
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Whole Wheat Pasta with Sun-Dried Tomato and Walnut Pesto

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...Summer in the Pacific Northwest is a particularly lovely season. The rains stop and temperatures moderate, rarely reaching the highs experienced in other areas of the country. Fair winds bring blue skies and balmy breezes blow inland from the sea. Ease and comfort reign under a just right sun. The frenetic must do, must go pace of winter eases to the rhythm of a summer waltz. We move outdoors. There are trails and tides to be seen and alfresco meals in need of testing. While not abandoned, the stove is definitely neglected as meals are simplified and the deck and grill become the summer kitchen. For better or worse, what we eat and where we eat it change for the season. I still experiment, but fast and light assume an importance that is not seen in my winter kitchen. This pasta dish is fairly typical of the meals I make at this time of year. While it is simple to make, it bursts with flavor that's not been sacrificed for the sake of ease. The ingredients, save for basil, can always be found in the pantry, and, fortunately, for the next few months, there'll be basil aplenty in the garden. You can have this on the table in 30 minutes. I think those of you who try this will really be pleased. It is strongly flavored but not overwhelming. Here's the recipe.

Whole Wheat Pasta with Walnut and Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite inspired by a recipe originally appearing in Taste of Home Magazine


1/2 cup sun-dried tomatoes (not packed in oil)
1/2 cup boiling water
12 ounces uncooked whole wheat spaghetti
2 cups loosely packed basil leaves
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1 garlic clove, peeled
1/3 cup reduced-sodium chicken broth
1/4 cup chopped walnuts, toasted
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
3 tablespoons olive oil
Optional garnish: Finely chopped walnuts and sun-dried tomatoes


1) Place tomatoes in a small bowl and cover with boiling water.Let stand for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, cook spaghetti according to package directions.
2) Place basil, Parmesan cheese and garlic in a food processor; cover and pulse until chopped. Add tomatoes with soaking liquid, broth, walnuts, salt and pepper; cover and process until blended. While processing, gradually add oil in a steady stream.
3) Drain spaghetti; toss with pesto. Serve immediately. Yield: 6 servings.

One Year Ago Today: Corn and Radish Salad

Two Years Ago Today: Green Beans with Sesame -Miso Dressing

You might also enjoy these recipes:
Spicy Basil Walnut Pesto - Kitchen Confidante
Broccoli Pesto - Karmafree Cooking
Spinach and Almond Pesto - Gastronomical Sovereignty
Linguine and Pea Pesto - Smitten Kitchen
Pesto, Pesto Pesto! - A Girl in Her Kitchen


  1. The pasta dish looks very yummy!

  2. This pasta dish is really the essence of summer to me! It's bursting with flavor, basil and sndried tomatoes, and it's simple and fast to prepare. It will definitly be on my table in a couple of days, my basil is ready to use!

  3. If that tastes as good as it looks I am on my way over for supper :-) Diane

  4. Oh my! This looks and sounds delicious!

  5. Great summer dinner! I love sun dried tomatoes but hadn't thought to use them in a pesto. This one looks like the flavor would complement the whole wheat pasts nicely, especially with the walnuts.

  6. Hi Mary, very appealing to the eye, delicious!

  7. Yes. This is what I'm talkin' about.

  8. I like the sound of this - and I'll bet it's great cold - for those of who like leftover pasta!

  9. I just happen to have a huge jar of sun dried tomatoes on hand as well as walnuts and basil. I'm even going to try freezing some for a winter treat when basil is sorely missed. I hope you have a delicious weekend.


  10. What a coincidence!! I was planning to cook this for Sunday brunch but with instant sun dried tomato Pesto from a bottle... Planning to cheat..Thanks for the great recipe. Have a great weekend!

  11. this is lovely. I had also just cooked some pasta with pesto few days ago and i know how delicious yours is!

  12. oh my gosh thats yummy!

  13. What a simple, but delightfully flavored past dish. I can't wait to try it, Mary!

  14. O this looks superb with the flavors bursting in it....loved the click...
    Have a great weekend..:)

  15. This is my kind of pasta!Mouthwatering!!!Well done,dear Mary!

  16. We're dying to get up to the pacific northwest soon, pending doctor approval.

  17. Yum, sun-dried tomato pesto is one of my favorites and your version looks delish!

  18. This looks and sounds delicious. I wasn't too keen on the whole wheat pasta at first, so I mixed it with some regular pasta and before I knew it, I was thoroughly enjoying it (and getting everyone else to eat it, too). This looks like a great and easy dish.

  19. What a beautiful pasta dish Mary. Bursting with flavours of summer. Enjoy your weekend.

  20. You've taken spaghetti, kicked it up a notch, and made it classy

  21. Wow, that is a seriously stunning pesto...probably the most tempting I've ever seen. Another for the ever-growing list...thanks Mary =)

  22. This look really yummy! xxgloria

  23. Mmm mmm mmm! Lovely pasta dish, perfect for those sweat-inducing heatwave days we're having right now :)

  24. I don't know why I come here when I'm hungry :). This dish looks sooo good but what looked even better was the image you created with your words. Wonderful post.

  25. Looks like the perfect dish for summer - quick, simple, and delicious!

  26. I love whole wheat pasta but my sister can't stand it, so I have to do a mix. This sauce looks delicious!

  27. Your tomato pesto sounds delicious and looks beautiful. The color is amazing...pretty to serve when having company. With so much basil in our gardens now, I think we are all making pesto. Thank you Mary for a new one.

  28. I've been wondering how to prepare the ww pasta in my cabinet and now I know. This sounds delicious, Mary and thanks for the recipe! Have a good rest of the weekend!

  29. YUM . . . and I miss summer in the Pacific Northwest.


  30. I love any pasta dish that can be on the table in under 30 minutes. This is a great one! Enjoy your weekend.

  31. When I was on vacation I ordered pasta with sun-dried tomato and walnut pesto. I thought it was delicious and wondered how it was made. Now I am seeing a fabulous recipe for it here :) Love when that happens. Happy Weekend!

  32. Looks delicious Mary! Love to get my fork in this a just twirl!

  33. I love all pesto, but sun-dried is an especial favorite! This sounds delicious!

  34. Pasta looks so yummy i love sun dried tomatoes..

  35. Any pasta or Italian recipe is good in my books, but this one looks particularly flavoursome with those sun-dried tomatoes and pesto! Yum! Great colour dish too!

  36. My basil is growing beautifully so this is automatically a recipe for me. The only cooking is the pasta which makes it kitchen friendly. You are so right about our cooking habits changing from season to season.

    I am printing this for one night, this week. Thanks for sharing it, Mary.

  37. So making this walnut pesto! YUMMmMO

  38. This is great Mary, my kind of sauce, and you took a great photo too! Not easy to photograph spaghetti!


  39. That's a great pasta dish. I am going to make some red pesto too.

  40. Love a recipe that looks this good and so fast and easy to prepare.

  41. There's something about whole wheat pasta. Forget about healthy, it just plain tastes better, I think. Love this simple summer pasta dish, Mary.

  42. Such a healthy pasta dish! My basil is ready for this one.

  43. Thanks so much for including my blog! I'm going to have to try this recipe, it looks delicious!

  44. This sounds very good. I tend to not cook so much in the summer especially since it's just me!

  45. Lovely plate of pasta, looks really delicious! Bookmarking this to try, thanks for sharing, Mary. Wish you a wonderful week ahead!

  46. A great recipe mary! I love pasta dishes and this looks deliciuos! have a good day....

  47. As one who lives in the Puget Sound area, I can't agree more with your Pacific NW commentary. Our deck becomes our living room during this short and nearly perfect season. Simple pastas such as this delicious example make for enjoying our short respit from clouds and sprinkles when then the kitchen becomes our recreation!

  48. I love dishes like this for the gets me through those 115 degree nights!!

  49. I have been looking for interesting pesto recipes! And I love sundried tomatoes. I feel like I will love the combination of the two .. and this dish is so summery. I need to make this.

    Thanks for the motivation!

  50. The simplicity of the meal cannot be beat. Never tried with walnut pesto. Sound good.

  51. Thanks, Mary.

  52. With the price of pine nuts I've been investing in more walnut style pesto. Nice looking dish. Love the addition of sun-dried tomato with pesto. That's a great combination.

  53. Can't wait to try this fun and new pesto :)


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