
Sunday, June 5, 2011

My Ten Favorite Recipes

I've started having computer problems that simple solutions are not solving. I've had a technician attempt to fix them, but the results are not what I had hoped they'd be. "Hal" is still not well and needs more attention than can be given here. The computer is being sent out for further work and I'll be without it for several days. I've pre-scheduled posts for those days I'm without a machine. I hope you'll continue to visit and enjoy them.

Last week I published the list of your ten favorite recipes. This week it's my turn. These are my 10 favorite recipes by category. You'll notice that desserts and snacks are missing from the list. They will be handled separately.

Beverage: Homemade Ginger Ale

Appetizers: Stuffed Mushrooms

Soup: Broccoli and Cheddar Cheese Soup

Salad: Endive, Pear and Watercress Salad with Candied Walnuts

Chicken: Braised Chicken with Riesling

Beef: Braised Short Ribs Cotes du Rhone

Pork: Tuscan Pork Loin

Lamb: Lamb Shreds with Deep-Fried Rice Vermicelli

Fish and Shellfish: Moules Mariniere

Pasta: Fusilli with Fennel, Sausage and Wine


  1. Hope you'll get your computer fixed! I will visit you every day :) Have a great sunday!

  2. Mary, It is really a downer when the computer crashes! I've had it happen twice... Ugly! Thanks for the top recipes. At least five of them will be added to our files. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  3. What a bother for you! I hope you don't suffer from withdrawal!
    I have tried your moules recipe and am now clicking back to have a look at the ginger ale.

  4. Get a Mac ... Come on over to the Dark Side ...

  5. Oooh, I'm sorry to hear about your computer problems, Mary. Hopefully you'll get that sorted soon. BTW, beautiful selection of recipes :)



  6. What a great and delicious compilation!I hope you ll get your computer fixed soon,dear!Have a great Sunday!

  7. Bummer! Well everyone need to take a break and refelct once ina while don't we? My pick from your top tem I must say is Braised Chicken with Riesling... yummy!

  8. Oh no Mary, I hope your computer will get it fixed soon. That reminds me that I should backup now... Your collection of 10 favorite recipes is amazing. We can NEVER catch up cooking your recipes because you have so many good ones!

  9. Great list of favorites! Hope 'Hal' feels better soon!

  10. Good luck with the computer!

    Was it difficult to choose 10 favorite recipes?


  11. Hope your technical issues are resolved soon -- good luck. If you pick these recipes for your top 10, I can certainly vouch for how delicious they are -- even without tasting them!

  12. Sorry about Hal. I know first hand what a pain in the you know what that is. In the meantime, I shall linger over your favorites and look forward to your return. Anyway, absence makes the heart grow fonder.......

  13. Mary...your favorites..are even mine!!!....your computer will get well soon...happy Sunday and blessings, Flavia

  14. Wonderful choice, hope your computer will get fixed soon...

  15. Computer problems are frustrating. Hope it gets resolved soon. The list of favs was a great idea. I copied 4 to try, and especially liked the lamb recipe. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

  16. That ginger ale is really simple enough for me,and I tried it.I used to buy candied ginger from shop, and would no longer do it.
    There is a local variant to this ginger ale ,where we add Thulsi (Holy Basil)leaves in to it.

  17. Computer issues are always a downer - hopefully you can get things back up & running smoothly soon! That gingerale recipe and those stuffed mushrooms have piqued my interest - they're both on my list of recipes to try!

  18. I feel your pain Mary. Computer problems are a nightmare. Hope all returns to normal soon.

    Who wouldn't love any of these fine dishes? They're sure to wash away the computer blues.

  19. Oh bless! I know how frustrating computer problems can be. I myself just bought a new one yesterday after my poor, old, tired Mac decided it was time to roll over and die. Hopefully, you can get yours into a treatment program that will work :)

    Love those stuffed mushrooms!

  20. Mary, Sorry you are having computer problems! How frustrating!
    Thank you so much for your top 10! I will be trying some and adding then to "On The Menu".
    I am making your braised chicken this week! YUMMY!
    Hurry back to us!
    xo YVonne

  21. I have a love/hate relationship with my computer. Right now it's working so I love it. I don't know how you narrowed your favorites down to ten. All of your recipes look delicious.

  22. Hurry back. We all will miss you.

  23. Ohhh they are some GOOD choices.

  24. I very much like your selections, especially the mussels. As for Hal, I'm sorry for him, but I strongly recommend a Mac :)

  25. Oh I'm sorry to hear this, hope it gets fixed soon!

  26. Hi Mary! Thanks for your encouragement and comment on my new blog- this is a beautiful site of yours! I hope to make mine as detailed and good-looking as yours. Thanks! Happy cooking :)

  27. Dear Mary, How can you pick just ten recipes. I love all of your recipes! They all look beautiful and I am sure taste great! I am impressed that with so many to pick from you were able to narrow it down to ten. Have a wonderful,blessed Sunday. Catherine xo
    p.s. It is terrible when the computer goes. I hope it will be fixed soon.

  28. Hope your computer fixed soon! I love all your recipes Mary all are amazing! gloria

  29. Now that my mouth is watering....


  30. everything looks so good and i especially like the mushrooms and the broccoli soup. Hope your computer problem can be solved asap, i know how frustrating that can be!

  31. Oh Mary I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope it turns out okay!

  32. I'm having computer problems too! It's so awful when that happens :( I hope both our computers get fixed real soon! Lovely round up of dishes :) Thanks for sharing, Mary!

  33. Hope you get your computer fixed! What a pain.
    Your top ten all look delicious!

  34. Oh no, computers are great when they are working, but when they go wrong they seem to affect your whole life. Hope you enjoy a few days free of the computer, it's always nice to do that too. Don't be gone too long though.

  35. Sorry about your computer, how old is it? The is the same as that computer in that science fiction movie with the monoliths, two thousand something...I had to click on a few of these, I have never heard of homemade ginger ale!

  36. Hate computer problems, hope yours get fixed soon!

  37. Computers are scaring me a little these days . . . so problematic. Hope yours is soon on the mend.
    I am off to make your gingerale. YUM.

    Thanks, Mary. Maybe you can enjoy a rest.


  38. Great list of recipes! I love them all, but those stuffed mushrooms look especially delicious and are my fave! Hope you get your computer back, soon!

  39. I hope your puter feels better soon! I spend way too much time hauntin your website for recipes!

  40. I've been awaiting these and am not disappointed - they all look delicious - I used to make root beer but never tried ginger ale. I'm so lucky to have a daughter and friend who both do computer stuff for a living.

  41. The braised chicken with the Riesling looks like my favorite!

  42. Everything looks so delicious, Mary. I especially want to try that Braised Chicken. Good luck with your computer.

  43. A great round up. Hope "Hal" gets better soon.

  44. I wonder what would constitute chicken soup for computers.

  45. Oh....I hope Hal feels better soon! Delicious selections here- It's hard to choose what I love best! :)

  46. I hope your computer will be well again soon! I'm sure when it is fixed you will be really refreshed and ready to share lots more of your wonderful inspiration with us. Hugs Mary & 'Hal' :)

  47. Your picks are definitely healthier than your readers' choices lol! Delicious too! So sorry to hear you are having computer problems...I know how you feel, I had just done a system recovery for my laptop too!

  48. Mary, I hope that your computer gets fixed properly and that you will be happily blogging with us soon again. We will be sure to enjoy you scheduled posts too.
    :-) Mandy

  49. Wow! Mary, you always make my mouth water and these 10 favourite recipes posts are sending me on drool overdrive!

  50. I can see why you love these recipes; they are tempting me and will certainly try some.

  51. I have no trouble imagining how delicious these must be at your table... dinnertime must be wonderful!

  52. I hope your computer is fixed soon! The braised chicken sounds so good! Thank you for sharing your favorite recipes :)

  53. those mushrooms are gorgeous!

  54. I'm back on line after a bout of no internet access coupled with a flat battery (I'm on the road at present). Now I'm catching up with all my faves - but won't leave a comment against all of them! I'm so loving this '10 favourites' series - glad to see dessert is in a separate compartment!! AND ... belated happy birthday!!


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