
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Coffee-Toffee Cookies + Puro Fairtrade Coffee

I was recently sent this unique gift package from Puro Fairtrade Coffee. If you are not aware of Puro or how Fairtrade works, let me quickly say that the Fairtrade mission is to produce better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. The video on the Puro website explains how the organization aims to support producers of goods such as coffee, cacao and vanilla and ensure they are paid fairly for the goods they produce.

This is the Fairtrade vision:

Our vision is of a world in which justice and sustainable development are at the heart of trade structures and practices so that everyone, through their work, can maintain a decent and dignified livelihood and develop their full potential.

To achieve this vision, Fairtrade seeks to transform trading structures and practices in favour of the poor and disadvantaged. By facilitating trading partnerships based on equity and transparency, Fairtrade contributes to sustainable development for marginalized producers, workers and their communities. Through demonstration of alternatives to conventional trade and other forms of advocacy, the Fairtrade movement empowers citizens to campaign for an international trade system based on justice and fairness.

When Puro Fairtrade Coffee asked me to review their product, I was delighted. I had expected to receive a pound of coffee, but, instead, received this lovely gift assortment. If you’d like to learn more about Puro Fairtrade Coffee, their website has an excellent collection of videos about coffee production and distribution, together with a lot more information about the coffee brand and it’s origins. The company makes no direct sales to consumers and this promotion is about increasing brand awareness. Once I'd read that, I, of course, had to make a sweet nibble to accompany the first pot of coffee I brewed.

I made a pot of Puro Noble to begin my taste test. It is described as a rich and lively medium roast brew that has hints of hazelnuts and fruit. It was a perfect afternoon pick-me-up and to keep with the coffee theme, I served it with coffee-toffee cookies that are wonderful in their own right. I have many more days of fine roast coffee to look forward to and while I can't share all of them with you, I can share the coffee-toffee cookies that I made to go with my first cup. Here is the recipe.

Coffee-Toffee Cookies
...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite courtesy of America's Test Kitchen

2 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons instant espresso powder
1 tablespoon hot water
10 tablespoons melted butter
1-1/4 cups granulated sugar
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3/4 cup toffee chips


1) Adjust two oven racks to upper and lower middle positions. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper.
2) Whisk flour, baking soda and salt together in a large bowl.
3) Place espresso powder and hot water in a large bowl and mix until powder dissolves. Whisk in butter and sugar until incorporated. Whisk in eggs and vanilla until smooth. Gently sir in flour mixture with a rubber spatula until a soft dough forms. Fold in toffee chips.
4) Working with 2 tablespoons of dough at a time, drop cookies 2-inches apart on prepared baking sheets.
5) Bake cookies until edges are set but centers are still soft and puffy, about 16 minutes, switching and rotating baking sheets halfway through baking time. Let cookies cool slightly on baking sheets. Serve warm or at room temperature. Yield: 24 cookies.

I was sent samples of Puro Fairtrade Coffee, but there was no obligation to review the product and all views posted here are my own.

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  1. These do look wonderful to have with a cup of that coffee. And boy, they really sent you nice things!! Fair Trade is getting more and more popular now, they usually have a few in places I shop.

  2. lovely flavors in the cookies... love it!

  3. The cookies look delicious and perfect for coffee-fanatics! Hope to be able to try some of their coffee soon!

  4. How fun to receive such a lovely package ... mail is so boring these days. And coffee toffee cookies, yum.


  5. I am always on the hunt for fair trade items, good coffee and tasty cookies. When I'm near a Ten Thousand Villages, I stop in and stock up on coffees. I'll be keeping an eye out for the Puro brand.


  6. What a great package they sent you ... and I agree, these Coffee-Toffee cookies would be the perfect accompaniment to such a great cup of coffee! I know I'm craving one right now... :)

  7. Nice One, I love to use it. The packaging of the coffee is really awesome.

  8. I always buy fair trade coffee, ever since I wrote about it a few years ago. This company is new to me. I'll have to check it out! The cookies sound wonderful. I bet my neighbors would love me if I made a batch to share.

  9. Coffee and cookies - sounds like a perfect afternoon! I can almost smell the roasting coffee now - nice cookie and post!

  10. I love toffee has to add a nice flavor.

  11. Scrumptious and addictive to munch some.

  12. I'm all about good quality, ethically sound coffee! These cookies sound fabulous.

  13. I'll be on the lookout for Puro Fairtrade Coffee. The cookies look to be the perfect accompaniment for a good cup of coffee. blessings ~ tanna

  14. Great post and how awesome to receive such a gift basket. Those cookies sound awesome too and I've pinned them to come back to when a cookie hankering happens.. cuz I know it will. ;)

    I often suppert Fair Trade products, but usually when I've spent some time on their parent site & understand exactly what that Fair Trade name/symbol means to them.
    Thanks so much for sharing about this coffee. I'll be looking into it more and pick some up if I see it in my area.


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