
Monday, July 29, 2013

Brewster Berrie Smoothie

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...We normally are restrained breakfast eaters, but when we travel, bacon and eggs and hearty breakfast fare become the order of the day. The Silver Fox and I did not follow that pattern this year. We were on Cape Cod during a period of really high heat and humidity. We were prepared for the heat, but the humidity caught us, and I might add the locals, completely by surprise. The weather was not conducive to a trencherman's breakfast, so I quickly substituted a series of smoothies that our peckish appetites would be better able to handle. While the smoothie that I'm featuring today has a hint of sweetness,  I honestly would have to describe it as tartly refreshing rather than sweet.  We enjoyed it and I think those of you who give it a try will like it as well. It is extremely easy to make, and your breakfast will come together in about 5 minutes, if you have all the ingredients at hand. The cranberries add gorgeous color and flavor to a smoothie that would be quite ordinary without them. I freeze quantities of cranberries every year, so I always have a supply of them on hand for recipes such as this one. I have noticed that our local markets now carry cranberries in their frozen fruit section, so I suspect they are  available year round in most areas.I do hope you'll give this recipe a try. I think you'll enjoy this refreshing smoothie. Here is how it is made.

Brewster Berrie Smoothie...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite inspired by Carol Berrie

1/2 cup frozen sliced strawberries
1/4 cup frozen cranberries
1-1/2 cups orange juice
1/2 cup cranberry juice
6-oz. raspberry yogurt
1 large scoop vanilla frozen yogurt

Combine all ingredients in a blender jar and process until smooth. Serve in tall glasses while still frosty. Yield: 2 servings.

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One Year Ago Today: Pavlova with Lemon Curd and Mixed Berries

Two Years Ago Today: Frenchified Meatloaf

Three years Ago Today: Curried Egg Salad

Four Years Ago Today: Warm Sausage and Potato Salad


  1. This looks like the most nutritious smoothie I have ever seen!

  2. This sounds like such a sprightly smoothie. :-) I love cranberries and finally managed to track some down here in Oz. :-)

  3. this looks and sounds so refreshing!

  4. Sounds perfect for those warm days! I could easily see myself sipping this by the pool :)

  5. This looks and sounds perfect for summer! The humidity here has been awful - it just takes your breath away when you go outside.

  6. This looks wonderful and I am a fan of tartness. So refreshing!

  7. Cranberries are a great tart addition!

  8. Mary, Especially during the summer months, we also frequently resort to fruit smoothies for breakfast. Thanks for your recipe! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  9. We keep a couple bags of frozen cranberries and use them all the time! Lovely smoothie Mary

  10. What a yummy sounding combination. I've never added cranberries to a smoothie but it sounds like a wonderful idea!

  11. Your blog absolutely makes my day! Always something tempting to copy of try.


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