Pam, whose blog, For the Love of Cooking, has great recipes, gorgeous photos and writing that highlights her love of life and family has passed the PROXIMITY award to me: "This blog invests and believes the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award." Thank you, Pam.

Susan at Wild Yeast (Yeast Spotting)
Ruth at Once Upon a Feast (Presto Pasta Nights)
Darlene at Blazing Hot Wok (Regional Recipes)
WC at Wandering Chopsticks (Weekend Wokking)
Kalyn at Kalyn's Kitchen (Weekend Herb Blogging)
Sara at I Like to Cook (Weekend Cook Book Challenge)
Cathy at Noble Pig (Potato Ho-Down)
Tanna My Kitchen in Half Cups (Bread Baking Babes)
As proof that lightning can strike twice, Cathy at Wives with Knives and Martha at Lines from Linderhof were kind enough to pass the BRILLANTE WEBLOG award on to me. Their blogs have lovely old-world qualities. Be sure to pay them a Christmas visit.

I love blogs that teach me something I didn't know before I read them. For that reason I'm passing this award to the following folks whose blogs are beautifully photographed, well written and, most importantly, present great food. In no particular order of importance, here are some of my favorite teachers.
Peter at Kalofagas
Mimi at The French Kitchen in America
Claire at Colloquial Cooking
Lily at Lily's Wai Sek Hong
TOH at Tastes of Home
I also have to thank Julie of Peanut Butter and Julie fame who always has something new and different for her readers. Julie is especially attentive and responds to all comments via email. Julie has passed the KREATIVE BLOGGER award to me.

I'm going to pass the award to the Blonde Duck at A Duck in Her Pond - one of the most creative and entertaining blogs I've come across. Stop by and see for yourself.
.....and last but not least, Allie, of Finding Inspiration in Food - a blog as enthusiastic as its creator's personality - sent the I'M A CHOCOHOLIC award to me (I've since gone into recovery). Allie is Cooking Contest Colleague and she has some fabulous recipes. I visit her site every day.

I'm passing the award on to Cathy at Wives With Knives who has a killer recipe for Blum's Coffee Toffee Pie sitting on her site. This is a truly Lucullean recipe.
I knew when I stumbled on your blog that it would be one I would enjoy returning to. Congratulations on all these well-deserved awards! And thanks so much for the Proximity award -- although I have to say I think it is I who should be handing out the awards to all who submit to YeastSpotting and make it such a pleasure to put together.
Mary, thank you for your kind words and I too enjoy visiting your blog, reading your stories and ultimately, the food you present.'s spelled "Kalofagas". ;)
Congrats on all those awards!
Peter, I am a magnificent color of red. Because it's a food blog you have to guess if I'm beet red or red as a lobster? Truth be told it's a little of both. Sorry!
Well deserved awards, Mary and thanks for passing one on to me.
2008 has been a great food blogging year and I'm sure with you and all these wonderful people you've chosen to award too, 2009 will be even better.
Congratulations to you winning much deserved awards! Yours is a very comfortable blog to visit and I'm so happy I found yours. I really enjoy your stories and your food.
Thank you so much Mary for the Proximity award. How goofy of me to have missed this post.
You've been a very busy woman. Congrats on all the awards they are all well deserved!
Mary, no probs...again thanks for the complement.
Thank you Mary! I am very honored.
And congratulations to you! The awards are well deserved. I really enjoy reading the stories behind the recipes. Your passion for food and life really come through.
Thanks you, Mary! I am honored.
I appreciate the kind words and the spirit with which they are bestowed! You've made my day.
Mimi from FKIA
Thank you so much for the award and kind words! I'm glad ya'll find me entertaining and not...crazy! :) You just made my morning!
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