Saturday, November 28, 2009

Peppermint Ice Cream and Ice Cream Sandwiches

From the kitchen of One Perfect Bite...Every year, around this time, I make peppermint ice cream to use in a refrigerator cake I serve during the Christmas holidays. I also use it to make ice cream sandwiches that I keep on hand for unexpected guests. This is a really lovely ice cream and buying chocolate wafer cookies makes the ice cream sandwiches really easy to put together. Once the ice cream has firmed enough, I assemble the sandwiches and freeze them on cookie sheets, in a single layer, for a couple of hours. I then transfer them to a freezer bag for longer term storage. I remove them from the freezer about 15 minutes before I plan to serve them. Children love to help make these. They also do a pretty good job of making them disappear. This is the recipe I use for the peppermint ice cream. Crush the peppermint candy to a powder if you prefer an ice cream that is perfectly smooth. If you like bits of peppermint in your ice cream coarsely chop the candy, but make sure the pieces are small enough not to harm your ice cream maker.You might also want to add a drop or two of red food coloring for better color.

Peppermint Ice Cream Recipe...from the kitchen of One Perfect Bite

2 eggs
2/3 cup granulated sugar
1 cup milk
2 cups whipping cream
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon peppermint extract
2/3 cup crushed hard peppermint candies

1) Beat eggs and sugar together in a small bowl.
2) Place milk in a saucepan and heat until it starts to bubble. Whisk hot milk into egg mixture. Pour mixture back into saucepan, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens and coats a spoon. Chill for several hours.
3) Stir in cream, vanilla and peppermint extract. Pour into an ice cream maker. Mix according to manufacturer's instructions, adding crushed peppermint for last 5 minutes of churning. Transfer to a freezer container. Yield: 1-1/2 quarts.

This post is being linked to:
Pink Saturday, sponsored by Beverly at How Sweet the Sound


Abatevintage said...

Happy Pink Saturday I adore the pink peperment ice cream sandwhiches they look wonderful, I bet if I bit into one of those my body would go into a coma, its been 11 months no sugar lol it may be worth it though ;0)

God bless

(¸.•´ (¸.+´♥♥¸.+´
(¸.•´ (¸.+´♥ Heidi ♥)

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Hi Mary..
Happy Saturday sweetie. I have to tell you I am going to try this peppermint recipe. We have two birthdays coming up in December and who doesn't like ice cream sandwiches.

I am wondering if I could use a biscuit cutter to shape the ice cream centers.

Thanks for sharing as always sweetie. I love to come and visit.

Country hugs...Sherry

Deb in Hawaii said...

Such a great pink color and I love those ice cream sandwiches. Yum!

Federica Simoni said...

wow che meraviglia!

Selba said...

The ice cream sandwiches look so delicious! Perfect for dessert :)

lisa said...

My all time favorite flavor! The ice cream sandwiches look delicious!

Pale Pink And Roses

Anonymous said...

w scrummy does that look hope you are having a fabby pink saturday

Inspired by eRecipeCards said...

wonderful picture....

Too cold in god's country (Kansas) to consider ice cream, but once I open my patio up again, this is going on the menu

Lauren said...

Yum! peppermint ice cream is one of my favorties - especially when its pink! It's way too cold around here for ice cream already though. Bummer.

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

These look delicious! I'll have to try this with my Bailey. Thanks for sharing the recipe darling. You never disappoint..
I hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
hugs ~lynne~

Mollye said...

I can see where this could become a tradition. Great Post Mary. Mollye

SnoWhite said...

that looks wonderful! I eat ice cream, even the frozen tundra, all winter long. it's never too cold for me!!

Anonymous said...

Love the peppermint pinks and think this sounds DELICIOUS ;-)
Happy Pink Saturday!
Hugs and blessings,

noble pig said...

Those turned out beautiful!

George Gaston said...

Mary, this ice cream looks delicious. Whenever I am serving a simple brownie as my dessert, I always head down to the local ice cream shop and get a pint of Peppermint. I love the idea of Peppermint Ice Cream sandwiches. Many thanks...

The Quintessential Magpie said...

This looks so refreshing, Mary, and I like that color, especially for the holidays!

I have got to go run look at the brussel sprouts below. They are a favorite of mine.

Happy Pink Saturday...


Sheila :-)

Nancy said...

Excellent recipe! My son and I plan to cook, bake, and spend lots of time in the kitchen over winter break. We will be here often.

Happy Pink Saturday!

Cathy said...

Peppermint ice cream is a holiday favorite in my house. And what a great idea to make sandwiches out of it. I'm all for make ahead desserts during this busy time of year.

Betzie said...

Oh Mary...that is my FAVORITE kind of ice cream!!! Of course, I never make it myself...but yours looks heavenly!!! Thanks for sharing and for visiting me today! xoxo

Schnitzel and the Trout said...

Your ice cream looks delicious. I can almost...almost taste it.

Karen said...

Such a pretty color! I don't eat much ice cream but I always buy a small container of peppermint for the holidays!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

What fun and tasty pinks today!Hope you are having a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. Thank you for stopping by and also for your lovely comments! Means alot to me.
Happy Pink Saturday!


My name is Riet said...

Another delicious recipe with the icecream to day. That looks wonderful. I just also read your recipe for the brussels sprouts. I just cleaned my brussels sprouts for today's dinner. Here in HOlland we just boil them for about 15 to 20 minutes, when they ate about soft, get them out of the water, get a little bit of butter over it and grate nutmeg over it. We serve them with boiled potatoes and beef and sauce.This is a rteal Dutch recipe. Brussels sprouts need to be very tiny like half an inch to be really tasty.It is very easy to make.We eat it at least once each week
Your recipe with the bacon sounds real good. I am going to try that one soon.

Cathy said...


Oh my... That pink ice cream is right up my alley! And nestled between two chocolate cookies is even better.

Happy Pink Saturday,


Unknown said...

Hi Mary,

YUMMY! This recipe makes me wish I had an ice cream maker. I may have to phone Santa this year and ask for one eh? (tee hee :)

Thank you so much for popping by and wishing me well with the new job. I hope your Pink Saturday is perfectly pink in every way.

Cheers! =D
~Kitty Kellie

Anonymous said...

OH MY! This is very tempting. It'd never too cold for something this wonderful. :)

Susie Jefferson said...

What a glorious colour - these look far too pretty to eat! I might just be brave enough to try these...

Happy Pink Saturday!

Bobbi Jo Nichols said...

That looks so yummy! Happy Pink Saturday!
Hugs, Bobbi Jo

Marsha @ Tattered Chick said...

Oh, oh, oh, I LOVE peppermint!!! Another receipe I'm going to try!!

Happy Pink Saturday!


caren said...

Oh, Mary ~ such a luscious dessert! It looks especially good to me after all the heaviness of Thanksgiving food! My Grandma used to make peppermint ice cream and then put it in pointed cones and make clowns out of was wonderful as a kid.

KayEllen said...

Can you pass me one of those yummy ice cream sandwiches?...Pretty please?!

Sounds good for breakfast!!

Happy Pink Saturday:)


xinex said...

I'm gonna have to buy an ice cream maker just to try this recipe, Mary. It looks yummy! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving....Christine

Catharina Maria said...

This looks so beautiful and I think it is good when you are ill likes me at this moment .
Love your visit at my site 1
Love from Rini

Eileen said...

I LOVE peppermint ice cream! It's one of the things I look forward to this time of your. Your photos are wonderful - it all looks delicious. I have to tell you I always enjoy stopping by your blog - there's always something wonderful. Happy Pink Saturday!

Suzie Button said...

Oh, NO, there goes my diet! I absolutely LOVE peppermint ice cream! Our local Braums Ice cream store sells it seasonally and once I get a cup I'm doomed! Lovely pink! Yum! Happy Pink Saturday! Suzie

SmilingSally said...

I love ice cream any time, any place. Thanks, Mary.

Betty said...

Oh yum! It's always time for ice cream and those recipes look fantastic!!

Char said...

Oh my, I have spent the week eating lots of peppermint ice cream. I love it and now thanks to a wonderful pinkie blogger, I have the recipe too, Happy Pink Saturday, Char

Shabbychicdiva said...

Thanks for stopping by. Those look SO yummy!! Have a great weekend. Winona

black eyed susans kitchen said...

This looks absolutely scrumptious!! It doesn't matter what time of year...we are always happy to enjoy some delicious ice cream.

CC said...

Love the peppermint ice's a wonderful shade of pink...and down below..oooooo,those brussel sprouts. They will be on my Christmas table..and I can't wait to taste them. Happy Pinks Mary..and have a blessed weekend.

That shabby Pink Girl said...

Love that yummy pink ice cream~I haven't used my ice cream maker for a long time, think I will get it out and try this one~thanks for sharing all your yummy recipes.

marian elizabeth

bj said...

Oh, grands are going to love you for giving me this delicious sounding recipe. I will make some for our Christmas Eve gathering. The whole bunch will love these!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mary,

oh boy, your peppermint ice cream looks so yummy!


Maia said...

These pink ice cream sandwiches look delicious.
I love this blog, you always have some special treats for us.
Thanks for sharing the recipe.

Summer Gypsy said...

You have my vote for the most scrumptious pink treat this week!!! looks so good! I must try these! Thanks for posting.

NKP said...

It is Never too cold for ice cream!
I love these pink minty sammies, what a great idea to hsve them on hand during the holidays.

Light and Voices said...

Yummy...I'd like a bite please.
Joyce M

Trish said...

Oh my goodness this looks delightful!

Anonymous said...

Any recipes flour and sugar free?

Anonymous said...

OmG!! Yummy!Drool..
Happy Pink Saturday!

Alessandra said...

Ciao Mary, I seem to understand that the ice-cream is pink because of pink Saturday, but I still cannot make the connection between the colour and peppermint...are peppermint flavoured things pink where you live?

I have always associated peppermint with green..., it is strange how tastes also seem to have a colour sometimes...

Claudia said...

Oh my gosh, this looks so good. I always loved ice cream sandwiches and these are wonderful! Happy Pink Saturday!

Elena said...

Delicious as always ... and a recipe just right for us downunder :)

Happy pink saturday Mary - have a fabulous week.

ciao for now,
Elena :)

Mary Bergfeld said...

Alessandra, you asked about pink and its association with mint. Candy canes are pink as is peppermint candy sold here at this time of year. Pink peppermint ice cream is a very seasonal recipe in the US. I have another recipe on my blog for ice cream made from fresh mint. That might be the recipe you would prefer to use.

Tricia said...

What fun! My dh would love this icecream - he is a big peppermint fan. As for me, I'd prefer the crunchy ice cream cake. :-) You always amaze me with your pink posts for Pink Saturday. You are not only a wonderful cook, but a great photographer, as well. Everything always looks absolutely professional. My dh did all the cooking at our house this Thanksgiving - he wanted to do it. But everything was yummy. Hope yours was fabulous.


Beverly said...

They are so pretty. I believe I could assist in making them disappear, too.

Happy Pink Saturday, Mary.

Vicki said...

Peppermint ice cream and ice cream sandwiches sound perfect for the holidays! Happy Pink Saturday to you! Vicki

Unknown said...

YUM, YUM, I wish we had the ability to reach through our screens and grab one of your SWEET treats!

Unknown said...

Mary, those look absolutely wonderful! I love ice cream any time of year and this is a recipe I'm definitely going to have to try! Pair that with chocolate and what could be better!

Thank you for visiting my blog today and leaving your kind comments. I really appreciate your visit!

Thanks for sharing and Happy Pink Saturday!


Alessandra said...

Thank you for the explanation Mary, I didn't know.

Heather S-G said...

Peppermint ice cream is one of my absolute favorites!!! I was dreaming of it the other day...and now here it is! If only I could reach out and grab it :D

Lorie said...

Loved, loved, loved this. I ordered a new ice cream maker and it should be here soon. Now I have just the recipe to break it in.

LV said...

Only you would have thought of pink ice cream for us today on Pink Saturday. I really enjoyed it.

Lea Ann said...

What a great recipe. I will be making this one. Great photos. Thanks so much for this post.

Donna-FFW said...

Oh that sounds so refreshingly lovely, and I love the sandwich twist!

Tara said...

I imagine this is a sweet and refreshing treat all at once! They sure look yummy and pretty in pink too! Happy Pink Saturday and thanks for visiting!

Lyndas recipe box said...

Those are beautiful, Mary; who wouldn't love to be handed one of these tasty treats!

Bette said...

love the color and they look delish!

thanks for dropping by!

Katy ~ said...

I have to chuckle at Dave's (AYOTG) comment about waiting for summer. We eat ice cream year round here. This looks soooo very very good!

Dogmom Diva said...

Mary, wow that sandwich looks yummy, and who doesn't love ice cream! Double yum!

See you next Saturday

Anonymous said...

Oh that is so pretty! Happy Pink Saturday. I have decided ice cream is okay to eat in the winter time ever since I discovered Brewster's birthday cake icecream. :)

Unknown said...

Love when you visit my Shabby Cottage next time bring those PINK goodies!! Warm hugs, Esther

vickie said...

Happy Pink Saturday (late)! Oh my gosh, the photos of your icecream
look good enough to eat! Love your
pinks today!

Temma said...

Oh YUM! These look so good, I think I need some peppermint ice cream right now!

Foley said...

That's just mean!! That looks so yummy...and can only imagine the wonderful flavor!
Any houses next door for sale?????

My Little Space said...

OMG, my kind of ice cream you got here! Thank you for sharing this fantastic recipe.

sunnymama said...

This is a recipe I would love to try with Sunnyboy. The ice cream sandwiches look so cute. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Mary,
Sorry I am late for Pink Saturday, we have been out of town all week.

Love the Peppermint Ice Cream do they ever look good.

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