
Monday, August 22, 2011

Roasted Fennel and Peppers

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...One of the treasures of late summer is the abundance of expensive vegetables that can be purchased for pennies on the dollar in local markets. Fennel, leeks and peppers come to mind. As autumn takes hold, they will again soar in price, but for now, they can be enjoyed with abandon. My kitchen tends to track the seasons, and when these vegetables appear in farmer's markets, I know its time to pull my French and Italian recipes from storage and start to fix some of our favorite Mediterranean meals. It's still too warm for the heavier braises, but there are loads of lighter dishes that work really well and help to bridge the seasons. Today's recipe is one of them. I served this tonight with a simple roast chicken and some thickly sliced heirloom tomatoes. Nothing more was needed. This is a strongly flavored dish that will not appeal to all tastes, but if you have fond memories of the food of Provence and Tuscany, you are in for a real treat. While some chopping is involved, this is a easy dish to prepare, and, if you have even meager knife skills, you can have it on the table in an hour. This dish works well with plain grilled meats and roasts, as well as chicken. I think most of you will enjoy this side-dish. Here's the recipe.

Roasted Fennel and Peppers...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite courtesy of Healthy Cooking Magazine


2 large fennel bulbs, halved and sliced into 1-inch pieces
2 medium sweet red peppers, cut into 1-inch pieces
1 medium onion, cut into 1-inch pieces
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon rubbed sage
Fresh sage leaves, thinly sliced, optional


1) Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.
2) Place fennel, peppers, onion and garlic in a 15-in. x 10-in. x 1-in. baking pan coated with cooking spray. Drizzle with oil; sprinkle with salt, pepper and rubbed sage. Toss to coat.
3) Bake, uncovered, for 20-25 minutes or until tender, stirring twice. Garnish with fresh sage if desired. Yield: 6 servings.

One Year Ago Today: Chiang Mai Curry Noodles with Chicken

You may also enjoy these recipes:
Roasted Beets - Delicious Obsessions
Roasted Cauliflower - Nutritious Eats
Roasted Vegetable Medley with Rosemary Thyme - Savoring Today
Roasted Vegetables with Feta - In Flora's Kitchen
Roasted Asparagus - Foodie Journey

This post is being linked to:
Smiling Sally - Blue Monday
Yvonne- StoneGable - What's on the Menu Monday


  1. I am very sure that this would be a family favourite..thanks for sharing. xoxo

  2. Hi Marry, thanks for leaving comment @ my blog, your blog is inspiring, I'd love to try one of your recipe

  3. These things are always expensive in Hawaii :( but that just means I can make it year round! I envy the people in your household. What a gorgeous meal. I like strong flavors by the way so I should have no problem with this one!

  4. Yes peppers are expansive here too and probably one of a few variety that are not very happy in my garden:(I love both fennel and peppers and your salad looks really yummy:)

  5. THis is a great recipe. I always have peppers in the fridge and use them a lot. Thank goodness they are never expensive here. I think I payed 3 for 2dollars or so. In winter they cost a bit more. They are easily to freeze for winter stock.

  6. Lovely Mary, I picked my last fennels from my vaggie garden, unfortunately, but maybe i will be able to still find some in the market :).

    Have a good week


  7. This is beaut, Mary. Thank you for the great idea. I love these vegetables.

  8. I love fennel and this recipe sounds like a goody. Take care Diane

  9. I love both fennel and red peppers so I imagine that his would be wonderful. So perfect for summer's bounty. ;-)

  10. I've never tasted fresh fennel before either. I'll have to see if our markets carry it. The photo looks delicious.

  11. I adore your recipes.. Can I feature you on my blog when I recommend my readers some nice recipes from food blogs I like? :) Let me know!

  12. Another healthy and delicious dish to put on my must do list!

  13. I love fennel....if you're looking for a great fennel dish - click here - WOW it's a winner! It's great! xoxo from Trinidad

  14. wonderful photo and such a delicious sounding meal... Love the fresh ingredients everywhere!

  15. This dish sounds wonderful Mary and I have everything on site but the fennel. Bev does grow golden fennel but it's primarily for the swallowtail butterfly caterpillers that are currently devouring it.

  16. Alas, our farmer's don't grow fennel and the one that grows leeks watches the market prices like a hawk so neither are very inexpensive here. But this does look good and I will try it sometime.

  17. I don't remember ever eating fennel, but I'll bet if you cooked it, it'd be good!

    Thanks for sharing your blues.

    Happy Blue Monday!


  18. In the past year is when I have only really become enamoured with fennel.

  19. I absolutely love your blog! Fennel is a firm favourite and I adore roasted peppers. They always look so luscious in anything!'


  20. I love roasted fennel but have never done them with peppers, sounds delish! Thanks, Chris

  21. I can't wait to try it, have not had fennel in a while and I love the addition of sage.

  22. This one is going on the table tonight! perfect for my low-carb stint! Thank you. blessings ~ tanna

  23. This would be great as a side dish, and roasting would bring out all the great flavours in these vegetables. Fantastic!

  24. A TOP favourite combo of mine, fennel and peppers, and yours looks beautiful and so tasty too....I love your plate btw!

  25. I'm not a huge fan of fennel but you make this dish look so good I'll have to try it again!

  26. We've been harvesting peppers like crazy the past couple of weeks, freezing most of it. This would be a perfect use of the few I have in my fridge right now! It sounds delicious :)

  27. I have had fennel only a handful of times, but have never used it in cooking myself... must change that! this dish looks wonderful!

  28. Peppers are by far my favorite veg but coming it a $5.49 CI each (almost $7 US) they're a luxury I treat myself to only on rare occasions. I'll have to keep this recipe though because this looks like a fabulous way to showcase that yummy pepper flavor :)

  29. I love roasted veggies and, as you said, at this period of year, the markets are full of these... Fennel is one of my favorite and I shall roast some today!

  30. hi mary, thank you for your kind words. you have visited my blog before :) i do follow your blog. you have some unique recipes :)) love this combination of fennel and peppers

  31. I have never cooked with fennel; perfect recipe for me to try it out.

  32. Mary, Fennel is such a funny husband dislikes it but I love it. Now cilantro...I hate it and my husband loves weird. I usually just shave the fennel raw into a salad but I really like the idea of roasting it.

  33. Hi Mary,
    What a great dish, that we would really enjoy. Just stopping by from OTMM, thanks for sharing!
    Miz Helen

  34. My favorite time of year is when the farmer's market really starts to pick up and we get the late summer produce. Lovely dish!

  35. I've tried fennel before and wasn't a huge fan, but that was a while ago and I really want to give it another chance. This looks like a simple way to do so!

  36. This sounds so nice and light. I've never cooked with fennel before, if you can believe it, and this looks like a good way to start! :)

  37. Oh my these is awesome!! I can almost smell it ^_^ Happy Monday Mary!

    Blue Monday

  38. I love it when veggies are so seasonal that you needn't do more than roast them to have the taste good. Great side dish!

  39. I really wish I liked fennel, because this pasta looks spectacular. Unfortunately, I have a strong aversion to the spice. I can easily distinguish if it's on a bagel, bread, soup, etc. Maybe I'll grow to like it then I can make this dish. :)

  40. Mary, what a beautiful and colorful dish...although I have to admit that I never cooked fennel, and this dish is a great way to start.
    Hope you have a wonderful week ahead :-)

  41. roasted fennel is one of my favorites! hope you are having a fabulous week mary!

  42. Hello Mary, I know this visit will surprise you but it is great to be here visiting once again. I have been lax in visiting for ever so long. Now that my busy summer has finally slowed down I am back and loving some time on my computer again.

    The roasted fennel and peppers look delicious. I have never made a dish like this. I would like to try. Thanks for sharing your wonderful recipes with us. I am looking forward to many more visits and recipes to share that you are fond of making. I'm back.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  43. Would you believe I've never had roasted fennel?! I love its licorice-like flavor and I bet roasting really makes it something special!

  44. Mary... many thanks to visit our blog! we're very happy!! Thanks because your visit has allowed us to know your magnificent blog. We follow you too!

  45. Beautiful and delectable as always! Love roasted peppers and the addition of fennel sounds absolutely mouth-watering :)

    Have a wonderful day, Mary!



  46. I don't like fennel much but you make this look good!

  47. Glad to have another fennel recipe. I've received it several times in our CSA box and am sometimes at a loss for what to do with it.

  48. This sounds lovely-- the blend of peppers and fennel sounds so good together! I agree, I'm trying to soak up all of the good produce before its gone. Its so nice while it lasts!

  49. Fennel is also available here at some huge supermarkets but have no idea what to do with them. Yours look really interesting. I'm sure my hubby has no complaint! haha....
    Hope you're enjoying your day.
    Blessings, Kristy

  50. The peppers in the market are so beautiful right now and this looks like a great side dish to showcase them.

  51. I don't need memories, this makes me want to travel!

  52. This looks absolutely amazing! I love fennel and peppers.

  53. I discovered roasted fennel just a few months ago and can't get enough of it! This looks perfect. I've never tried roasting fennel with pepper. Bookmarking this to try soon.

  54. Mary, I had to find my way back to this one to tell you than MY socks are still going up and down from this one!! LOVE the blend of the fennel, the red peppers, and the onion. Served it with a simple pork tenderloin thrown in the oven at the same time. Oh, my... the flavors of the fennel and sage went so very nicely with the pork. Of course, hubby and I were plotting how great this combo woule be on top of a brats in a roll! Thank you so much. Your recipes never disappoint! blessings ~ tanna


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