
Friday, April 22, 2011

Sumarterta - Icelandic Summer Skyr Tart

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...Its name lured me as surely as the siren's song lured mariners of myth to death on rocky shoals. How can you resist something called a Summer Skyr Tart? I had visions of blond nymphs dancing in the pale glow of midnight sun, sipping champagne as they nibbled on elegant and Lucullean tarts. The romance of it all caused me to commit to its creation before I did my research and learned that skyr does not reference the midnight sun. It's a popular dairy product that is similar to strained yogurt, or soft cheese, and it's used extensively in Icelandic cooking. So much for romance. I also learned that skyr is thicker than yogurt and a bit sweeter. The product is not available here, so I decided to go with a Greek yogurt cheese that I've used for other purposes. As I browsed through the recipe it became clear that this dessert was not going to fall into the "sweet thing" category. It consists of cookie base that is covered with a barely sweet mixture of egg whites, cream cheese and yogurt. It is finished with a sprinkling of toasted almonds and strawberries. The recipe was developed by Beatrice Ojakangas, but I found it on a great blog called The Bohemian Kitchen. This is a large, thin tart. It will not set if you use a smaller pan and go for height rather than diameter. I used a 12-inch spring form pan to make my tart. I also made some adjustments to the recipe which I've highlighted in red. I added a small amount of almond extract and a pinch of salt to the cookie base. I also covered it with a 1/2 cup of warm strawberry jam before adding the yogurt layer. Please note that the recipe uses raw egg whites. Some of you might be more comfortable using pasteurized eggs or powdered egg whites. I like to use reconstituted egg whites because it alleviates the problem of having to store unused yolks. The tart will not set in the hour suggested in the recipe, so plan on at least 6 to 8 hours chill before serving. Now comes the hard part. I won't be making this again. It is a nice dessert, but it is very understated and almost boring. I suspect the results might be different if the tart were made with skyr, but until I can find a source for it, I'll stick with strawberry short cake. I hope some of you will try the Sumarterta and let me know what you think. Here's the recipe.

Sumarterta - Icelandic Summer Skyr Tart...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite inspired by Beatrice Ojakangas and the Bohemian Kitchen

Tart Base
1-1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup softened butter
1 whole egg, beaten
1/4 teaspoon almond extract
1/2 cup warmed strawberry jam
2 egg whites
2 tablespoons sugar
1 cup yogurt cheese
1 (3-oz.) package cream cheese
12 strawberries, cleaned & halved
3/4 cup sliced almonds, toasted

1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease an 11 or 12-inch spring form pan and dust it with flour.
2) Combine flour, sugar, salt and butter. Mix with finger tips until coarse crumbs form. Add almond extract to egg and stir into crumb mixture, mixing well. Press mixture into bottom of prepared pan and bake for 20 minutes, or until crust is golden. Set aside to cool. When cool brush surface with strawberry jam.
3) With a mixer, combine yogurt cheese or skyr with cream cheese and beat until combined and smooth.
4) In a clean bowl, whip egg whites with a small dash of salt until frothy. Add sugar and continue beating until the whites become stiff.
5) Fold cheese mixture into egg whites. Spread over cooled crust.
6) Sprinkle with toasted almonds and decorate with strawberry halves.
7) Chill tart for at least 6 hours. Yield: 8 to 10 servings.

One Year Ago Today: Old-Fashioned Applesauce Cake

Two Years Ago Today: Braised Rabbit in Tomato-Wine Sauce

You might also enjoy these recipes:
Strawberry Shortcake - The Flourishing Foodie
Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries - Daily Deliciousness
Strawberry Cupcakes - Sugar Plum
Fresh Strawberry Pie - Hands On Gourmet
Warm Strawberry Crumb Cake - The Pastry Studio
Strawberry-Sour Cream Ice Cream - Confections of a Foodie Bride
Strawberry Buttermilk Cake - Fork Spoon Knife
Strawberry Jam - Sea Salt with Food
Strawberry Mousse - Half Baked
Strawberry Parfait Pudding - Big Black Dog
Sumarterta - Cake and Vikings


  1. Well, it certainly looks beautiful, even if you did find it a bit boring in the taste department. Those strawberries look luscious.

  2. That's a killer recipe name! But I'd make it just so I could say 'Oh, it's an old Icelandic recipe ...' if anyone asked what it was!!

    Have a great Easter break!!

  3. Definitely the name itself sounds too
    good and it looks very impressive.

  4. Oooh,this is a delicious gorgeous looking tart, Mary. And I'm sure it tastes wonderful :)I'm loving this recipe :) Thanks for sharing!

    Happy Easter to you and your family!


  5. Mary, I liked your pie, if there is hard for you to find certain ingredients in Portugal I think even more would have to make alterations, is not living in Portugal is that they live in a very small village where some products do not arrive and sometimes not even know that there ... only when I go to the city closest to refuel myself is that everything that does not exist in order to experience things.

    But I loved your pie, it must be delicious!


  6. That looks absolutely gorgeous, one of the tastiest I've seen here!

    Duncan In Kuantan

  7. WOW! it look so lovely! im sure it taste YUMMY! (: (: (:

  8. Mmmmm, this looks delicious! I'll definately have a slice!!

  9. YUmm, tart looks stunning n irresistible..

  10. What a delicious and exciting recipe. I love finding unique ones that I haven't come across before!

    Happy Easter Mary!

  11. It could be an acquired taste perhaps, looks delicious though! I have never heard of Skyr but it sounds a bit similar to quark. I've tried cake made with quark - mildly sweet and fairly delicious

  12. Wow, this look so good and delicious.

  13. It sure doesn't look boring! I am a big fan of strawberry shortcake too though... Happy Easter Mary:@)

  14. I would have to taste this for myself! It certainly looks beautiful. Happy Easter to you Mary!

  15. Mary I love the fact that you tried it, were not that crazy about it, posted about it and admiited your opininion. You're good! It does look very nice.

  16. I'm not a big dessert and frequently just skip them, but the name intrigued me. I glad I read it as this is a must make soon item. Your shot of it is excellent.

  17. Lovelly tart.....Amazing look!

    Kisses and hope you have a great Easter,

  18. Looks can be deceiving! You certainly made it look delicious!

  19. And once the movie "Thor" opens, I'm sure the recipe will be a hit with the kids. :^)

  20. Looks delicous with those lovely strawberries! Have a nice day Mary!

  21. Mary,
    First I want to thank you for visiting my blog and for the sweet comment. I enjoyed looking around yours and definitely reading today's post. Your tart looks fabulous even though Skyr doesn't reference the midnight sun! :) Have a blessed Easter!


  22. No doubt it would be very tasty. Its very new to me wanna have to try once.

  23. Your posts always look delicisous - but this looks especially good!

  24. It is always fun to try new things. I'm always on the lookout for unusual ingredients. Have a wonderful Easter holiday Mary.

  25. I would have been drawn in by the name too. ;)

  26. How interesting! Uzbekistan where I have just been, has something called skymilk which must be the same as your skyr! It was very nice - actually one of the nicer culinary offerings that I tasted there to be honest! I am so off heavy and oily foods as a result ...
    Lovely to have you visit my blog, BTW! Thank you!

  27. Fantastic name and a beautiful dessert! Can I please come and live with you?? I promise you will hardly know I'm there... at least not until it's time to eat :)

  28. Looks positively wonderful! I love the name, too.

  29. It definitely looks very spring, pretty and delicious!

  30. This dessert does look tempting. I smiled while reading the end of your post - we will be enjoying Strawberry Shortcake this Sunday! :)

  31. This looks really nice! Happy Easter, Mary! Have a lovely Easter weekend!

  32. It is indded a very gorgeous looking tart and far from boring if one is to judge the taste by its looks!

  33. It's very pretty Mary! Don't you hate when things don't live up to expectations though. I still figure you've got to go along way to beat a good Strawberry Shortcake, especially with Oregon strawberries! Hope you have a wonderful Easter.

  34. Lovely the filling, and the strawberry. The name of the tart is very interesting.
    I also made strawberry cheesecake bars. Lots of strawberries on top.
    Have a beautiful, and Happy Easter!

  35. Well done for giving it a go. It's always disappointing when you do the work and it comes out a bit unexciting. Looks glorious tho!

  36. Never heard of that tart but it looks amazing! Happy Easter to you and your family, enjoy your weekend!

  37. hi mary, definately not boring for me! looks so pretty !

  38. Well it looks beautiful :) Sounds great I may just have to give it a try with some twists as I always do. I too would add the almond axtract. I love a challenge and love that you are honest about the outcome.

  39. Wow, it does have a really beautiful name. And look! It's like the best pizza ever :)


  40. That is one beautiful shot. I've loved exploring your blog.

  41. Hummm Mary looks so good and delicious,

    kisses and have a Good and Happy Easter

  42. I had the same romantic notion when I saw the title of the post. It does entice even if a wee bit boring - maybe it's the pretty red and white. Happy Easter - enjoy!

  43. You keep raising the bar and I keep lowering the scale because your blog and my sloth are conspiring to end my sugar addiction. I see this stuff and I see what I have close at hand, then I think,
    "Forget it."

  44. That looks divine! The strawberries on the white look so lucious! I love the name too.

  45. Looks really light and refreshing! The strawberries look great

  46. This looks so good! I want to try it because I love using my springform pans.

  47. I was wondering what you were going to use in place of skyr!

  48. This looks so delicious and perfect for warmer weather!

  49. Oooo how pretty and delicious looking! That is one beautiful tart, Mary!
    I hope you and your family have a very happy and lovely Easter!

    Hugs & Happy blessings,

  50. It looks beautiful with the red strawberries! Even if you won't be making it again I do love looking at it :) I have never heard of Skyr before. Now I am curious. I always learn new things on your site. Love that! Have a beautiful weekend!

  51. Oh, the name drew me in, too, Mary...then your photos really captivated me! What a fabulous dessert. Happy Easter to you and yours~

  52. You are getting more and more adventuresome!! This reminds me of all the trillions of kinds of cream they sell in England, but not here!!! Oh well, I guess our arteries are all clogged enough as it is. Still, I would like to try some of the clotted stuff. Oops, there's that clot word again!

  53. That really looks delicious. Diane

  54. mmmm, what a fun tart, it get's me so excited for summer!

  55. Looks great.The name of this dessert is quite Interesting.Thanks for sharing.Have a nice weekend.

  56. I knew I had seen this somewhere recently! It looks just as gorgeous here as it did over at Claudie's blog! And yes, the name alone is cause to give it a whirl!

  57. ahhh indeed the name "Skyr" is misleading! While the picture is fetching and your description interesting it looks like a daunting task better left to actual chefish types...I'll stick to the longhouse foods:-)
    Have a great weekend!

  58. Oh, my...this is indeed, a beautiful thing.
    Wishing you a very happy I am going to see how you do Hot Cross Buns..they seem right for Easter.:))
    xo bj

  59. Too bad it doesn't taste as good as it looks, Mary! :-) It DOES sound romantic and marvelous. :-)

  60. This really looks gorgeous. Have a very Happy Easter!

  61. Dear Mary,

    This tart looks so refreshing and good.

    Have a Happy and Blessed Easter to you and your family.

  62. It looks absolutely gorgeous, Mary!My weakness for creamy desserts is once more making me cave in..I wish I had at least "One Perfect Bite"!Enjoy a blessed Easter weekend!

  63. Nice name and an even prettier tart. Despite what you say regarding the taste,it looks wonserful. Happy Easter Mary.

  64. Oooo I could never resist this! Mmmmmmm

  65. These are awesome beautiful tart. Love the cream cheese filling and strawberry makes is more delectable.

  66. Waht a mouthwatering treat! Yummm... Happy easter day!
    Blessings, Kristy

  67. Thank you for the honest opinion, Mary! It's nice to learn the story of a new dessert.

  68. Well, it's too bad you didn't like it, Mary, because it looks delectable. I can see how you were drawn to the name and the look of this tart!

  69. This look absolutely perfect dear Mary!! Have a Happy Easter! Lovely tart! gloria

  70. Icelandic huh? wow! it looks gorgeous and delicious... I wouldn't mind sampling a slice to tell you my opinion :) Thanks for sharing...

  71. Hi,Mary
    That looks heavenly!
    Wish you a blessed Easter !

  72. another picture perfect dessert..looks yummy!

  73. it's finally in the 80s here in nyc! this would be a perfect dessert today!


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