
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Tapas - Picantes Pimientos Asados (Spicy Roasted Peppers)

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...This is, arguably, one of the easiest of all tapas dishes to prepare. It has the added advantage of being one that can be made well ahead of serving and I really think you'll enjoy the Spanish version of roasted peppers. Because less vinegar is used in their preparation, the peppers are not as harsh as their Italian counterpart and I think you'll find many uses for them as you become more interested in Spanish cooking. In Spain, the peppers are charred over and open flame, and while many cooks use that methodology, I prefer to roast, not broil, peppers in the oven. It's a much cleaner way to blister them and it frees the hands for other tasks. Once skin, ribs and seeds have been removed, oven roasted peppers freeze well and the homemade variety is much cheaper than any commercial product you may find. I do hope you'll give this recipe and roasting technique a try. Here is how the tapas version of spicy roasted peppers are made.

Spicy Roasted Peppers...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite


6 medium red peppers
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
1/4 cup olive oil
3 large cloves garlic, crushed
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper

1) Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
2) Place peppers on a cookie sheet and spay with nonstick cooking spray. Roast 30 minutes or until charred on all sides, turning occasionally. Transfer to bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and let stand 15 minutes.
3) Strain any juice from peppers into a small saucepan. Add vinegar, oil and crushed garlic and cook just until garlic softens and is fragrant. Strain into a measuring cup.
4) Peel skin off peppers, cut into quarters and remove seeds and membranes. Arrange peppers in a single layer in a serving dish. Pour oil over top of peppers and sprinkle with cayenne pepper. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 3 hours or overnight. Yield: 8 to 10 servings.

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1 comment:

  1. Lots of flavor in these peppers! They vanish pretty fast..! Have a good week Mary, XO


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