
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Watermelon and Tomato Salad

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...This lovely salad is perfect to serve with summer's al fresco meals and I wanted you to have the recipe for it well in advance of the 4th of July holiday. It's very easy to prepare and it adds a lovely brightness to any meal where it is served. While the various element of the salad can be assembled early in the day, they should be combined and dressed just prior to serving. The salad is best served icy cold and, for optimal visual effect, you'll want to use the yellow tomatoes called for in the recipe. 'm using a photo from Taste of Home magazine to illustrate the way the salad should look. I had to make it this evening using only red tomatoes and it did not photograph well. I'll replace their photo with one of my own before the holiday. The magazine photo has been replaced with one of my own. I know many of you are going to question the use of the mango if this recipe. It adds a tart sweetness to the dressing that is hard to duplicate with other ingredients, so I'm going to say it is necessary in this application. I'm fairly certain that those of you make the salad will be pleased with the results. If you need more than six servings, the recipe can, of course, be doubled. Here's how it is made.

Watermelon and Tomato Salad ...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite adapted from a recipe developed for Taste of Home Magazine


Salad Dressing
1-1/2 tablespoons lime juice
1 tablespoons white balsamic vinegar
1 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoons honey
1 small mango, peeled and chopped
1/2 teaspoon grated lime peel
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/8 teaspoon white pepper
4 cups cubed seedless watermelon
3/4 pound yellow tomatoes, coarsely chopped (about 3 medium)
3/4 pounds red tomatoes, coarsely chopped (about 3 medium)
1 small sweet onion, thinly sliced and separated into rings
1/3 cup minced fresh cilantro

1) For dressing, place lime juice, white balsamic vinegar, olive oil, honey, mango, lime peel, salt
and pepper in a blender; cover and process until pureed.
2) In a large bowl, combine watermelon, tomatoes, onions and cilantro. Just before serving, add dressing and toss to coat. Serve with a slotted spoon. Yield: 6 servings.

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You might also enjoy these recipes:
Watermelon Salad with Grapefruit-Mint Vinaigrette - Confections of a Foodie Bride
Minty Peach and Watermelon Salad with Feta - What's for Lunch, Honey?
Minty Watermelon Salad - Never Enough Thyme
Watermelon Salad - Life's Ambrosia
Watermelon Salad with Rose and Mint Syrup - Technicolor Kitchen


  1. I can't even begin to imagine what this will taste like, but I am dying to give it a try. I'm pretty sure I'll be the only one bringing it to a potluck!

  2. I love watermelon and I love mango, I can imagine that using them in the same recipe, must be heaven!!

  3. MMMMM this salad sounds amazing! Love that mango twist too. What a perfect refreshing summer delight. I am so making this. And I bet your pic was grand.

  4. Bellissima! Really nice with yellow tomatoes Mary! I have never had a tomato and watermelon salad, and when I saw the title I thought of red and red (???), but with the yellow tomatoes looks perfect :-)


  5. wow awesome n love to have a big bowl right away!!

  6. Mary you are such an inspiration - you create the most incredible dishes with the most awesome flavours. Your watermelon and tomato salad sounds wonderful.
    :-) Mandy

  7. I've seen many watermelon salads but I've never tried them -- if I do, this will be the one!!!

  8. Wow, that's one salad I've never tried before and it looks marvelous! I love fresh summer recipes. Can't wait to try it!

  9. Sounds like a perfect 4th of July salad Mary-thanks:@)

  10. This is the absolute all time perfect summer salad!

  11. It sounds lovely. I really never do enough with water melon - the sweet and savory combination sounds delicious.

  12. Definitely a chick thing, and I know the ladies will love it. Can I have my watermelon in one big piece, please?

  13. Yellow tomatoes would definitely make it pretty Mary. We planted a yellow cherry tomato just to have them for photographs. I love the combination with the mango, but I'm a big mango fan. Will definitely give this a try.

  14. This salad sounds amazing!! A perfectly refreshing treat. Thank you, Mary. blessings ~ tanna

  15. Unfortunately I don't like watermelon. I wonder how this would be with cantaloupe which I do like.

  16. This is one flavor combination that I can not really imagine - watermelon and tomatoes. I see this type of salad all over in magazines and on the internet, but not sure if it's for me! Maybe it's the textures? Perhaps I need to try it? lol

  17. I love the sound of this salad! I have always prefer fruits salad and this serve very cold sounds refreshing!

  18. That salad is bursting with goodness, Mary. Perfect for the 4th of July or perhaps Watermelon Month which happens to be in August.

    Thanks for sharing, Mary...

  19. I bet this tastes great! I just made a tomato strawberry salad and was surprised how nicely the tomatoes paired with fruit.

  20. i love watermelon! i never thought about making it savory by putting it in a salad! thanks for the recipe post :)

  21. Thanks for sharing such a yummy looking recipe. Perfect for an outside gathering. hugs ~lynne~

  22. Watermelon is my favorite addition to a summer salad

  23. Printed that one out!
    Now does the salad taste as good without cilantro? I would like to make this Canada Day weekend but my bestie loathes cilantro.

  24. What a lovely summer salad! Can't wait to try it.

  25. It is very lovely, and would be great for guests on July Fourth.

  26. This is a lovely salad! We love watermelon and I know that my family will definitely love this! Sounds really good with the addition of mangoes. Thank you for sharing, have a lovely Sunday!

  27. Oh that sounds tasty! Great for a summer dinner party too :)

  28. I love the idea of this salad. My problem is that I am not a huge watermelon fan (not for lack of trying...I promise I try all the time)...but I'm thinking with the other ingredients, I may be able to do it. They probably compliment and off-set the sweetness that I just can't "do". Looks wonderful Mary, thank you for this idea!

  29. Ummm, never had this combo but it sounds like it would work perfectly, Mary. Thanks for the recipe!

  30. Can have this salad anytime, catchy and refreshing..

  31. What lovely salad dear Mary! look nice! gloria

  32. I will be adding this recipe to my July 4th menu! Thanks!

  33. This is my lucky day. First a delicious salad to add to my recipe box and the answer to what killed Lincoln's mother. Please tell me so I don't have to move the book to the top of my reading list.


  34. I love watermelon in anything during the summer! And such pretty colors, too!


  35. Beautiful! I love fresh salads like that, and the association between watermelon and tomatoes, so refreshing!

  36. I LOVE watermelon, and I usually eat tomatoes the way I eat fruit, but this combination has never occurred to me :)

  37. Oh, I love the mango in this! A must try! Thanks for sharing :)

  38. Thanks for a perfect July 4th holiday recipe and a creative post.


  39. This is such a refreshing salad Mary, perfect for BBQ's!!

  40. Sounds like a terrific summer salad. Thanks for sharing this!

  41. I've never thought of this combination. That's a lovely salad, Mary!

  42. Love refreshing summer time salads. I have had that salad combination before and it is so very delicious! I'm going to give that dressing a try--it sounds great.:)

  43. never thought of that combo! love your recipes & your blog :)
    mini baker

  44. The use of mango sounds ideal to me! I love the sound of the dressing, in fact!

  45. Thank you for this inspiration Mary! I might have to buy my first watermelon of the summer soon. Happy Sunday to you :)

  46. This sounds SO refreshing for this summer heat... and I love that they have mango in it! Thank you for sharing, Mary!

  47. For a long time I wasn't a fan of savory flavors mixed with watermelon, but now I love it! This salad looks great!

  48. Sour and sweet pair so well! Can you send me a jar asap? I've never had this with tomats, but I'd really love to try.


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