
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Red Pepper Soup with Ginger and Fennel

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...My eyes have always been bigger than my stomach. As a child I'd serve myself more food that could possibly be eaten and when visiting the library withdrew more books than could reasonably be read. Moderation was not a trait I treasured or even tried to emulate. I thought it came with naturally with age, much like wrinkles or wisdom. Obviously, it doesn't and while I've earned wrinkles aplenty and gained a bit of wisdom in the process, I still go off on tangents. I've been able to channel food from the plate to my blog and devoted a rather large portion of what I read to assuring that plate is never empty or my blog bereft of words, but every so often something triggers a tangent that simply must run its course. I hold Marcella Hazan and Madhur Jaffrey completely responsible for my latest derailment. I needed just one recipe from each of them to reach a goal I'd set for myself, but research into their lives loosed the hounds of hell and I found myself testing far more recipes than I needed. I have a couple that I'd like to share with you this week. The first is a recipe for a soup from Madhur Jaffrey. I made it again tonight and my socks are still going up and down. I think you know me to be a truth teller, so, please believe me when I tell you this is ambrosia, pure and simple. The soup is really easy to make and if you like strongly flavored food I think you'll love it. You really must try this. The predominant flavor is that of red bell pepper, but a hint of ginger and cayenne warm it slightly and make it a perfect light summer soup. You can have this molten treasure on the table in less than an hour, and it can be made ahead of time. It would be a perfect first course for a more formal meal. Please, please, please give this one a try. You won't regret it. Here's the recipe.

Red Pepper Soup with Ginger and Fennel...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite courtesy of Madhur Jaffrey


2 pounds sweet red bell peppers
4 tablespoons olive or canola oil
1 medium onion, chopped
1 medium potato (about 4 ounces), peeled and chopped
One 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and chopped
1/2 teaspoon whole fennel seeds
1/4 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon ground cumin seeds
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
5-5 1/2 cups chicken stock or vegetable stock
1 teaspoon salt
5-6 tablespoons heavy cream


Chop the peppers coarsely after discarding all the seeds. Pour the oil into a large, wide pan and set over medium-high heat. When hot, put in the peppers, onions, potatoes, ginger, fennel seeds, turmeric, cumin, and cayenne. Stir and fry until all the vegetables just start to brown. Add 2 cups of the stock and the salt. Stir and bring to a simmer. Cover, turn heat to low, and simmer gently for 25 minutes. Ladle the soup in batches into a blender and blend until smooth. Pour the blended soup into a clean pot. Add the remaining stock, thinning the soup out as much as you like. Add the cream and mix it in. Adjust salt, as needed. Heat through before serving. Yield: 4 to 5 servings.

One Year Ago Today: Pasta with Zucchini,Parmesan and Garlic Oil

You might also enjoy these recipes:
Sweet Corn Soup with Shrimp - Kitchen Parade
Simply Delicious: Caramelized Carrot and Ginger Soup - Eaterie Food
Mango Gazpacho - Seriously Soupy
Carrot Ginger Soup - Karista's Kitchen
Chilled Watermelon/Lime Soup - Seriously Soupy


  1. Well the color of this soup is certainly warming so I shall believe your word that this soup is ambrosia:D Definitely looks like a wonderful soup to slurp away the blues!

  2. Wow indian style soup i love it.. sure try ..

  3. Ciao Mary, I love all kind of soup, this looks yummy! A very confort food! Have a nice day

  4. Well, I have been on a bit of a red pepper kick lately. I am definitely bookmarking this one!!! YUM!

  5. Mary..what a flavorful that color and I am sure it taste wonderful too :)
    Have a nice day,

  6. I can see that this is one perfect soup given the ingredients! Have a super day Mary :)

  7. I like the flavors in this soup! Have a great day!

  8. This sounds delicious, and you captured such a beautiful photo! It is so difficult to photograph soup!

    - Maggie

  9. I have Madhur Jaffrey's curry book and it is just the best.
    I have not heard the saying 'My eyes are bigger than my stomach' in years, it was one of my mother's favourite expressions. Diane

  10. Oh, this looks lovely, Mary. :-) It's been so cold and rainy in Amsterdam that I've been making a lot of soup - French onion, Carrot Dill, and Chicken Veg today. This would be a perfect addition. :-)

  11. I adore soup and this looks so warm and comforting!

  12. Mary, with an endorsement like that, it MUST be tried! I do so love to find other souls who loosen the hounds of hell on occasion. ;) Mine tend to be in other areas... as in shawls for the moment. But, I do so understand. I look forward to reading of what else may be loosened in the fray. From one excessive soul to another... blessings ~ tanna

  13. this looks awesome...but there's no way i can handle soup in 100+ weather!! bookmarked for the next rainy day :)

  14. I've not used any of her recipes but this certainly looks good. Both of these ladies I've never paid much attention to, in fact. Next time red peppers are on sale, this soup will be on my table!

  15. This sounds like a wonderful soup. I love red peppers and fennel. Two winning ingredients!

  16. Honestly---I do not know how good this soup is, but I have fallen in love with your description of it.

  17. I believe you! I believe you! I'm needing some ambrosia.

  18. I was so afraid you were going to insist on peeling the peppers. I don't do that no mo'. I will try this, and soon.

  19. O.K. Mary--I'll make the soup! You are very persuasive. Besides, it looks and sounds delicious!! Not to mention that I can almost smell the aroma wafting from your kitchen.


  20. I used to always check out too many books at the library... Ok, I still do from time to time :)
    What a gorgeous looking soup, Mary! Even when it's 110 you can make me crave soup!!

  21. OK, this is definitely on my "must try" list! I can totally see it as a light meal served with warm naan and a big salad. I appreciate all the research you did to find it! ;)

  22. If this makes your socks go up and down it has got to be marvelous. I can't wait to try it. Between the color and the strong flavors I just know we're going to love it!

  23. Mary, your excitement came through loud and clear. Everyone who follows you knows that when the socks go up and down...Mary has a winner!!! Can't wait to try. Susan

  24. Mary, you had me locked in from the title! Red pepper, ginger, and fennel....delicious combo. Looking forward to making this!

  25. Gosh, with an endorsement like that how can I not try it!? Sounds amazing :)

  26. this looks like an absolute comfort food!

  27. I love delicious soup with ginger is great, big hugs.

  28. I'm doing the same thing with the Madhur Jaffrey recipes! Can't stop! Of course I have the ingredients for this soup and from what you say I have to try it.

  29. This sounds fabulous! I love all of your ingredients and can just imagine how delicious this must be - such a pretty color too, would go just great in my house! :)

  30. Mmm, the ingredient list sounds like a delightful combination. So yummy.

  31. Oh that sounds divine! I'm going to have to make this very very soon. I bet the boys will LOVE IT!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  32. What a great combination of flavors Mary!

  33. So many great flavors going on in this soup, and it's gorgeous as well! YUM!

  34. I am so printing this out. Roasted red pepper is one of my favourites; the colour kind of stomped me until I went to the ingredients; thanks Mary.

  35. I always bite off more than I can chew also (literally) so I can certainly understand where you're coming from. This definitely looks too tasty not to have made!

  36. I love a flavorful soup and this sounds amazing! Bookmarking for sure :)

  37. I am the same with books and food :) In fact, I was just thinking that yesterday at lunch. My eyes are bigger than my stomach, too!

  38. I definitely intend to try this soup. I'm so glad "we ran into each other".

  39. This sounds like a soup that would also be good with some extra cayenne or pepper flakes for some real spice!

  40. Oh, this sounds fabulous Mary! I love the kick of the spices. Love red peppers.

  41. It looks smooth, creamy, and yummy!

  42. Mary I love the colour of this lovely soup! gloria

  43. Ha, I have never made the connection between dishing up too much food and checking out too many library books. You are brilliant.


  44. I am not a Madhur Jaffrey fan, but I will take your word that this soup tastes great, and I will make it soon! Can't resist making something that you describe as 'ambrosia'! Must try this! Thanks for sharing, Mary!

  45. Well, you don't have to ask me twice. I'll be glad to make this beautiful soup! :) I love that you can make it in under an hour too. This is bookmarked!!

  46. Love the combination of red pepper and ginger in this soup!

  47. I enjoy reading your posts so much, Mary. How can someone not want to make this after reading about it?!

  48. The red pepper soup sounds delicious!

  49. Wow, what a big collections of recipes you share! So many look good but this one definitely appeals to me!

  50. Wow..from the recipe I can tell that this is good stuff! Thanks for sharing.


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