
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Ham: Again and Again and Again - Pink Saturday

Photo Courtesy of Renee Comet

"Eternity is two people and a ham."

Glazed Ham Loaf

Scalloped Ham and Potatoes with Cheese

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...Bob and I don't eat a lot of ham. There is just too much meat for us to handle, so we reserve it for an occasional company meal. I made a ham last week that, in its first iteration, fed eight adults. It also made pea soup, ham salad, scalloped ham and potatoes and a lovely glazed ham loaf. You all know how to roast and glaze a ham. I'm pretty sure you have your own version of pea soup and ham salad, so I wanted to share two other recipes that you can use to finish up the last bits of the feast. The scalloped potatoes are based on a recipe from my childhood, but the ham loaf comes from a deli near the campus of Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh. Years ago, we dropped in to try their version of Pittsburgh's infamous ham barbecue and were struck by the number of people who were picking up a ground meat mixture from the meat counter. Never shy when it comes to food, I asked what it was. The deli mix was actually an unformed ham loaf that folks took home to bake and glaze. Of course I had to try it and it turned out to be surprising nice. Now unless you are from Pittsburgh, this will not be on the list of foods you request for your final meal. I think you will, however, be pleasantly surprised by how good this loaf actually is. It and the scalloped potatoes are really easy to do and I thought you might like the recipes for them. Here's how they're made.

Glazed Ham Loaf
...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite


Ham Loaf
1 pound ground baked ham
1 pound ground fresh pork
1 tablespoon spicy brown mustard
3/4 cup milk
2 eggs slightly beaten
1/4 cup chopped parsley
1 cup fresh bread crumbs
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
2/3 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon dry mustard
1/8 teaspoon ground cloves
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup sherry wine vinegar

1) To make ham loaf: In a large mixing bowl, combine ground ham, ground pork, eggs, and milk in a large mixing bowl. Mix gently to incorporate ingredients. Add breadcrumbs, parsley and pepper and mix until just combined. Do not overmix. Shape mixture into loaf form and put it on a pan sprayed with nonstick cooking spray.
2) To make glaze: Combine brown sugar, dry mustard, ground cloves, water, and vinegar in a medium saucepan. Slowly cook over low heat until sugar dissolves. Set aside.
3) Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Place ham loaf in oven and bake for two hours, basting with glaze every 15 minutes after first hour of cooking. Remove loaf from oven. Mix remaining glaze with pan juices and serve with ham loaf. Yield: 4 to 6 servings.

Scalloped Ham and Potatoes with Cheese
...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite


1/2 cup chopped onion (1 large)
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1-1/4 cups milk
4 cups (about 1 pound) thinly sliced potatoes
12 ounces cubed or shredded ham
1 cup shredded cheese (I use Monterey Jack)

1) To make sauce: Melt butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Add onion and garlic and cook until tender. Stir in flour, salt, and pepper. Add milk all at once. Cook and stir over medium heat until thickened and bubbly. Add cheese and stir until melted. Set aside.
2) Place half of sliced potatoes in a greased 1-1/2 quart rectangular dish. Top with ham and half of sauce. Top with remaining half of potatoes and sauce.
3) Bake, covered, in a preheated 350 degree F oven for 45 minutes. Uncover and bake for 40 to 50 minutes more or until potatoes are tender. Let stand, uncovered, for 10 minutes before serving. Yield: 4 to 5 servings.

You might also enjoy these recipes:
How to Make Ham Stock and Recipe Ideas Using Ham Stock - Kalyn's Kitchen
Frugal Uses for Leftover Ham - Frugal Families
Ham Cheese and Paprika Muffins - Cook Sister
Doe Run Inn's Country Ham Balls - Courier Journal
Restaurant-Style Ham Fried Rice - Favorite Family Recipes
Ham and Split Pea Soup with Bacon - Food and Wine Blog

This post is being linked to:
Pink Saturday, sponsored by Beverly at How Sweet the Sound.


  1. I don't think I've ever seen a ham loaf, it is so pretty. I love the potato recipe! My family has always made ham salad, it's a spread for sandwiches.

  2. I have eaten ham like this while in the States. I loved it and I want to recreate it here in Greece. I will keep your recipe to try it. It looks very juicy.

  3. Sometimes I make a meat loaf similar to yours but never thought of a glaze. From its ingredients I can well imagine the fantastic taste.

    For potato gratin I pre-cook the potatoes a little while in milk, garlic and spices, to shorten the oven time, and it improves the flavor.

  4. That glazed ham loaf is definately on my to do list,it sounds wonderful. Diane

  5. Mary, both recipes look wonderful, but the ham loaf is really intriguing as my husband loves to stretch a ham. I think this may be something he enjoys
    xoxo Pattie

  6. Oh Mary :-))
    stò tentando disperatamente di dimagrire ( fino ad ora ho perso ben 8 KG )ma con queste deliziose ed invitanti ricette credo che andrò a recuperare presto i Kg persi !!!!!
    Buona giornata a te amica mia.

  7. Mary...there are two times a year where I make a juicy ham...and yes left overs are plenty. I'll book mark your wonderful recipes so that the extension of flavours can last even longer. Great loaf recipe ;o)

    Ciao for now,

  8. I'm the same way with ham (buying a ham requires a commitment around here!) But I do like the flavor when I get one. Your recipes sound great, and thanks for featuring my ham stock.

  9. I just can't imagine grinding up a perfectly good ham!....but having followed your blog for some time and trying some of your recipes, I have to say that I'll take your word that this is tasty.
    I love ham and scalloped potatoes - real comfort food on a cold Sunday evening.....soon!

  10. Oh The ham looks terific! I would love to have it in my sandwiches. yummm.... Hope you're enjoying your weekend.
    Cheers, kristy

  11. We bake ham very seldom as well, but both of these dishes sound very good as do the buns and BBQ sauce and rice squares from below - I've been out of touch the past couple of days.

  12. We bake ham very seldom as well, but both of these dishes sound very good as do the buns and BBQ sauce and rice squares from below - I've been out of touch the past couple of days.

  13. I do like ham loaf -- I have a good one from Helen Corbitt and it's great to stretch those bits of ham for another meal!

  14. It has been YEARS since I have eaten ham loaf. I used to love it. Thanks for jolting my memory!!

  15. I just love ham, but I have to admit I have never had a loaf. It sounds interesting and I will have to think about it. I bet it's good. Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  16. You've no doubt heard the saying, "The definition of eternity is two people and a ham!"

    We only have ham once or twice a year; you're making me hungry for one right now. I do love all the things you can do with the leftover ham.

  17. I believe this is the first time I've even seen a ham loaf. I would definitely try it, though, it sounds wonderful! Now scalloped potatoes I have heard of and LOVE them! I love your version of it...thanks for sharing!

  18. All three of your pictures are of things we ate when I was a boy. I had forgotten about ham and scalloped potatoes, and ham loaf. I do remember the occasional whole ham studded with cloves. You took me way back.

  19. Both of these recipes make me want to sit down to a comforting home cooked meal Mary!

  20. What a wonderful post Mary!
    Everything looks and sounds delicious!

  21. The ham loaf looks extraordinarily tempting!

  22. I love this recipe combination! We usually do a ham for Easter. My kids love the scallop potatoes. Thanks for sharing. Go visit the Miracle Makeover posts everywhere today and tomorrow! Anne

  23. That is so nice; a perfect picture and a perfect meal.I learn something new here everythime I come.

  24. Mary,

    That was torture to see your most recent post in my current state of hunger. Now I am going on a quest to find ham and potatoes today. Your food always looks great!

  25. Scalloped potatoes ~ yum! It matches the kind of fallish day we are having here in Seattle.

    Hope you get some nice rest this weekend,Mary.


  26. A ham loaf is fabulous!
    Thank you for sharing Mary.
    Happy Pink Saturday.

    " ♥ Regina "

  27. Mary, it looks delicious! I love, love glazed ham like this; if only I could convince hubby of the same. Have a great weekend!

  28. I love ham- it's the dinner that keeps on giving! Thanks for these yummy recipes. You've made me wish I had cooked a ham and had some left over!

  29. Mary, I love ham, but it does seem to last forever, doesn't it? Growing up we always had a ham in the refrigerator. You've brought back fond memories for me of my dad.

  30. Yes, one can have too much of a good thing. That's why freezers were invented. But, sometimes it just brings out our creativity. Good uses of your available supply here.

  31. I've never even had a ham loaf. Love ham - been thinking it's time - this is just terrific - and you know I am eyeing those carbs. You sure do know how to dress a potato.

  32. I love ham and we usually glaze it with pinapple juice and top it glazed pineapples. I will try sherry wine vinegar next time. Thanks Mary!


  33. I love a good favorite thing to cook with the leftovers is.....Ham and Beans....yummy with a pan of cornbread! Comfort food in a bowl!!!

  34. I don't cook a ham often either, but when I do we always have alot of leftovers. I've never had ham loaf, but will try it next time we have a ham dinner. The potatoes look awsome-this is one of my favorite potato recipes.
    Have a wonderful weekend Mary!

  35. You made me home sick for ham loaf and I have only had it a few times not being from Lancaster originally. Have you ever cook ham in Coke? I learned it from a great cook of the old fashioned kind. Cover and slow simmer. Yummy! We do not think any other brand will so though. Can't wait to try out the potatoes!

  36. Scalloped potatoes, omg! I miss them so much, your post has made me realize that I have not made them in almost a year. Thanks so much for sharing your recipes! xo

  37. I almost pulled a ham out of the freezer last week to cook for supper but decided it would be too much for us. Now I need to pull it out again because I really want to try that ham loaf recipe. Thanks for sharing:)

  38. Oh my! Look at those ham! So gorgeous! So delicious looking! And I love the look of those scallop potatoes too!

  39. Your ham and potato recipe look delicious. Thanks for sharing this wonderful recipe. Happy Pink Saturday!

  40. Ham. Potatoes. Cheese. All in the same dish!?!! Heaven! Thanks for the recipe!

  41. The ham and potato sounds amazing! I cooked ham once and loved it, like you said, it's just too big for 2 people, so I never made it again.

  42. Happy Pink Saturday, Nerina. Thank you for making Pink Saturday special.

    This post really made me smile. My son loves ham, and he has since he was a very small child. He used to call it pink meat. Even to this day, my mother gives him a spiral spliced ham every year as one of his Christmas presents. His famous motto is "Ummm, ham!"

    My husband and I rarely prepare ham, but if we do I know my son will show up to eat.

  43. Dear Mary. Did I just type the wrong name in a comment I left for you? If so, I apologize. My brain was distracted.

    Please change it if you can.

  44. Hi Mary, your recipe for Scalloped Ham and Potatoes with Cheese sounds quite delish. What great comfort food this is! I look forward to making this side dish. Mary, you have many wonderful recipes posted on your blog. The pictures shown are done so beautifully. All are making my mouth water. I think I gained a pound or two by just looking at the pics posted. Mary, I look forward to viewing your blog and checking out your recipes, as all look so good! Thanx for sharing those recipes. Cindi

  45. I wanna try that scalloped potatoes and ham! Looks great.

  46. Ooooh I loooooove scalloped potatoes. I'm assuming I can just leave the ham out w/o messing up the recipe too much (we don't do pork)...


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