
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sweet Potato Home Fries

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...The menu for our Thanksgiving feast is falling into place. I had great plans for a meal of lamb or salmon, but their cost proved to be unconscionable for the number of people we'll be feeding. If you don't believe me, ask the Silver Fox who, on hearing quotes from the fish monger and butcher, put on a performance worthy of an Academy Award. We are going to have beef tenderloin this weekend and turkey or chicken had already been ruled out, so, with lamb or fish no longer in play, only pork or tofu remained as options for our main course. The Silver Fox is a committed carnivore, so the only true choice was pork. Backed into that corner, I thought an herbed pork loin that had been brined in cider would be perfect for our holiday feast. With that decided, I could move on to the other elements of our dinner. I thought these sweet potato home fries would be a nice addition to our unconventional feast. I love their color and the surprising sweet-savory flavor they pick up as they roast with the garlic. They have the added virtue of being easy to make and can be assembled hours before roasting. I really think you'll like these and hope you'll give them a try. Here's the recipe.

Sweet Potato Home Fries
...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite courtesy of Mark Bittman

4 pounds sweet potatoes (about 3 or 4 large potatoes), peeled and cut into 1-inch pieces
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons minced garlic
1 cup chopped parsley leaves

1) Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Salt water and add potatoes, cooking until barely tender, about 5 minutes. Do not overcook. Drain and plunge into a bowl filled with ice water to stop cooking. When cool, drain again.
2) Toss potatoes with olive oil and garlic. Turn them into a roasting pan large enough to hold them in a single layer.
3) Preheat oven to 500 degrees F. Roast potatoes, tossing them occasionally, until tender and lightly browned, 15 to 20 minutes. Toss with parsley, salt and pepper, and serve. Yield: 8 to 10 servings.

One Year Ago Today: The Missionaries of Charity and Our Most Memorable Meal in India

Two Years Ago Today: Liptauer Cheese Spread


  1. Yes roasted sweet potato is surely yummy.I also had a peak at your Indian meal from long ago.Looks delicious too;)

  2. This is the first I have seen sweet potato home fries. We tried the Alexa sweet potato fries and didn't like them, maybe these would be good. I LOVE regular home fries!

  3. What a good idea to make fries with sweet potatoes, and with the addition of herbs. Really the prices are so high for meat and fish where you live? and how many people are you feeding?


  4. Sensational colour! I LOOOOOVE sweet potato - this will make a perfect Xmas dish as well! But only if it's not 105 degrees F in the shade ...

  5. The pork loin sounds amazing and the sweet potatoes are beautiful! No turkey at all?:@)

  6. These look wonderful and very healthy as a side dish...I love sweet potatoes. I think your pork roast sounds wonderful and very fall-like. I brined a pork roast a while back and it was amazingly moist and flavorful.

  7. when I first saw the post title, I thought it said "home sweet home fries" haha regardless, these look so delicious! Sweet potatoes are my favorite - so vibrant colorful and flavorful!

  8. These sound yummy as does the pork loin! Will you post that recipe too PLEASE?

  9. Oh, they look delicious. I used to eat sweet potatoes all the time while growing up in New York. Here in Rome we can now find sweet potatoes but they are not really sweet like the ones in the States, but ... better than nothing. You have some great recipes, I'm following you immediately. Regards from a Sicilian in Rome!

  10. These look delicious. Reminds me of a recipe my mother in law used to make and it was sooo good!

  11. I think you made a good choice with the herbed pork loin. That's always a favorite here. And with Mark Bittman's sweet potato home fries, you've got a great combination.

  12. Oh, Mary, you are in my backyard now. LOL! We roast sweet potatoes right alongside pork roast very frequently... stuff that pork loin, wrap it in a bacon blanket... spread the sweet potatoes around.... ah, heavenly. My Little Man does love him some, "perk." ;) I'd love to be sitting at your Thanksgiving table. It is sounding so yummy. blessings ~ tanna

  13. nothing better than sweet potatoes with pork fat rules now so do sweet potato home fries too!

  14. Hello Mary, I've been enjoying your blog this morning. The sweet potato recipe looks easy and delicious. I love the flavors of sweet potatoes with pork. No one will miss the turkey.
    Thanks for the kind words you left at Spiral Style.

  15. This is such a good way of cooking sweet potatoes! I think your thanksgiving feast is going to be delicious.

  16. Wondering ... did you try these without the ice bath? If the oven is preheated, and you go right from the stove top to the hot oven, doesn't seem like stopping the cooking is really needed. But maybe that's how you get a fully cooked and crunchy on the outside fry? Just wondering ... been on a bit of a science-in-the-kitchen kick lately ... just wanted to make sure I understood the whys and wherefors.

  17. Oh, this is a definite must-try recipe. I am going to pin in to my pinterest page.

    Thank you for sharing,

  18. These look delicious - very pretty as an addition to a holiday table. I'm always looking for different ways to serve Sweet Potatoes and Yams and will try this one.

  19. Gosh Mary - isn't it true about food costs these days. We looked at goose over the weekend thinking it would be a nice change and they wanted $62.00 for little iddy biddy frozen thing that wouldn't feed 6 people. I was mortified!

  20. Hello Mary,
    This sweet potatos looks amazing...I've got to try them :)
    Have a nice day!
    Big kiss for you

  21. Hi Mary, sweet potato fries sound really lovely the way you've cooked them with garlic and parsley. Yum!

  22. Easy to prepare ahead of time and put in the oven at the last minute. And I think so much better tasting than the sweet potatoes that most people serve with marshmallows.

  23. I served pork for the last american thanks giving I hosted. It was delicious. Roasted with prunes and apples simmered in a red wine sauce and a little thyme. Perfect for yams too!

  24. You're the third person today that's posted on sweet potato fries. I love these and would welcome them at my Thanksgiving table this year. I'm just afraid everyone would be angry that I didn't make the SP casserole.

    Yours look yummy and your photo is so vivid. I may have to see if I can convince everyone to go this route on Thanksgiving.

    Thank you for sharing your version.

  25. What a great splash of color for the holiday table! Long live the sweet potato!

  26. We're doing a pork loin for dinner tomorrow night! But with succotash instead of sweet potatoes. We're doing sweet potatoes tonight.

  27. Mmmmm, these look delicious. I love dishes that are sweet & savory. Unfortunately my family has to have sweet separate from savory...I know...I don't get it either!

    But I know I would love these!

  28. Hi Mary, I just saw your comment Squash Blossom Farm New Hampshire, I am following your blog Forever Growing. Sweet Potato Home Fries. My 11 year old and I eat only sweet potatoes, white once in a while. But I have never been able to make homefries with them. They end up as mashed everytime! Maybe I cook the potato that one second to long.. But being Italian I am an el dente all the way! Nice to meet you Mary..

  29. Your thanksgiving sounds like so much fun! I love the idea of sweet potato homefries...way better than regular potato if you ask me!

  30. Love the idea of boiling the potatoes first, so they do not turn dry...looks delicious with the garlic and parley...beautiful picture Mary.
    Hope you are having a wonderful week :-)

  31. i am absolutely in love with sweet potatoes, i can't wait to try this!

  32. Looks delicious! I wanted to let you know that you won my greeting card giveaway! If you could please e-mail me, I'll get the code to you :)

  33. I just showed my mom this recipe and I think we're going to try it out for our Thanksgiving dinner! It's so simple and easy I love it! Thanks for sharing :)

  34. Looks lovely. Nice rich colours too. If I ever get to the US for a holiday again, I'll be begging to come over for a snack :-)

  35. Oh, my! These look absolutely amazing! I've made sweet potato hash with a ton of butter and since my health requires less fat in my never occurred to me to re-vamp them!

    ...I don't know why - I've revamped just about everything else!

    Thank you, thank you!

  36. this looks so delicious, I grew up eating plain boil sweet potatoes.

  37. I can't wait to try these delicious looking morsels, Mary. :-) I am a potato addict in every possible variety. Now and then I've tried sweet potato versions, but this is the best looking one I've seen. :-)

  38. Goodness Mary, how many people are you going to be feeding? Whatever you do, I know it will be a truly gorgeous feast. The sweet potatoes sound delicious, but what I really like is the colour they bring to the table.

  39. I think your Thanksgiving feast sounds amazing - and I love a savory sweet potato dish like this.

  40. Why wait for Thanksgiving? I could so make these this weekend with our eggs and toast! YUM!

  41. Sounds holiday/seasonal perfect. I am not a sweet potato fan - but husband loves them and this is a nice change from the sweet potato wedges I always serve him!

  42. These sound great. I love sweet potatoes. :)

  43. An interesting take on an old classic. I like it.


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