
Friday, December 25, 2015

♬ Christmas Wishes and A Canon ♬

May all who journey and brave the night, know there is warmth and shelter here tonight. 

We send blessings, joyful greetings and a bit of music from our home to yours. 

Eat well, make merry and bask in the warming comfort of family and good friends. 

We hope the peace and light of Christmas remain yours throughout the coming year. 

Merry Christmas to you and those you love...Bob and Mary

Pachelbel's Canon in D Major


  1. Thank you, Mary. The best to you and Bob!

  2. Thank you Mary. Wishing you a Christmas filled with all the wonder and joy of that first Christmas night so long ago.
    Greetings from Downunder.

  3. Have a wonderful Christmas.

    M : )

  4. Thanks Mary, the same to you and your family from Spain.
    Hope the new year brings you joy and happiness and comes loaded with all your wishes and health for everyone
    Lots of love from Spain
    Marialuisa and family

  5. Hope your Christmas was filled with joy. All good wishes to you - love the Canon. It - just fills me.


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