
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Hot Milk Sponge Cake - Away A While Recipe Favorites

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...This is such a lovely cake that it is a shame it is not made more often. It is the easiest of all the sponge cakes to make and the addition of baking powder and milk guarantee a tightly crumbed cake that will also be light and moist. There are, however, a few tricks that will assure the cake is all it was meant to be. Success will be guaranteed if the eggs warm are warm and whipped to the proper consistency. They are properly whipped when they become a very pale yellow and thicken like a softly beaten cream. At that point, they should form a ribbon when the batter falls back on itself. The beaters and bowl in which the eggs are beaten should also be warm. Years ago, good cooks took it a step further and placed the primary mixing bowl inside another that was larger and filled with several inches of hot tap water. They would stir the eggs until they were warm to the touch before proceeding to beat them. While I have nothing but admiration for those women, I do not do that. I'm happy if my eggs are at room temperature and the bowl and beaters are warm. The cake is sweet and really does not need a frosting, but when the spirit moves me, I'll ice it with a milk chocolate butter cream. Actually, I think the cake is best when eaten out of hand or accompanied with a serving of macerated berries. If you have never made this cake I hope you will give this recipe a try. It makes a really nice cake. You can find the recipe here.

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