
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Stovetop Barbecued Chicken "Ribs"

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...Rained out? Counting pennies? Both? Have I got a deal for you! Several years ago, I was asked by a local ministry to work with a group of women on menu planning and the cooking of quick and inexpensive meals. I grudging said yes because the request was put to me in such a way I couldn't refuse. I suspect that many of you have found yourselves in a similar position and understand how it happens that smiling lips say yes, yes, while the brain that should be directing the whole show, is screaming no, no. As it turned out, the classes were a really pleasant experience and I learned as much as I taught. The challenge was to prepare a month of meals for a family of four, for about $75 a week. It wasn't easy, but working together we were able to fashion a month of meals that met the challenge. My personal goal was to come up with meals that weren't necessarily associated with cooking on the cheap. I hate to pander to people or rehash lessons that folks have already learned. I used a lot of chicken in my demonstrations, particularly chicken legs, which, then and now, could be had for pennies on the dollar. This is one of the recipes that I used. It makes a really nice meal and I think those of you who try it will enjoy it. At the time, we joked about the barbecued legs and called them poor man's spareribs. I'm also including links to some of the other recipes I used for the chicken demonstrations. In almost all cases, you can upgrade to chicken thighs or breasts if you prefer to use them. The recipes are all solid and I really think you'll like them.

Barbecued Chicken"Ribs"...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite inspired by Janet Porterfield

8 bone-in chicken thighs or legs
2 tablespoons canola oil
1 cup water
2/3 cup packed brown sugar
2/3 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup apple juice
1/4 cup ketchup
2 tablespoons cider vinegar
2 garlic cloves, minced
1/2 to 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
2 tablespoons cornstarch
2 tablespoons cold water

1) In a Dutch oven, brown chicken over medium heat in oil in batches on both sides; drain. Return all of the chicken to the pan.
2) In a large bowl, combine the water, brown sugar, soy sauce, apple juice, ketchup, vinegar, garlic, pepper flakes and ginger; pour over chicken. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer for 20-25 minutes or until a meat thermometer reads 180°.
3) Remove chicken to a platter and keep warm. Combine cornstarch and water until smooth; stir into cooking juices. Bring to a boil; cook and stir for 2 minutes or until thickened. Serve with chicken. Yield: 4 servings.

Chicken Legs with Lemon and Rosemary

Chicken Mole

Moroccan Chicken

You might also enjoy these recipes:
Roasted Chicken Drumsticks - My Kitchen Skills
Barbecue and Hot Sauce Chicken Legs - What's Cookin' Italian Style Cuisine
Broiled Lemon Herb Chicken - Deep South Dish
Grilled Coriander Chicken Legs - Experiments of a Housewife
Feed a Crowd: Mustard Chicken Legs - Stacey Snacks


  1. Even though these days I tend to eat more veggies (it's the summer that did this to me), I cannot pass this one. Looks so so inviting!

  2. What a coincidence I had my chicken dish from a slow cooker posted today.Yours looks yummy too;)

  3. What a glamourous chicken recipe...Love it!


  4. I must try this with turkey wings, should be excellent. Yes I no what you mean about saying yes when you know you should be saying NO!!! Take care Diane

  5. I absolutely love this dish. The sauce looks amazing and exactly what I know I would love!

  6. I plan on doing this in the crock pot, I'm looking forward to it. Thank you for sharing.

  7. I must pass this on to several young (inexperienced) cooks I know who want to eat well without $$$$. The chicken legs looks scrumptious.

  8. So great to see some creative, delicious looking cheap recipes - and also to share your altruism!!

    Have a great day!!

  9. As excellent dish Mary perfect for the end of the month before pay day:D

  10. We are just ready to do some good indoor meals - we have been grilling so much. The girls would love this chicken (and so would the adults in this house:-).)

  11. They look terrific. I am drawn to the Lemon and Rosemary dish (big batch of Rosemary growing in my window right now).

    Dave (Year on the Grill)

  12. Why is it called chicken 'ribs' ?

  13. Yum! A little bit of sweet and a little bit of sour ... and big savings! Good for you doing those classes! That's important work ... even if it is demanding of time!

  14. Ok, I just want to reach through my iPad and hug you. Our oven literally caught on fire last week and since we live on an island it will be fixed ______? I was just looking for stovetop recipes and BOOM here is tomorrow night's dinner! Thank you!

  15. What a fun idea. Chicken drums are kind of like the poor man's "ribs". Personally, I'm a huge drumstick fan anyway and drumsticks are perfect for kids - easy to hold and eat.

  16. I have to take exception with this one. 180 degrees is way over the limit. 165 is plenty. Also, I would leave out at least 2/3 of the brown sugar.

  17. My grandma used to make a version of stovetop barbecued chicken when I was younger.. I remember it so very well! Definitely finger lickin' good :)

  18. Always looking for new ways to cook with chicken. Thanks, I will try this.

  19. Your recipes all look so very wonderful! We're on a MAJOR budget at the moment, with my husband back in school full-time and two little ones at home, so I will definitely be adding these recipes to my "to try list".

  20. They sure look good and juicy. Keeping this one for sure.

  21. This recipe looks fantastic! You could eat the screen with how great that recipe is! Can't wait to make this!

  22. That looks very good - and no one would pass up a good-looking and inexpensive recipe.

  23. What would we do without chicken. It is like a blank canvas...there is are so many ways to prepare it. This sounds like a simlpe but tasty dish.

  24. What a delicious recipe this is. All your recipes and photos are super. xo,

  25. I only wish I was more into dark meat!

  26. This looks delicious and I love how simple it is to make!

  27. I'm so glad the class was better than you thought it would be! The sauce on that chicken looks fabulous!

  28. What a great recipe. That barbecue sauce looks heavenly. I love simple (and cheap, of course) recipes!

  29. Just returned from grocery store with ingredients in hand. Looking forward to BBQ Chicken Ribs along with your Lemon Coleslaw. Thank you.

  30. This looks delicious. I am glad you had fun teaching.

    Are you holding up with your busy schedule?


  31. Oh Mary, BBQ chicken in a Dutch oven...look shiny and tasty.
    Hope you are having a fantastic week :-)

  32. Simply sensational. I love this dish.

  33. Yum! I actually prefer chicken to ribs any day! These look delicious!

    - Maggie

  34. the sauce is awesome!! budget friendly recipes are always welcomed!!

  35. This chicken is totally my type!! And this Chicken Legs with Lemon and Rosemary looks soo good... well let me tell you i can't choose between those 2 and the morrocan one!!

  36. Oh, this looks very good! People around here are crazy for barbeque, even in three feet of snow they will grill!!

  37. these look so delicious, so shiny, love them!

  38. That does look mighty tasty. I do like that it includes a lot of "staples." They are things I routinely have around the house. Did you include the price of the staples?

  39. I've never heard chicken legs described as "poor man's spare ribs," and I had to smile!

  40. Poor man's spare ribs? This legs (we called it "drumsticks" here) are the most expensive part of the chicken in our market! Looks so delicious!

  41. One of the challenges of eating on a budget is that often the choice is time or money and most people on a budget have little of either. :( So, while I can cook on a budget, I am in the kitchen all day (and love it!) but someone else may not have that luxury... Good idea to serve poor man's spare ribs! :)

  42. I have never thought to use apple juice before like this! Have a great day Mary :)

  43. I love chicken thighs best and this recipe looks perfect.

  44. It sounds like a fantastic ministry that you were part of, and a lot of fun too! I love this use for chicken legs, which are always the favorite part of the bird in my house!

  45. you got me thinking ... someone needs to make an iPhone app that lets you take a drumstick recipe and convert it to thighs, or thinly sliced breast meat, or whatever. wouldn't be much, just a little bit of time and temp difference, I'm guessing. because most of the time, the way to save money isn't to buy the one thing that's usually cheaper but to buy the thing that's on sale that week, or the thing they have in the big family pack that day.

    the sauce looks great!

  46. That's quite a challenge! But I'd be tempted by this recipe even if it wasn't inexpensive!

  47. What a challenge! Great job, Mary! And this recipe sounds really yummy.. Bookmarking it... I love BBQ chicken... Thanks for sharing :)

  48. I am part of our church's meal group also, which provides meals to families for two weeks. I'm always on the hunt for great recipes like this to bring for other families! Thank you for sharing :)

  49. This Stovetop Barbecued Chicken Ribs recipe is looking yummy. I want to eat this item soon. I always love the bbq chicken recipe items. Well, This is really good bbq chicken recipe idea.


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