
Saturday, October 30, 2010

"I didn't summit but...

...Mt. Everest touched my heart." Bob and I took an aerial tour of the Himalayas this morning and Mt. Everest and I are kissing cousins. It was an indescribable experience. An old pilot in our group also reminded us that we all had lived to die another day. The landing did not please him. We are in Nepal. The food is terrible but the valley is one of fascinating contrasts. Yesterday we were able to see the Living Goddess and her temple. She is a seven year old girl chosen in much the same way as the Dalai Lama. It was a fascinating peek into the culture and beliefs of the people here. We remain in Kathmandu for another two days before moving on to visit a Sherpa village and beginning a wildlife safari. Many of you have asked who arranged the tour we are taking. The group is called Road Scholars and I heartily recommend it to all who love to travel.I hope you all are well. Blessings...Mary


  1. What an absolutely amazing experience you are having. Cheers to you! Enjoy and embrace every moment of this travel experience.

  2. Oh my, must be amazing! Can't wait to see your photos. Have a safe trip! Enjoy and Happy Halloween to you & Bob and all others with you.
    Blessings, Kristy

  3. Wow. What an experience! I hope you and Bob are doing well and enjoying the rest of your trip (sorry about the terrible food). Have a lovely weekend. Michael

  4. Sounds like you're having a wonderful time! Keep enjoying your travels!

  5. Wow, to be able to see Mt. Everest is truly a wonderful experience! Couldn't wait to see all your photos! Take care and enjoy!

  6. I'm following you with such interest. It's making me re-think our holiday plans!

  7. What a fantastic trip - looking forward to some photos!!

  8. Sounds like you are enjoying yourself Mary:D

  9. Your travel is absolutely nice!! enjoy dear! blessings!! gloria

  10. Mary, I've been thinking of you and your travels. I'm so glad that you are having such an amazing time. Thank you for sharing...I'm sorry I've been a bit absent these last few days...we are just dealing with so much with baby Ryan. Have a beautiful weekend!

  11. OMG Mary, I am so envious!! I have always wanted to see Mt. Everest. I have been fascinated with that mountain and the pull it has on man to summit it. The amount of people that will risk their lives to stand on it's summit...a place where no human should be going due to the lack of oxygen. Wow.. what a great experience you just had. Thanks so much for sharing!

  12. That is such a great experience! Wish I could do it too :)

  13. How exciting, Mary! Thanks for the information and for sharing such an amazing experience. I can't wait to hear more!

  14. Hope you said a prayer, Mary! Terrible food would be a problem for me! I know I would be in hospital at the moment! So glad you can enjoy this for me!

  15. What a fantastic experience! Keep enjoying yourselves and I truly hope the food improves soon :o)

  16. I love, love to travel....can't wait to hear more!

  17. How wonderful! Looking forward to more updates!

  18. Mary,enjoy your travels,ariel view of the mountains must have been wonderful...I would like to do this,thanks for letting us know who arranged this tour for you,I'll chk it out.

  19. oh I'm so glad to hear that!! I can't wait to hear stories.
    love you & miss you xoxo, the mabes

  20. How incredible, Mary!!! I'm just loving these mini-glimpses into your adventures. :-) What a wonderful experience!!

  21. Such a wonderful experience Mary!

  22. I am living vicariously through your travels, Mary! I can only imagine the excitement of soaring above the highest peaks on earth.
    There is nothing that enriches us more than a glimpse into another way of life. Enjoy it!


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