
Friday, October 24, 2014

Sausage and White Bean Stew - Away A While Recipe Favorites

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...Our day, which began with a bell clear opal sky, had by midmorning lost all sense of which season gravitational rotation it intended  to honor. Temperatures plummeted, than came sheets of rain that were followed by a volley of hail that beat the daylights out of any fruits trees that were still in bloom. A dinner of soup and salad, planned while the sun was in ascendance, seemed perfect for a temperate day, but once the hail began to bounce and beat tattoo, it was pretty obvious that menu needed to be revisited. Last month's issue of Bon Appetit magazine had a recipe for a sausage and bean stew that sounded delicious. It had the added virtue of being very easy to make and this was a perfect day to give it a try. While I didn't have all the ingredients the recipe call for, I did have workable substitutes and set to work with what I had on hand. I had a wonderful stew within 45 minutes, as well as a recipe that effortlessly earned a place in my permanent rotation. I hope you will give this dish a try. It is less heavy than a true winter stew but it is substantial and great for cusp days that demand a bit more than standard spring fare. The recipe for the stew can be found here.

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