Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Ultimate Cheater Pulled Pork

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...Tomorrow is International Picnic Day; a day, that in my book, should be spent communing with nature in places of incredible beauty while consuming food meant for the gods. I'm no slouch when it comes to picnics. I earned my merit badge when the children were small and we'd cycle to the park. My bicycle had the air of an armoured personnel carrier about it. Each child had a bicycle seat; one child rode in front, the other in back and a wicker basket, strapped to the handle bars, held our feast. In retrospect, it's a miracle we all weren't killed, but this was long before bicycle helmets or accident statistics concerned anyone and I did have one spiffy safety feature - a ring-a-ding bell that kept other drivers at bay. Can you hear it? We made lots of PB&J sandwiches back then. Our picnics changed with the times and the repertoire now includes delights from France, Italy, Spain, Vietnam and Texas - yes Texas. Texas barbecue became a favorite of mine once I'd learned how to order and make it. My first foray - in Texas - was a real bust. I asked for, and received, Texas-style barbecue. I expected a warm bun smothered by a pile of shredded pork that dripped barbecue sauce. I received a slice of spongy white bread and a pile of unsauced brisket on a paper plate. Disappointed doesn't begin to describe my reaction. Fortunately, I'm a fast learner and can handle myself pretty well at a Texas barbecue these days. A few months ago I was thrilled to find a crock-pot recipe for pulled pork at The Splendid Table; it's called Ultimate Cheater Pulled Pork and it's extraordinarily good. They reprinted it from Cheater's BBQ: Barbecue Anytime, Anywhere, In Any Weather by Mindy Merrell and R. B. Quinn. Their recipe is so good that I threw away one I'd used for years. The recipe utilizes a rub and does not include a sauce, so you can use your favorite barbecue sauce after the meat has been pulled. The recipe calls for 1/2 cup liquid smoke. That's not a mistake. I've just checked the labels of three brands of smoke because I thought that might be a concern to you. They all contain just 2 ingredients; water and liquid smoke. Liquid smoke is a condensate that forms when wood chips or sawdust is burned. It is passed through water to create a solution that can be bottled. I am not a food chemist, but that seems safe enough to me. I have a large pork butt simmering in the crock-pot for our picnic tomorrow. I'll pack it in an insulated container and reheat it on a grill when we're ready to eat. I really like this recipe. I think you will, too..

Ultimate Cheater Pulled Pork...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite

Cheater Basic Dry Rub
1/4 cup paprika (I use sweet and smoky Spanish Pimenton)
2 tablespoons kosher salt
2 tablespoons coarsely ground black pepper
1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon dry mustard
Cheater Pulled Pork
1 (5 to 6-pound) boneless pork butt
1/4 cup Cheater Basic Dry Rub (see above)
1/2 cup bottled smoke
Barbecue sauce of your choice

1) To make Cheater Dry Rub, combine all ingredients in a jar with a tight-fitting lid. Shake to blend. Yield: 2/3 cup.

2) To make Cheater Pulled Pork: Cut pork butt into 3 or 4 large pieces. Place into a 5-quart slow-cooker. Sprinkle meat with 1/4 cup rub, turning pieces to coat evenly. Add bottled smoke. Cover and cook on HIGH for 5 to 6 hours or on LOW for 10 to 12 hours. Using tongs and a slotted spoon, transfer meat to a rimmed platter or baking sheet. Let rest until cool enough to handle. Pull meat into strands. Serve piled on buns with your favorite barbecue sauce. To serve barbecue later, cover and refrigerate meat when it has cooled. Pour meat juice into a separate container and refrigerate. Before reheating juices, skim and discard congealed fat layer that forms on top. To reheat barbecue, place in a saucepan moistened with some reserved juice. Gently heat on medium low, stirring occasionally. Alternatively, place it in a covered casserole with some reserved juice and heat in a 350 degree F oven for 20 to 30 minutes. While meat warms, combine barbecue sauce and some of remaining meat juice in a small saucepan. Heat through and serve with pulled pork. Yield: 10 to 12 servings.


Marina Capano said...

Hi Nice to meet you! just beautiful post!Thanks for sharing them with us.

Suzy said...

Loved ready about your picnic history! I was getting quite the picture of the bicycle rides :-) I do pork similar to that in the crockpot. My husband begs for it. Thanks for stopping by my blog and the kind words about my flowers!

Kathleen said...

Hi Mary...
I do mine in a crock pot, but more on the sweet side, no smoke. I made it a few years ago for our beach community..150 people..not too many knew what it is just starting to get popular here..we are slow!
Thanks for your recipe..I use Coke in mine..

Maria Berg said...

As alway it makes me hungry to look at, it looks so nice.

A few day ago I found out that I can no longer eat anything with milk in - it is difficult to rethink what to eat - but at lease i can look at everything.


Selba said...

I didn't know there's a picnic day :)

Ah... have been gone for picnic nor barbeque for a long time... Uhmmm, mabye about 15 years ago, hehehe...

I remember when I was in the States, at least once a month, there's always barbeque. I surely miss those old days...

Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer said...

Happy Outdoor Wednesday Mary! I love my low cooker for barbecue! Thanks for sharing your photos.~ Susan

PS peanut butter and jelly is still goodon a picnic!

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

Sounds yummy! Hubby loves pulled pork sandwiches. I might have to give this recipe a try. Thanks! And thanks for visiting my blog & leaving me a comment.

♥peachkins♥ said...

Hmmnn.. haven't tried making this kind of sandwich. Thanks for sharing the recipe..

Katy ~ said...

What a magnificent picnic location. Oh my, I could become lost in all it's beauty.

I had the sweetest mental picture of your biking with your children.

LOL about the Texas pulled pork. I don't think I could have eaten it.

Yours, however, sounds, excellent!

Martha said...

We like BBQ on the prairie and pork is a favorite -- I often do the same with meat -- reserve the juices and warm in an oven -- it makes for the most flavorful moist meat.

Jennifer said...

I love doing my pulled pork in the crock pot too!
Great picture! Enjoy the picnic!

Ning said...

My kids prefer a slightly sweeter version, so I add a drop or two of honey. We also do not have liquid smoke available.

Kat said...

Wow! You've picked one of my all time favorites and this sounds wonderful. Sorry you had a bad experience with Texas BBQ - there are some places that really know how to cook a brisket, and others - well, not so much lol. But pulled pork is my favorite, being born in Mississippi and all! Kathy

Christina Kim said...

It's pulled pork nonetheless, even if it's the "cheater" variety! Who has the time/energy to actually smoke a pork butt for hours and hours?

Kammy said...

Hello !
I have never visited your Yummy site....I will have to take a look at your recipes.... no calories at just looking , right ?
Hugs ~ Kammy

Kammy said...

Hello !
I have never visited your Yummy site....I will have to take a look at your recipes.... no calories at just looking , right ?
Hugs ~ Kammy

Debbie said...

The pork looks fantastic. Wow..that sounds like a great recipe. Love the beautiful picture...another day of rain here in Virgnia!

Puna said...

Your food is always good but I have to say that your photography is awesome as well! Love that blue plate and the little bowl in the last post.

Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

I love that first photo! Absolutely wonderful!!

Pulled pork sandwiches. Yum!

Lori said...

Sounds like a good one Mary. I always use this one from Tyler Florence. It has 1/2 of an orange, half of a lime, tomatoes.... a lot of stuff. But I am thinking I would like to try yours next time.

flmom said...

It looks fantastic! I especially appreciate the convenience of preparing something like this in a crockpot during the heat of the summer.

Culinary Wannabe said...

I have been looking for a good crockpot bbq recipe for years! Every one I've tried has not had that "right" flavor. By being able to use your own sauce, I think this might just solve that problem! Thanks!

Painter's Place said...

This makes my mouth water just looking at it. We have wonderful bar-b-que here in the south. I'll have to try your recipe!!

Blue Creek Home said...

I'm not sure which photo I like the best-the park scene or the barbeque!!! Yummy. Thanks for visiting me. Rhonda

Creative Classroom Core said...

Ive beenwanting to make pulled pork, but have been hunting for the right recipe. This recipe sounds great!

Shellbelle said...

I love pulled pork! I didn't know that tomorrow is International Picnic Day, guess I'll be packing the picnic basket and heading to the beach. Wish I had a bike with a bell for the trip. Happy Outdoor Wednesday Mary!

Barb said...

Hi Mary, how good does this look?!! I love pulled pork and picnics.

Happy Outdoor Wednesday.


Maya said...

International picnic day..., I'll remember that!

Olga said...

And now I know what I want for lunch...alas :(

I had really good pulled pork in Savannah, GA.

Robin Lambright said...

Love'n your blog, this pulled pork sounds very good. The DH loves BBQ and I love the crock pot, sounds like a winner to me!


Mary Bergfeld said...

A big welcome to all newcomers. We're glad to have you here and hope you'll come often.

Beach House Dreamer said...

Me too, love the idea of an international picnic day!

Heather S-G said...

mmmmm...I love pulled pork. And what a great picnic story :) I'm going to try your recipe...I just bought some liquid smoke, so the timing seems perfect.

MyKitchenInHalfCups said...

Yep that slow cooker does a really amazing trick with the pork! I use bottle smoke and like you assess it's safe enough.
Beautiful picnic bench place!

Mary | Deep South Dish said...

Those were different days back then weren't they? We didn't even have to use seat belts in the car - couldn't risk such as that these days!

This recipe sounds wonderful. Our local favorite BBQ joint The Shed won the Live's Hometown BBQ contest for last week and they'll be featured on Live tomorrow with their pulled pork. It had me wanting a taste for pulled pork, so your post is timely!

Looks delish!! Thanks for sharing.

Penny said...

Pork butt is probably my favorite part of the pig; succulent and moist. Love this recipe.

Anonymous said...

Nice looking sandwich!

Anonymous said...

Thats perfect for fathers day I think my dad will really enjoy this!

Lyndas recipe box said...

This is a wonderful way to do pulled pork...I have a similar recipe that also uses the slow cooker.
I loved reading about your picnics when your kids were small- what great memories for all of you!
I would love to be at that picnic table in your photo right now- it looks so beautiful and relaxing!

Pam said...

My kids and I are always having picnics - they make for great memories.

I love pulled pork sandwiches - extra sauce for me please.

g.suzie said...

Mary, fisrt of all, love your recipes, you must be 'cook extraordinaire'. . .I had to smile when I read that you talked about blue poppy seeds from Buchart Gardens, because I bought some blue poppy seeds and hope to get some started in our yard. . .Have a great day!

theUngourmet said...

Another delicious recipe! :0)

I just told my son that tomorrow is picnic day and we will have to go on a picnic. He is very excited about this! He probably won't go for a pulled pork sandwich, darn it. Oh well, all the more for me then!

Unknown said...

MMM, sounds delicious and the setting is perfect.

Anonymous said...

What happened to the days of picnics! We so seldom take the time for those little luxuries these days- I must plan one for DH and I -

Recipe sounds wonderful!

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

This looks fantastic and pulled pork has to be one of my favorites sammies!

I enjoyed reading your picnic story!

stefanie said...

mmmmmm, i am going to try that, thanks

Sue said...

Hi Mary, I so enjoyed your story about taking your children on a picnic. It brings back fond memories of picnicing with our children and yes pb&j sandwiches were the main course, and we all just enjoyed them so. Thank you for sharing and this recipe looks delicious. Hope your picnic is filled with many fond memories.

mel said...

That looks like a perfect spot for a picnic. It is beautiful. And the recipe sounds so yummy! Happy OW!

Brenda Pruitt said...

What a gorgeous and tranquil view from the picnic table. I haven't sat at one of those in years...

Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

Hello Mary,

I love your name...that was my mother's name.

Yummy! Thanks for this recipe...I really enjoy barbecue.

Thank you for the sweet comment on my blog. Hope you are having a wonderful day.


Mrs. L said...

I just had my first "Texas BBQ this past weekend and found the same thing. Dry bread, with some brisket. I had no idea, I just ate the brisket and tossed the bread!
I recently made a pulled pork recipe in the crock pot and was pleasantly surprised. I'll have to try this version.

Skaggs Family said...

Hi Mary! What a beautiful place to eat that YUMMY lookin' pulled pork sandwich! Thanks for getting my tastebuds all rialed up!

CailinMarie said...

I moved to Virginia in High School and have yet to understand the differences between the different styles of bbq but Pierce's is darn good.
This looks good and not too saucey. I'm going to have to try this!!!
and I LOVED the visual image of you on your bike. I can just see it!
have a good picnic.

lisaiscooking said...

Glad to hear to came to enjoy Texas bbq! And, I'm thrilled to know there is an International Picnic Day.

Irene said...

A picnic post for Outdoor Wednesday and a pork recipe. Delicious idea!

The Blonde Duck said...

Well now, that just ain't right. As a Texan bbq connoisseur, they should have given you a bottle of sauce, crackers and bread and some potato salad and coleslaw. I shall report them to the BBQ police immediately.

A & W said...

I'm from the south so I absolutely LOVEEE pulled pork barbecue. This looks amazing, will definitely have to try it out!
- Whitney

Barbara said...

Mary, I'm back reading posts again. You're pulled pork looks great. Texans don't do pork, but stick with beef that is excellent. Great pulled pork in the Midwest and NC, SC, and Alabama.

Mary Bergfeld said...

Barabar, it good to have you back. I hope all is well. Blessings...Mary

Anonymous said...

I think I'll definitely love this. I had no idea tomorrow was International Picnic day! Man, I haven't had a good picnic in years...

Regina said...

Delicious. Nice post.

Dewi said...

What a delicious and perfect dish for a picnic day Mary!

xinex said...

Yummy! What a great idea to prepare for a picnic...Christine

NKP said...

It always amazes me the stuff we used to do.. that would be considered dangerous at the very least now.
The pulled pork sammie is calling my name.. it would make a perfect midnight snack!

Claudia said...

I am bookmarking this -because have been looking for a pulled-pork recipe for ages and this fits the bill. June is the best month for picnics - and just to get outside iwth family and friens and fod - is so wonderful. The recipe is grand!

Jamie said...

Oooh International Picnic Day sounds great! Love picnics! And I know what you mean about pre-helmet, pre-safety statistics days. Things were simpler and happier back then when nobody thought of all the danger! We just had fun!

Those pulled pork sandwiches look fab!

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

since today is international picnic day, I bring along some fruits from my dad's orchard hehehehe.. and you picnic food look delicious! yumm!

thanks for sharing these great photos and happy OW. Have a great day too

Deb in Hawaii said...

The slow cooker is such a great tool. I make Kalua Pork in mine and love how tender it turns out.

Grandmother Wren said...

Great recipe! I have to admit, I've been making-do with the pulled pork from the deli - I'm definitely going to try this one instead.

I enjoyed your picnic story - I'll remember you and smile the next time I'm strapping the helmet and knee pads on my granddaughter, preparing her for today's treacherous bike rides! We lived in a simpler time....

sunnymama said...

What a beautiful setting for a picnic :)

Melanie said...

Your blog is amazing - I'm so glad I stumbled upon it. I love pulled pork and have yet to find my favorite recipe - this cheater pulled pork may just be it!

Debbie@Mountain Breaths said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! We love pulled pork, and it is always on our Father's Day menu. Great post!

~~louise~~ said...

Oh Mary what a beautiful post. It's just Perfect for Picnic Day. I'm delighted you're playing the Picnic Game. Both images cast the ease of celebrating Picnic Day.

Thank you so much for sharing:)

Lisa said...

Mmmm! I do love a good barbecue sandwich! This sounds just fabulous. And thanks for the info on Liquid Smoke. I always wondered what that really was.

maybelles mom said...

I love to cheat--these are perfect for me.

Heidi said...

I'm making this today for my daughter's birthday. She's turning 13!

I love your blog too. I visit everyday. I'll let you know how it turns out. I'm so excited. I also made my own bbq sauce and it's really good. :)

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