
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Apple Pancakes with Warm Cider Syrup

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...I had a special treat this weekend. While the rest of the world braved the crowds and weather of Black Friday, the Silver Fox donned an apron and made pancakes for me. Not just any pancakes mind you. He laced the batter with grated apples and served the cakes steamy hot with a warm cider syrup. The trip to the table, however, was not without incident and it took two attempts before we actually had pancakes on our plates. The problem was the cider syrup. Now, many folks love the intensely sweet flavor that's produced using the original Taste of Home recipe, but it was way too sweet for our tastes. I want to emphasize that this is a matter of personal preference and not a problem with the recipe. For that reason, today's post will have two versions of the recipe for cider syrup. Mine will be printed in red and follow the original ingredient list that appeared in the magazine. Many of you know I'm especially sensitive to changing recipes developed by others. Perhaps this discussion of a recipe that was developed by Molly Wizenberg will help explain my bad attitude. It comes from Chowhound and the conversation can be found here. She actually jumps in and you can find her comments towards the end of the discussion. I think those of you who like pancakes will really enjoy today's recipe, whichever syrup you decide to use. Here's how they're made.

Apple Pancakes with Warm Cider Syrup...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite courtesy of Janet Vardaman and Taste of Home magazine

Magazine Syrup
1/2 cup sugar
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 cup apple cider or juice
2 tablespoons butter, cubed
1 tablespoon lemon juice
One Perfect Bite Syrup
1/4 cup sugar
2 teaspoons cornstarch
1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/2 cup apple cider
1/2 cup water
2 tablespoons butter, cubed
1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 cups complete pancake mix (one to which only water is added)
1-1/2 cups water
1 large apple peeled, cored and grated
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1) To make cider syrup: In a small saucepan, whisk together sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon and nutmeg. Add cider, and water if using revised recipe, and stir until smooth. Cook and stir over medium-high heat until thickened and bubbly, about 5 minutes. Reduce heat to low and cook , stirring, about 2 minutes longer. Stir in butter and lemon juice. Serve warm with pancakes. Yield: 1-1/4 cups
2) To make pancakes: Place pancake mix, water, grated apple and cinnamon in a small bowl. Stir just until moistened.
3) To cook: Using a 1/4 cup measure, pour batter onto a hot, greased griddle. Turn when bubbles form on top. Cook second side until golden brown. Serve immediately. Yield: 12 pancakes.

One Year Ago today: Marionberry Muffins

Two Years Ago Today: Braised Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Golden Raisins


  1. I think I would like your version better as apple cider syrup does sound a little too sweet. But then I'm not a cider sort of girl unless it's (ahem) perhaps laced with some particularly enthusiastic spirit. : }

  2. I think your version sounds more to my taste!

  3. Delicious -- and thanks for the link to that discussion. I think I'd like your version -- I love apples and cider but now when things are too sweet.

  4. Gosh this sounds like an incredible breakfast. You're so good to make your own syrup as well!

  5. Que rica!!!el jarabe me gusta mucho un beso

  6. On changing recipes though - I think if you change a recipe you aren't really entitled to criticise the original, but making alterations to suit your own taste is a normal part of cooking.

  7. Would be so lovely to have for breakfast:D

  8. I make apple pancakes with cider sauce quite regularly and have never sweetened the cider. I just mix cold cider with cornstarch and add a sprinkle of cinnamon and then heat until thickened. I personally like the natural tartness of the cider, but I know, as Mary says, everyone has different taste preferences! I do want to note that using apple juice is NOT the same! I made that mistake in a pinch once and was not happy with the results.

  9. Now you have me wondering. I copied a recipe for cider syrup recently. So I'm going to compare.

  10. Just anything with apples right now :)
    Your pictures look beautiful and that cider syrup i could have by itself :)

  11. I've never thought to grate apples into the pancake batter, that sounds fabulous.

    Just read the thread you linked to re: Molly's pound cake, very interesting indeed. I've often been dumbfounded by people who are quick to judge a recipe but also admit they made alterations, it's just not fair to the recipe if you don't make it as written!

  12. Yummy! I love pancakes, these look so delicious, especially with the cider syrup. I've never tried apple pancakes with cider syrup before. Is the magazine version really that sweet? Maybe I'll make both and see which one I perfer. I usually just use maple syrup with pancakes. I think these pancakes would taste good with the addition of brown sugar. It just seems to fit with the rest of the ingredients. What do you think?

    Thanks for sharing :)

  13. These look so good! I have never heard of cider syrup. It used to be a rare thing for a man to cook, but is being done so much more lately. It must be so cool to have your husband in the kitchen! Phil is one of six, so he can clean anything, and is good at doing dishes and the laundry. But as for cooking, he can barely boil water. In college, here is how he existed. He would boil a hot dog, and when it was almost done, crack an egg into the pot with it, the whole thing would foam up, and he then ATE it!!

  14. I Love Pancakes, I was not able to comment on your blog, so I'll answer your question here. To MY TASTE the original syrup was way too sweet. I went on to add that many people enjoyed as it was written. You'll have to decide for yourself. I hope you have a great weekend. Mary

  15. These sound so scrumptious and perfect for this season, I drink cider right through Christmas! (and I like eggnog too!) xo

  16. Apple cider syrup sounds VERY delicious!!

  17. I'm with you! I'd rather have the less sweet version...apples are sweet enough on their own!

  18. *swoon* I don't know what I'm more envious of: the pancakes or the photographic skills.

  19. Hey Mary, your Pancake is a Recipe Guessing Game on Knapkins. Think your friends can win?

  20. I am soooo craving pancakes, I think I might whip of the batter for these next Sunday and have someone else cook them (I am really terrible at making pancakes). And your version of the syrup definitely suits my taste as well. I love changing and playing with recipes, typically because I find most too sweet. But when I judge I judge what I did because, let's face it, it was probably my fault :).

  21. What a gorgeous looking breakfast! I can't wait to try out the apple syrup, I have a ton of apples that need to be used up, and I was making cider this weekend too.

    Thank you so much for sharing, Mary!

  22. How did you know I've been craving pancakes? This looks delicious, as always, and your words make me smile, yet again. I hope you have a blessed week and a wonderful season of joy and food and fun.

  23. What a sweet treat, to have your husband cook for you. My husband like to cook, too.


  24. grating the apples sounds like a great way to get flavor in every bite.

  25. Saving this for husband who loves his pancakes. Love the idea of grating apples into them. Interesting discussion on ChowHound. I have found that all of Molly's recipes work for me - except when our tastebuds differ. I am not as fond of cabbage as she is! Although I will admit the coffee-crunch bars were a wee bit too crunch for me! Cheers to Silver Fox and breakfast and remaining home on Black Friday.

  26. I love that you did a remix on the syrup here. I have seen the reduced cider syrup before and I always think it would be too sweet for my taste. I am interested in trying your less sweet version. Sounds wonderful with the apple pancakes!

  27. Cider syrup? I'm speechless. Reminds me of PA in the fall.

  28. Thank you for the cider syrup recipe. I linked up!


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