
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hot Fudge Sauce

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...This simple recipe was adapted from one created in the test kitchens of the Hershey Chocolate Company. It came my way as the result of some volunteer activity I was involved in a few years ago. The adaption was develop for a fundraiser, specifically an ice cream social, to which the immediate world had been invited. It was expected to be a huge affair and to assist in cost containment, twenty women were each asked to make a triple batch of the hot fudge sauce featured here today. The plan, of course, was an attempt at quality control and mess containment and it worked pretty well. On the appointed afternoon, approximately 60 quarts of sauce were reheated and served with hot fudge sundaes and banana splits. Despite a volume of hot fudge the size of a rogue wave, the organizers of the event ran shy and had to make a frantic scramble to find enough commercial syrup to assure everyone would get what they paid for. Sticking with my nautical allusions, I can tell you they raised a boat load of cash that day and those of us who made the sauce inherited a nice recipe to keep our dessert collections afloat. I promise you the sauce is better than my humor and I hope you will try it. I also hope you will put your own mark on the recipe. I use a top quality cocoa powder and hazelnut extract when I make this for my family, but bittersweet chocolate and almond extract would also work well. The sauce is best served warm and it will keep for up to a month in the refrigerator. Here's the recipe.

Hot Fudge Sauce...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite inspired by Hershey Kitchen

1-1/2 cups granulated sugar
1/2 cup golden or light brown sugar, packed
3/4 cup dark, unsweetened cocoa
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1-3/4 cup light cream or half-and-half
1 cup water
2 tablespoons butter
2 teaspoons vanilla extract


Combine sugar, cocoa, flour, and salt in saucepan. Add cream, water, and butter. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until boiling. Cook 5 minutes longer. Remove hot fudge sauce from heat, cool, then stir in vanilla. Yield: 3-1/2 cups.

You might also enjoy these recipes:
Salted Caramel Sauce - The Amateur Gourmet
Strawberry Dessert Sauce - Drick's Rambling Cafe
Creme Anglaise - Stumptown Savory
SSeedless Chocolate Raspberry Dessert Sauce - Megan's Cookin'
Easy Microwave Mixed Berry Syrup - Baking Bites
Chocolate Sauce - The Galley Gourmet
Mexican Hot Fudge Sauce - Gluten-Free Goddess
Caramel Sauce - Carol Egbert


  1. This looks divine! My mother in law's chocolate sauce has always been my favorite but this one just might rival it!!! Will definitely give it a try! Hope you are doing well!!!

  2. There's nothing wrong with your sense of humor, it tickles me!! What a story! If I made a triple recipe, it might do me through the day! I will be trying this, I love that tou tell us how long it will keep in the fridge! I always want to know this stuff.

  3. oh my! this is seriously divine Mary!

  4. Love the idea of using hazelnut extract! Your picture looks psychedelic from the 1980s. How did you do that?

  5. What a great story and yes, you have a great sense of humor! This looks like a fantastic chocolate sauce recipe.

  6. Yum! Hazelnut extract. I'll have to look for that the next time I'm at the store! By the way, I've enjoyed reading your blog and have awarded you a "Stylish Blogger Award"! Check it out at

  7. Anna, it was completely unintentional. I took the photo on a black background that strobed when the photo was reduced in size. That was a bummer, because I really liked the picture. You win some, you lose some. Blessings...Mary

  8. Mary, how wonderful. What a nice American recipe to inherit. I love HOT FUDGE SAUCE maybe more than anything. It is a perfect accompaniment to almost everything.

  9. nice picture,the fudge sauce is superdelicious!

  10. Now you are talking my language!! How much of a special treat is a bowl of vanilla ice cream with some hot fudge sauce spooned over! Swoon ;0)

  11. Looks awesome and melting in mouth . Lovely post.

  12. for a hotter sauce add a little bit of chili pepper,it will be fantastic!A hug....

  13. This looks SO perfect! Lucky you, getting to "help" test delicious treats. Miriam@Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters

  14. Hey,

    Wowam drooling all over it dear...Lovely hot fudge sauce...:)


  15. I love having hot chocolate fudge with icecream and cakes thanks for the recipe :)

    Please visit my blog more awards waiting for you :)

  16. Not sure what this will do to my waist line but I am going to make it anyway LOL. Diane

  17. It sure seems like an ice cream social with this fudge recipe is smooth sailing ;)

  18. I don't think I ma quite sure of what is the difference between chocolate sauce and fudge sauce...

  19. My goodness. Here it is 5:00 AM and I'm already salivating. Plus you have now started my stomach to rumbling, something that generally does not occur until around 8ish. Gotta try this today. Thanks, Mary, and God bless...

  20. How nice to have a good chocolate sauce recipe, thanks so much for sharing Mary:@)

  21. Wow! That looks good enough to drink!!

    Happy travels!!

  22. Mary, I love your story telling! AND the sauce sounds divine. Hope you have a wonderful day. Blessings ~ Tanna

  23. I've not seen hazelnut extract but can imagine how delicious it would make this creamy delight! I'm having visions of a banana split.


  24. This brought up memories of a hot fudge sundae - I haven't had one in at least 25 years, but with this recipe, I may have to fix that.

  25. Looks yummy Mary :)...would love to have as a topping on vanilla Icecream:)..yummy....looks divine

  26. I could eat it with a spoon and be completely satisfied!

  27. We all need a good chocolate sauce recipe! Tis one looks so creamy, so rich, yummy!

  28. Although you say the sauce will last a month, it sounds too yummy to last more than a couple of days.

  29. Who doesn't love a good hot fudge sauce?!

  30. Would love to have this sauce topped with a scoop of vanilla icecream, soo yummm!

  31. I'm not embarrassed to say: I would drink that straight from the bowl... spoon it into my mouth if I had to!! lol I'm definitely bookmarking this one! Thanks for sharing, Mary!

  32. I am all about making everything from scratch. I bet this is ten times better than the bottled stuff you buy in the stores!

    And thanks so much for your sweet comment on my new cupcake shop adventure. I will definitely keep everyone posted--it will be a sweet adventure for sure! :-)

  33. Looks fantastic. Who needs ice cream, just give me a spoon!

  34. This looks delicious. I have discovered some great recipes through school and church fundraisers. Thanks for this one.

  35. Oh drat! Now I want an ice cream sundae for breakfast!

  36. I love your story, Mary! I was actually trying to think of something cute (and different) to do for my kids' birthay party next month and was thinking about setting up a little ice cream bar. I have no doubt in my mind that this sauce would be a HUGE hit--I have some major chocolate lovers attending!!!

  37. mmmmm.... hot chocolate fudge on icecream... I'm dreaming!

  38. I have made Strawberry sauce and lemon curd, now i will have to make Chosolate sauce and have a sundae! Thanks for sharing!

  39. Nothing better then homemade hot fudge sauce. I would love to spin it with cinnamon and chipotle! Stumbled!

  40. Soooo chocolaty....that is positively sinful:)

    US Masala

  41. I can think many ways to just use this beautiful dark brown liquid!

  42. I'm looking forward to trying this as it looks delicious. (Interesting to see a chocolate sauce with flour in it) Now I'm totally craving a sundae. Oh dear!

  43. Lovely picture, Mary! The hot fudge sauce sounds wonderful...I especially love your idea about using hazelnut extract! Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

  44. Mary I think I'd end up pouring this over everything and it end up like a scene from the movie 'Chocolat.' Great recipe!

  45. that looks absolutely divine. i can eat that on its own anytime :P

  46. Exciting chocolate! Mary Good evening! Many kisses!

  47. ohmy! This looks ah-mazing! Just pass me a spoon please and I will take good care of this one for you. Nothing else is necessary. :)

  48. I enjoy both your sense of humor AND your recipes! This one looks fabulous!

  49. 60 quarts of this sauce...I could bathe in that. Looks amazing. I want this smothered atop a few scoops of vanilla ice cream!

  50. This is an awful confession, but I don't know that I have ever made my own hot fudge!

  51. I really want to try this! It sounds like a great recipe!

  52. That stuff would be awesome on everything! oh my :)

  53. I have never made hot fudge sauce...thanks, Mary, for sharing an easy and tested recipe.

  54. Looks gorgeous, one to keep in mind when I need a fudge sauce for a dessert :)

  55. Mmm, I do so love hazelnut with dark chocolate, though I've never done it in a hot fudge sauce. Now I need to winkle out hazelnut extract somewhere. :-)

  56. Looks wonderful. I would love th is too much frankly and will have to restrain myself from making it often!

    kathleen xx

  57. Oh how wonderful and wonderful again and have to try. Love the idea of the hazelnut extract.

  58. It's Wednesday, it's snowing again :( and what better than a hot fudge sauce accompanied with crapes. Thank you for sharing this wonderful chocolaty yumminess! Yea, I think crapes would be delicious drizzled with your divine sauce :)

  59. nothing is better then homemade hot fudge! this looks just sinful, i love it!

  60. Thanks for commenting on my blog, Mary! Your recipes look delicious!

  61. What a wonderful recipe - and a lovely back story!

    This one is going into my "special" recipe book.

  62. Oh yum, I lovelovelove having hot fudge on ice cream -- honestly, I can't eat ice cream without hot fudge anymore -- it just doesn't seem right somehow :-) This looks delicious!

  63. Wow, looks wonderful, am imagining it now with ice cream, yummy...

  64. Straw please???? Thanks for sharing this recipe - I haven't had hezelnut flavor anything in a while and now I'm feeling an intense craving for it this extract you add here!

  65. Looks wonderful and so creamy and luscious; I just realized i cannot live without a bit of chocolate every day so I would freeze small portions of this to have to consume for a month, which would keep me very happy!

  66. The Hot Fudge Sauce looks so good...just waiting... in the white container. Yum!

  67. Oh yum you've found my weakness. I absolutely adore fudge sauce and this looks so lush.

  68. This could not look more delicious Mary. I love it.

  69. Yum! I love hot fudge sauce. It is a wonderful indulgence - especially on top of a brownie and some vanilla ice cream!

  70. This looks so good! I can just imagine how it would be over a scoop of good ice cream. I am definitely making this- hot fudge maple nut sundaes are in my future for sure. :)

  71. I can imagine myself just having the fudge and nothing else!

  72. Mmmmm who can resist that? Perfect over profiteroles! xo

  73. How have I never made my own hot fudge sauce! this looks sooo good, and I'm a big ice cream eater so I'm gonna have to make a batch!

  74. I made it tonight and OH MY! It was amazing.

    kathleen xx

  75. Not much rivals the comfort of homemade fudge sauce. I've enjoyed browsing your blog. Excellent recipes!

  76. do you think you could use this sauce as fondue? i have yet to find a good thick chocolate recipe for fondue - have tried so many, but most end up being a bit too watery. let me know what you think!

  77. Hi Mary, would the sauce go bad after more than a month in the refrigerator? Thanks.


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