
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Pumpkin Latte

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...The kitchen is closed for the night. The table's set and gleaming and we are ready for tomorrow's feast. I always love this moment. The push is over and it's finally time to stand down, sure in the knowledge that all that needs be done has been attended to. Bob has set a fire and I've just made spicy pumpkin lattes. Music for the evening has not yet been decided, but I've claimed my chair and plan to enjoy this lull and watch the dancing flames. Our drink is a once-a-year affair, much like eggnog or a Tom and Jerry on Christmas Eve. The latte could be made on whim, but, for reasons still not truly clear, it has become a seasonal beverage that's mostly served between the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. I cheat terribly when I make ours. The espresso machine is one of the appliance that didn't move with us from the east to west coast, so I foam with the blender and use double strength coffee instead of true espresso when I make these. It works well enough. The recipe I use was first published on the blog Sweet Happy Life. It's a great recipe, but I have found that it make three servings of latte rather than the promised two. I use Irish coffee glasses and I suspect a larger cup was used by the recipe developer. I have been known to suffer from the "more" syndrome and I don't mind occasional super-sizing, so, this presents no problem for me and mine, but I want you to be aware that serving size might be a bit iffy. I like these very much. I think you will too. Here's the recipe.

Pumpkin Latte...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite courtesy of Sweet Happy Life

1 level tablespoon pumpkin puree
1 cup whole milk
1/2 tablespoon light brown sugar, packed
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon nutmeg + a pinch for garnish
Scant 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups double strength coffee
6 tablespoons half-and-half
Sugar to taste
Whipped cream

1) Begin brewing coffee.
2) In a blender, puree milk, pumpkin, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, brown sugar and vanilla. Pour into a small saucepan and cook over low heat until the milk is warm and begins to froth slightly. (About 4-5 minutes.) Remove from heat.
3) For each serving: Pour 1/3 of pumpkin mixture into a coffee mug. Add 2 generous tablespoons of half-and-half. Heat in a microwave for 30 seconds, then add brewed coffee to within 1/2-inch of rim. Add sugar to taste, then cover with whipped cream and sprinkle with nutmeg. Yield: 3 servings.

One Year Ago Today: Coconut Bubble Bread

Two Years Ago Today: Puff Pastry Pillows with Creamy Blue Cheese Filling


  1. love me a fall coffee beverage! mmmm

  2. Actually I have never had the guts to try a pumpkin drink but this looks way too delicious to resist :)

  3. This is really original, makes me think of Harry Potter and his pumpkin juice! :-)


  4. Sounds like a great way to end the day! Happy Thanksgiving Mary-enjoy:@)

  5. Love your blog. Your latte looks to die for! Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. This drink would definitely get me in the mood!!!!Have a happy Thanksgiving Mary!!!!!

  7. This looks perfect for sitting in front of the fire basking in a moment of joy! blessings ~ tanna

  8. The perfect drink for this time of year! And I love the image I have of you and Silver Fox relaxing by the fire, enjoying these before the chaos of the next day begins!! Sounds utterly relaxing :)

  9. Mary, Thank you for your visit to my blog and your sweet comment. Please come again anytime.

    Now I'm off to explore all the wonderful recipes you have to offer.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. Sounds just delightful - not just the latte but your lovely description, I'd love to be a mouse in your house!

  11. You set the scene so beautifully, I feel calmer already. Have a wonderful holiday.

  12. This looks so delicious! Perfect for a rainy day like today :)

  13. Mary I love latte and this look awesome and delicious, happy thanksgiving dear Mary and blessings:)

  14. Yes, I also love the way you write, Mary. And these look absolutely delicious! Have a wonderful day tomorrow!

  15. Omg, feel like finishing that whole glass of irresistible latte..

  16. This looks marvellous! I love pumpkin spice lattes.

    And a very Happy Thanksgiving..... be blessed.....

  17. Thanks for sharing this recipe. I love getting these at Starbucks...but they become quite expensive. It will be cheaper to make my own.

    Happy Thanksgiving!!

  18. It must be so refreshing!Happy Thanksgiving,dear!

  19. This looks like a perfect cup of Fall! Happy Thanksgiving!

  20. these sound delish! thnx for a great recipe!

  21. Mary, I stopped by to wish you and the silver fox a Happy Thanksgiving. We hope your day is filled with many blessings!

  22. Now THIS is what I'm going to need to cap off the night tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving, Mary!

  23. I am terrible at making coffee but this seems like a recipe that would be possible to perfect!

    How nice that your kitchen is closed and that you are done with Thanksgiving preparations. My family is not good at making preparations beforehand and we will be doing all of our cooking tomorrow. I hope that you have a wonderful holiday and long weekend!

  24. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Mary! :).

  25. Happy Thanksgiving, Mary! Have a wonderful time and thank you for everything!

  26. Your evening sounds wonderful...and the latte a perfect treat.

  27. The puff pastry pillow looks amazing! Happy Thanksgiving!

  28. Great recipe! I always cheat and just add pumpkin syrup to my coffees.

  29. Mary, I'm playing catch-up as we were visiting the grandsons (and their parents) up in Ohio. My wife loves Lattes! She'll be all over this recipe... I hope that you had a great Thanksgiving! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  30. Who needs Starbucks! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.

  31. I have been wanting to try making them at home. As soon as the weather gets a tiny bit cooler, I want to try your recipe. Thanks, Mary.



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