
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sampling the Colors of India


Brick makers' wives.

Rice farmers' wives.

The wife of a potter.

We are back. Unfortunately our luggage is not. We had a wonderful time despite some bad trip karma. In addition to missing luggage, I've arrived home with a large knot on top of my head. The overhead compartment in the airplane opened mid-flight on the way to India and a laptop fell on my, thankfully, hard head, leaving me with a bump and black eye. Three days later I came down with a respiratory infection and managed to walk into a wall which caused another egg, this one turning my right temple a lovely green. A fall while in the jungle left me with a bruised leg and sprained ankle but we managed to carry on. Our vacations tend not to be for the feint of heart, but this was the first time I elicited sympathy from the women of the villages we visited. They simply glared at Bob who they assumed was responsible for my colorful appearance. I arrived home wheezing and wearing the latest in fashionable black, blue and green, accessorised, of course, with an au courant ace bandage. The trip was worth every bump and bruise and I have much to tell you. I wanted to start with a sampling of the colors of India and it's beautiful women. The colors will beat back the grayest of days. I hope you enjoy the pictures.


  1. So sorry to hear about the bad trip karma but glad that your black, blue and green self is home safely. Since I'm having a hard time dealing with the one-hour time change, I can only imagine what you must be going through. Thanks for taking the time to post the colorful photos. I look forward to more.


  2. It sounds like you got pretty banged up but I am glad you felt all the pain was worth it. I am happy you enjoyed your trip.

  3. Gorgeous pictures. My dad travels to India once or twice a year on business and I always love seeing his pictures. I hope to see more of yours soon!

    So sorry about the injuries and I hope you get your luggage back quickly!

  4. The pictures are fabulous so sorry to hear about you not feeling well. At least you home and almost well!!

  5. Welcome back! You poor thing...sounds like you got pretty banged up. Glad you enjoyed your trip. Those pictures are so lovely. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Gorgeous colors - so vibrant! So sorry to hear about your bumps and bruises ~ I hope they heal quickly.

  7. Mary...what a tryly amazing adventurer and trooper you are. As I was reading your very unfortunate incidants...I couldn't help but wonder where anything positive was going to conclude your post...and yet you managed to entertain us with your witt and colorful pics. Very joyful.

    Mary...take some serious time to heal yourself properly ;o)
    Ciao for now and looking forward too so many more tales ;)

  8. I'm so excited to hear about every second of it! Although I'm sorry to hear that you came home with battle scars :/

  9. I am in awe! Welcome home Mary!

  10. Once you recover from all these I am sure you will remember them and laugh. Can't wait to hear every little detail.

  11. Thanks for stopping by my blog today! Sorry you had some mishaps on your trip. These ladies are beautiful and their attire is so rich in color! Can't wait to hear more stories!

  12. Makes for a memorable trip...

    Nice to have you back. Your trip still sounds amazing

  13. OMG, Mary! You have worse karma than I do! The photos are wonderful! Hope now that you are home you will heal fast! Nancy

  14. I don't mean to laugh, but I can't imagine what a mess you were when you came back. Talk about bad traveling luck is right! You poor thing and you still took the time to share these wonderful photos with us! Take care of yourself!

  15. Oh my I'm sorry all this happened! Glad you are back and hope you get your luggage back soon! Love the pictures.

  16. Gorgeous pictures---how vibrant! I wish we dressed like that. I guess your body must match with all that black and blue going on---man you must be like I love Lucy as far as being Jinxed! I surely hope you are feeling ok!!! I have a friend who traveled to India even in her 80's and she has bad knee and back problems. I really don't know how she did it---she had a long ox cart ride to take to get to her destination at an orphanage.

  17. Ps. I hope you will be inspired to do some vegan indian recipes.

  18. Hi Mary, Seems like you had a great vacation--with a few exceptions... Mercy!!!!

    Thanks for coming to my blog. I am enjoying yours. You have some fabulous recipes on your blog. AND that cinnamon apple cider sounds yummy!!!!!

    Beautiful colors from the ladies in India...

    Thanks again.

  19. Oh, gosh, Mary!! You seem just as accident prone as me! A LAPTOP??? It's amazing you weren't knocked out! So sorry about all these things! But I'm glad you are back safe and sound and no more beat up thsn this!! These clothes, the brick maker's wives, is this how they dress all the time? Are they rich or is this some special festivity? I'm just blown away by the amazing colors!!! You must have seen such stunning things, I can't wait to see more!!

  20. Wow girl! You certainly had a trip you won't soon forget. From the injuries to the beautiful ladies and all their attire. Loved the pics, I hope this finds you doing much better now.. hugs ~lynne~

  21. Sorry about your mishaps, it sounds like something that would happen to me.
    As for the photos, fantastic, beautiful brightness!

  22. I absolutely love India. I've been there a couple times and I have to say it isn't easy on the body, but an incredible place and worth it. Thank you for sharing!

  23. Glad you made it home safely despite all the mishaps Mary. Your going to have more memories than you thought!
    The women are beautiful with all of their vibrant colors! Can't wait to read your up coming posts. The ones you've already posted have been so intersting.
    Have a blessed week and take care.

  24. I am glad you are home, be it not the safest trip. I love the pictures. It shows me that no matter what your occupation or your position in life, wealth or poverty, these women have such pride in how they look and dress. Impressive.

  25. Oh no, but I do look forward to more sharing, and love the colors. Thanks for giving us a glimpse into the wives :)

    I gave myself a concussion a week ago, was horrible to sit in the dark all alone :( but I survive as a strong women!

    Feel more walls...

  26. The colours are beautiful indeed.

    Sorry to hear about your bumps and lumps but glad that you think they were worth it. Look forward to seeing n reading more :)

  27. Ouch! so sorry to hear about your incidents but those photos are indeed very colourful! Lovely saries the women folks of India!

  28. So sorry to hear about all of your mishaps, Mary, but glad to hear the trip was so great otherwise.

    Gorgeous photos in this post! Looking forward to more.

  29. What vibrant colors the women are wearing! I've enjoyed reading your traveling updates. Mary, I hope everything heals quickly.

  30. I can't wait to hear and see more. Welcome home.


  31. Sorry about your little accidents! But I was smiling about the way you describe them, almost like an adventure! Glad to hear that you are back, though in almost perfect shape! The pictures are lovely, looking forward to more of them and the stories behind.

  32. Welcome back Mary! I am sorry about the bumps, bruises and missing luggage... I am glad that the trip was worth the pain. Your photos are just lovely!

  33. Welcome Back, Mary! Sorry to hear of the bumps and bruises. Sounds like the trip was amazing. Looking forward to hearing all about it!

  34. Welcome home! How lovely to see the first pictures from your journey. And, what a journey ... sending good vibes that you'll heal very quickly!

  35. You poor thing - BIG sympathy! Your holidays sound like adventure treks!
    The photos you've posted are gorgeous - the colours........

  36. I am glad that you're happy on your trip. .what a lovely dresses and vibrant colors! thanks for sharing it

  37. Glad you arrived home . . . wish it had been without the injuries. Your pictures remind me a lot of the temporary neighborhood I am in (Chicago). Several sari shopped right up the street.



  38. Mary - sounds you need a vacation to get over the vacation!! Hope yor lovely shades will soon be a memory!

    Your photos are beautiful - such vibrant colors - gorgeous women!

  39. Oh Mary, what a tale! I hope that your luggage show up soon, and that all the bruises and wheezing go away soon! Look after yourself now, at home, with a nice cuppa, and loading some more beautiful photos for us (but without tiring!!!)


  40. Welcome back Mary! Those pictures look amazing. The colours of India are really vibrant. So sorry to hear about your luggage and health! I hope you're feeling better soon.

  41. The photos are so vibrant and beautiful. So sorry about your injuries and luggage Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  42. I trust that you are already better by the time you read this comment....Awesome pictures Mary, thank you!!

  43. Welcome back, Mary! ((hugs)) I'm so sorry about your missing luggage and all the bumps & falls. If I was one of those Indian ladies I sure thinking the same thing, wondering what Bob did to you! haha.... Oh gosh, what a trip! But I'm very sure this is an unforgettable one. One day, you may think back and smile. ^_^ Hope you will get your luggage back soon.

  44. Welcome home, Mary! So sorry about your head and luggage, but what amazing photos. What an adventure!

  45. Oh my goodness, that is a lot of wear and tear on your body! So glad to see the gorgeous colors in your photos. Just beautiful. Looking forward to hearing more about your trip.

  46. Sorry to hear about your accidents, but at least you enjoyed the majority of the trip :) Thanks for sharing the pictures too...Hope your luggage turns up soon!

  47. OOh poor you.. HUgs Mary! Colours of India are beautifully captured.

  48. Lovely pictures and colors, Mary! I'm glad to hear you're back but I'm sorry to hear about the mishaps. Can't wait to hear more about your trip!

  49. What amazing pictures, and I am sure there are so many more to look forward to. While I'm sorry to hear of your mishaps, I'm glad you felt every pain, bump and bruise was well worth it. Glad you are home safely.

  50. I am glad you are home mostly safe and sound! I have been loving your travel updates, can't wait to read more.

  51. Welcome home! Gorgeous colors, but you shouldn't be wearing them on your skin. :) Hope all of your bumps, bruises and illnesses get better soon. :)

  52. Mary, ouch! I was just looking over your trip, I love the photos of these ladies. It must have been a wonderful experience regardless. Thank you for sharing it with us! I hope to see India one day!


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