
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Festival of Diwali

We had the good fortune to spend the festival of Diwali in the enchanted city of Pokhara. The holiday is the Hindu celebration of light and it is much like our Christmas, only more colorful. It was wonderful to see this small city decked in lights and drenched with color. We are proceeding to the border to try to enter Tibet. I'll keep you posted. Bob and I have broken away from the group to sample Nepali cooking. I'm so glad we did. The food is similar to, but lacks the fire of some of the Indian food we have sampled on our trip. I hate to see this adventure coming to an end. It really has been a wonderful experience. I hope you are all well. Blessings...Mary


  1. I think I have heard of this festival, hope you got lots of good pictures, it must be very pretty! Are tourists allowed in Tibet, or am I living in the past? How daring and interesting. When are you returning? I know you cannot answer comments now, just letting you know what comes to mind. Oh, an extra post, do I see quiche below, I'm going to check this out next!

  2. What a wonderful time to be in India! More and more I am looking forward to your photos and stories.

  3. I experienced Diwali during a childhood in Fiji - many Indians migrated there in the 1800's under British colonialism to work on sugar plantations! I was amazed at the colour, movement and light in this festival - your post reminds me that it's a very long time since I last saw it!!

    Happy travels!!

  4. You two are daring adventurers! Enjoy the remainder of your trip and safe travel home.


  5. Way to go! What a great time you must be having!

  6. I love experiencing new types of cuisine and how wonderful to celebrate Diwali in a Hindu country! Enjoy the rest of your amazing vacation!

  7. Our indian community celebrates this festival here too but it must be quite mellowed as compared to those in India.

  8. Mary, can't wait to welcome you back! Miss you! Have a safe journey.
    Blessings, Kristy

  9. How fortunate to see a real Diwali festival! I hope that you are having a great time,

    happy travels



  10. It sounds beautiful, you describe it well, I can only envision how lovely the colors must be. Enjoy the experience!

  11. Seeing a Diwali festival in Pokhara must have been an amazing experience, Mary! Sounds like you're having a lot of fun!

  12. Dear Mary,

    I am glad to know that you are having a lovely trip :-) Looking forward to your photos.

    Happy travels!

  13. This is a nice little reminder that the festive holidays have to soon be planned for.
    Mary...stay safe and happy travels ;o)

    Ciao for now,

  14. Amazing journey. I am looking forward to the pictures. I also know I can count on you for some amazing stories.

  15. Ola, ma mere! Hope you're prepared to teach me much vegetarian Indian cooking! Try to post if you got into Tibet? We love you, TX.

  16. BTW, Indian mail caused much excitement! He had a great day! Tks.

  17. The Diwali festival must be really something to see first-hand. Over in Malaysia, it is a public holiday for this celebration. Looking forward to see all the photos that you've taken!

  18. I've heard of this festival through another blog that I read. I'm so glad that you're having a great time Mary.I've so enjoyed reading about your travels. Be safe!


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