
Thursday, November 4, 2010


Soon. Did you now that this is the word most commonly used in India and Nepal? Traffic is so terrible in both countries that schedules and appointments are merely suggestions. That is why a 20 minute ride to the airport takes 1 1/2 hours and it's necessary to wait 3 hours for a 30 minute plane ride. We have just left the Chitwan National Wildlife Reserve and had four days of elephant riding as we participated in a tiger search. We did see one and Bob was able to take a shot to show you on our return home. I'm not sure if I saw a hundred rhino or one rhino a hundred times. But we did see them - lots. This was the first place we stayed where accommodations were less than sterling. Think girl scout camp and you'll get the picture. The camp was in the middle of Maoist territory and that came as a surprise to use. The Nepali army guarded all entrances to the park so we were never unsafe. We have just arrived in Pokhara which is proving to be the Kathmandu of my childhood imagination. It's a lovely way to end our stay in Nepal. Food here is still subpar. They keep serving Western food and don't do it well. A bummer, but we had such great food in India that I really shouldn't complain. I hope you are all well. Blessings...Mary


  1. I am so impressed that you are doing this trip;what an adventure.

  2. Mary: I feel as if I just received a postcard from you. I've had the pleasure of dining with a number of Indian friends through the years and know how delicious the food can be. Too bad you can't have that in every country--at least I hope what you're getting is nutritious! The closest I've come to a rhino is the San Diego Zoo--and I believe there were four (two couples?).


  3. Wow! I feel like Bonnie-like I just received a postcard from you. What an amazing opportunity. I know that you are going to have some great posts upon your return. I look forward to them.

  4. Mary, glad you are safe and so enjoy hearing snippets of your trip. Sometimes to travel to enjoy the food and culture and sometimes you travel for the scenery and the people. And sometimes, you can't have both. Looking forward to your pictures.

  5. So glad to read how well you are doing especially with all this amazing adventure you're living through.
    Wow...on an elephant for 4 amaze me Mary ;o)

    Ciao for now and keep safe!

  6. Mary, Stay safe...I can't wait to see some of the sounds like the adventure of a lifetime!

  7. Thank you Mary.... have a nice trip ..... and thank you for this beautiful post!!!Ciao

  8. Wow, a tiger search! My hubby would love that. :) Sounds like you're having an adventure-filled time!

  9. Mary Im happy you enjoy your trip, sounds wonderful!xx gloria

  10. Thank you so much for all of your posts! I'm enjoying hearing about your trip so much. I'm really looking forward to seeing some of your photos. It sounds like the trip of a lifetime!

  11. I'm so glad that you are safe, Mary, and I can't wait to see your tiger picture!! :-) So happy you've had your Kathmandu experience too. How marvelous! :-)

  12. I am looking forward to photos of your adventure! So exciting!

  13. Hi Mary! I know you are not reading posts in India, so just a quick not to let you know I have been off the computer for a few days due to sickness, a nasty virus!! I'm starting blogging Friday night, and have missed everyone!

  14. Looking forward to hearing about your trip.


  15. I don't think I've ever known anyone to ride an elephant in Nepal! You truly amaze me and I simply can't wait to see your pictures and read more about your adventure :o)

  16. I'm glad to hear that you are doing okay! We had horrible traffic when we went to Egypt, so I can relate. I can't wait to hear more about your trip when you return!

  17. Looking so forward to seeing you trip adventures in pics. Have a great trip home Mary.

  18. Sounds like a great adventure indeed...looking forward to your posts.

  19. Sounds like you're having a great time! Thanks for keeping us posted.

  20. what an adventure Ms. Rita. . hope you're fine and them as well! India has a great bite. Tasty culture and food, indeed=)

  21. I can't wait for your return and the possibility of some posts with photos. I've long dreamt of a trip such as the one you're making!


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