
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Brioche du Carême - Hot Cross Buns

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...If I may, I'd like to have a word or two with those wonderful souls who have been following One Perfect Bite from its very hesitant beginnings. Initially, there were just four of you, two of whom were family. That is painfully true. Those four kept each other company for the longest time, but when that first Easter rolled around the ranks had swollen to a hundred or so, and I was comfortable posting recipes for seasonal foods that I thought my readers might enjoy. That April I featured a recipe for hot cross buns that I had been asked to post. Unfortunately, it was not the recipe my readers wanted to see. It was too involved for those who didn't have the leisure the retirement kitchen afforded, and, while it's taken a while, I've finally found one that will better suit those with less time on their hands. We've been featuring French recipes this week and while searching for foods that might be part of the French Easter celebration, I came across a recipe for hot cross buns, or brioche du carême. I'm told the buns are not standard fare in France, but that they can be found in the boulangeries of Alsace-Lorraine, probably because of the German influence in the region. The word carême means Lent and the Lenten buns made in France are nearly identical to their English counterpart, the hot cross buns which are eaten on Good Friday by the British. While I prefer the original recipe I posted for hot cross buns, I must admit this one is delicious as well. I hope you will like this easier version. Here's the recipe.

Brioche du Carême - Hot Cross Buns ...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite courtesy of the Kitchen Garden in France and Bella Online

1/4 cup water - at room temperature or slightly above
1/2 cup lukewarm milk
1/4 cup melted butter
1 egg, lightly beaten
3-1/2 cups all purpose flour
1/4 cup sugar
1-1/2 teaspoons active dry yeast
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
pinch of ground cloves
pinch of allspice
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup golden raisins
1/4 cup finely chopped, mixed candied fruit
2 tablespoons granulated sugar
2 tablespoons water
1/2 cup Confectioners' sugar
2 teaspoons water water


1) Mix yeast, 1 cup flour, sugar, salt, and other spices in a bowl. In a separate bowl, mix milk and water together. Combine dry ingredients mixture, liquid ingredients, and butter in a large bowl. Beat for 2 to 3 minutes at medium speed. Add egg and beat 1 more minute. Stir in raisins, fruit, and enough of remaining flour to make a firm dough. Knead dough on a floured surface for about 5 to 7 minutes or until smooth and elastic. Use additional flour if necessary. Place in a lightly greased bowl; turn over to grease other side of the dough. Cover and let rise in a warm place. After about 15 minutes, test dough to see if it has risen sufficiently and is ready to be shaped. To test, gently stick two fingers into risen dough up to your second knuckle. Remove fingers. If indentations remain, dough is ready.
2) Divide dough into 12 pieces. Shape pieces into balls and place them 3 inches apart on a lightly greased baking sheet. Cover and let rise in warm place until almost doubled, about 45 minutes to an hour. Bake in a preheated oven at 375 degrees F for 15 to 18 minutes, or until light brown on top. Remove from oven. Place baking sheet full of buns on a wire rack to cool. Prepare glaze, then spread it over the warm buns. Let buns continue to cool on baking sheet. When completely cool, fill a cake decorating bag, fitted with a round tip, with icing. Pipe an icing cross on each bun. Yield: 1 dozen buns.

One Year Ago Today: Frittata with Spring Herbs and Leeks

Two Years Ago Today: White Chocolate Truffles

You might also enjoy these recipes:
Easter Bread with Colored Eggs - Italian Food Forever
Kulich, A Russian Easter Bread - The Winter Guest
Tsoureki Sweet Easter Bread - Culinary Flavors
Braided Easter Bread - Moogie and Pap
Easter Bread - Bobbini's Kitchen
Ciambellone Italian Easter Bread - One Perfect Bite
Kozunak Bulgarian Sweet Easter Bread - Annie's Art Book
Hot Cross Buns - The Cottage Kitchen
Orange Hot Cross Buns - Karen Cooks
Gluten-Free Hot Cross Buns - The Baking Beauties


  1. I've never had a homemade hot cross bun - just the crappy ones they sell at Safeway on occasion. I bet these are incredible even if they aren't your top recipe.

  2. I just posted hot cross buns yesterday! There are so many different recipes, and they all taste different. Whole Foods makes them with wheat bread, which my friend does not like at all because she says it makes them way too heavy. And they all have different add-ins.

  3. I love hot cross buns, no matter the recipe or difficulty in preparation - to be truthful though I never actually have made hot cross buns. I have made hot cross muffins though.

    Here's the link if your interested:

    Have a happy Easter!


  4. yummy n moist ... love the easier version.. thanks for sharing .. bookmarking it for later :)

  5. Buns looks super prefect and simply gorgeous..

  6. Oh, ANYTHING from the bakery works for me!! But homemade Hot X Buns are sensational!! With the traditional ingredients, of course!! I just don't get Hot X Buns without fruit, do you?!

    Have a great Easter!!

  7. These look like they turned out perfect, Mary! I think I should come and stay with you and have a masterclass - your baking is always so good!

  8. I have never made hot cross buns before, maybe now is the time to try. Diane

  9. So gorgeous!!!!i am tempeted to do this...


  10. It would not be Easter without hot cross buns.These look especially delicious!

  11. I love the look and sound of these fancy hot cross buns. I haven't ever made my own; Mary you are so good to have done so!

    Ps. You deserve your many followers now. I think we all come from humble follower beginnings hehe.

  12. The buns are beautiful Mary! Thanks for all of the great recipes-Happy Easter:@)

  13. I used to hear about hot cross buns all the time, but they seem to have slipped out of our vocabulary lately. This brings back happy memories.

  14. I've never made hot-cross buns, but love them and have always wanted to. Thanks for a great recipe!

  15. I've been seeing these buns across the web for Easter, but yours look the best!

  16. I have never made hot cross buns, but was thinking of them last night. Before i went to bed, i did an internet search for recipes add found one i was planning on using. This one seems a bit easier, less rising time, so i may make it instead! Thanks for sharing!

  17. Apparently our studies have followed parallel paths this week! What a lovely photo - this is similar to the recipe I used, but I was not aware of any "French connection." I love the glorious glaze on your hot cross buns! Have a blessed holiday, Mary!

  18. After reviewing both recipe, I like elements of both. Will probably do a "cross" of your hot cross bun recipes. Stay Tuned.

  19. And look at you now.. over 2 thousand followers!!! :)
    I love hot cross buns but I have never made them before. This does sound like an easier recipe...thanks for sharing!

  20. Love seeing that definitive cross on those buns, oooh they look so good.

  21. These look so amazing! And so festive for the holiday!

  22. Lovely! These looks super yummy! In Cayman we do Easter Bun and Cheese. Can't wait!

  23. Just nice for Easter


  24. These look so moist. I love the addition of the golden raisins.

  25. oh my gosh,, I just found you and what a perfect name,, your blog is beautiful,,I'm knew to this and I am going crossed eyed from reading your past posting,,thankyou for sharing,,,

  26. Thanks for posting an easier version Mary. While I won't get to try them this Easter, I'm bookmarking for the future. They look delicious.
    I hope you have a beautiful and blessed Easter!

  27. Yum - I love Hot Cross Buns. Never fail they make me homesick for Canada this time of year.

  28. Mary,
    You're an expert at blogging and baking! Fortunately for me, we have (still)some great old bakeries in New York where one can get hot cross buns and other old world specialties. Otherwise, I might have to learn to bake.

  29. Mary, now you have 2000+ followers, what an incredible figure! There are too many wonderful recipes that you're sharing with us, thank you and happy easter to you!

  30. what a perfect Easter morning treat! I think I might give them a go...we decided to go out for Easter, so a nice treat with coffee in the morning these buns would make. And besides...what is Easter without hot cross buns? lol Have a great day, Mary!

  31. Those buns look so soft and delicious! Happy Easter!

  32. Life needs to be simpler sometimes. Hot Cross Buns are an Easter tradition.

  33. I loved these when I was younger. The ones from the store now just don't taste the same.

  34. Mary, we don't make hot cross buns for Easter, in my country is ussualy made a round sweet bread filled with sweet cheese. Your buns look and sound so fluffy, and I think they can be made in any shape any time of year. Thanks for sharing, have a blessed holyday!

  35. Mary, thank you so much for visiting and leaving such a lovely comment on my blog. I'm thrilled to have discovered your stunning blog. I look forward to perusing your wonderful recipes as one of your many followers. In closing I would also like to wish you and your family a Happy Easter.

  36. Love these and they look simply scrumptious! I've always wanted to make them, but thought that they were too involved, until now. Thanks so much for the great recipe!

  37. Sometimes I like reading the complicated recipes. I don't have the time or resources to make every recipe I read anyway, and some recipes themselves are almost works of art!

  38. I love the look of those buns! Your baking is always so perfect! Have a nice evening!

  39. Looks prefect that usually!
    Have a great Easter!Flory

  40. I've never eaten a homemade hot cross bun! I hope I have time tomorrow to bake these after church! They look and sound delicious! Thanks for sharing, Mary! God bless...

  41. Thank you for sharing this recipe. The picture of them is divine! Hot Cross Buns was the first song I learned how to play. I think I will be singing it to myself today :) Have a great day!

  42. This brioche cakes look like heaven... just delicious :D:D
    Big kiss for you and a Holy Easter

  43. I've still never made hot cross buns... yours look amazing!

  44. Mary, these look great!

    I received one more tag game and it is about Easter Menu..I tagged you and I hope that you will find time to participate!
    Visit my blog for more info!! thanks!

  45. I've not made hot cross buns but I've wanted to for ages. Thanks for sharing a recipe that is slightly less involved - I'm always short of time!

  46. I love hot cross buns and I love your site... Although I hardly ever comment.. anywhere for that matter... I visit every day and LOVE LOVE LOVE all the wonderful things you make!! I have even tried a few or three...
    Happy Easter!!

  47. So many Delectable versions of this wonderful nursery rhyme bun I have seen today - I am always partial to yours Mary dear :)

  48. They look gorgeous! I made hot cross buns last year for Easter, but not this year.

  49. Hello, Mary.

    It was so nice to meet your blog, I loved it, so many great recipes.
    Happy Easter...
    I will be back more often.

  50. I love hot cross buns, especially when toasted and buttered. I'm so glad you have given a simpler recipe as I get a little panicky when yeast is involved. I have to give these a try.
    Thanks, Mary

  51. Your hot cross buns look delicious. I bet it is so interesting to branch out and explore the cuisine from other countries. Thanks for sharing a simpler recipe. I know we all run short on time now and then. Have a wonderful day and thanks again for stopping by my blog.

  52. these are SO pretty, i love the shine on them, perfect for easter!

  53. This reminds me so much of our life in England. This time of year these are everywhere. Nice memory.

  54. I think hot cross buns are the perfect easter brunch treat! Although I've been known to eat them throughout the day. These look delicious!

  55. Thank you Mary for this authentic recipe. I wish you a very happy Easter and I am thankful for our blog connection. You are amazing.

  56. cross buns reminds me of my gal's school days...I used to make them for her to take to school :)

    Have a great Easter holidays and God's Blessing :)

  57. I'm so glad you found my blog, because it gave me the opportunity to find yours! You have a wonderful blog. I've found several recipes that look interesting and I'll have to try. Thanks for the lovely comments, and for the wonderful recipes you share!

  58. You know, I've never actually had a homemade hot cross bun, which suddenly strikes me as a little sad. LOL. These look delicious.

  59. My husband loves hot cross buns, maybe he should learn to make them :-).

    Happy Easter to you and your family Mary!


  60. What a perfect and wonderful bake! Looks yummy...

  61. I have yet to try baking hot cross buns and the blogs are flooding with recipes and providing wonderful photos to drool over! Your buns looks so soft and rich, I must find sometime to try it....Happy Easter to you Mary:)

  62. These look so good. Your blog has come a long way in such a short period of time! Every day, I look forward to visiting One Perfect Bite and seeing what new recipe is in store for me. Have a wonderful Easter!

  63. Hello Mary! I'm happy to be back from vacation and catching up on my blog reading -- I've missed you! What a fantastic round-up of Easter recipes this is...I'm wishing you and yours a very happy Easter!

  64. The golden top on these is beautiful! Have a wonderful Easter!

  65. Bless you for posting a simpler and faster hot cross bun recipe! I have always wanted to make brioche and hot cross buns, but the time element has been an issue. They look wonderful!


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