
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Key Lime Cheesecake

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...My family has been arriving in stages for our annual summer reunion and our older grandsons have been helping in the kitchen. They are both at an age where they love to cook and they've really started to master some of the simpler dishes that are our family favorites. Let me hasten to add, that the boys aren't terribly keen on the cheesecake I'm featuring today. They'll happily assist in making it, but when it comes to desserts, they are traditionalist and nothing will ever beat their favorite blueberry or lemon meringue pies. I am, however, determined to get them to try at least a bite of this before they leave. It is delicious and if I can't convince them to try it, perhaps I can talk you into it. While the cake is a bother to make, its taste more than makes up for the time and effort involved in getting it to the table. If you like cheesecake, this one must be tried. I've taken lots of short cuts with the recipe, but this still remains a 24 hour dessert. It truly needs a full day to set and mellow. While this is lovely when made with fresh key limes, the bottled product is perfectly acceptable and makes much better use of your time. I've also included whipped cream in the ingredients list for those who feel a key lime dessert is not complete without it. I'm not sure that a cake that uses a full pound of cream cheese really needs to be covered with two cups of whipped cream, but I let you decide. I hope at least a few of you will try this luscious dessert. Here's the recipe.

Key Lime Cheesecake
...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite

2/3 cup butter, melted
1-3/4 cups sugar, divided use
2 cups graham cracker crumbs
1 envelope unflavored gelatin
3/4 cup key lime juice
4 eggs, at room temperature
2 egg yolks, at room temperature
2 tablespoons grated key lime zest
1 pound cream cheese, at room temperature
2 egg whites, at room temperature
Pinch of salt
Optional: 2 cups sweetened whipped cream

1) In a mixing bowl, combine melted butter, 1/4 cup sugar and graham cracker crumbs. Mix well. Press crust firmly over bottom and 2 inches up side of a greased of a 9-inch spring form pan. Set aside.
2) In a saucepan dissolve gelatin in key lime juice, about 5 minutes. Combine 1-1/4 cups of sugar, eggs, egg yolks, and lime zest in a separate bowl and mix well. Add some hot gelatin mixture and whisk to combine. Pour mixture back into saucepan. Mix well. Over medium heat, cook until mixture thickens and is pudding-like, about 7 to 8 minutes. Remove from heat.
3) In bowl of an electric mixer, fitted with a paddle attachment, beat cream cheese until smooth. With mixer running, add lime mixture slowly and beat until smooth. Remove mixture and turn into a bowl and cool completely. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until chilled, stirring every 10 minutes.
4) In a bowl of an electric mixer with a whip attachment, place egg whites and remaining 1/4 cup of the sugar. Whip on medium high until stiff peaks form. Remove lime and cheese mixture from the refrigerator. Fold egg whites into lime mixture and blend thoroughly. Pour mixture into prepared crust. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until set, about 4 to 24 hours.
5) When ready to serve remove from refrigerator. Run a sharp knife along the sides of pan and remove the spring-form. If using, spread whipped cream evenly over top of the cake. Cut cake into individual servings. Yield: 10 to 12 servings.

One Year Ago Today: Watermelon Limeade

Two Years Ago Today: Baked French Toast with Cardamom and Apricot Preserves

You might also enjoy these recipes:
Chocolate Strawberry Refrigerator Cheesecake - Passionate About Baking
Tiramisu Cheesecake - Amanda's Cookin'
No Bake Cheesecake Cookie Cup - This Little Corner of Mine
Nutella Cheesecake - Alterkitchen
Cheese Cake Bars- Big Fat Baker


  1. Comfort food, pure and simple.

  2. This photo is perfect love this kind of pie we only eat in Key West never had better till I saw this photo wow!

  3. Well, I would just chalk it up as "more for me, then" ;). Ummmm...not necessarily a good thing, though (since I'm sure I'd have no problem reaching for a second slice). This sounds wonderful and perfect for the heat :D

  4. For years this has been my "I'm splurging" dessert to order in a restaurant, and yours looks like a delicious indulgence!

  5. Mary, your cheesecake has me drooling. I usually consider cheesecake an indulgence but my husband LOVES it so I find myself making it for him and "indulging" more than I should! I would love to try this though, I love the clean, crisp taste of key limes and paired with cream cheese, I am imagining the intense flavor now...heavenly! Have a blessed Sunday! ~Cassie

  6. Mary this look perfect and delicious!! blessings, gloria

  7. A refrigerator cheesecake - key lime to boot..well you got my attention on that one. It is stinkin' hot down here right now (and humid) and this will be perfect. Thanks Mary. It's really beautiful!

  8. That photo is a beauty! Looks fantabulous. Wish I had a slice waiting for me in the fridge. :) xo

  9. I would be all over this cheesecake. I love lime.
    I make a key lime frozen cheesecake with a pretzel crust that is divine. And it is really quick to make.
    I have posted it on my blog back in 2010. Give it a try.

  10. If the boys like lemon meringue pies/tarts, then they are typical males, in my experience. :) However, I am definitely going to try this recipe for key lime cheesecake. I like "key lime" anything!

    In what I refer to as "another life", we used to have a place in Sarasota. On every trip there, the game was to declare the winner of the "Best Key Lime Pie" on the Gulf side. The one that still makes my mouth water was at "Crabby Bill's Seafood" on Longboat Key. Wanda in Edmonton

  11. Mary, My better half really likes cheesecake and she really likes key lime pie. This should be a home run for her! Thanks and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  12. I gave up making cheesecakes a while ago in an effort to control calories, but this one looks so refreshing, how could it be fattening? The photo is fabulous and now I'm digging out my cheesecake pan...

  13. Oh my gosh, this sounds so yummy. I adore cheesecake, and this twist makes it kind of summery :)

  14. I do love cheesecake, there is no doubt I would love key lime.

  15. I love citrus in my cheesecake! It really cuts the richness in a dreamy way. I would gladly try a bite (or a LARGE slice)!

  16. I am making this! I adore Key Lime pie! Together with cheese cake it must be beyond decadent!

  17. humm mas que bom que ficou gostei muito beijinhos e bom domingo

  18. A 24-hour dessert? That's impressive. Looks delicious!

  19. Oh My... how incredibly timely. I have a key lime project due.

    Formerly year on the Grill

  20. Oh my! this looks amazing!!! I love key lime anything...def going to make this! thanks for the recipe =)

  21. The Great Dane loves Key Lime pie and he loves cheesecake. I think I should be making this for him.
    PS last night I made Bruschetta based on one of your recipes - yummy!

  22. That is a gorgeous slice of cheesecake, Mary! I'd come help make it AND eat it :)

  23. I would love a huge slice. Cheesecake is delicious, you made it even better by adding key lime!

  24. Dang! That is one pretty looking cheesecake!

  25. The cheesecake looks just perfect! I hope you enjoy your family :)

  26. Yum, looks wonderful! Perfect for a hot summer day.

  27. You wouldn't have to twist my arm very hard for me to try that cheesecake. It looks delish! And to be honest, I don't think there's a kind of cheesecake I don't like. I'm not a huge fan of chocolate, so cheesecakes of that sort aren't among my favorite, but I CAN eat them. This, though, would be a delight to eat! I will definitely have to try it.


  28. Looks & sounds like a delightful treat!

  29. I just love cheesecakes, this sounds amazing. Mmmmmmmm take care, Diane

  30. Not ashamed to say that I just can't stop drolling~ I can't get key limes,but I have nice memories of this cheesecake.

  31. I love key lime pie, and there are even key lime white chocolate chip cookies in the grocery store now!

  32. What a perfect piece of pie! Just lovely, Mary! Perfect summer dessert!

  33. Of course here in Florida Key Lime Pie is a favorite. My favorite has always been key lime cheesecake and yours looks perfect!

  34. I love confort food Mary!This photo is perfect!have a good week...

  35. If your boys don't love it, I'll take the leftovers. I'd love it.

  36. Lovely x I haven't made anything key limish this year, after reading this it's a must!

  37. Maravilhoso!Eu amo cheesecake.Beijosxx

  38. If your family sticks to your tried and true favorites I will be over to help you out. This is one of my all-time favorites and even have it in my blog title. I promise to clean up the dishes after myself.

  39. I love cheescake and one with lime is promsiing..light exotic and tasty:)

  40. Yes please! Cheesecake + key lime=delish!

  41. Family reunions & cheesecake? Sounds like a little piece of heaven.

  42. Your cheesecake looks perfect, Mary!

  43. I seem to have burned myself out on cheesecakes early on in life... but, this! Key lime is one of my favorite varieties of pie and I'm thinking this just might pique my interest in the cheesecake again! Thank you, Mary. Enjoy those grandsons!! blessings ~ tanna

  44. Aww, how fun they help out in the kitchen! Looks refreshing and delicious!

  45. These few days, I have cheese cake pop up in my mind whenever I'm hungry. You make me crave now, woo woo...

  46. perfect i hv fallen for cheese cakes..yumm

  47. You wouldn't have to twist my arm to get me to try a slice (or two!) That looks delicious! :)

  48. They are not a fan of cheesecake? Really??!
    This looks mouthwatering!
    I look forward to your meringue pie!

  49. I love cheesecake,Mary,so I'm used to waiting for it to set for 24-48 hours for the perfect taste..Although this one is really loaded,I think it's all worth it! Have a great week!

  50. Yummy... I cannot believe that they don't enjoy cheesecake! This would vanish in our home! Love lime in anything :) Great post and gorgeous picture, Mary!

  51. one day I am going to make this as it so reminds me of my time with my gran in Florida :)

  52. Beautifully photographed. I love cheese cake but have not tried it with lime before.
    :-) Mandy

  53. I wish to have that slice of delicious cheesecake :-)

  54. After buying (out of laziness!) a dreadful key lime pie at the grocery store last week, I can't wait to try this recipe.
    It's perfect for this super hot summer since it doesn't need baking!

  55. wow! that picture is just gorgeous!

  56. I think that cheesecakes are always challenging to make. I've never used Key lime juice but intend to look for the bottled version and give this a try.

  57. I first had Key Lime Cheesecake in a restaurant and loved it! I should really make it at home--thanks for the recipe.

  58. I wonder how they would feel about a blueberry or lemon meringue cheesecake...

  59. Hum il looks just perfect to me!

  60. My mouth is LITERALLY watering over here. This is my favorite dessert! I wish i could just reach through the laptop and grab that!

  61. I can imagine how lovely a slice of this would be right now. :) And I agree with you that whipped cream is not necessary for this!

  62. Oh my! I am a little addicted to key limes these days. I must make this and will search for an excuse to whip it up! Just got a new Kitchenaid mixer. Is that reason good enough??!!

  63. Your cheesecake looks absolutely perfect, Mary. What a crust! Wow.


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