwich. Looks delicious.

  20. Now to cook some fresh pasta. Delicious.

  21. A dressing can make a good sandwich outstanding. Rosemary and garlic aioli will be just right for the bit of leftover roast lamb in our refrigerator. Thanks for the recipe.


  22. A good spread can make or break a sandwich. I can imagine that this is delicious with nice slices of roast beef.

  23. I totally agree with you as regards sandwich. Spread is a key factor to success and I think my dear you have just reached the top.

  24. I agree, good storebought spreads are hard to come by and in my opinion it's always worth it to make your own. This would definitely take a plain old roast beef sandwich up a few notches!

  25. Do you think this was taste good with some tomatoes on a sandwich? We've got tons of tomatoes popping up in our garden, and I'm always looking for new ideas, instead of the same old mayo and tomato sandwich, albeit those are still pretty delicious! :)

  26. Mary, my Nonna always had a jar of some sort of aioli in the fridge- so very good!
    xoxo Pattie

  27. Rosemary is probably my favorite herb - I can just imagine this spread on a thick, wonderful sandwich with crusty bread!

  28. I love aioli! I have never tried it with Rosemary, I can't believe that considering my fascination with the herb! I will be trying this next time I make an aioli for sure! Enjoy your day, Mary!

  29. STOP IT! I can't possibly keep up with making all the things I want to make from your blog as each and every day you have something new that looks absolutely brilliant and I go to the store, make it thinking that will be the last this week, and then there is another something. Like this one. Could you possibly go on vacation a month so I can catch up? Thank you. Seriously, love your blog & am stealing from it right and left.

  30. This sounds amazing! I'm growing rosemary so I'm excited to have another recipe to try!!

  31. I just recently discovered how easy it was to make my own mayo. Your rosemary and garlic additions sound like something I'll have to try. With those two flavors together, I'll bet it's good on just about anything! Thanks for sharing.

  32. Oh that sounds yummy! I'm going to enjoy cooking again when Norm gets home!

  33. Oh wow, this sounds terrific! I always love to have some new spreading on my sandwiches. Thanks! Hope you're having a great day, Mary.
    Cheers, Kristy

  34. This is getting made over the weekend, I need something to pep up sandwiches

  35. I'll definitely give this a try. It would be good with a nice big portobello mushroom too.

  36. This Aioli looks incredibily good!

    Have a lovely day, dear Mary!

  37. I love the addition of rosemary. It makes me want to roast some pork just to have the leftovers for sandwiches!

  38. Delicious looking spread. My mouth is watering thinking about that sandwich!

  39. One of the best thing about blogging is finding great recipes like this.

  40. I'm so excited about this aioli, Mary! I have the cookbook Once Upon A Tart and they have the most scrumptious sandwiches, all starting with spreads like yours. :-)

  41. Anything garlicky on bread gets my vote and the addition of rosemary makes it even tastier and more irresistible!

  42. Yes. A bit of effort can make a huge difference when your prepping your own sandwich. I love rosemary, and I'm sure this spread is divine.

  43. I've been looking for an excuse to do aioli. There's a bit (ok, a lot) of lavender in my front yard that I think i could purpose similarly. Thanks for the idea!

  44. I'm in the market for a new blender. Any recommendations for one that's easy to clean, doesn't take up the entire counter (like those Vitamix monsters) but still does a good job?

  45. Beautiful aioli. Rosemary is such a wonderful flavor! I am thinking it would be delicous on a black forest ham sandwich!

  46. Mary, it looks delicious! I have never made aioli but after you have made it sound so delicious, I have printed the recipe and will try it soon. I bet it's great on a grilled burger. Thanks for the recipe and you have a wonderful day!

  47. Mary, I forgot... Does this keep as well as mayonnaise or for only a few days? Thanks, Pam

  48. I will most likely never make this but I have to say I feel like a better person just KNOWING it exists!
    I love this page...

  49. Thanks for the terrific idea--can't wait to try it!

  50. I love to make these kind of condiments in the summer with my fresh herbs!

  51. Hi Mary, what a great aioli! I agree that a little extra effort can make a big difference for a sandwich. Love you added rosemary to it! Great recipe!!

  52. oh how wonedrful, I would love this slathered on everything...great recipe, thanks for sharing..


  53. Thanks for sharing this idea. I haven't been using mayo but recently have been putting a tiny tiny spot (1/8th of a teaspoon) on my tomato, lettuce sandwhich. So I wouldn't make up some, however the addition of rosemary I can do!

  54. Excellent, excellent recipe Mary! I can see putting a dab on this on roasted or grilled chicken.

  55. Gorgeous recipe! That would crown up any bread sandwich! Home-made too!

  56. Yum, sounds very tasty. Thanks Mary!

  57. I'll take a roast pork sandwich with this.

  58. You are so right Mary! I love a good sandwich. What was it Disney said, "The majic is in the details".
    YUM ~LeslieMichele

  59. Now I am absolutely craving a roast pork sandwich with this tasty aioli!

  60. Whoa, baby! It would be so dangerous to have a jar of this in my house. But it would be worth it, not only for the luscious taste, but to see my socks go up and down. LOL

  61. This flavorful aioli on a roast beef sandwich sounds divine! You're absolutely right, this is so much better than any jarred spread from the store!

  62. This sounds so good - I bet it really dresses up a sandwich - even a boring one!!

  63. Hi Mary, your rosemary aioli looks good, what a delicious way to flavor it, I could think of a few ways I would like to serve this, I know it's bad but I would like to dip a few french fries in your aioli, yum!

  64. what can you say about a good aioli? just looking at the photo makes me want to have a sandwich for dinner...maybe a blt ;)

  65. I love aioli! I know how awesome it can make to any dish! Kumara chips (sweet potato) with aioli sauce is the best!

    The addition of rosemary I'm sure makes it even better.

    Great recipe Mary :)

  66. Wow, this looks great! Love the color. I bet it makes sandwiches taste heavenly.

  67. Yum! This sounds fabulous!!!

    I love making a kalamata and garlic aioli...great for sandwiches and for dipping french fries. (This is what our local Nordstrom serves in their cafe...the waiter told me how to make it.)

    Jane (artfully graced)

  68. Thank you for visiting my blog and for the kind words. I returned the visit and I've got to say your blog is a feast for the eyes. I'll definitely try your recipe for the aioli--it looks and sounds delicious!

  69. Oh, I have been looking for an aioli recipe and this looks simple and delicious. Do you know how long it keeps in the fridge? Looking forward to giving it a whirl! (pun intended)

  70. I love aioli and to flavor it with rosemary is a super clever idea...I can imagine it with the spanish tortilla...potato garlic rosemary, what a winning combination...

  71. I am sure this adds so much wonderful flavor. I would love the tarragon variation too.

  72. Yummers! I have fresh rosemary growing in my yard and this would be perfect for it!

  73. What a perfect aioli for any sandwich. Rosemary is one of my favorite herbs.

  74. How long can this be stored in the fridge?

  75. Nikol, I've kept it for up to a week.


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