Thursday, August 6, 2009

Roasted Pepper and White Bean Spread - Zach's In the Kitchen with Oma

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...
I'd like you all to meet Zach, my soon to be eleven year old grandson. He's been helping me in the kitchen this past week. We're working on a quick meal that includes a pepper and bean spread, salad, focaccia, pasta and cake. He's responsible for the pasta and decided to make carbonara, which is his brother's favorite meal. Zach's carbonara comes from Cook's Illustrated and the recipe is on their website which you can find here. The red pepper and bean spread comes from Gourmet magazine. It's another simple treat that the very young can make. It uses standard pantry ingredients and a blender to make a starter that's guaranteed to please young and old alike. It's a great way to start a Mediterranean-style meal. Here's the scoop.

Roasted Pepper and White Bean Spread
...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite

1 cup drained bottled roasted red peppers (8 ounces), rinsed
1 cup drained canned white beans (6 ounces), rinsed
1/2 cup coarse fresh white bread crumbs (1 slice bread)
1-1/2 teaspoons chopped flat anchovy fillets or 1/2 teaspoon anchovy paste
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper

Purée all ingredients in a food processor until smooth. Serve with pita toasts or baguette slices. Yield: 1-1/3 cups.


Through My Kitchen Window said...

Yummo. Sounds so fresh and healthy and looks so vibrant. All I need is a chair, the sun and a glass of wine to go with that one perfect bite.

Mary | Deep South Dish said...

What a cutie and so glad to see him in the kitchen!

Unknown said...

What a lovely combination of flavours... and what a lovely grandson!

Jamie said...

That is wonderful that Zach is helping you in the kitchen and cooking! And the apron is perfect! Love this spread. Perfect for next I have guests over!

Katy ~ said...

Oh my goodness, look how much he's grown from the picture in your sidebar. It all happens so fast.

The color of this alone would be enough to keep me going back and dipping over and over again. Well done.

Selba said...

Good job, Zach! You will be a great cooker like your Oma :)

Martha said...

Of course, your grandson would be in the kitchen with you! Zach is a sweetie. Enjoy your time with him.

Donna-FFW said...

Gorgeous color on that spread. Zach looks like a lovely young man!

My Little Space said...

Just look at him! He is all grown up. What a handsome boy he is...he he! It was great to have someone close in the kitchen to give you a hand. I'm sure you enjoyed his accompany too.

Lori said...

Cooks Illustrated is so stingy with their recipes.

I bet it was fabulous. And I always love white beans! Add red pepper- muy delicioso!

Great job Zach!

Creative Classroom Core said...

Great work Zach! I love seeing kids in the kitchen!

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

You certainly have some handsome help in the kitchen Mary! Girls just love a man who knows their way around the kitchen!

Gracie said...

Way to go with your grandson in the kitchen!The spread looks yummy.

Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

Hi Mary!

Zach is a handsome young man. I think it is wonderful that you are cooking with him. Those are times he will never forget. Your kitchen looks beautiful and that spread sounds yummy!


noble pig said...

I bet he just loves being in the kitchen with you. What a sweet boy! And what a great spread!

pigpigscorner said... nice to have a little helper in the kitche. Sounds delicious and love the colour!

Karen said...

How fun! The pepper/bean spread sounds delicious and is such a pretty color. Love Zach's apron! LOL

Dee said...

oh yummy! what an interesting dip, seems like it would be a nice change up from hummus! i will look in the cupboard tonight to see if we have any white beans! yummy!

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Oh Mary!
That sounds so wonderful and then to have a helper on top? That just takes the cake, and he likes to cook. You are starting him out right. Not a lot of boys like to cook. It is one of the essential things that all boys should learn. At least he won't starve when he grows up. Thanks so much for posting this wonderful post, and thanks to Zach for being a great helper. Country Hugs Mary, Love, Sherry

Cathy said...

Isn't it fun working in the kitchen with a grandchild? And what a cutie! You are making some very special memories.

The roasted pepper and bean spread has got me salivating.

Schnitzel and the Trout said...

What a hand young chef, Oma. And the bean spread is right up our alley. Enjoy your visitors.

Anonymous said...

This looks great, and what a cutie!

The Fajdich Times said...

Stop on over. I'm pleased to give you an award for your blog:)

Lyndas recipe box said...

You have a wonderful kitchen helper! I love that you're making great tasting food together>

NKP said...

What a sweet young helper!
Dinner sounds delish, he could cook for me anytime!

theUngourmet said...

It's so nice to meet you Zach! You are learning from the best! ;0)

Wonderful spread!

R3 Method Show said...

Peppers and beans are a winning combo!

Puna said...

Oh my goodness, your son calls her OMA. Are you German?

Mary Bergfeld said...

Puna, my husband is German. Oma was easier than grandma for the boys to say when they were really small.

Deb in Hawaii said...

Looks like you have a great helper and that dip looks delicious!

The Cooking Photographer said...

I see it now, Zach grows up to be a famous food blogger. How fun is this!

Anonymous said...

The spread looks great. My first thought was that it would serve as a perfect, flavorful sub for mayo on sandwiches like a BLT. I will def be trying this.

tammy said...

On the pepper and bean spread, can you think of anything that could take the place of the anchovies. I have friends who keep Kosher and they cannot eat anchovies or the paste. Thank you

Tammy said...

Can you suggest something to replace the anchovies. I have friends who are Kosher and they cannot eat anchovies or anchovy paste.

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